Cameron Monaghan Imagines

By Fufaation

98.1K 1.7K 1K

I'm just gonna write imagines that pop into my head. Randomly lol it can be where I'll write 3 in one day or... More

The Fair
The Interview
The Interview pt. 2
The Accident
The Road Trip!
I so ship you guys!
I so ship you guys! Part 2
"But You Will."
Jerome. Part 2
Comic Con
The Coffee Stain
I hate how much I love you
I got tagged
Miss me?
Say Okay...
Fucking Hell!
Baby It's Cold Outside
Fucking Hell! Part 2
The Black Canary
Stop You're Makin' Me Blush!
My Soul is Literally Dying!
The Murder Of Your Mother
Miss Me? Pt. 2
She'd See My Love
Chris Wood
How Neat! Her Name's Kara too!
"You Have A Child?"
New Imagine Book
You're a Potterhead??
I'm so sorry!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same Soul Pt. 1
"You worked for the Gazette, yeah?"

Be With Me.

2.1K 50 14
By Fufaation

Hi guys! Please enjoy this imagine and read the note at the bottom! 

Also this is Post Arhkam so enjoy Maniax (;


"Evangeline! We're gonna be late for church!" My father yelled

"I'm coming papa." I answer back

Of course I would wake up super late on Sunday. Mama is gonna kill me! I throw on my best Sunday dress and leave my hair natural seeing as I have no time to really fix it. Luckily I washed it just now. I throw on my converse' and grab my bag, making sure my headphones and phone are in there.

"Evie!" My mother calls


"I'm coming mama!" I shout and shut my door before running down the stairs.

"You can't wear those shoes Evie." My mother scolds

"We don't have time to be changing Melinda. You look beautiful Evangeline." Papa smiles

(This is Evie's dress. I would put her hair and everything else but that would take up space so I guess just imagine??)

My mother rolls her eyes and storms off into the car. I sag my shoulders in defeat and sigh.

Due to my mother being Puerto Rican and my father being British, it's a challenge for my dad and I. Especially when my mother insists on raising me the Puerto Rican way... which is annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love being Hispanic as much as the next girl, it's just she takes things over board. But it's part of life... I suppose. I love how I have a British accent because of my dad, but when I get angry or speak Spanish... I have a heavy Puerto Rican accent.

"Come on Evie... before she marches in here and beats us all." My dad chuckles

I look at my brothers and they widen their eyes before running to the car. I giggle and head out.

After Church

"Wasn't Sunday Mass just beautiful and wonderful today?" My mother beams her heart stopping smile.

We all nod at her and smile.

Usually after church my brothers would go talk to their church friends, and I would plug my headphones in while walking further into the woods than I did last Sunday. I've been doing this for about 3 months now, and my mother didn't approve but I did it anyway. I knew my way back... I always left a flower or a flower pedal in my place of success.

"Evie! Hey girl. Where ya goin?" Liliana this girl I've known my whole life smiled

"Oh hi Lillie. Just going for a walk."

I never was a social person, and I hated conversation with anyone outside of my family. I was recovering from being mute for 10 years, and it was an odd feeling. My family was happy the day I spoke up.

"Oh... in the woods?"

I nodded.

"It's dangerous in there. Don't you think?"

I shrugged my shoulders and out of habit began signing to her. (Sign language)

I've been going in there for the past 3 months. I would know if it were dangerous

"Uh sorry Evie... I never learned Sign Language..." She shifted on her feet

Of course not.

"It's fine. Enjoy the rest of your day." I smiled and plugged my headphones in and began walking.

"You were mine for a night; I was out of my mind. You were mine for a night... I don't know how to say goodbye." I nodded off to 5 Seconds of Summer' "Wrapped Around Your Finger"


"Now that we have Gotham's attention, it's time for the Maniax to make their grand entrance." Theo said

"Wasn't that it?" I ask

"That was the overture. Now that the audience is hushed... expectant. The curtain rises."

"Then what happens?"

"Oh then, we confront Gothamites with their most primal fear. Take from them all they hold dear and sacred." Theo says while walking behind me and putting his hands on both of my shoulders

"And then what happens." I ask getting intrigued

"Well then we offer them salvation... and then they are ours."

After the whole meeting and arrangements on what to do. I felt like taking a stroll in Gotham, maybe wreaking havoc. I noticed there was woods behind Theo's Mansion and what better place to clear your head?

"Where you goin?" Greenwood sneered

I rolled my eyes and pushed past the cannibal and kept on my way.

The air was fresh and smelled like pine in the woods. Not bad for a woodsy smell. I was about a mile in when I hear faint music and singing. I snapped my head towards the sound and saw nothing. Maybe it was just me.

