Impossible love- a harry styl...

Von Joharrisx

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Molly Boulton is a normal girl, living in Cheshire, England. Her life is as normal as anyone else's. That is... Mehr

Chapter 1- mr styles
Chapter 3- dreaming
Chapter 4- hiding
Chapter 5- reality
Chapter 6- not so secret admirers
Chapter 7- breaking
Chapter 8- more than friends
Chapter 9- goodnight kisses
Chapter 10- grandmas house
Chapter 11- harry and freddie
Chapter 12- christmas day
Chapter 13- boxing day
Chapter 14- regretting
Chapter 15- waking up
Chapter 16- niall's escape
Chapter 17- harry and molly
Chapter 18- free again!
Chapter 19- back to school
Chapter 20- love potion
Chapter 21- the truth
Chapter 22- love songs
Chapter 23- harry or finn?
Chapter 24- its not the potion...
Chapter 25- harry's songs
Chapter 26- visions
Chapter 27- going into town
Chapter 28- finn's question
Chapter 29- days before the disco
Chapter 30- does he know?
Chapter 31- the disco
Chpter 32- running away
Chapter 33- harry picks us up
Chapter 34- dan
Chapter 35- silence
Chapter 36- finding harry
Chapter 37- harry finds out
Chapter 38- the party
Chapter 39- the bridge
Chapter 40- the river
Chapter 41- back in time
Chapter 42- saving harry

Chapter 2- private tutoring

242 4 1
Von Joharrisx

The next day, I wake up after having heavenly dreams of mr styles. I closed my eyes and instantly, he was there, walking towards me, the breeze pushing his floppy fringe into a quiff. It was perfect. I was sitting on a bench in the park, there was not a cloud in the sky. Birds were tweeting and the sun was beaming down on me. He came over, sitting next to me on the bench and just sitting there for a second before gently stroking a piece of blondey-brown hair out of my eyes. I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before he leant down and kissed me. It was the most perfect moment for it and I loved it so much. Now I am going to be dreaming for the next few hours until school starts and I see mr styles, then I will just think purely of him. I dance in my room, slowly putting clothes on. Dressing yourself while dancing is harder than you think. I nearly fall over putting my skirt on and my shirt gets stuck on my head, making me bang into the edge of my chest of draws and really hurt my side. Ouch. That does actually really hurt. I look at my injury once my shirt is on properly. There is a massive red mark where I banged into the draws and I am almost certain is going to bruise. Suddenly I hear my mum shouting from the kitchen.

"Molly, what's that crashing coming from your room? What are you doing in there?" she questions. Ahah, she must've heard me banging into my draws.

"nothing mum, I'm fine" I lie, checking my side again before pulling my shirt down, hiding the injury so I can go and eat breakfast.

I eat my cornflakes and drink some orange juice. Then there is a knock on the door. That must be Emily and James coming to pick me up to go to the bus stop. I slowly get up, my eyes still half closed because I only just got up half an our ago and I haven't fully woken up yet. I leave my mum to answer the door as I gather my bags and stagger towards the door. I'm only tired because I was up all night texting Josie about mr styles or Harry. I tell my mum it's cause I was feeling ill but I think she knows its not that because my ipad and phone were in my room all night. Shes spotted me on my phone late before so I don't think she would really believe me this Time either. Thankfully, she doesnt say anything, but gives me a suspicious glare, not really believing what i said. i walk past her and she shuts the door. I follow emily to her car and i hop in, sitting next to james, at the back.

i pull the car door closed and put my bag under my seat, away from james, who is staring out of the window, not looking once at me. I wonder whats wrong with him? he doesnt even turn when i say his name. Emily sees me trying to grab james' attention and turns around, whispering in my ear.

"james is a bit upset today because his dog died just last night" she whispers and i look over to james. i hear him sniff and i frown, not saying anything because i dont want to upset him. he must be pretty sad. i know i would be if dobby, my dog, died. i wouldnt be able to live another day without him. i want to say sorry to james for his dog dying but i decide against it, thinking itll only make him cry more, which i really dont want him to.

eventually, we reach the bus stop and we get out. josie is already there, playing on her phone, her massive coat wrapped around her. her brown hair is a little messed up because of the wind and she locks her eyes on us getting out of the car, putting her phone away and waving to me. i think she notices james' sadness as well because she frowns and points at james, shouting something to me and emily. I beckon for her to come over here but she just responds with an annoying "what?" so I run over to her, my massive bag Jiggling around my waist.

