Something I Can't Have (Seme...

By Uunouncium

306K 8.3K 1.9K

watch as kakashi the college professor falls for the reader, who happens to be one of his students. featur... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
Author's Note (important)
AP: Hidan
AP: Hidan (Pt 2)
AP: Hidan (Pt 3)
AP: Hidan (Pt 4)
AP: Hidan (Pt 5)
AP: Kiba Inuzuka
AP: Kiba (Pt 2)
AP: Kiba (Pt 3)
AP: Kiba (Pt 4)
AP: Kiba (Pt 5)
AP: Shikamaru Nara
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 2)
AP: Shikamaru (Pt 3)
AP: Obito Uchiha
AP: Obito (Pt 2)
AP: Obito (Pt 3)
AP: Obito (Pt 4)
AP: Obito (Pt 5)
AP: Obito (Pt 6)
AP: Obito (Pt 7)
AP: Obito (Pt 8)
AP: Obito (Pt 9)
AP: Obito (Pt 10)
AP: Juugo Taka
AP: Juugo (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru Smith
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 2)
AP: Kidomaru (Pt 3)

chapter 28

3.3K 100 13
By Uunouncium

later on that day....

Hashirama pov

"mr taka! is soo nice to finally meet you!" i got up quickly and walked around my desk to shake my new boss's hand. he chuckled. "nice to meet ya. im just here for a visit and a tour of campus. i would actually like a particular student to show me around if you dont mind," he said. i took a seat at my desk quickly and readied myself. "anything i can do," i said. "the student i want to show me around is (F/n) (L/n)," he said. i looked him up in the system. "it might be a while before he gets the message," i said. "oh dont worry about telling him. ill tell him myself. do you know where he is right now?" he asked. i looked over his schedule. "he should be getting out of his junior health class in around 20 minutes. its in the (not important) building just across the main walk way from the administration building. i could have someone escort you if you would like," i said. he shook his head. "i got it. just tell me what room," he said. "326," he nodded and left.

a few minutes later....

reader pov

juugo: i have a surprise for you

i looked at the message for a long time. i cocked my head at an angle as i tried my best to guess what kinda surprised he had for me.

me: better not be anything having to do with money

juugo: i know. its not but you will like it

me: im excited. tell me now

juugo: ill tell ya later

i sighed. i felt a nudge. i looked over at hidan. "tell me. im very nosy about you and this mystery guy," he said. "he said he had some kinda surprise for me. he will tell me what it is after i get out of class," i shrugged. he chuckled. "i wanna know what it is," he grunted. i shrugged.

it was finally the end of class. sorta excited about what it is. i just dont want it to be like something freaky. i gathered up my things and headed towards the door as everyone filed out. i walked out the door and stood there for a minute. i texted him.

me: class is over. whats the surprise?

i felt arms grab my shoulders from behind and spin me around. i didn't have time to react before lips pressed against mine. the hands ran down my sides and grabbed my hands, intertwining all the fingers. i grinned, realizing his surprise. made out for a minute before i heard someone clear their throat. i pulled away, my face feeling warm as i looked into the eyes of my boyfriend. someone cleared their throat again. i turned to see hidan, kiba, shika, and naruto just looking at us. i sighed. "i think its pretty obvious who this is," i shrugged. they all looked at him for a long while. he didn't even pay attention. just stared at the side of my face, his grip on my hands getting tighter. "umm...introduce us," grunted hidan. i let go one of his hands and turned to face them. "friends, boyfriend. boyfriend, friends. there. everyone knows each other," i turned around and started walking away, pulling him right along with me.

i walked right into the nearest bathroom and pulled him into one of the stalls. "ok. spill it. why are you here?" i asked. "do you really care? all you need to know is that im here. i have a penthouse in the city just so we can spend more time together. i missed you," he said. i shrugged. "you right. i dont care. i gotta get to class in a few minutes so we can hang out at this new penthouse after that," i said. he caressed my face gently. another kiss. he gripped my neck with both hands and pulled, making the kiss deeper. he pulled away, putting his forehead to mine." ill text you the address," he whispered. i nodded. we headed out the bathroom and went our separate ways.

i sat in kakashi's class. just daydreaming. he has a place in this city now. totally gonna be there more than at my own house. i might just be a stalker or something. love spending just days and days with this guy. i need to focus on class or ill get behind.

later on that day...

i pulled into the parking lot of a huge condominium on the outskirts of fire city. once again, all the cars in the parking lot made my silver Subaru look like trailer trash. i got out and locked it up. i headed inside.