"Nothing in this world could ever bring them down."

I turned at the voice and saw a girl. Wow, a pretty girl. She looked about maybe 5'3, with light brown hair, from over here looks like maybe hazel eyes. I started walking towards her but it wasn't to scare or kill her.

"I wish that I could, be like the cool kids. Like the cool kids!" She sang on

Man what I would give to hear that voice every day for the rest of my life. What the fuck? No J. Keep it together.

I cut through the trees so I could make it in front of her. She was looking down when I stopped in her path. She stopped abruptly as if I startled her, which I probably did. Her eyes wide and alert. I was right, her eyes are hazel. She ripped out one headphone and stared at me.

"Hi gorgeous. I'm Jerome." I smirked

She just stood there blinking. Hm...

"What are you doing out in the woods all alone? Hasn't anyone told you it's dangerous to be out in the woods... especially alone?"

Oh shit... she's deaf. Or mute... or both with my luck. It's a good thing I know sign language.

I've done this a lot. I can handle myself thank you.

"Well if it's a grown ass man, such as myself. You wouldn't stand a chance."

She looked taken back that I understood her signing.

You know sign language?

"Yeah... is that such a shock?"


"Well what are you doing out here? Especially in that beautiful dress?"

Walking obviously

"Okay... didn't know you could be sarcastic while signing."

She rolled her eyes, and put her headphone back in and pushed me out of her way. Well she tried to at least. I grabbed her wrist and spun her back around.

"Where ya goin? That was really rude."

"Bye." She said and I was the one to be taken back because I thought she was deaf or mute. Or both!

"Wait you can talk?!" I shouted out for her when she jogged away

She looked back at me and giggled.


Strange dude. Too bad he was really cute. Wouldn't mind waking up to that every day.

I jogged my way back to the church, following my trail of flowers and flower pedals. I puffed out some air and was bum rushed to the floor.


"Where have you been?!" My mother sobbed

"Mama I was in the woods... as I am every Sunday..." I answer honestly

"Evangeline Fae Santiago! What have I told you about going in there alone!?' My mom shouted

"Mom... I'm fine. Can you please get off me now?"

She got up and slapped me upside the head, as always. I flinched and ran to my brothers.

"Damn Fae you were gone a while this time... we were beginning to think you were killed." My older brother Aiden smirked

"Yeah Fae... I was so ready to take your laptop and check your history." Kaleb snickered

"You dopes. It takes more than some woods to kill me." I rolled my eyes at them

They looked at each other and smirked. Oh no


"Well Aiden I was thinking the exact same thing."

"Were you now Kaleb?"

"Oh you morons! You do not have twin telepathy!"

They smirked at each other while Aiden swooped down and threw me over his shoulder, while Kaleb grabbed my stuff from the floor.

"Noo! Stop put me down! Aiden I swear on everything that is Holy!" I screamed

"Oh it's okay baby sister. We're only going into the basement..." Kaleb smirked at me

I widened my eyes.

"You wouldn't!" I gasped

Aiden chuckled which vibrated through his body, causing me to feel it.

"No no no no no! Aiden stop don't you dare go down those stairs! Aiden I'm not kidding! Stop please!" I shrieked

"Mama!!! Papa!!!! Aiden stop please!"

He wouldn't do this to me... he knows how much I hate the basement.

"What? I thought it took more to kill you or even scare you?" Kaleb laughed

"I swear if you take me down there and leave me in there-"

"What? If you're in there... you're done for. Isn't that right Aiden?"

"But of course." Aiden smiled creepily

I turned my head and saw the stairs to the basement. No! He wouldn't do that to me! He's evil but not this evil!

"Aiden!" I shriek again

He walks down the stairs and Kaleb opens the door. They walk in and I shut my eyes real tight. My heart was beating like crazy, I was afraid it was going to stop.

"Oh shit mama's coming! Go go go!" Kaleb whispered

I shot my eyes open and saw them leaving me in here. I got up and ran as fast as my wobbly legs would take me. Only for the boys to slam the door in my face and lock the door.

"Aiden! Kaleb! Open up! I'm not kidding! Please let me out!!" I scream

I started hyperventilating and I was banging on the door.

"It's okay. It's okay... you're fine. He's not here. You're okay. You're okay." I kept repeating

"Aiden!" I scream off the top of my lungs.

My eyes began to over flow with tears and my throat was hoarse from screaming and my hands are bleeding from banging on the door.

"It's okay. IT's okay." I began rocking back and forth in a fetus position

I felt myself begin a panic attack and I just let it consume me.

