Impossible love- a harry styl...

By Joharrisx

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Molly Boulton is a normal girl, living in Cheshire, England. Her life is as normal as anyone else's. That is... More

Chapter 1- mr styles
Chapter 2- private tutoring
Chapter 3- dreaming
Chapter 4- hiding
Chapter 6- not so secret admirers
Chapter 7- breaking
Chapter 8- more than friends
Chapter 9- goodnight kisses
Chapter 10- grandmas house
Chapter 11- harry and freddie
Chapter 12- christmas day
Chapter 13- boxing day
Chapter 14- regretting
Chapter 15- waking up
Chapter 16- niall's escape
Chapter 17- harry and molly
Chapter 18- free again!
Chapter 19- back to school
Chapter 20- love potion
Chapter 21- the truth
Chapter 22- love songs
Chapter 23- harry or finn?
Chapter 24- its not the potion...
Chapter 25- harry's songs
Chapter 26- visions
Chapter 27- going into town
Chapter 28- finn's question
Chapter 29- days before the disco
Chapter 30- does he know?
Chapter 31- the disco
Chpter 32- running away
Chapter 33- harry picks us up
Chapter 34- dan
Chapter 35- silence
Chapter 36- finding harry
Chapter 37- harry finds out
Chapter 38- the party
Chapter 39- the bridge
Chapter 40- the river
Chapter 41- back in time
Chapter 42- saving harry

Chapter 5- reality

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By Joharrisx

When I next wake, I am in the hospital. Josie is by my side.

"moll, are you okay?!" she screams, shaking me awake. She looks very concerned. "was it a bad dream?" she asks and I look around. These dreams are so damn confusing!

"erm- yeah, I guess" I come back to my senses. My skin is clammy and I am sweating so much I could be having a bath in my own sweat.

"you just started screaming I think you said something about someone called harry. You said 'Harry' 3 times, then you said 'come on, Harry, we've go to go' then you said 'I love you harry and I'm so sorry for what happened on sunday' then there was a lot of screaming and you woke up"

"oh" is all I can say. She heard me. Could she hear everything I said.

"who's Harry?" she asks and I roll my eyes.

"no one"


"no one! I just said!"

"well he must be someone!"

"well he isn't someone"

"wait, that's mr styles name, Harry, isn't it?" she figures it out finally. This isn't good. Why the hell do I even have dreams about mr styles?

"no it isn't" I lie and she smirks at me.

"yes it is, you told me and I've seen you call him Harry before" great! So now she knows I fancy my chemistry/biology teacher!

"grrrrr" I growl at her and she laughs.

"I told you! Molly, do you fancy mr styles or 'your harry'" she laughs. She knows me too well.

"go away" I say. This is all I need when I'm 'trying to get better'. However, all I really think about is Harry so I guess it would be good if she stayed so I would stop thinking about him.

"fine! I'll go tell your mum you fancy your teacher!" she jokes and I put my head under the covers.

"I've had dreams like this before so I think she already knows" I groan, letting my head sink into the pillow. It smells weird, just like everything else in this place.

"ahahaha" she says and walks out of the room, closing the door. I hear her talking to someone before walking off.

I am left alone for the rest of the day to think to myself. I don't dare go to sleep just incase the dreams come back. Instead I just lay here, drowning in my own thoughts. In the after noon the nurse comes in and says I can go home at 6pm tonight. She's getting my mum to sign the discharge papers now.

"hello, darling" my mums familiar voice can be heard as she opens the curtain around my bed. I see that she's plaited her hair and it looks quite nice actually.

"what have you done to your hair?" I ask "and where have you been all day?" that's a point. Where has she been all day? I mean, she didn't come into my room this morning when I was screaming. I'm surprised someone hasn't told her!

"well, I slept over at johns house and went to my friend's wild west wedding. That's why I'm dressed like this" she twirls around, showing off her dungarees and straw hat, Honestly. And, by the way, john is my mums boyfriend.

"oh, hello john, darling" just as I am thinking about him, here he comes, marching through the door and embracing my mum by giving her a big slobbery snog.

"ewewew! Mum...." I sigh, covering my eyes with the bedsheets. She breaks from her kiss and laughs. John has sandy blonde hair and really light blue eyes that are actually quite pretty. He is tanned and looks very good with no top on. My mum should know.

"someday you'll have a man... Just like my Jon Jon" she teases, playing with john's tie. He pretends to be a tiger and growls. I throw my head in my hands. Why me?? do anyone else's parents do that?

"just go... Please..." I breath, pointing towards the door.

"come on, jonjon, let's go home" she says, pulling John out of the room by his tie. I cringe. Why is my mum so embarrassing?! I bet they're snogging right now and the nurse will come into the room and-

"is that your mother snogging that man outside?" damn it. How could my thoughts just come true like that?! I shake my head and walk over, peering my head through the door.

"nope! I have no Idea who this woman is!" I make sure I emphasise the words at the end so my mum can hear. She looks around, seeing me standing in the doorway, and breaks from the snog. John looks exasperated. I mouth the word 'why?' at my mum and she turns back to John. Slowly, they both amble away and out of the door.