everything was mega fancy. like only royalty could even set foot in here. i was stopped by a woman in black before i could get to far inside. "without a pass or invitation, im afraid you cant be in here young man," she said sternly. "im here to see my boyfriend. his penthouse is on the top floor of this building," i pulled out my phone and showed her the text he sent me just a half hour ago. she looked it over for a minute. "just give me a moment while i confirm this," i nodded and she walked away.

she returned immediately with a panicked look on here face. "im soooooo sorry, mr (l/n). we just weren't expecting you. here is your key. just head over to the elevator over there and hit the top floor. its only with that key that you can get up there," she handed me a little golden key card. i nodded and she walked away quickly. i headed over to the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. the door shut and a blinking arrow pointed to a key card reader. i swiped the card she gave me and the red light went green. the elevator went up.

i walked out of the elevator right into a small reception room with a huge door, next to it, another key card reader. assuming there is a different key for his door, i just knocked. a few minutes and i heard some footsteps. the door opened, revealing juugo in just a towel, a sight that once again made my heart skip a beat. he gripped my shirt with a strong hand and pulled me inside into a rough kiss. his other hand closed the door behind me before resting on my shoulder. i precariously placed my hands on his hips as he grew more desperate in the kiss. i felt little drips on my nose as he kissed me ferociously, his hands gripping my neck firmly. he didn't let me breath. it was hard but i managed to breathe through my nose. we made out for a good ten minutes before he finally let me go. he was panting with a dark blush and little tears in his eyes. "whats wrong?" i asked. "i love you. i love you soooo much it hurts having to be away from you for soo long. i just..." he kissed me again. and again and again. "i love you too, babe. now show me around your fancy new place," i grinned. he smirked, wiping his tears away. "i haven't had a good nights sleep in three days. i need a nap," he said. i chuckled. he backed away, taking my hand and walking further into his huge house. through a huge open space with a huge tv and huge sofa set in the shape of a c. he led me up a little staircase into a huge room with a king sized bed in it. he pulled off his towel and started climbing into bed. i stripped to my undies and climbed in with him. he pulled my arms around him eagerly and pressed his back against my chest before getting comfy. he pulled the covers over us. as soon as his head hit the pillow, nothing but soft snoring. i had to resist the urge to bust out laughing. guess he wasn't lying about not having a good nights sleep. i nestled myself against him and fell asleep in his warmth.


shikamaru pov

as soon as we all got back to the frat house, me, kiba, obito and hidan sat in the living room. hidan sat on obito's lap on the sofa while kiba sat on mine. "am i the only one who is pissed about john's new boyfriend?" grunted hidan. a series of grunts. i...ill admit i was a little jealous but not much. the guy was hot what else is new for john? "why are you all so mad?" i asked. "couple of reasons: how john so called himself introducing us, how his boyfriend was wearing a fucking suit meaning that he wasn't a student and apparently not even part of the school system, the fact that when i texted him where he was going after school cause i wanted to study again, he replied 'im gonna be at my boyfriend's penthouse for a while' like that answers my fucking question," hidan complained. "his boyfriend has a penthouse?" grumbled kiba. "apparently this new boyfriend is more loaded than i am. i really hate that this new boyfriend beats me out in every single way. more money, more mature, a tad bit more sexy ill admit, its fucked up just showing off a trophy man like that," complained hidan. i sighed. "sure john's new man is someone to be jealous of but that really has nothing to do with us. we are all in good relationships because of him. we have all gotten over him and moved on," i shrugged. they all busted out laughing. "what?" i asked in sheer confusion. "no one has gotten over john, shika. john isn't someone you can get over. i knew from the first time we fucked that i wanted to be mr (l/n) and i still believe that. obito is just to tide me over till john finally comes around," hidan explained. "im just doing this cause master told me to. im still waiting for him to find me useful again," obito deadpanned. i sighed. of course they are all still hung up on him but not my k-"i dont understand why he keeps playing these games. he knows that everyone here still wants him. all we are doing is settling for second best till he comes around," grumbled kiba. i knew it. he still has feelings for john. i knew it but i didn't wanna believe it. "tsk...the real question is when he does finally come around, who will he chose?" hidan looked between all of us. he chuckled. "obviously me. im definitely the best choice out of everyone here," he said matter-of-factly. "what makes you think he would go with a kiss ass like you?" grumbled my boyfriend. "uh its obvious. im loaded and can ride a dick better than all of you put together AND me and john just fit together. he already knows all about me and lets not forget that i can make him cum more times that he could count," hidan deadpanned. "that's not what master told me. he said that if i didn't get with you, he would cum sooo many times using me that i would drown in it so obviously he would chose me," obito said. "john would be able to handle you guys on a regular basis. he needs someone stimulating in both the mind and body. obviously he would go for me," i may as well just join in on the fight for john. get ahead while i can. all of them started laughing. "you are the last one he would go for. you know....since he was the one who took your virginity. you aren't anywhere as experienced enough. come to think of it, neither are you, obito," commented kiba. hidan nodded. "so i guess the battle is still between me and kiba, huh?" hidan pursed his lips in concentration. "after we have a threesome with john, we are back to being enemies. deal?" kiba offered a hand. hidan laughed as he took it. "deal," they shook. i sighed. ill never have kiba to myself will i?

