Septiplier Stories and One Sh...

By XLeedahX

136K 4.5K 1.1K

These are a bunch of Septiplier one shots, (there are also longer stories in here) there's definitely smut, a... More

Hide and seek
Bad to the bone
The beach
The Carnival
Sad Song
Stay Strong
Time Flies
The Blood Moon
Trouble makers
All for nothing
We do what you want to so badly
We do what you Want to so badly/ Extra
You protect what you Love
The big step
Emotionally Confused -Jack's POV-
No Hesitation. No Shame.
Nervous as all balls!
Sneak Attack
Working through this together (Part 1)
Working Through this Together (Part 2)
Your Perfect
Im sad... A/N
Cruel Joke
Not Possible!
Text Messages #1
I still Love You
Lazy Day? More Like Crazy Day!
Fuck the Rules!
Terrified Inside
Markimoo to the Rescue
Award Show
Closest thing i'll get
Smash the Hell out of the Fourth Wall!!
Just Lucky.... I Guess?
Can't Keep my Hands to Myself
Where are we? (Part 1)
Where are we? (Part 2)
The alternative to Pax Prime
Text Messages #2
A Normal Day in HighSchool
Text Messages #3
Inside the Monster a Heart Still Beats
The Side No One Sees
No Hesitation. No Shame. #2
Mornings with Jack & Mark
There for You
You Pay for It
A/N Important!
Reality? Or dream?
YouTuber Hunger Games.... Sorta?
Accident Prone
The Real YouTuber Hunger Games!
The New Chipmunks (Part 1)
The New Chipmunk (Part 2)
It's Always Fun and Games!
Text Messages #4
Expecting the Unexpected (Part 1)
Expecting the Unexpexted (Part 2)
Pictures #2
Sweet Dreams are Overrated
Gender Bent (Part 1)
Gender Bent (Part 2)
Gender Bent (Part 3)
I'd do Anything for You
Do you Love me?
The Bite
The Risk
The Homeless Kitty
Fuck the Police!! (In More ways than One)
Too Late?
Elementals (Part 1)
One Night Stand
Sickiplier + Mixed emotions = Messed up Day
Sex Tape
Pictures #3
Partners in Crime
Fluff Shots
Smut Shots
Fender Bender
Birthday Boy (Part 1)
Birthday Boy (Part 2)
Text Messages #5
A/N Thank You!
Special Agent Fischbach
The Little Girl who Brought us Together
Pax West 2016
Fluff Shots #2
Hot for Teacher
Tell Me!!
Dr. Fischbach
Miscarriage (Part 1)
Stories I started but Didn't Finish
Miscarriage (Part 2)
Take Away the Y
Fresh Start
Costume Party
Split Personalities
Big Mistake
Thank the Lord!
Secrets & Lies
Who am I?
Mark X Jackie Shots
Daring Move
All this Time
VR Horror Game
7 Minutes of Heaven
I Don't Fucking Know..
Elementals (Part 2)
Double Sided
Beauty and the Beast
Sweater Weather
Can't Sleep Love
Special Agent Fischbach (Pt. 2)
Body Apreciation
Pictures #4
Laughter Lines
unfinished Smut
Lost And Found
Las Vegas
Android Sent by Cyberlife

We Just Met!

