Something I Can't Have (Seme...

By Uunouncium

306K 8.3K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

chapter 29

3.4K 98 22
By Uunouncium

Author's note: IM BACK!!!

four days later...

Karin pov

i looked at it and looked at it, trying to believe what he just said. he took the pen and put it in my hand, placing it to the paper. "just sign it, Karin. it wont be forever," he soothed. i shook my head. no. im not signing this. what the fuck is this? "what the fuck is this?!" i asked out of disbelief. he just came in this morning while i was eating breakfast in the living room of the house and put these papers on the coffee table. "dont worry, its fine. least their not divorce papers?" he offered. that makes it any less awful. "what do you mean you want to separate? you just left for some two month trip only to return a few days later just to separate from me? what the hell is this? who the hell is it? obviously there is someone else who you want to spend time with," i ran my hand down my face wishing that this was just some sick dream and i would wake up any minute now. its just not happening. just not fucking gonna happen. he took my hand in both of his, the same way he did when he proposed ironically, and gave me pleading eyes. "i believe this is good for the both of us," he said. i looked at him like he was crazy. "what happened to working on us after your 'trip'? what happened to just disappearing for a while and getting our marriage back on track? i LOVE you, juugo. i fucking love you sooo much that i birthed you three children! i dont know what the fuck this is but i dont wanna do it. i want no part in it. id rather wait for you to come back from the trip and we go see that marriage counselor," i tossed the pen away and sat back on the sofa. his eye brows furrowed. "look Karin, we have been drifting apart for years. this is just for us to.....test the waters, if you will. perhaps if we see other people for a while, we will remember what we fell in love for in the first place. i want you to be happy and i can see that you clearly aren't with me so sign the separation papers and go find what it is you want that im not able to provide for you," he pleaded. he makes a good point but that's not the issue here. he is obviously seeing someone else and basically wants to free himself of the guilt of his affair. "who is she?" i narrowed my eyes as i called him on his shit. "there isn't a woman, Karin. i just wanna explore my options free from the guilt," he said. i raised a brow. "so you wanna go clubbing and shit? is that what it is? strippers and hoes all around like before we got married?" i accused. he shrugged. "you could say that if it makes you feel better," he said. i shook my head. "im not gonna let you feel good about cheating on me nor will i condone this little affair with this whore you have on the side. id rather wait till you realize that all the woman you need is right here. you dont need some young woman who cant even worked like i can," i smirked. yeah. im all that. those kids didn't come out of nowhere. he sighed. "just sign the papers and explore. i know there are other guys you want to be with, Karin. ive found your little black book," he said. i shrugged. "i only have it to remind you that i have other options," i deadpanned. he nodded. "now i want you to explore those options. find a better man than me. i wont be upset if you wanna get a divorce," he said.

"the thing you dont realize is that you are the best option. that's why i married you. all the others wanted to fuck all the time but you actually wanted to get to know me. i had options, hell options for a bad bitch like me, and i chose you. im gonna continue to chose you for the rest of my life. you should be proud," i said. he leaned forward wiping the tears from my eyes that i didn't even know were coming. "its fine, Karin. we can just be separate for like six months. im confident that in that time we will have found what we want and we can talk about us," he said. "i want another one," i deadpanned. his eyes widened. "what?" he asked. "i said i want another kid. im sure that we can fix us by raising another together," i said. "if we come to that decision in six months, then definitely, but right now, i want you to pursue others," he said, placing the pen back in my hand. i sighed. he really isn't gonna let this go. its fine. ill find the bitch he is cheating with and call her on her shit. yeah. "you know what? fine. ill do it. ill do the little separation thing you want for us. hell, i might even cheat a few times, just to prove to you that we are meant to be," i signed the papers quickly. he smiled. "thanks babe," he said, taking the papers off the table and walking by. he placed a chaste kiss against my forehead before disappearing right out the door. ok. not i need to switch to detective mode. i will find the bitch he is cheating with. you can believe that.


