No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

273K 11.5K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


4.7K 193 215
By MsChryssieE

This one is a bit long, but its important that you read everything...

Vote and comment!!


"Look out uncle Kevin!!!"

Turning to behind me, I seen my niece speeding coming in her car she got today.

Stepping to the side, she drove right past me, running over my last two toes.

"Ah shit YaYa!"

"Sorry!" She looked back as she stopped abruptly.

Climbing out, she came over ta me and smiled.

"I sorry."

"Its cool princess, just slow down aight."

"Mhmm." She nodded before she ran off.

I stood and watched as she got back in, backed up and headed into the family area. What was crazy was she drove like her mother and father.

Laughing to myself, I made my way to my old room. It was a chill day as it was Christmas and most of it had went by already.

The Christmas spirit was there but the fact that Kei was being sued was still the elephant in the room. Soon as we got out here, they met with our family lawyer, one of our dad's past colleagues.

Both Aug and Kei decided to counter sue Jamal and Dricka using the fact that their daughter not only inflicted bodily harm to YaYa but destroyed personal property and in Kei's defense she was reacting based on the tourment her child was being put through.

"Knock, knock!" I said as I entered.

"You bring food?" Nita looked up at me.

"It ain't ready yet, but I got us a bunch of snacks." I laughed.

"That's good enough." She smiled.

Shifting her laptop, she took the tray from me as I sat.

"What you up too now?"

"Working on lists of the official employees and all that good stuff." She said biting into her cookie.

"Babe its the holidays."

"I know but I want to just be done with everything."

"And what Sara doing?"

"She's handling the physical aspect of the club."

"Ok." I nodded eating some chips. "So what again you gotta do?"

"I still have to find a day and night manager for the club." She said showing me the stack of applicants.

"No niggas."


"Unless he's gay. So I know he won't be checking for you."

"And what if he ends up checking for you." She laughed.

I paused for a moment.

"I don't care." I shrugged. "I know damn well I don't swing for that side so that shit won't bother me."

"Whatever." She shook her head. "We're gonna choose the best out of what we got and if its a guy then so be it. You act like if I'm going to be checking for then."

"If the nigga looks good, yea you will. I've seen you, Sara and Kei already. Checking out niggas like y'all asses ain't taken."

"Hey, we got eyes and they work great so we gonna see things." She laughed. "Its the same way how you and Aug be checking out other females."

"Who other females!"

Looking by the door, Kei stood there.


"Awe shit! See what you've done." I told Nita ask got up to go after Keira.

"How was I to know she was passing by and why didn't you close the door." She snickered as she came behind me.

"My hands were full."

"You got legs bruh. Long ones so put them to use." She replied.

As we approached Keira's room all we heard was her and Aug.

"What females Keira? The fuck you acting crazy for!"

"August I swear on everything.."

"Then keep fucking swearing. Shit! A nigga can't get no kinda fucking peace with you in my ears over some dumb broad who probably speaking out they ass to begin with!" Aug spoke.

"What's going on?"

Looking to our side, Travis and Tima approached.

"Kei heard Nita telling me she know me and Yung be checking females out when we out so now they going at it."

"Awe shit!" Travis smiled.

"Keira for the last time I'm telling you, I ain't checking out anybody!"

"So when you and Kevin are out, y'all don't be looking ay other females?" She asked.

From the space in the door, we all watched as she stepped to him. He stood there quietly.

"Why you so quiet all of a sudden."

"Get out my face Keira!" Aug told her.

"Answer my question."

"Keira I'm telling you, get up out my face."

"You're taller than me so I'm not in your face." She provoked.

"Man I'm outta here, Tima c'mon." Travis called

"Why bruh?"

"Because I've seen them at this point already. They gonna stand there staring at each other and then Yung gonna snatch ha ass up and they gonna end up fucking."

Laughing at him, I looked back at the door as he walked off leaving Tima, Nita and I.

Sure enough everything Travis had said was happening. When I'd seen Yung snatch Keira, I just shook my head and stepped away. The last thing I need to see is my baby sister getting it in.

"Yo! Let's go!" I called Tima and Nita.

These two nasties stood there watching.

"Shhh Kevin." Tima fanned me off.

"Man y'all ain't serious!"

"So that's how they keep each other in check!" Nita spoke.

"Anita c'mon!" I grabbed her by her arm. "You too Tima!" I dragged the both of them.

Heading back into my room, Nita went back to the bed.

"I never understood why they did that you know." She spoke going back to work.

"They like to provoke each other that's why. They get a thrill outta that." I laughed and shook my head.