I have waited all day to get out of hospital, and here I am. My mum signs the last paper and I jump up out of my seat. I'm free at last! I scream, the whole hospital stops what they're doing and stares at me, thinking what the hell I am doing. I honestly don't care though, cause I don't have to bear this any more. I'll be back in my own bed!

I get in the car and close the door, turning the radio on. Some songs and some speaking but I'm too happy to Care. My mum laughs and so do I, until I see John growling in the back seat. He really likes impersonating tigers! ...or maybe it's something else... Okay! Okay! Getting that thought out of my head!

We finally arrive home after dropping off John. I run into the house and into my room on the right, launching myself onto my bed and hugging my favourite blanket: cuddles. My little dog, dobby, notices that I'm back and comes up onto the bedd too, licking my face. I laugh and give him hug. I hear my mums voice from behind the door.

"he's been missing you, Molly. He was crying all week!". She laughs, coming into the room and sitting next to me and dobby.

"love you, mum" I say, my hands wrapping around her in a big, warm hug.

"awww, you too, mol" she returns, kissing my forehead. She pats my head and gets up.

"I'll start making tea, pizza and chips!" hmmmm my favourite!


It's 7pm Now and I ate all my pizza and chips. Funnily enough, I think I'm developing a cold because I feel really cold and my nose keeps running. now im sitting in the sitting room. i grab the remote control and turn on the tv, looking on whats on. i search through the channels for about ten minutes before deciding theres nothing i want to watch.

"come on, molly, you should go to bed early tonight wile youre still getting better" my mum comes into te room, seeing me lying on the couch, my tired head resting on a cushion. i groan ad sit up wile se sits down next to me. i give her a quick hug before she ushers me to bed, following me to my room to tuck me in.

"ill see you in the morning, molly. now go to sleep" she says softly, kissing my forehead and tucking me in with cuddles. she gets up off my bed and walks towards the door, turning the light off and closing the door.


That's it. I've had enough! These dreams are driving me insane! I don't wake up screaming this time but terror engulfs me still. I'm sweating and I can't get the image out of my head. Again, Harry is dying. It happens every time. Why?! Is this normal?

We were in town, me and Harry. Just browsing through the shops and stuff like people do. It was all going fine. We were going to go go into a shop and harry bent down to kiss me and then I saw him. Right behind Harry, a big man with dark, greying hair and a bushy beard. He had a knife in his hands. He raised it up behind Harrys head and I screamed, grabbing him and shoving him down. However, it wasn't enough. As in every dream, the man stabbed him and he lay on the floor. Then the man came over me, throwing the knife into my heart. Great! Just great Molly! Let's dream about people being killed all the time! Yay! Yeah....

Its about 3 o'clock in the morning, and I'm definitely too scared to go to bed again so I pull out my iPad and go on facebook. I have a friend request. Harry styles. My heart lurches. Why does he want to be friends with me? I click on his profile picture and it's got him and these other 4 guys with him. They all have brown hair apart from one who has blonde. I click on the tag button. Nialls the blonde one, harrys next, then someone called zayn, Louis and Liam. I guess they must be harry's friends. I click accept and look at my notifications. I have 5.

"Harry styles commented on your picture 'lol'"

There are others as well. Seems he's online.

*hey Molly, why are you up this late* a message from Harry comes through and click on it to reply.

*what about you why are you up so late?* I reply, not sending any kisses because that would be weird.

*well, I can't get to sleep so I'm just doing some marking and going on Facebook. You?* he asks. Seems to be in the same situation as me then.

*I can't get to sleep either so I'm just like going randomly on Facebook* I reply, wondering why the hell out of all the people he'd wanna text me.


*I thought you hated me for 'not being grateful'* I reply, wishing I hadn't said that now because he won't reply or something.

*thanks for bringing that up but I was telling the truth, you aren't grateful* now, that's what makes me angry.

*I was just saying and I am grateful it's just that if you hadn't if got my number and LIED then maybe I wouldn't be in this mess*

*well, maybe I shouldn't of taken you to the hospital then!*

*well, maybe I should of told mrs whitely about you!*

*well, that's it! If you're going to be like that there's no point in even trying to be friends*

*yeah well I never said we were gonna be friends! I mean, you're my teacher! This was all your idea!*

*well bye then*

When in next look at my notifications it says. 'Harry has deleted you as a friend'. Well good then! I slam my iPad down on the floor as tears stream down my face. That's it! I'm not being friends with my chemistry teacher! Why am I crying if I hate him? I really need to stop fancying him. I fall down onto my pillow and pull the covers over my head. I cry myself to sleep.