"Hey! Hey I'm here. Look at me, look at me. I'm not gonna hurt you."

I look up and see the ginger from the woods.


He smiles and picks me up bridal style and takes me outside.

"Oh my gosh, Evie!" MY dad gasps and runs over to Jerome and I.

I had my head in Jerome's chest and I was holding on to dear life. I was not letting go for anything.

"Sweetie what happened? Who are you?"

"Hi I'm Jerome. I don't know what happened but I heard her banging on the basement door while screaming and when I tried to help her two twins tried to hold me back but I had to beat 'em up..." Jerome answered

He beat up my brothers for me?

"You were the one who beat up my boys?!" My mother glared

"Yeah. I mean, that's what I just said." Jerome said calmly

I looked up at Jerome through my hair and he looked down at me, and then smiled.

"You can give her to me now. Thank you." My dad said

Jerome went to hand me to my dad but I flinched and held on tighter. He was the only safe space I knew. I may have just met him but he felt so familiar.... like home.

"You can let her go now."

"She doesn't wanna let go of me." Jerome stated

"Non sense. She doesn't even know you." My mother scolded

"On the contrary... we met already. Hence why I came to help her." Jerome smirked

"Give me my daughter or I'll call the police." My mother snapped

"I wouldn't do that if I were you lady. First of all who lets their teenage daughter wander off in the woods alone, second... what parent's don't go to their child's rescue when they are clearly screaming in terror for them? And lastly... what kind of parents leave their child screaming in a basement alone?" Jerome sneered

I looked up at him and his face was of pure rage. He looked scary yet sexy.

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Jerome. Jerome Valeska." He smirked and turned on his heels.

I smiled to myself and buried my head in his chest again.


What is happening to me? I don't even know this girl.

"Wake up." I say harshly

She stirs a little but curls deeper into my body. Don't get me wrong this feels amazing but she needs to wake up.

"Hey get up." I move her shoulder

She woke up like a baby... her eyes slowly open and she slowly looks at me and then jumps back with a squeak.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." I smile

"Where am I? How'd I get here?" She asked looking around frantically

"Well you're in my room, and I brought you here."

"We- We... uh... We didn't... you know..."

"Have sex? Oh yeah we did it 4 times last night." I smirked

The look on this girls face is priceless! Oh my gosh, I can't contain my laughter!

"I'm just kidding." I cackled

She released the only gasp of breath.

"Oh thank God!" She exclaimed in relief

"Ouch sleeping beauty." I pouted while slapping my hand to my heart

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way... It's just I have a plan for myself."

"And what is that plan?"

"God's plan of course. I don't plan on losing my virginity until I am happily married; I plan to live a happy and peaceful life. I do not judge others, and I love everyone as they are." She smiled innocently

Ah hell.

"Oh so you're one of those..." I said out of reflex

"What does that mean?"

"You are one of those religious nuns who don't know how to have fun."

"I have fun!"

"Really? What have you done for fun? And I swear if you say read."

"Reading is fun!" She defends herself

"Oh you're so innocent!" I chuckled

"Well what do you count as fun?"

"You wouldn't like it, and you'd think I'm crazy."

"I won't... I promise." She pleads with those gorgeous hazel eyes

"Don't make promises you can't keep, princess."

"I would never hate you."

"Alright... let me show you something." I smirk

I grab her hand and she intertwines our fingers together and smiles. I look ahead of me and show her my wall in the back room. It has all the newspaper clippings of my case, and trial. Pictures of my mother, of my mug shot. Oh how I can't wait to rein terror on this town.

"I-is that- Did you-" She gasped

I turned to her and she backed away from me. I walked towards her only to have her back away. Luckily I have a table behind her. She stops and I grab her by the hips and sit her on the table.

"Do you hate me now?" I ask

"No." She answers as she looks down

I lift her chin up and ask again


"Then you're afraid."

"I'm only afraid of losing you." She says confidently

"That's stupid."

"Why? Because you're gonna go?"

"No because I'm not yours to keep. I'm a murder and I love the trill! You're too pure for this. You aren't cut out for my world. You don't belong there." I say harshly more to myself than her

"So what?"

"I don't have the patience nor want to stay away from you."

"I can't be with you. Not ever."

"Why not?"

"Because you just said you're a murder and you love it! That is not God's plan! What if something happens to you?! What if God has a different plan for you?"

"Would you quit it about your dumbass "God"! Jesus it's so fucking annoying! There is no God!" I snapped

"How could you say that?!" she shouted back

"Where was your precious God when I was alone? Where was this God of yours when I needed him the most?!" I shouted

She stood there shocked

"Do you think I asked to be this way?! No! I was pushed to insanity. No one ever apologized for making me this way, and no one most definitely told me "God" was looking out for me!" I was shaking of anger after that rant.

