Homecoming Pt.4

By lov3_dontchang3

389K 19.6K 6.2K

The final chapter in the Homecoming Series.............. More

Homecoming Pt.4 Intro
Devin 1
Zyshaun 2
Marcus 3
Enzo 4
Khalil 5
Noah 6
Legacy 7
Khalil 8
Julius 9
Devin 10
Young Mon 11
Marcus 12
Blaze 13
Legacy 14
Devin 15
Marcus 16
Enzo 17
Zyshaun 18
Khalil 19
Iman 20
Noah 21
Devin 22
Zyshaun 23
Legacy 24
Marcus 25
Toussaint 26
Khalil 27
Marcus 28
Nico 29
Enzo 30
Devin 31
Blaze 32
Marcus 33
Legacy 34
Khalil 35
Zyshaun 36
Noah 37
Toussaint 38
Khalil 39
Dominique 40
Devin 41
Enzo 42
Noah 43
Zyshaun 44
Legacy 45
Toussaint 46
Marcus 47
Devin 48
Cadence 49
Tonya 50
Mama Angela 51
Khalil 52
Sa'vion 53
Zyshaun 54
Dominique 55
Blaze 56
Toussaint 57
Noah 58
Marcus 59
Devin 60
Cam 61
Liberty 62
Enzo 63
Zyshaun 65
Devin 66
Noah 67
Legacy 68
Toussaint 69
Cam 70
Sa'vion 71
Will 72
Dominique 73
Emilio 74
Alex 75
Devin 76
Khalil 77
Marcus 78
Khalil 79
Zyshaun 80
Mario 81
Toussaint 82
Enzo 83
Blaze 84
Devin 85
Marcus 86
Legacy 87
Iman 88
Cam 89
Noah 90
Marcus 91
Yuri 92
Khalil 93
Zyshaun 94
Devin 95
Toussaint 96
Dominique 97
Enzo 98
Alex 99
Cam 100
Dominique 101
Marsean 102
Marcus 103
Zyshaun 104
Cam 105
Khalil 106
Enzo 107
Devin 108
Toussaint 109
Legacy 110
Marcus 111
Noah 112
Khalil 113
Dominique 114
Emilio 115
Devin and Blaze 116
Mario 117
Yuri 118
Noah 119
Enzo 120
Blaze 121
Khalil 122
Zyshaun 123
Noah 124
Cam 125
Toussaint 126
Khalil 127
Zyshaun 128
Enzo 129
Marcus 130
Yuri 131
Noah 132
Legacy 133
Toussaint 134
Khalil 135
Epilogue 1: Mama Angela
Epilogue 2: Emilio, Vanessa & Justice
Epilogue 3: Sa'vion
Epilogue 4: Alex & Cadence
Epilogue 5: Yuri
Epilogue 6: Blaze
Epilogue 7: Dominique
Epilogue 8: Tonya and Marsean
Epilogue 9: Cam
Epilogue 10: Legacy
Epilogue 11: Zyshaun
Epilogue 12: Enzo
Epilogue 13: Devin
Epilogue 14: Marcus
Epilogue 15: Khalil
Spinoff Character Synopsis
Chapter 1: The Perfect Son
Chapter 2: The Forgotten Son
Chapter 3: Both Sides of the Fence
Chapter 4: The Man with the Plan
Chapter 5: The Boy with the Secret
Chapter 6: The Artist
Chapter 7: The One Who Got Away
Chapter 8: The Reunion
Chapter 9: The Man Who Would Be King
Chapter 10: The Father To Be?
Open Discussion

Khalil 64

2.4K 120 52
By lov3_dontchang3

For the first time in a while I was drama-free and completely at peace; all my family was together, my little brother was home, my sons were well taken care of, my health was getting back to normal and I didn't have to keep looking over my shoulder every time I left the house. I walked into the living room and Marcus tried not to laugh we were meeting with some investors or something like that so I had to wear a suit and fucking hated wearing suits, I heard a bunch of yelling from downstairs and really wished I could stay here with all my siblings and watch sports all day but business before pleasure. Marcus walked over to me and started fixing my collar, we had finally achieved some sort of peace and that's all we ever wanted the only thing I could see being a potential problem was Dominique's past but so far he hasn't said anything to make me feel like I should worry so I'd let it go for now.........

"This meeting should only be a couple hours, so please for the love of everything don't fall asleep again." Marcus said kissing me.

"Mar' that only happened once and that's because that meeting was at the ass crack of dawn and lasted like five hours. So as long as it doesn't last more than three I should be good........ where are you going ma'?" I asked as Mama Angela walked downstairs.

"I got a breakfast date with Dr.Blackwell then after spending most of the morning minding our business we'll probably have lunch........ I'll see y'all tomorrow." She said strutting out the house.

"You ready to get this over with?" I asked Marcus who nodded before kissing me. "Let's get this over with." I said walking out the house and praying that this shyt didn't last too long............

