Cameron Monaghan Imagines

By Fufaation

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I'm just gonna write imagines that pop into my head. Randomly lol it can be where I'll write 3 in one day or... More

The Fair
The Interview
The Interview pt. 2
The Accident
The Road Trip!
I so ship you guys!
I so ship you guys! Part 2
"But You Will."
Jerome. Part 2
Comic Con
The Coffee Stain
I hate how much I love you
I got tagged
Miss me?
Say Okay...
Be With Me.
Fucking Hell!
Fucking Hell! Part 2
The Black Canary
Stop You're Makin' Me Blush!
My Soul is Literally Dying!
The Murder Of Your Mother
Miss Me? Pt. 2
She'd See My Love
Chris Wood
How Neat! Her Name's Kara too!
"You Have A Child?"
New Imagine Book
You're a Potterhead??
I'm so sorry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same Soul Pt. 1
"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

Baby It's Cold Outside

2K 44 21
By Fufaation

"I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree..." I sang 

"All I want for Christmaaaaas, Iiiiiiiiiis yooooouuuuuuuuuuu!" Cameron sang off key

I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness! This man is so funny! 

"Come on Cassie, sing with me!" He smiled

I shook my head and laughed. 

"No!" I giggled

This man was so drunk it was hard not to laugh. He asked me to come out with him since everyone at work kept teasing us of having no lives, so I agreed. Honestly I was having a lot of fun to say the least. He knew how to make me laugh and smile, and I didn't mind it. IT doesn't help that the guy is super sexy. 

Cameron grunted in response and dragged me up on the stage to sing with him. 

"Is it okay that we do another song? My friend here is a great singer!" Cameron beamed his beautiful smile.

I blushed and buried my face in my hands from embarrassment. Cam smirked and put my hands down. Everyone in the bar cheered, whistled, and shouted for us. 

"Fine!" I gave in

"Yes! We did it guys!" Cameron smiled wide

'Baby It's Cold Outside' began to play in the speakers and I couldn't help but smile. This was my favorite Christmas song! 

 "I really can't stay" I began

"Baby it's cold outside" 

"I've got to go away"

"Baby it's cold outside"

"This evening has been"

"Been hoping that you'd drop in"

"So very nice" 

"I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice"

I couldn't help the smile that plastered itself on my face the entire time we were singing, and honestly it just made me fall for the ginger even more.

We wrapped up the song and Cameron hugged me and I giggled. We got off the stage as everyone cheered. 

"You mister need to stop drinking.... like now." I scold him as I take his shot from him.

"Noooo.." He pouted

"Okay, come on big boy." I say patting his back and stand him up

"Ohhh where are we going?"

"Home." I smile

"WE have a home? Together? Awesome!" He smiles lazily

"Yeah... lets go." I laugh

Getting this big ass mammoth into the car was hard, and I mean like really hard. He weighs soooo much more than what he looks. I had to practically throw him in the car, and keep him in there. 

"You... are so... difficult! Stay!" I puff

"Cameron Riley Monaghan! If you do not stay in this car I will hit you! It is freezing out here, now you better listen to me!" I shout in frustration

Cameron stares at me gobsmacked and obeys my commands.

"Thank you."

I buckle his seat belt and get into the drivers seat, and head to his house. It wasn't very difficult considering I've been here on multiple occasions. I looked over at him and he was smiling at the sky, which brought a smile to my face. 

"But I'd love to have a soul mate, and God'll give him to me someday. And I know it'll be worth the wait. So if you're out there, I swear to be good to you. But I'm done looking for my future someone. Cause when the time is right, you'll be here But for now, dear no one, dear nobody this is your love song." I sang along to Tori Kelly

I parked in Cameron's driveway and looked over at him to see him staring at me with a small smile.


He shakes his head as in nothing, so I shrug and get out. I help him out, and up to his apartment. I open the door for him and usher him in softly. He smiles as if he recognizes he has a home, and trudges to his room. I chuckle and follow him, picking up the trail of items he's discarding on the floor. 

"Cameron you can't just keep stripping everything off." I say as I grab his t-shirt before walking into his room.

I find him struggling with his belt and I giggle. 

"Help.." He pouts

I nod and undo his belt, and start putting his things away. 

"Mhmph!" I hear a thump and rush out of the closet only to trip over Cameron's giant ass feet!