She slowly walked towards me as if, afraid I were to lash out on her... which was smart. She came up to me and hesitantly hugged me.

"I'm sorry... but I can't be with a killer." She whispered and I felt a tear on my chest

I looked down at her and pushed her off.

4 Months Later

"Goodnight Evangeline! See you tomorrow." Georgie smiled

"Bye Georgie."

I followed Evie everywhere she went when I wasn't working. We are everywhere now a days. The Maniax are making such good progress and I love it!

"Shit!" Evie cursed as she slipped on ice

I almost ran to help her but stopped myself. She wants nothing to do with me, so that's what I'm giving her.

"Hello?" She answers her phone

"On my way home."

I look before crossing the street. And continue following her

"No I'm not doing that. I told you I didn't want to."

"Kaleb I'm serious. I will kick your butt!"

She's still so innocent.

"Goodbye Kaleb. I'll see you at home." She says and hangs up.

I had to cross the street at this point, and made sure she didn't see me.

"Hey there pretty lady."

Who the fuck is that?!

"Hey! I'm talking to you bitch!" The guy snaps

I stop and was about to attack when I saw Evie sign to the man

Go to Hell!

"Oh this bitch is deaf. Which means she's mute, no one will hear her." The man smirked

Evie widened her eyes and was about to run when the man grabs her and throws her into the alley.

"Help! Please hel-"

I casually walk with my hoodie up and into the alley.

"mhmnosfnsdaidna" Evie muffles

"Keep it movin' little man."

"See I kinda can't. You're touching my girl." I make a face

"Yeah okay. You don't know my doll." The man snorted

"Evie baby. You might wanna close your eyes and ears." I smiled

The man let Evie go and came at me only for me to move out of the way and snap his neck from behind. Oh does that feel good! I couldn't help the smile on my face.


I looked at my sweet princess and smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh taking a walk..."

"Oh how lucky I am! Who knows what that man would have done to me if it weren't for you." She says and hugs me

I just pat her back twice and then move her away from me.

"You really don't like affection..."


"Okay, sorry." She giggles

"Let's get you home."

The walk to her house was short and I stopped in front of it and stared.

"How'd you know which one it was?"

"Because you stopped. Duh." Safe!

"Oh, hah duh! Well goodnight..." She chuckled nervously

"Evangeline..." I said after grabbing her hand.

She turned and looked at me. Oh how I missed those big hazel eyes

"Don't go."

"Don't let me." She whispered

I pulled her close and smashed my lips on hers, as gently as I could muster. Which probably wasn't gentle at all.

"I can't stay away anymore. I can't. I know you said you couldn't be with me... but please just try." I sighed in defeat

"Jerome..." she sighed

"No. Hear me out before you shut me out."

I could see her trying to keep it together and not run.

"Evangeline I like you. A lot and that has never happened to me. I do not have these feelings in me. Yet whenever you came around knocking on my door to see if I was okay... I was always at the door ready to open it. But I couldn't. I tried to stay away from you, I really did." I confessed

I saw the tears forming in her eyes and I hated being the cause of them.

"You're all I want. All I need Princess. I have never felt this way about anyone and I'm asking you, please.... just please stay with me. Just be with me, be you! But be you while you're with me."

"I-I - I don't know!" She cried

"Why not? Because of your God? Didn't you say he had a plan for me? What if his plan for me is you? What if our plans are meant to be done together? Our paths are meant to be crossed. Please baby girl. Be with me."

"I just need love baby. I need you to feel for me the way I feel for you. I need you to love me the way I know you do. I know you want to be with me as much as I need to be with you. You can't deny that! You know down in your heart that it's me and you in the end. I need you to be with me Evangeline." I pleaded

Never in my life, had I thought would I come to this. But I need this girl, and I don't understand why.

"Okay." She whispered


hi guys! Oh my gosh I' so sorry for the super late update! I was on a cruise last week and I was super busy! But I hope you guys liked this imagine! 

This imagine is dedicated to @CHANLH 

She requested this imagine so I thought hey! What a challenge. I hope this did me justice?? I don't know how to feel about it, I honestly didn't know where I was going with this. It just took a mind out its own and I was just typing.. hah but I hope its okay for you. If not let me know and I'll try and write a new one.

But anyway guys! I wanted to show a vulnerable side to our favorite psycho killer. I honestly like this Jerome, but not as much as I love my deranged Jerome! Haha let me know what you guys think in the comments! And please vote if you liked it. 

Goodnight babes!  


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