reader pov

it was sorta weird when he decided to take off today but im sure its all good. all fine. i just stopped by the house to grab a few things. i got out of my car and headed up to the door. i unlocked it and walked right inside. felt like my eyes might melt a little when i walked into the living room. he just looked at me intently, not even stopping. it was just sasuke. butt naked on the sofa fingering himself like there was no tomorrow. sure he was also beating off but that doesn't make it any less weird. "since when do you masturbate?" i asked. he didn't even listen to me, instead sticking two more fingers inside. "no bitches today?" i asked as i walked into my room. i dug around in my drawers for my other charger to my phone. i could have swore i had it in my bag at juugo's house but i couldn't find it. i heard my door shut. i turned to see a blushing and panting sasuke standing before me, very much naked. "now isn't the time for tickle fights while naked," i deadpanned. yeah. when he would come out the bathroom, i would totally tickle him till he ran and locked himself in his room. only difference is that he isn't wearing a towel. i did some more digging, finally spotting the blue cord under some of my undies. i pulled it out and tossed it into my bag on my bed. ok. i think i need like three more pairs of undies before im good for the rest of this week. juugo keeps offering to buy me shit but im like 'naw babe. i can take care of myself' which he would always pout at. then i would smack him on his plump fat ass and we would make out for a long time. he would want to fuck but i would always reject cause im secretly evil. i grabbed more undies and walked over to my bag on my bed. i stuffed them in there with the charger but before i could hoist it on my shoulder, i was spun around and pushed down on the bed. he climbed right on top of me and straddled me. he looked down at me with eyes full of lust. "i told ya, bro. cant do the tickle fight right n-" he just kissed me. he pressed his groin down on me as he grew more desperate in the kiss. uugghh now i need new jeans. curse sasuke and his grinding. i tried to push him off but he pinned my wrists above my head. thinking about it now, why does sasuke keep letting me tease him like this? like he couldn't just bring his clothes in the bathroom with him. he never had to walk out in just his towel. he knew i always looked. regardless of my relationship status. i love making him uncomfortable. he pinned my wrists with one hand while slipping the other under my shirt. he rubbed my chest. traced my abs. i felt him getting harder by the second. just gonna have to burn these clothes now. there is no coming back for them now. he pulled away, panting deeply as he kissed on my neck. i sighed. "sasuke? you do know that im a guy, right? as in i have a penis? a rather large one if i might add," i said.

all i got was a deep grunt as he tugged my shirt over my head, releasing his grip for a second before pinning my wrists again. he started kissing on my chest, licking my nipples and sucking on them. i could tell this wasn't as fulfilling as he dreamed it would be. for that to happen, i would need my hands. he kissed me again as he ground his hips harder against me. he pulled away and put his forehead to mine. "why isn't it working?" he grunted lowly. "probably cause im not hard right now," i said simply. he gripped my neck. "get hard," he commanded. "why?" i teased. "i want you to take it, now," he grunted before kissing my neck. "we've gone over this. i have a boyfriend. that would make me doing anything to you cheating. you do understand the concept of relationships, right?" i deadpanned. he put his forehead against mine. "you promised you would take it if it came down to it," he grunted. "i lied. i do that sometimes BUT i do know some guys who could-" "no. it has to be you," he cut me off. "i know some guys with pretty huge d-" "fuck no. it has to be you," he cut me off again. "why does it have to be me?" i asked. "i....i overheard how know. it has to be you," he whispered. "why not shika himself? he would even want you to fuck him afterwards," i offered. he shook his head. "it has to be you," another kiss. i sighed. i broke his weak grip on my wrists and placed my hands on his waist. "no. not gonna happen. i have a boyfriend. if you want, i can totally talk shika through taking your virginity," i said. "just....come on, john. i dont want anyone touching me i dont really know. it has to be you," he said. "its not my fault you waited till i got into a good relationship to decide you wanna take a dick. i cant help that," i said. "juugo is already gonna think you cheated," he grunted. "tsk...cause i will smell like you? nope. why? because im not gonna lie about it. im gonna tell him that my best friend decided he wanted to be gay and insisted i take his virginity but i was like 'no, bitch. i have a boyfriend' i couldn't stop him from attacking me though and that's why i smell like him," i explained. he sat up on me, putting all his weighting on my crotch and giving me full view of his sexiness. if i wasn't waiting with juugo you know i would do it but! i am so im not. "that's fucked up," he grunted, crossing his arms. "no, whats fucked up is that you waited all this time before you were willing to let me fuck your tight ass," i got a handful, earning a low whimper and a dark blush. " not giving it to anyone but you," he grumbled, having relaxed into my grip on his surprisingly soft ass. i shrugged. "that's fine. im all good," i pushed him off of me and grabbed my bag. i started out. "im jerking off in your bed," he called after me. "my bed doesn't smell like me!!" i waved as i headed out.


