I Am The Fifth Member Of The...

Oleh VickyAruwa03

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My Parent have been dead for a while now, but when the lawyers had finally gotten round to the discussion of... Lebih Banyak

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four
End Of Training
Your No Hallie Berry
Who is cuter...hotter!
Getting Ready
Go Time
A lesson learned?
I Am Cold...
Home, Sweet,...Dust?
Best. Birthday. Ever!
The Devil finally Shows It's Tail
A British Lunch Date
Meeting Captain America
Hanging With The Avengers
A Girl Lost In Darkness
Pried, Probed and Tubed
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Best. Group. Chat. Ever!
I'm (finally) Over You
A Night On The Town With Tony Stark
Anybody Want Hot Choco?
Several Surprises
Central Park
The Battle Of Central Park
My One Normal Weekend
What happened?
The Truth Unfolds
Looking For Johnny
Finding Johnny...
What A Saturday Night
Sunday Morning
"Too late, you're adorable"
"He's A Bird!"
Our Weekend, Our Sunday Night...Our Moment
The Gang's Back Together!
"So....I'm not a hero?"
I Decree He Suffers
My Date With Deadpool
Ghost Mode *Activated*
Cold Hot Air Balloon
Paging Doctor Strange
Blood (Loss)
Johnny Has A Plan!
I Am Conscious
Told You So
White, Blue and Black(*To Be Edited After Birthday*)
Yellow Clouds
Oh Brother
Brain and Heart
Obsession Meets Insanity
Everything Will Change
5 Months Later
The Wounded
The Pony Bar
The Wounded Bleeds
Can't Keep Away
We Will Met Again(Author's Note)
Late Night Call
Estranged Conversations
The Advice
Unexpected Events
The Scared, Terrified, and Raped
"I Really Don't Care"
The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss
Steamy Moments (Rated: R/18+)
Tony Stark is a DickHead
More Then Best Friends?
Captain America Wielding A Butter Knife
Underwater Bedroom
Torn Apart
Best Dressed Girl Squad
Remember Me
Marvel Dating Game Show
The Emotions (Feels)
Burning Bridges
Keep Me Warm
The Truth Unfolds...
Author's Video | How I Feel Towards Wattpad
Brian And Harley
The Grand Master
I Had Them All Along!?
Powers Unlocked
Real Talk-Girl Talk
Author's Note: Update (Will Be Deleted Soon...Hopefully)
I Volunteer...
"And I now pronounce you..."
Journey To The Bedroom. Let's Begin... (Preparations)
(18+) Johnny and Vick | Completion

Ouch! That's Gonna Leave A Mark!

4.3K 142 18
Oleh VickyAruwa03

And so it began...

My right arm throbbed but I still managed to swing it out with so much force that I was momentarily thrown back by the amount of ice I was able to produce and threw the whole team into a scatter . The ice sprouted out of the ground like cold hands from hell (an ironic statement, right?), Ben took most of the hit for he wasn’t able to fly or stretch out of the way like Johnny or Reed, both of which were shocked  by my awesome move.

My mind clicked into battle mode, I started to analyze everything as a computer would and began ranking my toughest and weakest opponents:

Ben: Danger Level- Medium, as long as his on the ground and a good fifty feet away, I can handle him.

Reed: Danger Level– Low, can barely pay attention, best way to take him down would be to distract him…and if all else fails just tie him in a knot.

Johnny: Danger Level- High, his stupid-ass smile alone can take me down. Oh, yeah, and he’s got fire that can melt the skin right off my bones…and then melt the bones.

Susan: Danger Level- SO FREAKING HIGH! I do not even know where she IS!

And as if she read my thoughts I feel something hit me smack on the face.

“If you zoned out like that in a real fight you’d be dead by now” Susan said. Her voice sounded a little to the left, but she would’ve moved by now, I took a wild guess and just blasted an ice berg towards my whole right forming a crystal wall all the way to Reed.