"And how do you know?"

"Because I've asked Aug that same question and he said, in his words, "Its just something bout Keira that's so fucking arousing when she gets angry." Of course I gagged."

"Wow!" She laughed. "He said that?"

"Those exact words. And knowing my sister, she likes when he takes control so if she gotta start some mess to get the level of reaction she wants, she'll do just that."



"Its crazy how opposite we are." She smiled.

"Yea. Now when it comes to you." I smirked. "You bring out that sensual, erotic side in a nigga. I just wanna do more than just fuck or make love."

"Oh I know. The many tie marks on my wrists or hickies about my body says so."

"Once you don't mind."

"I don't." She smirked. "As a matter of fact, I'm actually turned on right now." She blushed.

"I knew your nasty ass was."

Taking her hand, I stood her up. With her back to my chest, my hands caressed up and down the sides of her body below her top while I sucked on her neck.


Swirling my tongue on the spot, she pressed her ass back on me, arching her back. Gently playing with her now erect left nipple, my right hand made its was into her shorts and I began playing with her pearl.

Hearing her breathing picked up, I moved closer to her opening, still kissing on her neck.

"" She managed to say.

On that breath, I entered two fingers I'm her, biting her neck at the same time.

"Fuck!" She let out before smiling.

"Tell me what you want!" I whispered in her ear.

So engrossed in pleasure as I continued fingering her, she could barely speak.

"I asked you a question Anita!" I spoke firmly, now choking her.

"You." She answered. "I want you."

"Mhmm and what you want me to do?" I kissed behind her ear.

"" She let out.

Smiling to her response, I stopped, removing my fingers from inside her and placed them to her lips.

Not wasting anytime, she began sucking on them, tasting, enjoying her juices as she moaned.

Turning her to face me, nothing having to say a word, she removed her clothes seductively as I looked on, rubbing on my now erect member through my sweat pants.

"You know what to do!"

Nodding, she slowly stooped down. Pulling on the waist of my pants, my member came out. As my pants dropped to my ankles, she took me in hand and went to work.

"Ah shit!"

Throwing my head back as I endured the pleasure of my wife's throat, I just couldn't take it any more.

"Hands behind your back!" I instructed and she obeyed.

Taking her hair I to a ponytail,I held firmly as I fucked her face. Hearing her gag and choke a bit, was like music to my ears.

Trying to hold on, I felt her hand on my legs making me stop.

"Did I say remove them?"

Looking up at me with runny eyes as her mascara and eyeliner was smudged and an overall messy face, she shook her head no.

Grabbing her jaw, I raised her up. Removing my T-shirt, I wiped her mouth then kissed her deeply.

As we kissed, I lifted her right leg and positioned myself at her entrance. Without any warning, I entered her swiftly causing her to scream out in my mouth.

Doing what she asked me to do, I just smirked at the sight of her facial expressions.

"More!" She let out.

Taking the other leg in hand, I lifted her and went beast.

"Oh God yes!" She let out.

Backing her into the wall beside my bed, I lifted her where she was positioned directly in front of me. Biting her inner thigh, she moaned out as I began to eat her out.

"Oh fuck babe!" She let out as her legs began to quiver. "Fuck, I'm bout to cum."

"Let it out!" I spoke rubbing on her clit.

"Mmm, right there! Right... There!" She let out as she squirted in my mouth. "Shit, shit, shit!" She exclaimed as she rubbed her clit quickly.

Coming down from her orgasm, her body went limp in my arms. Kissing on her clit, then both side of her inner thighs, I unpinned her, taking her into my arms then laid her on the bed.

As I repositioned myself between her legs, I just stared into her eyes. Not realizing she was laying on the remote for my stereo system, we began to laugh when the sound of Usher's 'Seduction' began to play.

"Our song huh." I smirked.

"I love you!" She said after kissing me.

"I love you more." I smiled and entered her once again.


Sitting in the dining area having Christmas dinner, the room was filled with voices as everyone conversed.

"Nita you ok babe?" I heard my aunt ask.

"Huh? Yea I'm fine." I smiled.

"Ok." She nodded.

"You sure you good babe."

"I am." I nodded.

I had zoned off thinking about me and Kevin having a family as I watched as Aug and Kei interacted with YaYa and the same with Travis and Tima.

"Next year for us." Kevin whispered before kissing my cheek.

"How'd you?"

"I know my wife." He smiled. "Now eat."

Lightly laughing I went back to eating. At intervals Kevin was being extra and feeding me but it was cute at the same time.

"YaYa can I drive your car?" Callie asked her as she say across from her on Travis lap.