"Could you at least pretend to pay attention." Marcus said after catching me drifting off to sleep for the fourth time, I sorry but this board meeting shyt wasn't for me. I missed playing football, I missed coaching football at least then I didn't have to sit in one place; I could move around and interact with people I hated sitting in one spot listening to people go over numbers that shyt made me sleepy.

"If you want me to stay awake play with my dick under the table." I said so quietly that I wasn't sure Marcus heard me, but the smile on his face told me he had and I leaned back in my seat as Marcus started discreetly rubbing my dick.

"Khalil do you wanna present your idea to the board?" Zyshaun asked giving me a sneaky grin. I leaned forward and started to speak but Zyshaun stopped me. "Please Khalil go to the front that why everyone can hear you clearly." See he was being childish.

"There's no reason, my idea is simple let's go get something to eat and come back in two hours when everyone isn't hungry......" I said winking at him as most of the board seemed to agree with me.

"That sounds like a plan, we'll meet back here in two hours. Khalil, Marcus do y'all mind walking with me to my office?" Zyshaun asked and I waited until everyone was gone before walking to Zyshaun's office. "Y'all some freaks." Zyshaun said laughing.

"Whatever this shyt is boring I much rather be at home with my bros, clowning but because you asked I showed up here and I had to do everything in my power to keep from falling asleep." I said sitting on the chair.

"Aight so the reason I brought y'all in here is to talk about this movie I want get made, don't worry it's low budget but I feel like we should at least try a mixture of both y'alls ideas. We buy a lot of stock in Media and Entertainment as well as we start putting out our own movies in fact I think I've found our leading actress..... please send her in." Zyshaun said, the door opened a sexy dark skinned chick walked in smiling. "Marcus, Khalil..... this is Aaliyah Payne she'll be the face of our new company." She looked at me briefly before turning to Marcus star-struck.

"Mr. Cunningham, your paper on Mandatory Minimums and how they affect the black community was........ inspirational." She said to Marcus.

"You study law?" Marcus asked impressed.

"Baby we're kinda on a schedule and I feel like if you start talking we'll be here all day. We can meet up sometime later this week to go over everything." I said pulling Marcus out Zyshaun's office. Once we got to the restaurant I started laughing. "Mar you know that girl has a crush on you?" I asked laughing.

"Shut up I'm not thinking about that girl........ oh my god." Marcus said ducking a little bit I turned around as Mama Angela walked in with Dr. Blackwell. "We need to leave now." Marcus said and I just kept laughing.

After a full day of meeting we were sitting at home with our kids eating pizza and I was about three seconds away from booting Cori halfway across the room.

"Cori what did I tell you about picking the toppings off the pizza?" I asked looking at him.

"Here little bro you can have mine." Noah said giving Cori all his toppings. "Dad you might wanna be careful these next couple days, Uncle Devin and Uncle Cam are planning something, I heard them talking about a prank war I think the were trying to recruit Uncle Sa'vion and Domo." Noah said looking at me.

"Good looking out No', looks like me Enzo and Zyshaun are going to have to start planning something epic." I said. "I thought you were going to the mall with Saint to start picking out stuff for you dance or whatever?" I asked.

"He said him and Mario had something to take care of and we'll do it we sometime this week." Noah said scrolling through his phone. We finished dinner and me and Marcus were laying in bed watching old episodes of Martin.

"Have you noticed Saint has been spending a lot of time with Mario?" I asked and Marcus glanced at me. "I'm just saying Marcus those two have been joined at the hip for a couple months and remember when I used to think Mario had a crush on Noah?"

"Khalil stop....... they are friends. What you need to focus on is your brothers, the last time y'all had a prank war; Devin cut a huge chuck out of your hair and you poured paint all over him, he was blue for almost two weeks." Marcus said and I he had a point.

"True well listen I'm about to go meet up with them now, so I'll probably end up coming home real late........ you gonna wait up for me?" I asked gripping his ass tightly.

"No but I'm sure you'll wake me up anyways." Marcus said turning to kiss me. "You want me to take a shower with you?" Marcus asked kissing me gently. I picked him you and pushed him over to the wall, and started biting down on his neck.

"I got an hour, tell me how you want it Mar........" I said taking his shirt off.

"I want The Beast....." Marcus said in an almost frighten voice.

"AYY DAD! Oh...... god...... you guys are about to do it......" Noah said turning away from our room.

"That's what you get for walking in our room without knocking." I said turning back to Marcus. "What do you want No' I'm kinda busy right now." I said kissing Marcus's neck.

" The door was wide open, I didn't think y'all were......... never mind Dad, Uncle Devin just called and umm..... Uncle Cam and Uncle Sa'vion are fighting in his backyard." Noah said.

"Fuck aight, tell him I'd be there in two minutes." I said putting Marcus down and grabbing my shirt off the floor, I swear can I please get one day of peace without some drama happening I thought to myself as I ran out to my car. I really hoped that it was a real fight because I would hate to have to fuck someone up namely Sa'vion.........................

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