Impossible love- a harry styl...

De Joharrisx

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Molly Boulton is a normal girl, living in Cheshire, England. Her life is as normal as anyone else's. That is... Mais

Chapter 1- mr styles
Chapter 2- private tutoring
Chapter 3- dreaming
Chapter 4- hiding
Chapter 5- reality
Chapter 6- not so secret admirers
Chapter 7- breaking
Chapter 8- more than friends
Chapter 10- grandmas house
Chapter 11- harry and freddie
Chapter 12- christmas day
Chapter 13- boxing day
Chapter 14- regretting
Chapter 15- waking up
Chapter 16- niall's escape
Chapter 17- harry and molly
Chapter 18- free again!
Chapter 19- back to school
Chapter 20- love potion
Chapter 21- the truth
Chapter 22- love songs
Chapter 23- harry or finn?
Chapter 24- its not the potion...
Chapter 25- harry's songs
Chapter 26- visions
Chapter 27- going into town
Chapter 28- finn's question
Chapter 29- days before the disco
Chapter 30- does he know?
Chapter 31- the disco
Chpter 32- running away
Chapter 33- harry picks us up
Chapter 34- dan
Chapter 35- silence
Chapter 36- finding harry
Chapter 37- harry finds out
Chapter 38- the party
Chapter 39- the bridge
Chapter 40- the river
Chapter 41- back in time
Chapter 42- saving harry

Chapter 9- goodnight kisses

184 5 1
De Joharrisx

The next day is a Wednesday. I don't have Harry on a Wednesday. In fact, I don't even think he's in at all. He doesn't pop in or anything and when I go to his room at lunch. He isn't there. The room is empty.

Thursday is the same as Wednesday. No Harry. I am actually starting to worry where he's gotten to now. I go to his room and, again, he's not there. Hmmm. I search all over school, the staffroom, forbidden corridor, everything. Hes dissapeared, unless he's off ill or something. I try to convince myself that's what it is, but, somehow, I dont think that's correct. Maybe he's embarrassed or scared, or didn't mean anything he said yesterday. I try to push that thought aside as I fall asleep, but its no use. However much I try, sleep won't come.

I end up calling Harry, who doesn't answer. I decide to go on my iPad. He was last on Facebook two days ago. This worries me. Oh well. I guess he must of been ill.


Finally I get a ring on my phone. Harry.

"hello?" I ask down the phone. Harry replies

"oh, hiya"

"why haven't you been in these past few days?"

"oh, I dunno, I've been ill I guess. How are you?"


"I'm tired"

"do you want me to leave you then?"



"no, I'm fine. I like you talking to me"

"really? Okay"

"remember what I told you on tuesday"

"of course, how could I forget?"

"that sounded sarcastic"

"I wasn't! Honest"

"only joking, you take things so seriously"

"are we still friends or"

"or what?"

"it doesn't matter"

"yes it does"

"it doesn't, really"

"I bet it does"

"fine! I was gonna say are we still friends or are we like, going out cause we kissed?"

"just because we kissed, doesn't mean were going out" my heart sinks as he says this.


"no, I don't mean it like that"

"oh. What do you mean it like then?"

"like we've only just met each other, sort of. Let's not rush things... Just cause we kissed, well, I kissed you, doesn't mean were going out. We both need to think before we go head first into things"

"oh ok" I haven't yet realised what I'm doing. I just asked harry, a teacher 5 years older than me, to go out with me. How pathetic am I?

"I'm coming in tomorrow and I've got nothing last two lessons and you've got PLTS so we could go out somewhere?"

"yeah, that'd be cool" I smile.

"anyway, got to go now, very tired. See you tomorrow"

"bye" I put down the phone. Now ill be able to finally get to sleep, knowing Harry is okay.


"molly? Come on, pretend your ill!" Harry is pleading for me to come with him all day. He's told the teachers he's ill so he can go out with me somewhere. Where though? Is this dangerous? Is he a pedo?! Okay, maybe not a pedo, or maybe he is, i don't know.

"maybe this will change your mind" he says before kissing my cheek.

"I'm going out on monday, remember and you said last two lessons, not all day!" I state, stopping him and he sighs.