later on that night....

reader pov

he rolled over in my embrace, waking me right up. he caressed my head as he stared into my eyes for a long while. "why dont you wanna have sex?" he whispered lowly. "its not that i dont want to, its just...well i thought if we waited, we would have to get to know each other and that would make the relationship better and last longer," i whispered. he chuckled. "you dont have to worry about me. we are in love. im not going anywhere ever. now...." he rolled me on my back and threw a leg over my hips. he pulled himself up to straddle me. he sat up, putting all his weight on my crotch and giving me full view of just how sexy he is. those huge tanned muscles. dark nipples. well defined chest and v line. tsk...his enormous package that i wouldn't be able to take if i were the uke. he took my hands and ran them down his chest, rubbing all the muscles driving my senses wild. he dragged them down and placed them on his ass. he made them squeeze it, making me throb under him. he ran my fingers down his crack, making me arch uncontrollably. yeah. im fighting the urge to take him right now. he made my hands roam his body very thoroughly before resting on his pecs. "aint no reason to fight it, baby. gentle when you make love to me," he whispered as he leaned down, placing his lips softly against mines. he pulled away and started kissing my neck as he tugged at my undies. "you see...that's the thing. i...i wouldn't be able to be gentle right now. it will hurt," i whispered through pants. he sighed. "you aren't making this easy," he grumbled into my neck. "who said this was gonna be easy? i dont know about you, but i need to learn to control myself before taking your virginity if you dont wanna be in soo much pain you will bite your tongue off," i said. he leaned up and put his forehead to mine. "i need something. we dont have to have sex but give me something," he whispered. i grinned. i gripped his waist and rolled myself on top. i lifted his legs higher on my hips. "since you gave me such a huge boner and i cant use it, ill have to violate ya till i can let loose," i whispered seductively. he chuckled. "as long as i feel good, do whatever you want," he kissed me.

(Author's note: gonna time skip here to not ruin when you guys actually fuck)

he was panting hard. i couldn't help but laugh. i ended up making him cum three times before i came finally. he was sweating and taking deep breaths as his grip on my neck and bicep gradually loosened. he took deep hitched breaths as i slowly let go of his cum covered manhood. i felt it going flaccid against my hand. i groped his wonderful ass, imprinting the wonderful feeling of its firm suppleness into my head. i felt his breathing slowing down but his heart was still racing. i kissed him. his grip tightened, damn near pulling my arm off and snapping my neck, as he tried to devour my mouth. he was ferocious trying to swallow my tongue. i drooled a bit as he licked every corner of my mouth before he pulled away gasping for air. he just started laughing, pulling my face into his neck as his legs tightened around me. "whats soo funny?" it was muffled by his neck but im sure he understood me. "it just makes it sooooooooo much easier now," he whispered, slowly calming down. "what?" i asked. he pulled my face out of his neck and gripped it with both hands. "i want you to move in with me," he said. i raised a brow. "i love you and all but-" he just stopped me with a finger. "you already lived with me when i was here last. now i just wanna make it official. i own this penthouse. its not being rented," he said. "after only a little over a week?" sure i would love to see him 24/7 but....moving in? he sighed. "yeah...i am kinda rushing things, aren't i? how about this: when we fuck, you will move in with me," he said. "ok," i said. he chuckled. "looks like you will be moving in tomorrow," he kissed me. i pulled away. i shook my head. "not gonna fuck for at least another month," i said. he glared at me. "hey, i want this to last for YEARS. i love being in love and i love being in love with you. i dont wanna ruin this by having sex everyday," i said. "i love you. you know that. you dont have to keep trying to make sure i love you and want to be with you," he grunted. "i know, i know but it will make me feel better if we wait. you love me enough to wait for me?" i kissed his neck. he sighed. "if that's what you want, ill wait the month or whatever," he said. i put my head against his. "you just have to wait till i get used to your mega hot sexiness and can control my urges. that way, your first time will be painless with soooo much pleasure you will wonder why we haven't me years ago," i grinned. "i already wonder that," he kissed me.


im not sure but it may be a minute before i can start writing again. my laptop's charger is on the fritz so...yeah. gotta get that back to working.


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