Homecoming Pt.4

By lov3_dontchang3

389K 19.6K 6.2K

The final chapter in the Homecoming Series.............. More

Homecoming Pt.4 Intro
Devin 1
Zyshaun 2
Marcus 3
Enzo 4
Khalil 5
Noah 6
Legacy 7
Khalil 8
Julius 9
Devin 10
Young Mon 11
Marcus 12
Blaze 13
Legacy 14
Devin 15
Marcus 16
Enzo 17
Zyshaun 18
Khalil 19
Iman 20
Noah 21
Devin 22
Zyshaun 23
Legacy 24
Marcus 25
Toussaint 26
Khalil 27
Marcus 28
Nico 29
Enzo 30
Devin 31
Blaze 32
Marcus 33
Legacy 34
Khalil 35
Zyshaun 36
Noah 37
Toussaint 38
Khalil 39
Dominique 40
Devin 41
Enzo 42
Noah 43
Zyshaun 44
Legacy 45
Toussaint 46
Marcus 47
Devin 48
Cadence 49
Tonya 50
Khalil 52
Sa'vion 53
Zyshaun 54
Dominique 55
Blaze 56
Toussaint 57
Noah 58
Marcus 59
Devin 60
Cam 61
Liberty 62
Enzo 63
Khalil 64
Zyshaun 65
Devin 66
Noah 67
Legacy 68
Toussaint 69
Cam 70
Sa'vion 71
Will 72
Dominique 73
Emilio 74
Alex 75
Devin 76
Khalil 77
Marcus 78
Khalil 79
Zyshaun 80
Mario 81
Toussaint 82
Enzo 83
Blaze 84
Devin 85
Marcus 86
Legacy 87
Iman 88
Cam 89
Noah 90
Marcus 91
Yuri 92
Khalil 93
Zyshaun 94
Devin 95
Toussaint 96
Dominique 97
Enzo 98
Alex 99
Cam 100
Dominique 101
Marsean 102
Marcus 103
Zyshaun 104
Cam 105
Khalil 106
Enzo 107
Devin 108
Toussaint 109
Legacy 110
Marcus 111
Noah 112
Khalil 113
Dominique 114
Emilio 115
Devin and Blaze 116
Mario 117
Yuri 118
Noah 119
Enzo 120
Blaze 121
Khalil 122
Zyshaun 123
Noah 124
Cam 125
Toussaint 126
Khalil 127
Zyshaun 128
Enzo 129
Marcus 130
Yuri 131
Noah 132
Legacy 133
Toussaint 134
Khalil 135
Epilogue 1: Mama Angela
Epilogue 2: Emilio, Vanessa & Justice
Epilogue 3: Sa'vion
Epilogue 4: Alex & Cadence
Epilogue 5: Yuri
Epilogue 6: Blaze
Epilogue 7: Dominique
Epilogue 8: Tonya and Marsean
Epilogue 9: Cam
Epilogue 10: Legacy
Epilogue 11: Zyshaun
Epilogue 12: Enzo
Epilogue 13: Devin
Epilogue 14: Marcus
Epilogue 15: Khalil
Spinoff Character Synopsis
Chapter 1: The Perfect Son
Chapter 2: The Forgotten Son
Chapter 3: Both Sides of the Fence
Chapter 4: The Man with the Plan
Chapter 5: The Boy with the Secret
Chapter 6: The Artist
Chapter 7: The One Who Got Away
Chapter 8: The Reunion
Chapter 9: The Man Who Would Be King
Chapter 10: The Father To Be?
Open Discussion

Mama Angela 51

2.2K 116 37
By lov3_dontchang3

The next couple days we're pretty peaceful, except for me having to cuss out this sexy as man who wanted to make me his fifth wife and Cadence and Tiana arguing over whose husband had the bigger dick and me being the peaceful woman that I was decided to be the judge the pictures I knew they had in their phones (Alex won by an inch and a half but Iran's dick was still impressive) other than that Morocco was a beautiful place I just wished we could've come here during the summer. We visited so many places, ate so much food and I think I may have found my African prince this sexy ass 26 year old, dark skinned dude with a dick the size of......... let me stop I already had enough to deal with juggling Dr. Roger Blackwell and Qwanell's sexy asses. I walked in my hotel room and check myself in the mirror, this trip was exactly what I needed after all the shyt I had to deal with back home. I got dressed and walked down to breakfast, it was our last night here and I wanted to go out with a bang........

"So ladies what's the plan for the night? I'm trying to go out and have a good ass time and possibly see Ebay's sexy ass again." I said dancing in my seat.

"Mama that is not that boys name....." Tiana said laughing and I winked in her direction, I knew his real name was Micah, but ever since I seen Thelma getting ready to marry Ebay on 'Good Times' I was convinced that every African's name was Ebay, and truthfully his name didn't matter because after this trip I was never going to see him again. Life is too damn short and I'm too damn old to be worrying about anything besides having fun.