"whats up with James?" she asks as I roll my eyes. I whisper it a first time and she doesn't hear me. I'm getting slightly annoyed now.

"I'll tell you later" I say but she pleads for me to tell her.

"fine" I give in and tell her about James. She says ohhhh at the end and looks over to james who is standing by a lamppost, crying. Poor James. I would go over and hug him but, you know, might look weird. However, seeing him there, crying, I'm almost in tears myself so I go over to him and give him a big hug. So much for a favour! As soon as I hug him he tells me to go away and now I feel really embarrassed cause everyone is looking at me. Oh well.

The bus arrives and I get on after Josie, who steals the seat at the back in the corner. I sit next to her and ask her to do my life story about me getting with mr styles, or, as mr styles told me to call him, Harry. It ends up with me getting married to him which, for some reason, I don't think thats going to happen. Even if we did dance on tables and sing free fallin', mr styles is only a crush and I will never in a million years want to actually go out with him, as he is my teacher. I gotta admit, he is gorgeous though.....

Nothing much happens on the bus, apart from the year sevens near us at the back that micy was chatting up. Kiya tried to sit next to Josie but she wouldn't move and he got really mad and ended up flipping over the seat next to zac because he wouldn't let him get in. Also, when we went over a roundabout, the back of the coach ( the boot sort of thing ) popped open and everyone started shouting. We had to stop in the middle of a really busy road and the bus driver got out and closed the boot. After that, me and Josie and micy put our heads up out of the back window and micy put her face against the window and started snogging it! Which was sort of weird. I don't think she meant to...

When we finally get to school, I am laughing like crazy over a trifle tower, which is this joke me and Josie made up about my deformed Eiffel tower and how a trifle leans over like my Eiffel tower. It's pretty crazy. It's almost time for the bell to go so I quickly run into my form room, bumping into françoirs on the way, who laughs at me running down the corridor, again, my bag is jiggling, driving me insane because it's so big.

When I get into my form room, there is someone in front of me. Mr styles. He's even more gorgeous than he was yesterday.... I gaze into his deep, jade green eyes and he smiles. I smile back. He hands me a book that seems to have my name on it.

"you left this in detention yesterday" he tries to say Solemly but I can see that cheeky smile creeping up on his face. I gently grab the book and shove it in my bag, looking back to him.

"I have to go now" he says and I sigh. "I'll see you 4th lesson" and he winks at me subtly so the form won't see. I bet they've been fawning over him for the last however long he was in here. However, he came to see me. Me! I guess it was only about my book though. Also, he winked at me. Only softly but I know it was at me. I mean, who else could it have been at? He's only been at this school one or two days anyway. I try to forget about mr styles as I sit in my seat, but he keeps coming in, invading my thoughts. I can't concentrate in registration because of him and it's really embarrassing because I miss my name in the register and mr young has to shout at me about five times before I actually hear.

After registration, the next lesson is maths, which is great! One reason because I'm absolutely amazing at it and two, because it's my favourite subject! Who am I kidding? I hate maths.... I roll my eyes as I stumble into the classroom, an impossible sum already on the board for us to 'ponder over'. I slump into my seat next to this dead nerdy girl called fiona, who looks down at me, slumped in my seat. She has those awful roundish glasses that you get in the 70s that are like so thick I don't even get how she can actually see through them. I mean, if you need glasses, at least get cool ones, not ones that will almost definitely get you bullied within the first five seconds of you stepping through the school gates. She also has bright ginger hair and loads of freckles. I smirk at her when she sits up straight and puts her hand up, answering the impossible question with a series of powers and other complicated stuff that I can't be bothered to understand. Our teacher, mr Marley, Is Irish and quite funny, making jokes that people don't really understand. Irish jokes maybe? He says it's time for a mental maths test and he gets some girls to hand out pieces of paper because, knowing mr Marley, he's probably scared we'll cheat if we do it in our books. I was like, calm down mr Marley, it's only a mental maths test.