"fine! Don't come with me then! I'll go by myself!"

"okay then!"

I walk out of the room, leaving Harry by himself. He tries to follow me down the corridor but I rush into my form room before he can catch me. I'm safe in there.

"Molly, what's wrong?" Faye asks as I burst in. She has a frown on her face. Oh no... What if they know?! They won't... It's fine. Please say they don't know.

"nothing, just trying more interesting ways to get into the form room" I try to laugh but I don't think it's to convincing.

"is there something going on between you and mr styles?" pranita asks the dreaded question and I freeze. They're suspicious.... Uh oh...

"no, oh no. Mr styles?! No, he's a teacher! Why would I well, you know, like him?" I make up but I guess it must seem pretty obvious.

"you keep staying after class to talk to him and stuff and spending whole lunches with him" another person tells me. As If I don't already know that?

"yeah, and you act all weird with him and tuesday you were all funny in his lesson. You guys didn't stop looking at each other." someone else states their point on this debate.

"yeah, he's only giving me extra tutoring for getting 28% on my biology exam" I say, hoping they'll shuttup now. But they don't.

"ah! But I've seen you two in there" what?! Nicole has seen me and Harry together?

"when?" I ask calmly, hoping she doesn't know about me kissing him, well, him kissing me.

"after class when he kept talking to you and you cried and gave him a hug" oh... Well at least thats not the kissing part!

"yeah he was telling me I got a bad Mark on my test and then I cried and he hugged me"

"he never hugged me when I got a really bad Mark on my test and cried" Lucy hamlet states, her hands on her hips.

"guys, just let it go..." I plead, closing my eyes momentarily.

"if he likes me more than you then it doesn't really matter, it's not like we've kissed or anything" as soon as I say that, it must make everyone suspicious. Stupid mouth! Stupid brain! What am I going to do...

"you kissed him?!"



"you just said you didn't but you just admitted that there is something going on between you two"

"I just said! urrgh! we hadn't kissed or anything or not even friends. In fact, I hate mr styles"

"what?!" I turn around and Harry is stood behind me. Why does he always have to be here when i least expect him to?!

"no, Harry, I don't mean it like that! I was just trying to tell my form that-" I am stopped by Harry putting his fingers to my lips.

"no, Molly. I opened up to you and you've just said to everyone that you hated me"

"yeah" I admit, trying to make the situation better. "I said It cause they were saying there was something going on between us when there obviously isn't" I emphasise the 'obviously' bit so he understands. However, Harry, stubborn as he is, doesn't believe me.

"well, Molly. You said we were friends. Friends don't say they hate each other"

"well they might have to if their form is bugging them about it and it wasn't even me who said it! You did! You said 'yes that's right, Molly, your my first friend' so I didn't say anything. I just said yes, so don't you go blame all this on me!" my form is mesmerised by our fight, their mouths wide open, not actually believing what were doing.

"well, maybe your not like my emma then" as soon as the words come out, I feel like Ive been stabbed. Harry turns around and marches out of the door. Tears force their way in and fall onto the ground. Faye, pranita and the rest of my form are crowded around me.

"were sorry, Molly. I know, it can be our little secret, okay?" Lucy Phillips tells me and everyone nods.

"please don't tell anyone, please" I sniffle, pleading them not to tell anyone. "definitely not mr young or any other teachers."

"well try and make it better, we promise" says françiors and annabel gives me a hug.


Françoirs POV

It's lunchtime now and Molly has gone off to her friends form room. Now, were going to go and tell that mr styles guy that molly didn't mean to say she hated him. I don't know what room he's in though so were just gonna go to the room we have our lessons in, b15. We approach the door and, sure enough, there's mr styles at his desk. He looks a little upset.

"hello, mr styles?" I ask as we slowly open the door. He has a picture of him and a red haired girl on his desk. The colours have merged from what I think are his tears. His head looks up but he doesn't smile.

"what do you want, girls?" he says Solemnly, running his fingers through his dark brown hair.

"well, we came to talk about Molly" pranita says and he stands up, towering over us.

"what about Molly" his features harden and he walks over to us, leaning against one of the benches.

