His Playboy Ways

By Bookworm_Tina

2.4M 43K 14.3K

"Please don't leave." he pleaded. His once arrogant, obnoxious, confident gaze looked so vulnerable, helpless... More

A New Beginning
Hello California
Mr Cocky Jerk
A Sweet Gesture
Changing Rooms and an Old Friend
Mason Behaving Badly
Getting Even
An End of a Growing Friendship?
A Charitable Event
My Childhood Bestie
Deals and Bets
Carly in the Club
From Makeover to Boyfriend
Disaster Date
Down Memory Lane
** Authors Note**
Operation Breakup Part 1
Operation Breakup Part 2
Coming Clean
Back To His Playboy Ways
Daddy Mason and Mommy Carly
Too Many Doses of Drama
You're Not Alone
Pokerfaced Playboy
Something Like Déjà vu
Secrets out of the Turkey
Why So Distant Mr Playboy?
Hangovers, Shopping and A Surprise
The Playboy's Game
Standing As Strangers
The Breaking Point
The Sleeping Angel
A Fresh Start
Goodbyes Are Always Hard
Making it Memorable
An Unexpected Twist
Stuck In The Past
The Doctor and The Playboy
Revelations, An Old Friend and Planning with the Playboy
A Little Like Old Times
Too Late For Confessions
A Twist Of Fate
This Was Meant To Be
Finding Something New - His Playboy Ways Extra
His Playboy Ways spin off
Author note

All Grown Up

42.4K 830 575
By Bookworm_Tina

Dedicated to different_girl_ for being an amazing supporter and sweet person :)

'Click' I heard the shutting of the front door of my apartment.

"Home at last." Sam sighed throwing her purse on the couch opposite to where I was sitting. "And what a day it has been." She added to herself.

I glanced at my watch then back at her. "You're home early, weren't you supposed to only be back at four?"

"Yeah but I told them I wasn't feeling well and got off early." She replied causally with a shrug of her shoulders. "Smart aren't I?" she grinned smugly.

"I prefer the term fraudulent or to be subtle, liar." I stated.

Sam rolled her eyes then gave me a pointed look. "What about you? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?"

"I'm on call tonight so I don't start until much later." I replied.

"Then what are you doing here sitting in this apartment when you can be out and about on this lovely summer's day? It's almost illegal to be inside on a day like this."

"A day like this?" I asked. "Samantha, yes its fairly warm outside but it's not hot enough to go sunbathing by the pool, I wouldn't go sunbathing any day in England."

"Oh please, it's a scorcher outside, perfect to flaunt those legs and go outdoors. You might be a Californian girl and I know our summers don't match to your home ones but I'd think living here for six years now, you'd be a little more habitude to England and our weather." Sam said.

"Six or sixty years in the UK and I'll always miss the Californian sun." I sighed.

"Tut, tut Carly, you still love it here that's why you're still living in this country." Sam retorted.

I was about to say something but Sam cut me off when she tilted her head to the side and looked past my shoulder, "Oh hello gorgeous, I almost didn't see you there." she waved her fingers to Damien who was sitting very silently next to me.

Damien smiled politely. "Hey Sam, I didn't want to interrupt your...conversation."

"Oh even if you did I wouldn't have minded, Carly's voice can become very monotonous at times, I'd much rather hear you speak." Sam winked.

"Now that you put it that way I understand, Carly's voice does become..." Damien trailed off when I raised a brow at him daring him to continue.

Damien looked at me innocently. "What I meant was that your voice is gruffer than the average girl and it's hard on the ears, poor Sam lives with you and-" Damien was cut off when I playfully elbowed him in the ribs.

"And you're violent." He groaned rubbing over his chest.

"I never knew you had a kinky side Carly." Sam drawled with a grin.

"Or an abusive one." Damien muttered earning himself another elbowed rib.

"Aw while you two wrestle, I'm going to get out of these uncomfortable clothes and take a much needed cold shower." Sam said before fluttering her lashes at Damien, "Care to join me?"

"Maybe another time." Damien grinned but I could see through his discomfort. "I don't really like cold showers, well especially not here. I'm a Californian guy you see." He added.

"With you, the shower is bound to be hot." Sam winked at him.

Damien shifted in his seat. "Er...thanks?" I held back my threatening laughter. After all these years Damien still wasn't used to Sam's harmless flirting.

Sam sighed. "Righty then, but if you change your mind you know where to fine me." she said in a flirty voice.