"Fuck!" I gasp

"My bad..." Cameron giggles

I roll over and get up, bringing him with me. 

"You peeked at my butt didn't you!" He accuses 

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did! You totally checked out my bum!" He mopes

"When did I have time to check out your butt, you dummy!" I laugh

"When you were followin' me into my room!"

"No I was to busy picking up your clothes and shoes." 

"You stole from me?!" He gasps

"Oh my gosh Cam go take a shower!"

"Why? So you can come in and peek at me?" He sulks

"Lord help me! Cam you lock the door when you shower, I wouldn't be able to get in..."

"Oh yeah! I do. Okay." He smiles and drags himself into the bathroom.

"Wait Cam, you left your-Clothes. Okay cool." I say as he closes the door.


Hey what are you doing?

Taking care of Cameron, why?

The cute ginger from your job?!


Oh my gosh! Get it girl! (;

What are you talking about? I'm not gonna sleep with him.

What?! Why not?!

Cause then I'd be taking advantage of him, he's drunk and I just wanna make sure he's okay before I leave.

Awee! Aren't you a good friend. 

I know (: Why'd you wanna know what I was up to?

Oh! I was gonna ask if you wanted to come see Dean?

Hell no!

What why not? you're not still mad at him are you?

"Agh! Shit! Shit Oh my gosh!!" I heard Cameron shout

"Cam!? What's wrong?!" I shout from the door

"Oh my gosh help!"

"Cameron open the door! You dope you locked it! I can't get in!" I grumble

I turn the knob and to my amazement he forgot to lock it.

"Never mind you forgot to! What's wrong?" I ask nervously

He looks up at me with fear in his eyes and points behind me. I turn and don't see anything or anyone.

"Cameron there's nothing there." I roll my eyes

He shakes his head and points again.

I look and see a huge spider on the door.

"Agh!" I scream like my life was on the line

I slipped on some excess water from Cameron's shower and fell into the tub on top of a naked and wet ginger.... Awesome.

"Ow! Get off you ogre." Cameron tried pushing me

"Oh I'm the ogre! Says the one who weighs like a billion pounds!" I retort

I get up only to slip again. Cameron just laughs at me until the spider moves and he gasps.

"Oh my gosh! He's coming for us!" I shriek

"Then get up and run!" Cameron shouts

"Like it's that easy!"

I slowly get up keeping an eye on the spider and manage to get out of the tub, pulling Cameron with me. We slowly retreat to the door and stop. 

"How do we get out now?"

"Wha? You're asking me?!" Cam gasps

"Yes you dope! This is your house!" I argue

"I thought this was our home! You lied?!" He exclaims

"Oh my God!"

Just then the spider moves towards us and we duck and run out of the bathroom and slam the door. We collapse on the floor and are panting for air. I look over at Cameron and he starts a fit of giggles before busting out in full laughter. I couldn't help but laugh as well, and we laid on the floor for a good hour and a half just laughing.


Dude are you having sex?! 

"What the shit biscuits!?"

No! What the hell?

Well you haven't answered me and it's been 3 hours... ma bad.

Oh my gosh Dana! No I told you already I'm busy!

Okay, okay... bye!

"Who was that?" 

"No one.. let's get you to bed. Yeah?" I smile

Cameron eyes me for a little longer before letting me help him into bed. That was until I realized the guy was naked.

"Oh my gosh Cam!" I shriek and slap my hands over my eyes

"What? Oh! Sorry!" I hear him slipping and grabbing a towel.

"I'm gonna go get you some water..." I blush and smack into something

"OH fuck!" I gasp in pain and dropped to the floor

"Oh are you okay?" Cameron rushed to my side

"Yup. Mhm. Fantastic." I scold and feel my way out of the room

I open my eyes and rub my forehead as I walk into the kitchen. I breath a little and grab a water bottle from his fridge and some pain killers. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a picture of us from 2 years ago on his coffee table. I smile and pick it up. 

"I remember this.." I whisper to myself and put the picture down.

2 Years Ago

"Hey hurry it up!" I laughed 

"Hold on... calm your nipples woman." 

"Hey that's my phrase!" 

"Well it works..." Cam laughs

I roll my eyes at him and wrap my arms around his neck form behind. Cam laughed and lifted me onto his back.

"Come on they're gonna turn on the lights!" I exclaim excitedly

Cam holds the back of my thighs as he walks with me on his back, around the neighborhood known for decorating their homes. It was my favorite part of Christmas Day, it was our little tradition. A woman and her husband saw Cam and I and smiled at us.