kakashi pov

yeah. i might just be a little depressed. just a little. haven't found a man who wants more than just my fat ass or my long dick. grindr doesn't work. no more avg-guy2's on there. i just went to a bar to drink my life away. i shouldn't even cause today is only Thursday but feeling a bit down. i know i have class to teach tomorrow at 9 am but shit. why cant i get a boyfriend? sure i could get sex rather easily but why cant i get a good man? its just awful. i dont even get ogled any more by john cause he is sooooooooo caught up in his relationship with the buff orange haired guy. i even asked him about the kiss. right while the rest of the class was studying, i just asked him. i didn't beat around the bush. i leaned down next to his ear and asked flat out. 'i have a boyfriend' is all he said. ive never felt so.....hopeless! i want what john has. someone to talk about and chat with and kiss and go on dates and all that shit. what the hell? why aren't i more desirable? i miss his invasive eyes and erotic journal entries. he doesn't even fantasize about me any more. nope. its about his boyfriend now. im hearing about all the things he wants to do to his boyfriend. still pretty fucking hot but now im just a closet pervert. that's it. just a closet pervert. i heard chuckling next to me. "looks like you are feeling down, too," i heard a deep-ish voice. surprisingly high and playful but refreshing none the less. i dont need another thing reminding me of the one i not only let get away, but fucking pushed away. i turned to the guy sitting next to me. he chuckled again, swishing his liquor around in his shallow glass. he had long brown hair tied into a pony and sported some casual jeans, a tee, and tennis shoes. he was built similar to me. " can say that," i grunted. he looked at me. sad eyes but still pretty fucking hot. a deep scar that crossed the middle of his face that made him much more appealing. he cocked his head as he looked at me. "why are you wearing a mask?" he said. his eyes widened and i could see he took it the wrong way. "s-s-shit!! i promise i wont tell, just dont kill me!!" he yelled as he backed away. SHIT!! everyone around us looked at me. they noticed my mask and immediately started panicking. i sighed. the guy was still yelling obscenities. "i-i-i-i have soooo much more to live for!!!" it looked like he might tear up. shit. i just finished off my glass and put it up. "HE'S GOT A G-" i grabbed him quickly, covering his mouth with my hand as i dragged him out the bar. "ITS FINE PEOPLE!! HE IS JUST REALLY DRUNK!!" i called as i pulled him out the bar.

i pulled him into a nearby alleyway and leaned him against a wall. he was still yelling into my hand. "would you please calm down! im not a burglar, thief, or robber. i just wanted to drink!" i was annoyed he interrupted my drinking my life away. he actually started laughing, gently removing my hand from his mouth. "of course not, silly! i just needed a reason to get you to leave with me," he chuckled, a dark blush on his grinning face. i cocked a brow. "why is that?" i asked. his grin widened. "so i could do this..." he pulled my mask down and smashed his lips against mine in a heated kiss. he used both hands to grip my neck so i couldn't pull away. i wanted to pull away. i need the release. i gently rested my hands on his waist, pulling him closer. i felt a poke in my leg. he placed both hands on my chest and shoved me against the wall. he was grinning as he worked at my belt while we kissed. he undid it quickly and tugged my jeans down. he reached inside my undies and started stroking me as he got more aggressive in the kiss. i...i didn't know what to do. not even the slightest. i just leaned back against the wall as he pulled away and tugged my undies down. he got to his knees and swallowed me whole. he sucked me rigorously till i couldn't hold back. i came hard into his mouth. he didn't hesitate to swallow all of it and lick me clean. he stood up eagerly undoing his own pants. he undid the belt and tugged his pants down around his ankles. he kissed me, pressing his groin to mine and stroking them against each other, making me hard again. he quickly turned around and pushed his ass against me, grinding it against my hard on. he put a strong hand on my dick and slowly nestled it between his cheeks as he took it all the way. i cringed at the tightness as he slowly pushed against me, letting out a long sigh. "f-f-fuck me!" he said, taking my hand and putting it on his waist. i started thrusting, hard and firm, earning low moaning as he stroked himself in time. i ended up fucking him till he came in his hand. i was throbbing. i tried to pull out, feeling that knot in my stomach but he forced me back against the wall, not letting me. i gripped his waist hard as i came inside his tight ass. he slowly pulled me out, letting his ass push the cum out and watching it run down his leg. i...i wasn't done yet! i was already back hard again. he pulled up his pants and undies. he turned around, a sick grin on his face. "your place or mine?" he whispered as he pulled up my pants. i just grabbed him and pulled him down the street.