I am given my piece of paper and am told to write the numbers one to twenty on it. I do as he asks and he says some boring stuff about the test and not cheating blah blah blah... After wasting half of the lesson, mr Marley finally asks us the first question. 399-101 I mean seriously, we're at a grammar school. I know I said I was rubbish at maths but this is just plain easy. Even for me! I can see everyone's hands as they try to count on their fingers to get the right answer. For some reason, I don't think counting on your fingers is really going to help with a question with numbers over 100... Nerd girl has already written down the answer so I glance over at her paper. However, before I can snatch the answer without putting a little effort in working it out, she covers it, seeing me peering over her work. Now I'll have to work it out myself! I do a load of working and scribbling on my page and finally get the answer without using my hands! We used to do harder stuff than this in primary school.

I eventually finish the test and mr Marley collects in our test papers while we all talk. Before the papers are fully collected in, the bell goes and, despite the teachers helpless call to stay where we were, everyone crowds out of the classroom to their second lesson.

I bump into Josie on the way to French. She smiles at me and I tell her quickly, not to tell anyone about the mr styles colada. She nods her head and I quickly loose her in the crowd. I have to go to the other end of the school for french, for which we have mr mac. I quickly run in, first to sit in my seat. I beat annabel again! Yesssss! She rushes in after me and groans in defeat, narrowing her eyes down and staring at me before turning away to talk to Lucy Phillips, who is on the other side of her. French goes quite quickly. I pass the time by doodling in my rough book while mr mac tries to get us to repeat words after him. However, no one does and he has to try lots of things to get us to. In the end he gives up and let's us talk for the next ten minutes. I don't talk to anyone about anything. I just sit here in my seat doodling 'harry' all over my work.

Soon the bell goes and, again, I get my friends to carry my massive bag to Latin, which is next. Annabel groans as she lifts up my titanic bag, slinging it over her shoulder and marching away down the corridor to our form room. I literally run to Josie's form room and, thankfully, she is there with micy, isabelle, sarita and Heather, all talking, I think about mr styles. I but in on their convocation by tapping on Josie and micys shoulders, ushering for them to come with me.

"wait a second" Isabelle annoyingly grabs my arm "you can't just talk to micy and Josie all break, that's being mean on me, Heather and sarita" she says and I roll my eyes, breaking her arm off of me. I Don't look at her again, quickly shoving the reluctant jo and micy out of their form room. Isabelle runs after me, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Molly, please" she says, dragging me away.

"it's okay, Isabelle, Molly just wants to tell us what happened on the bus last night when we weren't on it" micy saves my life, saying that for me. Isabelle frowns. She looks like she's going to say something, but she doesn't. Instead, she turns on her heel and storms off, slamming her form room door as she does so. Heather and sarita follow.

After all that, the bell goes! I growl and head to my Latin room, after giving Josie and micy a hug each. Even if I don't feel in the mood for hugs, I still like to give them out. I march up the stairs and across the hall, opening the door and stepping inside the Latin room. I sit next to annabel, who has my bag on my seat. I thank her and remove my bag from the seat and onto the floor. It takes a while for mrs conway to arrive, so we make paper aeroplanes, shooting them across the room like darts. The door opens and I shoot an aeroplane across the room, hitting the figure in the doorway. That figure is mrs Conway. Instantly, she is fuming and I am not laughing anymore. She marches over to me and I can almost see the steam coming from out of her nostrils and ears. She doesn't even say anything, just caresses the part of her cheek that the plane hit. Her cold, blue eyes twist through me like knives, and I try to look away. However, mrs Conway just grabs a test and hands it to me, a smirk on her face. This one says 'GCSE' While everyone else's says 'year 8'. Now, how mean is that?! She laughs evilly and tells everyone to start. Annabel whispers to me that her ones hard. Well! She should see mine! A bunch of random letters jumbled up to make a 'word'. Honestly, I don't even think I'm gonna get even 1% on this test! I work, slowly, through the questions, making sure to answer every one with something, even if I had no idea whatsoever what the question means. This, I think, will work out, and, at the end, I hand in my test paper, just glad to get it fully over and done with.