"Merry Christmas!" I say

"Merry Christmas you two!" 

"Oh Miss! Would you mind taking a picture of us?" Cameron asks politely

"Oh of course!"

I went to get down but Cam held me tighter.

"No just like this, and then if you want we can do it your way."

I agreed and took the picture, but I loved this one so much I didn't want another one.

"Thank you so much! You have a wonderful Christmas!" I beamed at her

"You two as well." And with that they walked away hand in hand.


"Are you dressed?" I question out loud before walking towards his room

"Yeah, I'm dressed." 

I walk in with my eyes closed and peek one open and see he is dressed. I smile and put his stuff on the night table.

"You okay now?" I ask softly

Cam nods and lays down, pulling the comforter closer to his body.

"Okay then, goodnight." I smile and get up

"Wait..." He calls out

I turn slightly to look at him and wait.

"Can you stay with me tonight? Please?" He asks so delicately 

"Yeah, of course." I answer

The ginger just smiles and closes his eyes. I shrug off my coat and take off my boots. 

"Hey Cam is it okay if I shower?"


I nod to myself and grab a t-shirt of his and a pair of my underwear that I leave here, and head to the bathroom. I cautiously look around for the evil spider and find nothing. So I close the door and turn the water on.

30 Minutes Later

I smoothly open the bathroom door and slip out without making too much noise. I look over at the bed and find Cameron sound asleep, which causes me to smile. Uh.. I have smiled so much in the past 8 hours... gross.

I fold my clothes, and put them on the chair by his door before turning off the light. I go to Cameron's side and give him a tender kiss on the forehead. I grab my phone and head to the living room. I get my blanket from the closet and my extra pillow, and head to the couch. I lay down and immediately fall asleep.

Some Time In The Night

"Where are you going? Don't leave me here..." 

"Please.. I can't be without you!"

"How could you do this to me?! I loved you!"

"Cameron? Cam has nothing to do with this!"

"You asshole! Devina?!"

"She's MY sister!"

"Don't bring him in to this! Leave him alone!"

"Stop! Leave Cam alone! He doesn't know!"

"Cameron! Get out! Get out now!"

"Nooo!" I shriek awake

I am gasping for air and I'm sweating. IT was just a dream.. just a bad dream. It's okay. I wipe the tears from my face and breathe. I sigh and get up, unrivaled to notice that I wasn't in my house.

I frantically look around and stumble on a coffee table and fall.I scream in fear and curl up in a ball. I look up when I hear heavy footsteps closing in on me. I prepare myself to attack, but relax when Cameron comes into view.

"Hey. you okay?" 

I stare at him for a little bit to assure myself this is real and nod. 

"You were shrieking and screaming... I thought I was dreaming but you were the one dreaming." He states

"I'm sorry.." I whisper

"No it's okay.. I didn't know you were here. So it saved me from shock in the morning." He smiles

"Oh yeah, you asked me to stay."

"Figured..." He chuckled

I wiped my face from the sweat and tears. 

"Come on, let's get some sleep." He suggests and grabs my hand leading me to his room

I don't even fight him, we have been doing this for 4 years now.

"I don't understand why you don't just stay in bed with me? You always go into the living room."

"Cause I don't want to make it weird, or we wake up one day and think the worst." I shrug

"Well we should know by now.. so no more sleeping on the couch. Okay?"

I nod.

"Hey... okay?" He grabs my chin and makes me look him in the eyes.

"Yeah, no more couch." 

He smiles at me and we get in bed. I felt instant safety and reassurance. No one understood me like Cameron. No one understood my fears and hesitations, except him.

"Goodnight Cassie."

"Night bear." I smile 


Hi guys! I hope you like this imagine... there might be a part 2 to this. Not sure yet aha.

But I got the idea for this imagine from The Flash, the tv show. I just finished season 1 and I am in love with Barry Allen! He is such a cutie aha! The way his nerdiness comes out over the smallest things. Or how much he cares for people.... and don't get me started on his sassy self! haha

But yeah episode 12 of season 1, something like this happens and I thought it was the cutest thing! SO I hope you guys did too!

Thank you so much! Don't forget to let me know what you think and to vote (:

If you guys have any requests just let me know (: I literally have nothing to do so I'd be happy too!

bye lovies!

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