I rolled my eyes and called after her. "Are you home early because you've got a date with Ethan?" I asked wriggling my brows. Ethan - the drunk guy I met four years ago soon became Sam's very 'close' friend for a long while before they started dating.

Sam scoffed. "As if, why would I go on a date with that prat? I have much better things to do with my life thank you very much."

I sighed and watched my roommate and rather oddly crazy friend walk off into her bedroom. "I'm guessing she and her boyfriend had a fight." Damien said. "Not that I blame the guy for fighting with her, she's crazy." he added under his breath.

I nodded. "Yup, yet another, but I bet I'll see him prancing around the place tomorrow morning in all his shirtless glory, in other words, they'll make up by the end of tonight."

"Shirtless?" Damien asked. "He walks around the place shirtless?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"And Sam had no problem with it despite sharing the place with another person or shall I say another girl?"

"Nope." I replied casually.

Damien snorted. "He's quite shameless, Ethan. I mean which moralized man walks around shirtless?"

"A lot of guys do that Damien, it's normal." I drawled frowning slightly at Damien.

Damien snorted. "In their own homes not in someone else's."

"It's his girlfriend's place." I said.

"So?" Damien sort of snapped. "How would Sam like it if I walked around shirtless?"

"A lot, she'll like it a lot." I replied. "What is the big deal Damien? Why are you acting this way? It's like..." I trailed off and grinned at him. "Oh wait a minute... I know why you're acting this way." I drawled with a knowingly-type-of smirk.

I inched closer to him and placed my arm over his shoulder, lifting my brows up and down twice I said, "You're jealous aren't you Mr Brinson?"

"Why would I be jealous?" Damien retorted sourly.

My smirk widened. "Because you think I might admire Ethan without his shirt, right?"

Damien opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off when I moved back into the position I was before Sam walked in. I wrapped my arms around Damien's neck as I made myself comfortable on his lap. "I needn't say this Mr Brinson but I'll say it nevertheless, you have nothing to worry about because I have no eyes for Ethan or anyone else for that matter." I said softly looking amused in his eyes. "Because I have my own guy with hot abs to admire."

Damien grinned. "Oh really?"

I nodded with a grin and hummed. "And you know what?"


"If you were to stroll around without a shirt here Sam wouldn't be the only one who'd like it." I said.

"I wonder who else would." Damien said. "Could it be the neighbours, or the blonde on the second floor who always wears yoga pants?"

I scowled at him and squirmed to get off his lap. "Idiot." I muttered.

Damien chuckled and while I tried to move he held me tighter and pressed his lips on mine.

"You can be such a jerk sometimes Damien."

Damien chuckled again. "I enjoy getting you worked up just because it's so easy."

"You'll regret it one day." I said.

"Is that a threat?" Damien raised a brow.

"Yes, a big on too."

"Be sure to tell me when that happens." Damien said casually. "In that way I'll know when to call the yoga pants blonde."

"Feel free to leave now." I said bitterly and got up.

I crossed my arms and turned my back on him. "I'm just teasing you Carly; I have no interest in anyone other than a certain brunette with a very short temper." Damien said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Don't be so mad Carly or I'll have to resort to desperate measures to pacify you." Damien whispered in my ear when I didn't budge and still sulked.

I still didn't give in and that's when Damien loosened his grip and began tickling my sides. I squirmed and giggled, "Okay, okay, please stop." I said between laughs.

Damien stopped and I turned to face him. "Promise you won't give me a reason to leave you, I've left far too many people, I don't want to lose you too." I said seriously.

"I promise." Damien said earnestly and pecked my lips. "I waited far too long to get you; you're not getting rid of me so soon Dr Edwards." He added with a lighter tone and grin.

"Hey, you only waited four months; you got my answer after that." I defended myself.

After the night Damien sang at that restaurant I didn't see or speak to Damien for four months, I ignored him, all his texts and calls, telling him I wanted to be on my own. Damien listened and I didn't see him. But after those four months Damien was fed up with waiting so he came back, he acted to forget about that night at the restaurant, and pretended like nothing happened; he went on like he always did, like my friend.

It took me a while before I started warming up to him again and an even longer while to realize that I started developing feelings for him too and that all my old wounds and insecurities looked to have healed. Ever since then Damien and I were a couple and I couldn't have been happier, Damien made me happy and for the first time my life looked content and bright.

"And a further three and half months after that." Damien said.