Tuesday. Amazing! My mum comes into my room to see how I am. My face is still red from last night. I sigh and wash it off while my mum goes to make me a hot chocolate. I put on a fresh layer of makeup and walk into the Lounge were a mug of hot chocolate is sat on the table. At least it's half term so I won't have to bear Harry and my form again. I'm still in my pyjamas but I have a feeling I won't be doing much today. I slouch onto the couch and lay my head on a cushion, looking at my iPad. I delete all of last nights conversation with Harry and his number from my phone. After this I put my iPad down and drink my hot chocolate, letting the creamy, chocolatey liquid ooze down my throat. My mum seems to be having a conversation on the phone so I walk to the door an listen through the keyhole. I hear something about me and someone called Oliver and william. Oh no..... Not them!

"Molly!" my mum shouts, opening the door and seeing me crouched by the keyhole. "Molly.... " I get up and give a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Molly I was going to say that I have to go out later, working the night shift and I've asked Emily and Josie and they can't so you're sleeping over at William and oliver's" she smiles sweetly at me and my mouth drops open. I am having a sleepover at William and oliver's?! This could be the worst night of my life! I used to go out with Oliver and William is his brother. They're my mums friends and I go to random family parties with them.

"mol, I'll drive you down about 5 o'clock okay?" she says calmly and I feel a shiver of terror run down my spine. What will they do to me?! I can only imagine...

The rest of the day I spend in my room playing on my iPad and phone. That's until my mum comes in at 4pm.

"mol, can you get ready now, I'll drive you down in half an hour" I nod at my mum and she goes out of my room, closing the door. I sigh and walk over to my closet, Raking my hands over the clothes.

"what shall I wear?" I mumble to myself, picking out some jeans and a t-shirt. That'll do. It's quite funny I'm still in pyjamas and I have been all day. I squeeze my legs into the jeans and sling on the t-shirt, slumping back on the bed with my hair brush, tugging it through my hair. I haven't brushed my hair yet so it's all knotty and stuff. I put on new mascara and lip gloss and go into the living room. It's now 4.17pm.

"that didn't take long, Molly" she seems surprised as I slip into my converse and throw on my jack wills hoodie.

"let's just get this over and done with" I grumble, opening the door.

"it's a bit early, mol. I didn't think you wanted to go" she says happily, standing up off the sofa.

"I don't" I say to myself, too quiet for my mum to hear. She follows me into the car, opening the door with the keys and sitting in the other side. I sit inside, turning up the radio so I don't have to talk to anyone because I'm in a bad mood. Not just with my mum for making me going to William and oliver's but with Harry too. I can't believe he hasn't said sorry for almost killing me...

"are you okay, Molly?"

No?! What do you think? I want to say to her but if she knew she would either be very cross or call the police and, however much I hate Harry, I can't get him caught by the police cause I'd never have a chance and I couldn't do that.

"eh? What's happened?" she nudges my leg but I turn away, gazing out of the window at the darkening sky. I look at the date.

29th november. That means this half term is very late on in the term and it's only 2 days till December! Were getting our christmas tree on Saturday.

My mum doesn't attempt to talk to me for the rest of the journey and I don't talk to her. I turn the radio off after a while and we just sit in an awkward silence til we turn into their drive.

"I'll see you later, mol" she waves goodbye and I grunt, giving a little sarcastic wave back. Now I'm stranded with William and Oliver and their 9 year old brother, Edward. I sigh and edge towards the door, nervously knocking on it. A friendly, red headed woman opens the door, smiling at me and letting me in.

"hello, Molly" she laughs as I enter the house, seeing William and Oliver standing right in front of me. Oh no! Here goes...

"erm, hi" I hesitate, feeling a bit self conscious cause everyone is just staring at me.

"you'll be sleeping up here" says Tessa, William and oliver's mum. I follow her up to a small room with a bed in the corner and blue Walls with Pokemon cards stuck on the sides.

"this is oliver's room but he's sleeping in William and eddie's room tonight" she states. Thank god I don't have to share a room with them... Good job I brought my iPad with me!

"I hope you're comfortable here, tea's in an hour" she smiles and I nod, smiling back. Its Good that at least I have one female in the house. She leaves, closing the door shut behind her. I turn my iPad on and look on Facebook. No notifications. I frown. For some unknown reason I kinda wish Harry would friend request me again. Or at least text me or call me. But no, he really does hate me and I've gone along with his stupid game the whole time. Well, maybe not a game but him wanting us 'to be friend's would never work... Teachers and students just can be friends, it's just not right.


"erm, hello? Molly?" a rough, slight scouse accent can be heard through my door.

"william..." I sigh as he enters my room, closing the door behind him, his brown hair all spiked up and his brown eyes staring at me sitting on the bed.

"what do you want?" I say angrilly, not even looking at him.

"I just came to say hi"

"erm... Hi?" I reply. This is a bit awkward. Why did he even come in here anyway?

"what you doing?" he asks, taking a seat next to me on the bed. I raise my eyebrows and show him my iPad. I am just bored so I'm scrolling through my news feed on Facebook. He nods and moves closer to me. I don't move away because I don't want to make things awkward. Instead, I just stay here, letting William keep moving closer to me. I turn to him now and he's leaning in. Oh no!

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