Next is biology, With mr styles. I stumble to b15 with the rest of my class. I see mr styles at his desk with his massive folder. His head is over his work but he looks up as I walk past. I look at him too and he smiles at me as I sit down at my seat on the front bench. He doesn't stop looking at me as he stands up and points to the board, displaying something about vertebrates and invertebrates. I giggle into my pencil case when I see the slight stain from the acid that we spilt yesterday. It's hardly visible but I can see they're the same pair of trousers by the little, White dot on the back where the acid splashed. Annabel asks me what I'm laughing at but I shake my head and look back to mr styles, who is writing the learning objective on the board. Today, he's combed his curly, brown hair into a quiff and it's all bouncing around his neck as he jumps up to try and rub the whiteboard right at the top. He is so adorable when he does this and, quietly, I sneak out a little 'awww'. I think annabel hears me again though because she looks over to me.

"Molly, I know this sounds really weird, but honestly, do you fancy mr styles?" she asks quietly and I shake my head.

"I'm just a little edgy, that's all. After all, it's my time of the month" I lie. It's not actually 'my time of the month' but I'm just saying that so she doesn't think I fancy him even though she still probably does.

"Molly, please could you stop talking?" says mr styles solemnly, his back to me. I can tell he's smiling behind the board though. I snigger and just watch him drawing. He is absolutely hopeless. Is it wrong to have a crush on a teacher? Normally, I would never ever fancy a teacher, but, mr styles.... Well, you know, how could you not fancy mr styles! I mean, he's gorgeous! When he backs away from the board, I see a failed drawing of a cow and a bee. The cow is meant to be the vertebrate and the bee, the invertebrate. He points to them and does a load of random talking, looking at me sometimes as I gaze at him, intently. He finishes talking and hands out work sheets to everyone, coming to me last. I smile at him and he laughs as I do a funny hum of what we both sung yesterday. However, annabel looks confused as she sees mr styles laugh and he notices her. Quickly, he clears his throat and moves on, turning his back on me and trudges towards his desk.

The worksheet is pretty easy. It tells us to copy a vertebrate and invertebrate tree but we have to fill in the words. Annabel tries to talk to me but I don't listen to her. I'm just gazing at mr styles as, I think, he reads a book. It's says not he front that it's called 'although people die, love survives'. That's weird I've read that book! And it's about the walking dead which is this tv program I watch! Does he like walking dead?! That would be another thing we'd have in common. Soon the bell rings for lunch and everyone crowds out of the class room. Apart from me. And annabel. I tell her I need help and I'm asking mr styles so she waits outside the classroom for me. I slowly walk over to his desk where he is crouched over it, writing something down.

"what is it Molly?" he asks, looking up from his work. A small smile plays on his lips.

"well, I was wondering if you could help me with something" I ask, secretly hoping he'll give me extra tutoring because I flunked last terms biology test. He nods his head and I look down, thinking of what I'm going to say.

"erm, well, I was wondering if you could, please, help me with my biology because I did absolutely rubbish in my last one?" I plead, biting my lip. I wonder if annabel is watching all this. I look across and find her staring through the window at me and mr styles. She deosnt seem that interested though, because, every five seconds she looks down to check her phone, looking at the time. She mouths 'hurry up' at m through the glass. I ignore her and wait for mr styles to reply.

"yes, of course, Molly. Ahhh! I can see you only got 28% in your last test" he says and I could literally jump in the air I'm so happy!

"you can come to me every lunch time and I can help you until you get it. Is that alright or do you do clubs or anything?" he says. Every lunchtime?! Wow! Every lunchtime spent with gorgeous mr styles doing biology. Ahah these few weeks or months or however long it'll be will be apsolute heaven!

"do you want to start today or tomorrow, Molly?" he says, closing his folder, his green eyes focusing on me.

"today.... If you don't mind, that is" I say, picking at my nails and looking at the floor. This is so awkward.