"Tomorrow ok." YaYa nodded. "It late now."

We couldn't help but laugh at how she responded then just went back to eating.

"This grandchild of mines." Kevin's mom laughed. "Just like her mother."

"Hey." Keira exclaimed.

"Momma shhh." YaYa put her finger on Keira's lips.

"What the!" She exclaimed as we laughed some more. "Keep laughing August, you gonna be the one suffering in the end." She shrugged as he stopped instantly.

"YaYa quit messing with ya momma." He spoke instantly.

"Shh shh daddy, YaYa eating." She told him.

We all couldn't stop laughing.

"That's another thing." Momma C began. "You four need to keep all that mess down."

When she said that I froze.

"We ain't got no business knowing who is about to reach anywhere." She looked at me. "And who wants anything deeper." She looked at Keira.

My face went flush and became warm as I felt so embarrassed.

"Oh my God!" Kei dropped her head in her hands.

"And stop taking the Lord's name in vain like that too." Ms. Sheila added.

Burying my head in Kevin's shoulder, he just rubbed my arm as he chuckled.

"Its ok ma." He told me.

"Shit. I ain't got no shame in my dick game and my baybeh be loving every moment of it. Ain't that right ma." He kissed Keira's cheek.

"Really August!" Keira looked at him trying not to laugh.

"Hey, that's how we all got hea." He shrugged and went back to eat. "And by the way Nita sounded, I bet you she pregnant after that." Tima joked.

"You heard?" I asked.

"We all heard." My aunt interjected.

"We thought at one point E was killing you." Travis laughed.

"Just her pussy as she requested!" Kevin said out loud then paused. "Shit. Did I just?"

"Yea you did ma nigga." Aug laughed.

"Y'all ain't got no kind of shame!" Ms. Sheila shook her head.

"Well since we sharing an all'lat." Travis started. "Me and Tima talked and we gonna give it another go." He looked at her.

"Really?" Ms. Sheila smiled.

"Yea. Us co-parenting worked but we feel like we've matured a lot since Callie been born and could have an actual relationship." She looked at Travis.

"They smashed!" Kevin and Aug both said.

"That too!" Travis smirked. "And I seen what I was missing. She brought a nigga back to the light!" He laughed.

Us females sat there just shaking our heads as YaYa and Callie just ate.

"I can't stand y'all!" Kei mumbled.

"Chandra said she and the girls will be here to bring in the New Year." Ms. Sheila spoke as she looked at her phone.


"And she said she got a surprise for us too."

We all looked at her confused.

"But yea." She nodded and looked back at us.

"I was to ask?" I spoke. "How you three enjoying living out here?"

"Its been great." Ms. Sheila smiled. "Mari and I are members of Karen's country club and these rich guys loving us." She smirked.

"Really momma!" Aug and Travis both said.

"Mom!" Kevin added.

"Oh hush the three of you. We're enjoying our life." Momma C fanned them off.

"You gon be a ole thot like my momma if I die before you?" Kevin asked as he laughed.

"Hey I'm the one who still alive so I gotta live." I smirked causing him to get quiet.

"Not Keira."we heard Aug say. "I'm gon haunt any nigga she try ta get with if I go before ha."

"Boy!" She rolled her eyes.

"Momma no more." YaYa looked at her.

Watching YaYa we all laughed. All of her greens were in Frankie's carrier and he just laid on the lettuce chomping away.

Keira didn't even bother to say anything. Even Frankie was in the Christmas spirit with his little Christmas hat on and a fake tree in his carrier because YaYa insisted.

"Kei if you want I can get her cleaned up for you." I offered.

"Looks like someone practicing from now." I heard my aunt say.

"Whatever." I laughed.

"Sure babe thanks." Kei smiled.

YaYa hopped off Aug's lap and came to me as I excused myself.

"I'll take Callie too if you want."

"Oh, ok, cool." Tima smiled.

Taking both their hands we left the dining room. Aside from my art and promoting, I just loved children and the gravitated to me and being around YaYa so much is what made me decided it was time for my own.

"TeeTee we go in the tub?" YaYa asked.

"Yup." I nodded.


"Callie and YaYa been doing good huh?" I spoke with my brother as we sat outback for a minute.

"Yea. She actually told me she felt bad when Levi bit her."

"Mmm." I nodded.

"She even cried saying she don't want to see her cousin crying like that again."

"Its crazy how shit is huh?" I sighed.

"Man don't even sweat it. Smoke ain't shit."

"That's besides the point bruh. Like we brothers, how you gon hate on me after everything I done did for you and yo fam. Not just me, but Keira too."