"I just go to that club we went to the other night, that shyt was live as fuck and you know we'll get free drinks because they love Kaylis over here." Cadence said smiling but stopped as soon as Tia and Mireya walked out to join us. Ever since the fight they've been off doing their own thing, only showing up during breakfast and not really talking to anyone but each other.

"Even though we still have about seven months when we get back we need to start planning Camden's Welcome Home Party." Carmen said. Last night me, Carmen and Loretta stayed up talking about Cam's return knowing Khalil and Zyshaun would want to have something for him but we felt this was something we should handle.

"Cam's going to come back and everything is going to be so different, he's going to meet Dominique for the first time and he's going to have a new baby. I just hope he can handle it." Liberty said quietly rubbing her stomach.

"Oh your pregnant? I just thought......... never mind." Tia said and Mireya had a little smirk on her face. See with every letter that comes out their mouths I regret inviting them, see I was trying to be nice and include them into the group but it's comments like these that piss me off.

"You know what I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. It's our last day here and I want to enjoy myself, excuse me." Liberty said getting up and walking away. After Liberty left not too long after everyone else followed suit until it was just me left with Mireya and Tia, I got up and walked down to their end of the table and sat down.

"You know y'all aren't making any friends by running y'alls mouth every chance y'all get?" I asked looking at both of them.

"Look I have enough friends, besides I knew what it was the second I stepped on the plane y'all didn't want me there hell the ONLY reason I came on this trip is because Zyshaun asked me to start being more social with his family and given how I've been treated I see I just need to keep my distance." Mireya said.

"And only reason I was invited was because Enzo is sick and he if....... if he......." Tia struggled to get the rest out but I knew exactly what she was thinking. "He wants Ivanna and Lil' Enzo to still be able to come around."

"Y'all are both dumb as fuck........ Zyshaun only asked you to come because I asked him to invite you and Lorenzo wasn't even going to tell you about the trip until I threatened him, so they have nothing to do with why y'all are here. It was my idea because regardless if y'all want to admit it or not y'all are going to be forever connected to this family." I said looking at them.

"Be that as it may...... the last time I was around I got embarrassed by you. It's bad enough Tion's family hates me but it's even worse coming from Zyshaun's side because I did nothing to deserve being treated like that......" Mireya said.

"You were running your mouth and got dealt with...... and if you got offended by that then you need to toughen the fuck up. I read everyone, my own sons don't get spared from my wrath when I get going we all talk shyt to each other  but it's all in fun, y'all are doing it just to be Petty Betty's. Maybe if y'all but half as much effort into being nice as y'all did as being mean y'all would be included." I said quietly.

"I........ I'm just extremely guarded. My life hasn't exactly been easy." Mireya said quietly and Tia nodded.

"Girl you don't know the first thing about having a hard life, my mother Dorothy Dandridge had a hard life so you really can't complain about shyt. The fathers of your children are two of the sexiest men I've ever laid eyes on and they make sure you're well taken care of......." I said looking at Mireya. "And you...... little confused girl, I know your parents got money on top of money so your life couldn't have been that bad either."

"I'm not saying my life was hard I was just saying I find it strange that y'all only wanted to invite me around AFTER Enzo got diagnosed with cancer so I have to question y'alls motives." Tia said, I took a deep breath before continuing because in the back of my mind all I kept hearing was 'stiletto, pumps in the club......."

"You're right we should've reached out to y'all sooner but, better late than never. So here's what I proposing y'all apologize to everyone for acting like peasants and start acting like the queens y'all were born to be." I said getting up. "And if I hear y'all talking about ANY of my babies again...... well let's just say Laila Ali is my boxing coach." I said walking off.

After I sat everyone down for a woman to woman chat things were starting to look a lot better between them, except Tiana still hate Mireya but it wasn't as much. We decided to go to the Exotic Gardens of Rabat Sale before heading back to the hotel and getting some rest before going out tonight. We all met in the hotel lobby and I noticed Ebay standing by the front desk holding a large bouquet of flowers.

"You told me you were leaving tomorrow and I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful past couple nights......... you taught me things I never knew, I think I might be hooked." He said flashing me a pearly white smile.

"Yeah I'm heading back to the States tomorrow...... and it's me that should be thanking you, you were a good student and I warned you the night we met 'I got the Super Soaker Pussy." I said smiling. "But seriously I had a great time." I said, we stood there looking into each other's eyes until he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead.

"Stay beautiful...... inside and out." He said before walking away.

"I'm going to need you to teach me how to pull a man like that." Mireya said walking over to me.

"I charge $50 a lesson and if you want to learn how to read people to dust it's another $50, I already gave Tiana lessons and it's working wonders." I said glancing at Tiana. "Now go tell them to get over here so we can take a group picture." I said smiling. I had fun during this trip I got to see a fight, saw a lot of beautiful places, mended some relationships, got some of the best dick on this side of the Atlantic Ocean so for me this trip was a success but now I was ready to get back to Texas... but not before taking a short detour to Ohio to see my little boo thang Qwanell.................

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