Twisted Fate (The Personal...


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Tara Anderson is a lovely but fiery young woman who is beautiful and doesn't back down from anyone and despi... More

Author's Notes
Work! Work! Work!
Lunch Date
Flash Back
What The Fuck (WTF)
I'm Screwed
Who Cares!
Love Your Self!
Interruptions Whilst Ignoring
The Story of My Life
I Need to Get Laid
Life's Revelation's and Family only make you Stronger
chapter 15
She's finally mine
Jealous and angry boyfriends
moaning and groaning
he made me wet like soaking wet
why does it have to be me?
serious talk
together we rise
oh no she didn't
life is going good
crazy ex's
my bestie is a hoe
Girls Night Out
diamonds are a girl's best friend
Melt Down!!!
Author's note
love is in the air
he is an idiot
can you be mine
we made it
The Wedding

chapter 16

930 32 0

Tara's POV

Waking up on another Monday not feeling the lift for work isn't fun especially when the boss is making it his point of duty to make you smile and all I think it's cute don't get me wrong, unlike the other guys he's fighting for my attention which surprisingly he doesn't have to do at least not that hard. Walking to my closet I took out my black pencil skirt and paired it off with a red sheer sleeveless blouse and my black blazer, I dug into the shoeboxes that I bought yesterday to find the red and black stilettos that I bought, walking in front of my dresser I took up my jewelry box and took out the red diamond earrings with a matching necklace that Krissy bought for me seeing everything on the bed I stripped whilst heading to the bathroom. Aaaaahhhh! I moaned as the warm water cascades my body relieving me of some stress and not missing my sore muscles. Boom! boom! boom! I heard someone knocking at my door wrapping into my rob I went to answer it thinking who could it be and why didn't they use the doorbell like normal people, upon opening the door I saw a boy who couldn't be more than 18 standing in front of me with a bouquet of flowers "where do you want these and please sign here" he asked "just put them anywhere" I responded and watched as at least a dozen men entered my home placing all kinds of flowers on every surface available glancing down I read the card in the little white envelope for you my lady wasn't really sure which ones you liked so I bought them all.
Yours Rafa

Smiling from ear to ear I took up my phone and called him whilst putting my clothes on "good morning  beautiful I see you've received my little gift" he said without giving me a chance to speak "yes I have Mr Blackburn and I think it's very unprofessional you are my boss and as such shouldn't be doing such things" I yelled from my bathroom since I had the phone on speaker "it's enough that you bought me a Ferrari and Aston Martin plus the many purses clothes and shoes sir" I said whilst putting my heels on he was quite too quite for my liking he must be thinking I thought but he has to understand this is too much all the days off not that I don't enjoy that but I prefer to work for my money and not just have it handed to me why can't he understand that I thought "I understand that but it's my pleasure to pamper you and I know I've made it clear that I won't more than just a boss employee  relationship with you and me giving you all these things is just showing how serious I am about you about us so get use to me pampering you babe I know I might be annoying but that's just me expressing how I feel since I don't know how else to I'm new to this remember" he says in one breath I guess I said my thoughts out loud judging by his response but just don't know if I can give him that chance I don't know if I'm ready to go down that road again and he needs to respect that but he's so persistent so demanding so uuuggg! "look Mr Blackburn I don't know okay I honestly don't know okay I'm not up for a relationship that's not my style" I said to him in a rush "how about we talk about it over dinner my treat I'll be coming back today so after work you come by my place and I'll cook you something how does that sound and we talk about this" I stood there thinking and contemplating his offer it's better to talk about and all plus it wouldn't hurt I would just be hearing what he has to say and not do a thing about it "yeah I'll come over say about 7" I mumbled in the phone after my internal battle with myself and hanging up the phone.


The office was busy it was as if he was at work but he wasn't, I had to constantly change meeting dates contact signing while writing emails and responding to them it was a never-ending flow of work and to top it off I had persons coming in for interviews to be a receptionist and to work in the finance department. "Kristen Harris" I called the next name on the list absentmindedly biting my pen "yes that's me," says a familiar voice not paying it any attention I walked to my desk reading her résumé remembering that she should get the job of head of finance as told by me by Mr. Blackburn putting the papers down I asked "why should I give you this job" now realizing that my best friend sat before me "will simply because I'm hard working you can depend on me to get the job done and because I'm your best friend" she gave me a polite smile "Krissy what are you doing here, why didn't you tell me?" I asked looking at her expectantly "well the old man got me the interview" she responded simply smiling I stood and handed her my hand "you'll start Monday and you'll head the finance department" "wow I was joking when I said because I'm your best friend" Krissy said smirking "you already got the job before walking in those doors my boss said to give you the post now we can go to lunch together and stuff" I rambled on leading her to the door and continuing with my interviews.

It was 6 in the evening when I had my last interview so I started packing up my stuff to go face the impossible sexy beast that was becoming overbearing. While I drove to his I thought about how to let him down gently so I would still have a job but every way I came up with wasn't subtle enough deciding to just go with being me I stopped at the stoplight and touched up my makeup, He's not like Lebron just give him a chance and if he turns out like him just kick him to curb it won't hurt to see where it goes are at least just play with him plus you know you like him my subconscious taunted me leaving a million things to rush to my mind I could just play along and see where this goes I really do need to move on I thought the one-night stands aren't doing me any good anymore I guess I need a man even as benefits with no strings attached that sounds better.


After what felt like hours he finally opened the door looking like a Greek god he was shirtless with sweat glistening on his well-toned chest I felt like running my fingers through his chest hairs but restrained myself he was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans and simple black converse how could one make such a simple look so sexy mentally face palming myself for not realizing that it was because he's shirtless and his messy black hair was sticking out in the sexiest of ways I felt my self drooling and quickly stopped as he lead me inside "am you think you could put on a shirt are something, we know your sexy and very muchly fuckable but I think it's better if you go get dressed for our sakes" I stated looking him dead in the eyes and watching his face light up with amusement "at your request my lady give me two minutes" he said kissing my hand whilst walking away what the hell has gotten into him.

He's looking at me I'm staring at him I'm wondering what he's thinking an why hasn't he said anything yet this is killing me he wanted to talk and now he's silent shaking my head I turned to him "so are you gonna start talking or should I begin" I said placing a slice of steak in my mouth "I'm just wondering how to start but here goes nothing" he mumbled taking a deep breath as if he was about to swim in the Olympics "I like you I really do now I know I'm your boss and this right here that I want isn't suppose to happen but I want it to and I know you want it too if you didn't care about me you wouldn't have looked after me in those months when I was a mess that wasn't in your pay grade but you did you saw me at my worst you helped me through a lot and I appreciate that I do but all I'm asking is that you give me a chance to prove my self to you give us a chance cause honestly your the first girl I've been interested in I really want there to be a us I want to take you out on dates and all yes I'm just learning but I prefer to learn to be the man you want and I'm not going to stop because I want this to happen we can find a way to make it happen" he said hanging he's head down in slight defeat looking at him made me want to cry he looked like a child pleading to have a chocolate thinking to myself I thought how could it work how could it possible work. "Well, that was a somewhat convincing speech you poured your fucking heart out I swear but to be honest I don't know if I'm ready for what you are asking you have proven yourself over the past few weeks I've seen you change I've seen a lot and honestly I'm gonna go out on a limb and see you but the second you fuck up I'm leaving," I said in one breath.

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