Impossible love- a harry styl...

By Joharrisx

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Molly Boulton is a normal girl, living in Cheshire, England. Her life is as normal as anyone else's. That is... More

Chapter 1- mr styles
Chapter 2- private tutoring
Chapter 3- dreaming
Chapter 4- hiding
Chapter 5- reality
Chapter 6- not so secret admirers
Chapter 7- breaking
Chapter 8- more than friends
Chapter 9- goodnight kisses
Chapter 10- grandmas house
Chapter 12- christmas day
Chapter 13- boxing day
Chapter 14- regretting
Chapter 15- waking up
Chapter 16- niall's escape
Chapter 17- harry and molly
Chapter 18- free again!
Chapter 19- back to school
Chapter 20- love potion
Chapter 21- the truth
Chapter 22- love songs
Chapter 23- harry or finn?
Chapter 24- its not the potion...
Chapter 25- harry's songs
Chapter 26- visions
Chapter 27- going into town
Chapter 28- finn's question
Chapter 29- days before the disco
Chapter 30- does he know?
Chapter 31- the disco
Chpter 32- running away
Chapter 33- harry picks us up
Chapter 34- dan
Chapter 35- silence
Chapter 36- finding harry
Chapter 37- harry finds out
Chapter 38- the party
Chapter 39- the bridge
Chapter 40- the river
Chapter 41- back in time
Chapter 42- saving harry

Chapter 11- harry and freddie

170 4 0
By Joharrisx


How could he be here?! I try to go through all the possibilities of how the could be connected but this is too much. Now I only just realise how similar Finn looks to his brother as he gives him a hug. Harry puts him on his back and gives him a Piggyback outside. This is so cute to watch.

"what's up, mol?" Niall asks, a questioning look on his face. I blink rapidly, trying to work out if I'm dreaming or not.

"earth to Molly?" Niall waves his hand in front of my face and I snap back.

"yeah sorry what?" I ask, not hearing what he asked before.

"what happened there, when hazza and Freddie came in you went all weird"

"hazza... Is that what you guys call him?"

"you know him??"



"he's a friend..."

"okay..." Niall gets up. He still has a frown on his face as he leaves the table. I go on after him.

"yo, haz" Niall calls, hi-fiving Freddie and giving Harry a massive hug. He obviously hasn't noticed me yet.

"who's this behind you?" Freddie asks, pointing to me. I've been hiding behind nialls back so Harry wont spot me. Freddie pulls me out and Harry stops laughing. Everything freezes. No one moves.

"Molly? Is that you?" he lifts my hat off my face, revealing my eyes. "oh my goodness it is! How did you get here?! Have you been stalking me??" the questions roll out of his mouth, flooding me. I am still bewildered that he's here.

"she's one of maddies grandchildren. She's not stalking you, haz" Niall states, a bit confused here.

"Harry..." I sigh and Niall and Freddie laugh.

"y... You call him Harry?" they both burst out laughing until Harry slaps them both in the stomach. They instantly stop.

"don't insult her, I told her to call me Harry" he explains, a serious tone in his voice. I feel a bit awkward.

"well what else did she call you?" Freddie laughs, whispering something in nialls ear. They both chuckle.

"shuttup guys, mollys a good friend of mine. We live near each other" he says, putting an arm around my shoulder. I look up at the green eyes I've been missing so much.

"ha we love you ha!" the twins scream, hammering their heads into harrys leg. He doesn't budge, instead, he picks them up and places each one on a shoulder. They giggle to each other.

"me lobe ha's hair" I think it's alby who said that because he has a freckle on his chin and his eyes are greener than logans.

"me want to eat ha's hair!" Logan says, trying to put some of harrys hair into his mouth. Harry stops them and puts them down. They run off to tell their mum who is skating on the lake with her husband.

"crazy lot" Harry mutters to himself, smiling at me. Niall and Freddie get bored now so they go off to skate on the lake. I'm left alone by the bench. "I..I just can't believe you're actually here..." he Says, amazement in his voice.

"me either..." I trail off. "how old is Freddie, because I've met him when I went climbing I think"

"oh, he's 21" he says, looking off at the two young men throwing snowballs at each other. All of harry's family have the same distinctive brown hair and green eyes. It's really quite cute. "come with me..." Harry leads me over to the edge of the lake and we step on, me using Harrys shoulder to balance myself.

We start going along the ice, gliding along at a slow speed. Harry seems very happy bur also very confused at the same time.

"Molly... So you're the lost grandchild... She said you came here once but i was too young to remember" he says, not quite able to believe that were both standing here together in the cold.

"yeah... I guess so" I reply. I wonder why maddie is so obsessed with me. I mean, I'm nothing special.

"me, Freddie and Finn were always good friends with this family, before even I was born... We have come here every winter since... Well, since forever really. When I was 2, it must've been, there was a little baby called Molly. I guess that must've been you." he explains and I nod, taking it all in. Harry gently links arms with me as we go around, the snow falling on harrys brown locks. His eyes look somewhat softer in the snow.