593 26 0
By XLeedahX

Omg so when trying to decide on a title for this one shot I thought about 'Animals' and then Animals by Maroon 5 came on.... I'm magic!
-Mark's POV-
I am sitting at my desk texting my friend Felix who's in another class first period... I sigh as my ears flick to the door. My noes also picks up a strange yet familiar sent... I forgot to mention.. I am a wolf/human hybrid thing... I think my father was a wolf? I don't know he died before I was born.. Anyway so I look mostly like a human except for my fangs, wolf ears, claws and wolf tail... I also have good senses and some skills that are better than humans. I put my phone down and sit up straight as I am on alert... I see a hand on the edge of the doorframe then a scared little face comes into view and when he spots me his ears go down as he slinkily walks across the room to an empty seat. Wait ears!? He's a like me but I cat!
"Is somebody excited?" I hear the girl behind me ask... I turn to her only to see my tail wagging at a steady pace. I growl at it as I make it stop.. She giggles then is about to say something but I hear the teacher.
"Ok class... We have a new student.. This is Jack... Mark I am going to put Jack beside you so you can help him with things... Or is that a bad thing?" She asks. My ears perk up and I shake my head.
"No I'm fine with that" I say as I see Jack's ears flatten as he gets up, grabs his bag then walks over beside me... I smile as I wag my tail ever so slightly.. He sits and avoids eye contact. I sigh as I look back to the teacher who is now teaching.
"We will be finishing the note from yesterday... If you didn't get the first few pages ask someone near you and you better try to catch up" she explains as another paragraph apears on the smart board.
"Can I borrow your paper from yesterday?" I hear Jack ask quietly but my ears hear it clearly... I smile and pull out the note handing it to him.
"By the way don't be scared.. I'm not gonna hurt you" I say softly as he smiles weakly, blushes then starts writing. The rest of that period we don't say a word to each other.. There's just smiles, glances and Jack blushing a lot... He's a cute little kitty. When the bell rings everyone gets up but Jack turns to me nervously... I smile and he looks away.
"Could y-you possibly help me find my next c-class?" He asks avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah sure.. What class?" I ask as we head out into the crowded hall.
"Umm... Gym?" He looks at his schedule.. I lean closer and read it.
"Yeah I have gym too" I smile as I see his tail stick straight up signaling he's happy... My tail wags.
"Hey who's the new freak?" I hear someone say... Everyone gasps as I stop and slowly turn around to see a 10th grader with a smirk on his face... I chuckle as I slowly move closer to him.
"You think you're funny huh? Well you don't see anyone else laughing... They're right not to laugh because it could be they're last" I say very quietly.. He and probably Jack are the only ones who hear.
"Jimmy let's go" a girl comes up behind him and pulls him away... I grin as I turn back to Jack... Everything continues as usual.
"What was that about?" He asks.
"I'm nice don't get me wrong but when you make me mad... It's best just to step down and walk away" I lightly growl in his ear.. I see him get uncomfortable.
"Do I need to change into anything for gym?" He asks changing the subject.
"Shorts and a t-shirt... I'm wearing this" I say as I motion to my white t-shirt and my basketball shorts.
"I don't have anything to change into" he says as we reach the gym.
"He might allow you to join because you're new but you'll have to get something else to wear eventually" I explain... He nods then we enter the gym to see others going into the change room... We head over to the teacher.
"Hey Mr. Makay?"
"Yes Mark... Oh is this our new student?" He asks looking Jack up and down.
"Yes sir... My name is Jack well it's Sean but I prefer Jack" he smiles nervously.
"Okay... Do you have anything to wear besides that?"
"No.. I don't"
"Alright well I guess you're fine for today but tomorrow bring stuff you can strech or run in... Sooo... You're a.. Cat?" Mr. Makay asks cautiously.
"Yeah... But I'm not much different from him" Jack motions to me.. I see him flick his tail.. I wag mine. The teacher nods then is about to walk away.
"So what are we doing today?" I ask him.... He turns and flexes his right arm "weight room?!" He nods. I jump up and down with a huge grin on my face.. Jack giggles at me slightly... I then start running laps around the gym but in kinda bouncing instead.
"Hey Mark" I hear Jack say... He's running beside me... Right I'm gonna have a speed match now... Usually I'm the fastest.
"Alright how fast can you go?" I smirk as I speed up to my limit running hard and focusing... I watch the smaller boy beside me slowly speed up to slightly in front of me. I growl and push myself harder than before... Me and Jack smile at each other but then I feel something hit and wrap around my neck... I fall and do several rolls before I attach at my neck trying to untie the skipping rope quickly because I can't breathe.
"That's right... Dogs need to be on leash out in public" I hear someone say as Jack comes back over to me.. I have the rope off and I'm panting heavily.
"Fischbach what happened?" I hear Makay ask as he runs over to me... I get up and glare at Colin the douchebag... It was obviously him.
"Colin... Threw a skipping rope and it wrapped around my neck... I almost passed out" my voice is destroyed and I sound like I've been screaming for hours.
"Colin office! Now!" Mr. Makay yells as he heads over to him.
"You okay?" Jack asks looking like he's gonna cry... I nod as I sit down in the floor to avoid passing out.
"Mark?" I look up to see the school nurse.. She motions for me to come over... I get up and slowly walk over.. With Jack beside me incase I get dizzy "would you like to come too?" She asks Jack.. He nods. We walk down the hall towards her office... When we get in I sit down then she looks at my throat.
"It left a very distinct red line where it hit that's for sure... So.. Jack is it?" He nods "you were beside Mark and didn't get hit?" I look at him and I can actually smell blood.. I raise an eyebrow.
"I'm not gonna hide it because you can smell it obviously" Jack sighs and smirks as he turns his head to show a cut down the back left side of his neck.
"Oh well that's not too bad" she smiles as she hands him a paper towel to hold to it.
-20 boring minutes later-
I sigh and flatten my ears as I hear the bell ring for lunch... She lets us go so we head out into the hall... I glare at people with my ears flattened as they look at me like what the hell happened.
"You have all your stuff with you right?" I ask Jack as I open my locker... He nods "good cuz I'm getting outta here... Wanna come to my place?"
"Sure" he hesitantly agrees.
"I don't live far.. I normally run home fast.. But I think I'll either jog or walk" I mention.
"Better safe than sorry" he chuckles as we head out.
-at Mark's place-
"Uhh... Crap!" I growl as I throw my bag to the ground in anger... I sigh and pull out my phone.

Are you at work still?

I'm on my break why?

I'm at home but I forgot my keys inside this morning...

Ok well... I'll be there soon


I sigh as I walk around to the back and sit down on the deck.. Jack sits next to me.. I can't help but watch his tail.
"Your tail is so god damn distracting" I say as I force my eyes away.
"I'm the cat here yours should be distracting to me" he laughs. I then can't help myself... I slowly lean in and close the gap, pressing my lips to his as my hands find the back of his neck. When we break, our foreheads stay pressed... Jack smiles.
"I just met you" he giggles slightly.
"I don't care" I whisper seductively as I fit my mouth to his once again deepening the kiss.
Knock knock knock
Jack jumps and digs his claws into me... I cringe as I glare at my mom who's inside the back door smiling at us. Jack is hugging me tightly, his tail puffed up from being startled... I chuckle as he takes his claws out of my arms and his heartbeat calms.
"Oops sorry" he blushes as he looks at the deep bleeding cuts in my arms.
"It's alright.. Now let's go inside" I smile as I press a kiss to his forehead.
-The End-

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