My High School Sweetheart

By samantha1303

545 40 56


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:P.O.V (point of view)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: P.O.V.
Chapter 8: P.O.V.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: P.O.V
Chapter 11: P.O.V.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: P.O.V
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: P.O.V
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: P.O.V
Chapter 19: P.O.V.
Chapter 20:P.O.V
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: P.O.V.
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: P.O.V.
Chapter 25: P.O.V.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: P.O.V.
Chapter 29: P.O.V.
Chapter 30: P.O.V.

Chapter 1

89 6 5
By samantha1303

          It was a bright and sunny morning when Kiera had awoken. The day she had been dreading for at least a month has finally come: THE FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL DUN, DUN, DUN!
"Five more minutes....." Kiera mumbled as her alarm went off."WAKE UP KIERA, WAKE UP!" Kiera's little 12 year old brother Jacob shouted." OK I'm up, you happy now?" Kiera said."Yup!" Jacob responded."Ugh!" Kiera exclaimed.
Kiera finally got up and started with a quick shower.For the first day of school she decided to ware a long sleeved black crop top, a plain white beanie, some light blue jeans,and a pair burgundy converse. As for hair she just straightened it a bit and brushed it out. For makeup she just covered up all the blemishes, applied some nude glittery eyeshadow, some mascara, and some chapstick to finish.
As soon as breakfast was done, Kiera and Jacob got to the bus just on time at around 7:30 am." You nervous?" Kiera asked her brother. "Heck yeah I am, what about you?" Jacob said." Um, well now that I really think about it, I kind of am." Kiera answered. "Oh looks like my stop is here, bye Kiera." Jacob said." K good luck kid!" Kiera shouted. "You too!" Jacob shouted back.
Once the bus got to the high school, Kiera gritted her teeth, her heart felt like it was about to burst, and her palms were sweaty. "It's ok Kiera you can do this" Kiera took a deep breath and finally got up from her seat.

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