"no, of course I don't mind. I'm happy to help" a big grin spreads across his face and I smile at him. He strolls over to the cupboard pulling out a big folder named 'biology'. He sets it on my desk and gestures for me to come over to him.

"what are we doing first, mr styles?" I ask and he frowns at me.

"I thought I said you could call me Harry?" he laughs and I cringe. It's weird calling a teacher by their first name.

"why do you want me to call you Harry, even though you're my teacher plus you've only known me for one day?" I ask him, purely out of curiosity. Normally, you would never find out a teachers name, unless you stalked one or heard them say it, and here is mr styles, telling me that I can call him Harry when he's only known me for two days now.

"well, that's a good question actually, I guess, being at college, I am used to people calling me Harry. I kinda feel all weird and uncomfortable when kids call me 'mr styles' cause it means I don't have a close relationship with them. But please, don't tell any other teachers... Or children for that matter, that you call me Harry. Please. Or I'll get really told off by mrs Whitley" he pleads, answering my question.

"how old are you?" I ask, feeling now a bit stupid for asking that about a teacher. However, he gives me the answer without hesitation.

"18" he replies and I gasp.

"18?! Can you even be a teacher at that age?" I say, a little too loud. I look outside to check if Annabel's still there, but she seems to have gone off somewhere. She could have let me know!

"well, I'm doing a year here to train to become a teacher and then I'm doing a course at uni" he says as I admire his amazing face, smiling up at me, his dimples showing. That makes more sense.

"I was gonna say! Where you going to uni? Do you know yet?" I ask a number of questions, pressing them at mr- I mean, harry. He laughs and plays with his pencil while looking up at me from his desk.

"you ask loads of questions." he tells the truth and I feel really embarrassed now. A large grin spreads across his face. "and I'm going to London imperial college to do a teacher training course, as I already said before" I start to say something but he interrupts me.

"now, come on, Molly, let's stop asking questions and get on with the work." i cringe and nod, sitting back down in my seat. He carries his biology folder over to my desk and I get comfy in my seat as mr styles stands in front me.

"now, well start with reproduction. Plants first, then animals" he says smoothly, smirking as the words pour out of his lips. I can kind of tell why he's smirking. I guess he's still a young teenaged boy, doing a course.

"ok" I nod and he raises his eyebrows. Surprised, I think, that I haven't burst out laughing at the word 'reproduction'. Oh, boys. How is Harry ever going to be a biology teacher If he smirks at the word 'reproduction' I mean, seriously.

"now, lets start with the basics" he says, turning to a page in the folder. I look Down to see a diagram of a flower.

Surprisingly, Harry actually does quite a good job of teaching me. We have a good laugh too and I read him this weird story I made up called the 'bob story' that I made up in year 6. It's actually quite good fun. Funnily enough, we don't hear the bell and carry on talking when registration is happening. He's telling me about where he lives and where I live and stuff and it's really interesting to know this. It's really awkward though when we realise that the whole of Harrys next class of year 10s is in our classroom and one of them nudges Harry int the shoulder, urging him to start. Harry clears his throat, looking confused. He looks at the clock. 2:10pm. Oh no! I say goodbye to Harry and he says bye too, handing me my bag and ushering me out of the classroom. I see him sigh when I get out and I quickly run to my next lesson. Double tech.

In tech, everyone keeps asking why I have missed registration lately quite a lot. I want to say it's cause me and mr styles are so close, but I know that it will go around the whole school that I fancy him and i Really don't want that so I just say it's cause I keep needing the toilet, as I said, because it's 'my time of the month'. We all cook lasagne and mine totally fails because I drop it when I take it's out of the oven because my hands accidentally touch the metal and i send it flying, right into mrs cambourne-paynters face. I can see she is mad. In fact, more than mad, fuming. That's the second teacher I've managed to make so angry at me that they start marching around the classroom, lecturing everyone. The rest of the lesson I am made to go to mrs Whitley's office for throwing boiling hot lasagne in my teacher's face. Mrs CP has to go to A and E and now I feel dead bad.

I get on the bus, only to find, again there's no seats. Just to end a perfect day, yeah.


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