"What you talking bout?" Travis asked me.

"If I tell you this, don't tell nobody ok." I exhaled.

Travis nodded.

"A couple months after Keira gave birth and she was back home hea, Smoke called me panicking."

"Over what?" Travis scrunched up his face.

"He made some bad investments and was basically on tha verge of losing him, and Dricka's place. He didn't want ta tell momma because he knew she would trip."

"So he asked you fa money huh?" He shook his head.

"Yea he did. I was skeptical bout it because c'mon is Smoke."

"Ya gave it ta him?"

"Not on that spot. I told him I had ta talk ta ma accountant and shit because fuck I wasn't making music and YaYa had just born."

"You lied and he took that bait." Travis laughed.

"Yea he did. I really needed to validate his story and I did and it was true."

"So you gave him it."

"Not entirely. I had ta talk to Keira because in the end we had a child and I couldn't be spending money just like that especially the amount he called fa."

"How much?"

"Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars."

"Fuck Yung! That's three quarter million. The fuck he did."

"Let's just say his past caught up ta him."

"Man!" He shook his head. "And what Keira had to say about that?"

"She saw how stressed I was because I wanted ta help him, but that was a lot of money."

Taking a deep breath, I continued with the last part.

"So she told me not to stress and gave me tha money ta give him."

"Whoa!!!!" Travis exclaimed.

"Man keep it down!" I looked behind me.

"And its not just the seven hundred and fifty thou, she gave me a mill and told me to make sure he paid off what ever it was and that the othe two hundred and fifty thou was fa them to get back on their feet."

"So let me get this straight, not only did Kei pay off this nigga debt, she gave him start up money and now he suing ha over a fight."

"Yea and its been eating her alive too. Because they already started off shakey after she tasered him and now this after that."

"Does he know she gave ya tha money?"

"Yea he does and I think that's why he doing it. He thinks she loaded."

"Is she?" Travis asked.

"Ha ex left hea beyond comfortable so that's why she didn't hesitate because he's family and she believe in helping family."

"Ya think she'a help a nigga get a house" Travis joked.

"She probably would." I laughed. "Then again with all this, Ion even know." I sighed.

Me and Travis relationship was different since me and Keira got together and it grew after the mess with her so that's why it was easy fa us ta be having this conversation.

"But on a real, that's foul on Smoke's part."

"Yea, but I'm not bout ta let him try ta rob ma wife bruh."

"Ya wife huh?" Trav smirked.

"Yea man. Even though we ain't married, she ma wife and I'm gon protect ma family."

"By any means necessary bruh."

"Exactly." I nodded.

As we sat out there a bit more, I remembered tha invitations.

"Aye man, I just remember I got tha invitations fa y'all." I hopped up smiling.


Rolling my eyes to the sound of August literally screaming my name, I made my way down to the family room to see everyone sitting there.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You sit hea!" He pulled me to sit in a chair by myself.

Looking at him, he stood there this this smile on his face with a little carry on next to him.

"Babe what's going on." I laughed because of how he smiled.

"You're bout ta find out." He kissed me. "Aight so y'all know me and Keira engaged and I been planning tha whole event."

"And we're yet to get a date." My mother mumbled.

"Well that's gon be revealed now." He smirked.

We all watched as he unzipped the bag and began pulling out some cute boxes and handing us.

"These are tha official invitations." He said handing me one last.

Looking up at him, I looked at the beautiful box in my hand as I ran my fingers over the embroided work.

"Gon y'all, open em." He laughed.

Sitting next to me he whispered in my ear telling me to open it. Doing as I was told, I gasp as I saw the invitation in it.

"August!" I covered my mouth in awe, fighting back the tears.

"Damn!" Travis exclaimed.

Everyone was in awe.

"Is this glass?" Ms. Sheila asked.

"Yea." He nodded not taking his eyes off me.

Taking my time, I removed it from the box.

"This, this" I whispered.

"Its an insight on what ta come." He kissed my cheek. "Only the best fa ma baybeh."

At this point I was in tears but not crying like I was crazy. They just streamed down my cheeks as he wiped them away.

"Damn ma baybeh bruh pulling out all tha tricks huh!" Travis laughed.

"Just fa ha." He smiled and hugged me. "So momma C, ya gon let me know how much fa y'all side and momma we gon talk bout our. We doing fam first then we'a deal with friends."

I just looked at him as he took charge and just fell in love all over again.

"Wait the date is Christmas next year?" Nita asked making me look closer.

"Yep. We got a year."