"well, let's just say she didn't mean that she hated you and she's really upset so can you please come and give her a hug or whatever you want to do"

"why? She's not my friend anymore" he states. For a moment then I thought I saw sadness in his hard, green eyes but then it went back to anger.

"yeah, but please, she's crying her eyes out"

"no, she's not mine anymore. Your her friends, go comfort her" he says coldly, not moving from his position by the bench.

"Harry, you would if she was here, wouldn't you"

"who said you could call me Harry?"

"oh okay then, mr styles, but that's what she calls you" pranita goes on with the convocation with mr styles. Why she called him Harry I really don't know.

"yes, I know thats what she calls me" he growls, his hands clutching the bench to stop himself going for us. His nostrils are flaring.

"but you would hug her if she were here wouldn't you?" pranita presses, annoying mr styles further.

"just go away! Please..." he pleads, sitting back down at his desk and putting his head in his hands.

Suddenly, there are voices and someone comes into the classroom.

"pranita? Françoirs? Annabel?! What are you doing in here?!" Molly runs through the door.

"Harry..." she breaths, running over to him.

"I'm fine Molly, your friends are just annoying me" he says, ignoring her hug.

"oh..." mr styles gets up and walks through a door into the place where all the chemicals are kept, leaving us alone.


Mollys POV

It's lunchtime and instead of going to Harry, I go to Josie's form room. As soon as I get there, Josie runs over to me.

"what happened with mr styles, mol? Do you still fancy him?" she says that a bit too loud and I tell her to shuttup. I take Josie to our ciaran place that we go after school to wait for the buses. This is secret enough.

"well, i dont know if were friends anymore but..." I tell Josie the whole story and she laughs.

"molly! come with us!" emily and Lucy Phillips call me from up above.

"what?! I'm just telling Josie about stuff!" I reply, making big movements with my arms. How did they even know I was here?

"it's about your harry guy..." instantly, I get up.

"Josie, I have to go..." I breath, running up the stairs after Emily and Lucy. We run to b15, were I see pranita, annabel and françoirs in there with Harry, his head in his hands. What are they doing?!

I burst into the room.

"pranita? Françoirs? Annabel?! What are you doing in here?!" I shout, running over to Harry.

"Harry..." I breath, scanning him. He stands up.

"I'm fine Molly, your friends are just annoying me" he says, ignoring my hug and walking over to the chemical room, abandoning me. I feel so stupid now. I thought he would hug me, but obviously not.

"oh..." I finally let out. I feel so bad, that I sink onto the floor, my heart breaking.

"Molly, are you okay?" françoirs comes to my side, kneeling on the floor. So does pranita and annabel.

"were so sorry, Molly. We were only trying to help" pranita comforts me, giving me a hug.

"don't kill us, please" annabel pleads, holding my hand in hers.

"I won't" I choke, closing my eyes momentarily and sleep takes over me.


When I wake up, harrys face is in front of me.


Françoirs POV

Molly has now fallen asleep or passed out on the floor and pranita is looking after her. Me and Annabel need to find mr styles.

"mr styles?" annabel peeks into the chemical room, searching for mr styles. He doesn't seem to be there, but another teacher is. Quickly, we shut the door and run out of the normal door to b15. Molly is still on the floor. We go to the staff room, but he isn't there. We run out of the main door and see someone like Harry, getting into his car.

"mr styles! Please wait!" the man stops and turns round, seeing us chasing him down the street.

"please!" mr styles gets into his car. Before he can close the door, I wedge it open with my hands.

"mr styles, Molly has passed out on the floor shes so upset!" annabel cries, tugging at his bag.

"why should I go with you?" he asks, desperately trying to slam the door shut.

"please! For Molly..." she pleads, getting down on her knees.

"fine! But only this once..." he snaps, getting out of his car.

"yes! Thanks mr styles!" we both shout and mr styles shrugs. His face is still as solemn as it normally is.

"how are we going to get back into the school?" I ask and mr styles brings out his special key.

"aha! I've got the key though" he smiles, i think, for the first time in ages since he saw Molly.

We run into school, heading straight for b15. Molly is still asleep on the floor with pranita. She sighs with relief as we come in with mr styles behind us. Mr styles sees Molly on the floor and runs over to her immediately and holds her in his arms.