he pushed me down on my own bed as he quickly got undressed again. i tugged my clothes back off and he climbed on me, straddling my hips. he positioned himself over my painful erection and sat down on it once again. he gripped my shoulders as i slowly filled him up. he leaned down, placing his lips against mine softly. he pulled away, hovering over me. he started riding, hard and fast, quickly making the bed creak. he barely gave me time to adjust to the speed he was riding me. i felt the knot forming. i felt him clenching too. i bit back the scream as i released inside him again. he came too, soaking my chest. he kept riding till we were both ready to blow for the third time. he ground his hips into mine roughly as he stroked himself. another orgasm, leaving me drained beyond measure. he collapsed on me, burying his face in my shoulder. he didn't bother to pull me out. his heart was pounding against me, just like mine. he started laughing, it being muffled by my neck. turned to low whimpering, the tears slowly running down my neck and soaking into the pillow. i was very much confused. " so sorry," he whimpered. his arms wrapped around my neck and he squeezed as he just sobbed into my neck. i...i didn't know what to do here. we just had sex. what is there to be sad about? it was fucking awesome, ill admit it. i wouldn't have volunteered so i needed that coaxing or something of the sort. his sobbing died down to a low whimper. he pulled his face out and sat up on me, wiping his puffy eyes. "ill....ill be out as soon as i get my clothes back on," he whimpered as he pulled me out. he got off me and sulked around as he looked for his undies. i sat up, looking at his very much defeated behavior. "whats going on? where are you going?" i totally need a cuddle buddy after some intense fucking like that. "i dont wanna bother you," he whispered, pulling up his undies. i got out of bed and walked over to him. "tell me. i want to know," i said. yeah. i was curious. call it the caring teacher in me. "all i did was take out my sexual frustration on you. i didn't even ask your name or try to get to know you. i was just soooo horny. i literally became the thing i detest," he whimpered as he pulled up his pants. i raised a brow. "tsk...that makes two of us. i wouldn't have done it if you wouldn't have forced it," i gave him a nervous chuckle. he looked at me questioningly. "looks to me like we were in the same boat. looking for a good man who wants more than sex but having needs of our own," i said. from the look in his eyes, id say i hit the nail on the head. he looked away with a dark blush. "i just want a good guy who will like me for me," he said. "same here," i said. he looked at me. "as in all the cheesy shit like getting to know each other and going on romantic dates," he said. "the name is kakashi. whats yours?" i asked. i couldn't help but give him a cocky grin. his blush darkened. "i-i-iruka. iruka umino," he said. i smiled, taking his hand. "well, iruka, im very much tired from the festivities earlier. would you mind putting off getting to know each other till tomorrow, after some cuddling?" i asked. i back pedaled to the bed, pulling him with me. he let his pants fall down and tugged his undies back off as he joined me in the bed once more.

i pulled his back to my chest, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, and pulling the sheets over us. he snuggled up to me and got comfy. i rested my head on his before getting comfy. he tangled his legs with mine, resting his hand on mine around his waist. "aren't you tired of just having sex?" he whispered after a moment of silence. "sex is easy to get. what i want is a relationship," i said. he chuckled. "with a bar hookup?" he said. "hey...just because our relationship started with sex dont mean that's all it can be about," i said. "we are in a relationship?" he asked. i shrugged. "i figured we could be what each other was looking for..."


yeah, i didn't forget about kakashi. he needs a good distraction while you are coming around. basically, Iruka is kakashi's Juugo if that makes any sense.


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