"Ok well if its anything, we can sit down tomorrow and finalize the family lists and everything." Ms. Sheila spoke.

Both my mother and I agreed. Everybody congratulated us again before they excused themselves.

"Go change, I wanna go somewhere." August told me.

Nodding I got up and went and change.


"You look cute." He whispered as we walked along Venice Beach.

"Thank you. You looking so mmm." I moaned.

"Hey now!" He smirked.

We stood for a minute just looking out at the seas.

"I told Trav."


"About what ya did fa Smoke and Dricka before all this."

"Oh and what he said?" I asked looking ahead of me as he stood behind me.

"He asked if ya would buy him a house." He laughed.

"Why am I not surprised." I laughed myself.

"But Nah he said that that was a foul move by them."

"Mmm." I hummed.

"But we'a let our lawyers deal with em." He continued.

"Yea." I nodded. "Travis serious bout the house thing?" I asked.

"Keira yeen buying him no house."

"I wasn't." I shook my head. "I was going to suggest they move into your mom's own seeing as she is out here and we could probably help with any little fixes."

"Hmm ya know I ain't think bout that."

"It would be good too, that way the house isn't just there and they don't have a rent or lease to pay."

"You right. I'a talk ta him and momma and hear what they say."

"Good." I nodded.

We stood quietly again, just the sounds of the waves crashing and the wind blowing around us.

"Thank you for taking me to visit my dad." I held on to his arm closer.

"It ain't nothing babe." He kissed the top of my head.

When we left the house, he surprised me with a visit to my dad's plot and had a bouquet of flowers in the trunk for me to place down.

"You're amazing you know that." I looked up at him.

"Nah. I just try ta be tha best man I can be fa you and our daughta'."

"And I love you for that. You're my life saver August and I'm forever grateful for you. I don't care how much we argue, I love you regardless."

"I too babe. Ya ready ta head back? I got one more surprise fa ya."

"Ok." I smiled.

Opening the door for me, I got in the car. Getting in on the drivers side, he started it and we left.

The road was clear so it didnt take us long to reach where we were going, which happened to be our house.

Getting out, I looked at him a bit confused but I didn't question it. As WS approached the front door, there was a somewhat big gift box sitting on the door step.

"What's this?" I looked at him.

"Ion know." He shrugged.

Stooping to pick it up, I shook it first then listened for a sound. Not hearing anything, I opened it revealing a beautiful statue.

"That's nice." August said. "Is there a card?"

"Yea." I nodded opening it. "It says. "Congratulations on your engagement, may you too be forever happy."

"Any name?"


"Huh." He let out. "Anyway. You ready for your last gift?"

"Yes I am." I smiled closing back the box.

Opening the door, we stepped in and I paused as the most cutest dog came running towards us.

"August!" I looked back at him then down in front me.

"Merry Christmas baybeh." He smiled and I picked up the puppy.

"Thank you babe. This is the one I wanted."

"Yea." He nodded as we petted him. "I saw him at tha shelter yesterday when I went looking fa stuff fa Frankie and I couldn't say no."

"You adopted him?"


Pulling on his collar, I looked at his tag.

"Brody" I read.

"That's a perfect name for you." I tickled his chin. "Wait till you meet YaYa and Frankie." I spoke to him.

He just looked at me as though he understood what I was saying.

"Let me go clean up any mess he done made and we can head back."

"Ok." I nodded.

Soon enough, August came back with a carrying bag and a bag of puppy chow.

"Aight let's go. Ya leaving that hea?" He asked point at the gift.

"Ummm yea. Some how I feel like its meant to stay here."

"Ok cool well let's get going. I'm hungry."


"Yea." He opened the door for me.

"Remind me to take a pregnancy test tomorrow."

"Why?" He asked locking up.

"Because you eat when I'm pregnant. Remember how you was when I was pregnant and didn't know."

"Huh?" He paused. "Ya right."


"Aight well tomorrow fa that "

"Mhmm." I nodded as we left.


Ok so everybody got a POV in this one.

When we thought Aug and Keira were freaks, here comes Kevin and Nita trying to dethrone them😂😂😂

Travis and Tima getting back together, that's nice.😊

Wonder what's Chandra's surprise😏

But ain't that a bitch with Jamal😑 How you gon sue the person who basically gave you ya life back😒thats just low.

YaYa is a trip😂 with that lah mouth of hers and she got Frankie in the Christmas spirit❤

Aug did good with the invitations I must admit, can't wait to see the out come of the wedding😍😁

Ohhh and brody is so adorable😍❤😭😩

Remember next chapter is a three month jump.

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