The sun starts to set and everyone goes inside, but me and Harry stay out, even when the stars come out, there are fairy lights on the trees so we can still see. Its so cute seeing Harrys face at christmas. He's so much less stressed than he is at school. In ever even knew he had brothers...

"Harry... You know that story you told me about Emma and you being all alone... What about Finn and Freddie?" I Ask, just realising how this doesn't fit into the story. He looks at me puzzled.

"they took the rooms at emmas house"

"oh, okay. Where do they live now?"

"finn lives with ciara, while I get money and go to uni with Freddie"

"cool" I say and he nods, looking ahead again. The whole lake is desolate as there's no one else out here. I can't believe it's Christmas eve and I've only just remembered. I've been too wrapped up in Harry to notice that today is Christmas eve. Maybe if I stay up all night, I'll be able to hear Santa and see his sleigh. I don't believe in santa but I still like to pretend he exists.

"maybe we should go inside now?" harry says, leading me to the door. How ever much I want to stay out here, it is getting quite cold out. We walk into the living room where the fire is blazing and everyone is sitting in couches, chatting and helping the children put their stockings up. Logan and alby are getting the carrot for rudolf and Adam and ciara are helping them with the whisky and the mince pie for Santa. All the adults are sat in the corner and the kids are on the floor, helping each other with their stockings and pillow cases. I sit down next to Niall and Harry sits down with me too. Freddie is sat with the other adults chatting.

"are you having a stocking?" I ask Harry and he laughs.

"I'm a bit old for that, don't you think?" he chuckles, handing me a stocking and telling me to cover it in glitter.

"so am I but I'm still doing it. It's fun... Isn't it?" I argue. "and nialls doing one" I look over to Niall, who is sticking sequins on his sock.

"well, I'm only doing one because Ciara said I had to" Niall laughs, inspecting his work. He nods and pegs it onto the mantel piece, securing it by putting a candle on top of it.

"ha! Do a socky!" Logan pokes Harry, throwing a large stocking on his head, covering his eyes. I laugh as he rolls his eyes. Now he has to do a stocking anyway.

"good boy!" he shouts, hitting Harry hard on the head. He soothes his head with his hand before laughing with me and Niall. I finish doing my one and hang it from the fireplace next to niall's. Then I help Harry with his. I grab the glitter glue and start writing his name in big letters.

H A R R Y.

He smiles at me and sticks Christmas tree stickers on it around his name. He also puts sequin hearts on the wet glitter glue.

"vewy nice" alby compliments Harry, picking up his efforts and sticking it onto the mantel piece with help from Ciara. Logan has fallen asleep on harry's knee so his mother takes him up to bed along with alby, who is very resistant against his mum. She ends up having to get Harry to put him to bed otherwise he won't go. It's quite sweet that the twins love Harry so much. However, it must be quite annoying for Harry, having two boys at his heels all the time. They're only about 2 or 3 as well so they're really quite dumb.

"urgh!" Harry comes through the door, brushing himself down. His t-shirt is covered in glitter and he has a Christmas tree sticker on his head. He sits down and I pick off the sticker for him, placing it on the wall. Niall and Harry both smile at me, their eyes shining.

"are you staying up til midnight?" Niall whispers to me so no one else can hear.

"yeah, are you?" I ask him quietly and he nods.

"do you want to stay up together then?" Niall asks me and I weigh my options. I can either text Josie and stay up on my own, or do the same, but with niall.

"yeah, okay" I agree and he beams at me, his cheeks warm and rosy.


"lets go to bed now" Niall says, leading me upstairs. Harry looks confused and stares at me as we go up the stairs. It's only 10:30pm but we want to talk so we go to bed early. Niall grabs his computer from his room on the first floor and follows me upstairs. His room Is about half the size of mine and decorated with football stickers and pictures of his family and friends.

"you must sleep here quite a lot then?" I say, as that is evidently the case, since its so nice in here. He nods.

"I don't really like my apartment, it's lonely plus adams room is just across the hall so it's like having a little brother. Maddie doesn't mind, it's almost like shes my grandma too. You guys are so lucky to have her" he sighs, closing the door and locking it with the key he keeps in his right pocket. We walk in silence up to my room, which seems so spacious compared to niall's. I flop down on my bed, tired out of my mind. I can stay up though, I know it. Niall plods over to me, sitting down on a beanbag in the corner of the room.

"lock the door" he urgently says, shooting a glare at me.

"why?" I ask. Why would he need to lock the door?

"cause we don't want the parents knowing were staying up" he explains and I nod slowly.

"I haven't got a key" I admit and Niall rolls his eyes. Walking towards the door, he pulls out his key he keeps in his right pocket. He shoves it into the lock and turns it. "Is that a skeleton key?" I ask, inspecting the key he hands to me to feel before taking it back again. He nods at me and I smile.

"what's the computer for?" I ask and he raises his eyebrows.