Mollys POV

My eyes slowly flicker open to Harrys gorgeous face. Pranita, annabel and françoirs are all with him. How Did they get him to come? Oh well, the only thing I care about is that he's here now.

"Harry?" I breath and he picks me up his arms.

"I didn't mean what I said..." he says softly, pulling the strands of hair out of my face. I smile at him and his green eyes smile back. He hugs me tighter than ever before, making sure to show me that he does care about me.

"could you..." Harry gestures towards the door and pranita ushers the others towards it. I need to thank my friends when i see them next. As soon as they go out, harry presses his lips against mine, starting the fire. We make sure that no one from outside can see by hiding behind the bench.

"see, I do care about you" he says into my mouth as we kiss.

"more than Emma?" I ask the wrong question and he stops, pulling away from me.

"I've got to go" he says, standing up. His hair is ruffled from where i slid my hands through it.

"please don't! I'm sorry I asked that question!" I plead, standing up from my position. Why is he so sensitive?

"no, I've got to go..." he sighs, collecting his bags and stuff. "I'm going to new York tonight so I'm leaving early anyway. I'm not in all of next week" he drops the bomb on me and my mouth falls wide-open.

"all of next week?!" I gasp, disappointment surging through me.

"yep, I'm sorry Molly, I'm going to see Emma's parents" he states and I back away.

"ok" my hands search for my blazer pockets and my eyes are stuck to the ground. I take one more look at him before he disappears through the door...


The weekend is spent in my room, listening to music and texting Josie. On Sunday we go climbing again and I see freddie, my climbing instructor guy. He smiles at me as he walks past and says hi multiple times. We go on the Walls, climbing up them and me getting stuck all the time. Freddie even has to climb up the wall to help me down! To be honest, I only do it so he'll help me.

We go home and I lol around again. That's what I do most of the time, lol, play on the iPad and think. Right now I'm thinking...

What if Harry doesn't like me any more?! That would be the worst if he hated me! Wait, he kissed me on Friday, until I said the wrong thing and ruined it. Does that mean...

I fall asleep before I can think of the next part...


Monday, and back to the same old times before Harry came along, boring! The week goes slowly, each minute like years. No one seems to be interested in me anymore, like I'm yesterdays news. I wish Harry was here, but, no. He has to go to new York to see 'emmas parents'. I mean, why the hell is he even friends with them? Has anything changed since friday? For some reason I just can't get him out of my head! It's impossible! Why am I thinking about a teacher?! Was it all a dream?!


Monday comes along again, 19th december. We'll be off on Wednesday because school ends tomorrow. Im really excited about seeing Harry. I get off the bus, heaving my heavy bag off and into my form room. Everyone is just talking randomly and I go over to Faye, pranita, françoirs and annabel, who are sitting on my desk. I put my bag on the ground and sit down before deciding I should probably go and say hi to Harry.

B15. I push open the door, the scent of harry immediately engulfs me before I even see his beautiful face. There he is, as he always was, at his desk, reading a book. I watch as he looks up as me, his eyes enlightening me as they light up. He runs over to me, picking me up in his arms and spinning me around.

"Harry, stop!" I laugh, holding onto his neck as we spin around the room. He puts me down on the bench and we both laugh. A small smile plays at his lips as he hugs me close, his face nuzzled in my hair.

"I've missed you..." he whispers, pulling away so he can see me fully. "how's your week been without me?" he plays, stroking my hair out of my eyes.

"it's been alright, a bit boring"

"did you cope?" he giggles, slowing the open window by the side of us.

"just about..." he doesn't try to kiss me, just puts his fingers to my lips, silencing me.

"the bells about to go..." he says, saddening me. I try to get him to stay but he refuses.

"no, I have to go to class" and I look at the ground.

"what about last two lessons? You said we could go out?" I ask, really hoping he will take me out somewhere and stick to his word as we didn't go out last week.


"why?" Harry doesn't reply, he just looks at the ground.

"why?" I repeat what I said before. He doesn't answer so I kiss him, long and hard, until he breaks away, shaking his head.

"no" he cries softly, walking out and leaving me alone.

Just when I start to like Harry, it always seems to go pear shaped...

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