“Arg!”YES! I got her. Next was Johnny. I looked up at him but got caught in the stomach my a charging Ben, and I knew he wasn’t even using up to a fifth of his strength and even at that I felt like I was being ripped apart.

I coat my whole arm in two tons of ice, balling more of it at the fist, I bring it down with as much force as I could ever muster. He let out a grunt and his hold on me slipped, I saw a window of opportunity and I leaped at it…literally. I put my left leg on Ben’s shoulder and thrust myself into the air, but do not hang for I cannot fly wish I could. Johnny happened to be in the vicinity I jumped at and I shot several small peaks of ice straight at his chest, he smirks at me and turns his heat up a notch and my powers melt before even impact.


I was still in the air when an invisible rope caught me around the waist and flung me down to earth and I crash on Reed’s lab floor oh-so-mind-blowingly-hard. I lost my breath for a moment, which I couldn’t afford cause the down pour of Susan’s powers were blinding as she rains her force fields down on me. It was coming from above so I let out another array of ice spikes in that area, but Johnny just sets fire to them and they evaporate in midair. I must’ve looked so lame, lying on the floor fighting just to stand UP, and I almost cried…which fueled my anger more, I was about to cry!?

Nobody makes me cry, nobody! I calculated my ice was too weak that’s why it wasn’t getting the required results, if I could just take out Johnny and his stupid fire I’d be golden. Luckily I had just the kickass plan.

Johnny was hovering above, mocking me. Susan was only God-knows-where. Reed had gone back to his research and Ben was charging. Everything Johnny, Susan and Reed did was a representation of how they felt about me, Johnny mocks, Reed ignores, and Susan keeps her distance and hides. And it made me mad as hell! And I yelled the stupidest thing ever,

“I WILL NOT CRY!” and ran towards Ben with almost as much force as he ran towards me, that threw him, as I jumped I covered my feet in blocks of ice and stomped down on his head, hard. The force of which shots me an extra couple feet into the air, perfect.

I was above Johnny with like two feet, but instead of raining down ice I blast snow at him. The fool shot one ball of fire and everything turned to water, drenching him! His flames were extinguished and he began to fall from midair.

"Aaaaaaaargh!" Johnny's gut wrenching yells throw me and for a moment I paused.

"I got you" Susan said from nowhere and soon Johnny landed on an invisible table hanging in the air.

"Thanks sis" he sighed with so much relief.

I sighed too, I was actually afraid I had done something bad or screwed up. STUPID! You’re in a fight! You have to get a grip of yourself! But I couldn't bring myself to accept that I’d almost caused harm to another living soul-er, creature(it’s still very debatable whether Johnny has a soul or not).

“Vick? VICK!” Ben yells, that when I notice that I’m falling, I gasp and make a slide of ice which I balance on and roll down from. Sitting on the lab floor I inhale deeply and let it out 2 seconds later.

“Are you alright kid?” Ben runs over and looks at me. I look up, not knowing whether to lie and say I’m fine, or tell the truth of my insecurities and risk never leaving this building.

“I-” I never finished that sentence.


The force hit me across the face had me souring backwards and landing next to Reed whom was busy researching only-God-knows-what. My vision begins to blur, OH NO! Please don’t let me pass out! I’ve never fainted before in my life.

I hear commotion in the background, Ben’s voice, Susan’s yells and Johnny’s laugher. I look up at Reed one more time but was surprised to see he was staring down at me, sadness and pity in his eyes, before everything fades to black the last thing I saw was his mouth murmur “-just not ready”……



Sorry it took so long!


500+ READ!!????


*tears* I love you guys.

Okay, enough with the mushy feely stuff. Time to get down to BUSINESS!


Comment, Write, hate, like. Do whatever the heck you want.

P.P.S, did you notice the name i gave the girl? Leave it or change it or never mention it at all?

<3 <3 <3

~Ya Gal Vicky

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