"watch" he says, tapping his nose. After a few clicks and typing, Niall shows me tracking Santa. I normally do this every year and I actually nearly forgot! Niall smiles. Santa seems to be in Madagascar at the moment. Last year santa didn't come over England until about 3am because I stayed up and waited with Josie over text.

"what do you think?" he asks and I giggle.

"I usually do this but I nearly forgot this year!" I say and Niall smiles. I should probably be spending tonight with Harry, not Niall but hey, who cares right? It's not like me and harry are going out or anything.

Me and Niall talk for a bit, watching Santa go slowly around europe. At one point, I almost fall asleep on niall's shoulder, but he wakes me up again.

"put a coat on" he says. If we are jumping out of the window again I am not doing it. For some reason I don't think niall's as stupid as Adam. He tosses me a coat and a hat and puts one on himself as well, covering his blonde hair.

"where are we going?" I ask him, shoving the hat firmly on my head. He smiles and taps his nose again, walking over to the corner of the room with a picture there. The ceilings are low so he has to duck but he gets the painting off and reveals a door. I get very excited. He opens the door and climbs inside.

"does anyone else know about this?" I ask Niall and he shakes his head.

"no one else apart from Maddie and adam" he smiles as we go through the small passage.

"where does it lead?" I ask him and he tells me to close the door.

"you'll see" he says warmly and stops suddenly. He opens the door in front of him and a big gust of wind hits me. He climbs out onto the roof. I climb out too, gasping. Maddie has obviously been up here too because there is a glass barrier to stop us falling off. As the house is on a hill, you can see all over the lakes and the little towns and the lake in front. The garden seems to go on for miles. We just sit on the roof. It's about midnight now and it's still snowing, the little flakes landing on our hats. Nialls greeny blue eyes are wide and he smiles at me. Our faces are almost touching. I rest my head on his shoulder as we talk, admiring the beautiful view.

"isn't it beautiful" he says softly, gazing off into the distance. I nod and he looks at me, his eyes sleepy and cute. His smile is endless, the biggest one I've ever seen from him.

"have you ever done this with a girl, sit on here?" I ask him, looking up at his smooth face. He chuckles, ruffling my hat. I giggle.

"nope, you're the first" he says and I smile at him. His face lights up.

"who old are you?" I ask out of the blue, he looks the same age as me. Niall laughs to himself, looking down on me and snuggling his face up into my hair.

"I'm 16. How about you?" he says.

"Same haha" I say and he nods his head in agreement, catching my eye.

"Haha that's cool" he says, looking off into the distance. There's something in his eyes that tell me he is very happy about me being here. He rest his head on mine and I close my eyes momentarily, letting the snow rest wilfully on my shoulders. I feel so comfortable and safe with niall's soft arm around my shoulder.

"this has been really fun" I say softly and he looks down on my sleepy face.

"are you sleepy? We can go to sleep now if you want to?" he says, getting up. I shake my head.

"no, I'm fine... Just a bit tired but I would actually like to fall asleep up here if that's okay?" I State and he nods before taking my hand.

"it would be better if we sat downstairs in the warmth" he says sensibly and I nod, agreeing with him. He smiles at me, opening the hatch to the passage and climbing down. I do the same and take one look at the view again before going down.

"as long as we can do this again before I leave..." I say before going down an he smiles from beneath me.

"of course"


We climb down the passage and out into my room. We turn on the fairy lights and look at Santa, who is now in Norway. Only a few hours! It's now 12:30am. Niall can see the excitement in my eyes and sits next to me on the bed, ruffling my hair as I take off my coat and hat, hanging them up on the pegs.

"you're so cute, you know that, don't you?" he beams at me and I giggle. Niall always knows the right things to say. He nuzzles into my hair, wrapping my arms around Me and rocking me back and forth as I sit on his knee. I wish I could go out with Niall. I mean, he's so nice. If it wasn't for Harry...

"we should go to bed soon" I say but Niall shakes his head.

"please stay up with me. I want to...." he pleads, turning to me so I can see his face.

"okay" I give in to his gorgeous face and he hugs me tight.

"I knew you would" He strokes my hair out of my face and beams at me, his eyes shining. I look outside at the snow falling and I giggle, excitement rushing through me. I can't actually believe it's going to be Christmas in the morning. Slowly, I begin to fall asleep as Niall tells me stories of his childhood, the way he and his parents would used to live here from when he was 4. When his dad left and his mum went mad, he was left in the old apartment. That was until he met Adam at school, who showed him to maddie, who let him live with them most of the time. I listen to it in great interest and I end up falling asleep, my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me. This is really the most perfect place to be.

I open my eyes slightly to see Santa flying right over England. I smile to myself and then at the sleeping Niall, who looks so sweet and peaceful when he's asleep. I should probably go to sleep now so I curl up by his body, my head this time resting on the pillow on the opposite side of the bed. I pull the covers over my head and fall asleep, dreaming of snow and presents... And Niall...

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