"Fine, I stand corrected but on the bright side, you got the girl."

Damien genuinely smiled down at me. "I got the girl." He repeated softly under his breath.

Damien and I soon seated ourselves on the couch again and spent the next half hour engrossed in a movie on TV before he broke it. "Carly," Damien started, "About what you said to Sam earlier..." he trailed off.

"I said many things to her so you'll have to be more specific." I said with my eyes on the screen.

"About England and California... you indirectly said you missed home right?"

My attention from the TV screen was completely diverted and I turned my full attention to him. I shrugged under his scrutinizing gaze. "I don't know, I guess they say there's no place like home. But this is home now, I've completed Med School here and I'm in my second year of residency, I have a great apartment here in London and I have many great friends and mentors at the hospital. I've grown to like this place."

"But it's still not sunny California; it's not home." Damien said.

"I will always love Cali but I don't think I ever want to go back...well not permanently." I said softly and then looked at Damien squarely, "Why? Do you miss it?"

"What's to miss? I have nothing but assets there." Damien said. "But you're right there is no place like home."

"Do you want to go back?" I asked softly.

Damien took a moment before he shook his head. "I will be happy wherever you are; you're the only person I have in my life."

I smiled at him in response and rested my head on his shoulder.

"But," Damien said and broke the brief silence. "You're homesick, I can see it in your eyes and what you said to Sam today confirmed the doubts I had for a long time."

I removed my head and looked up at Damien. "I don't want to go back to California." I stated.

"I'm not only talking about California Carls, I'm talking about the States. You miss it don't you?"

Damien as usual, for the last four years since I met him, knew me too well. He was right, I missed home; I missed the USA very much.

When I didn't answer Damien half grinned and tucked a strand of hair behind me ears. "Did you know, your eyes always speak what your mouth can't? That's why you're so easy to read."

"What do you think about New York? You've lived there before right, and you liked it?"

I nodded. "I liked New York...a lot."

"Then say the word and we can go, I have a great penthouse there and before I left for England I shifted the companies' head office there, everything would be so much easier there, instead of communicating via phone and email."

"Damien, I don't know..." I trailed off and sat up properly putting a slight distance between us. "Do you know how difficult it would be to move, I still have a year more of my residency to complete, meaning I still have to complete my PGY-3 and thereafter I have to do my fellowship so I can specialize and if I move countries it will be one hell of a mission, I have to complete certain exams and complete programmes like the USMLE steps 1, 2CK and 2CS. Let's not forget to mention the process of being transferred, I would be given second preference when it comes to getting admission in a hospital to complete my residency because I majored in another country, oh and-"

Damien cut off my rant by placing a finger over my lips. "Enough with all that PGMSL, 4C, 3K or whatever you just said. I know it will be hard but not impossible." He grinned and removed his finger, "Having the Brinson last name has it perks, especially when it comes to pulling strings. I can get my people to speak to the right people and you can finish off your residency or fellowship and whatever symbol stuff you just spoke about there. I can easily have you transferred."

I pursed my lips and thought over his words. Damien rested both his hands on my shoulders and bent slightly so our eyes were levelled. "I'm not forcing you and nor am I asking you to decide at this minute. I'm just asking you to think over what you really want because I can take you anywhere you want, whenever you want."

He cupped my cheek and added sincerely, "All I want is for you to be happy."

"Now lighten up and don't think so much or your head will combust." Damien said teasingly before he let go of me and stood up. "I have to go, unlike you I'm supposed to be at the office," he paused and looked at his watch, "Half an hour ago." he pecked my lips. "I'll see you later."

I stood up after him. "Actually no, you won't see me later. I'm on call tonight remember? So I'll see you tomorrow."

"What time do you start?" Damien asked.


"Okay then I'll be falling down the stairs and breaking my arm around five-thirty, then I'll see you around six." Damien said causally. "Or maybe I should break my leg...what's more painful?"

"Two arms broken." I said. "Because I'll be breaking your other arm for sheer dumbness."

Damien smirked. "Sam's right, you really do have a kinky side."

"Bye Damien, see you tomorrow."

Damien kissed me one more time. "Love you." he grinned and walked off.

"You too." I called after him with a grin before he left the apartment.

Just when the front door shut Sam burst into the room. "So," she mused. "What are you going to decide?"

"You were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Not all of it, I just happened to hear the New York parts when I got out of the shower." She replied casually.

I scowled at her and made way to the couch. Sam sat down next to me and asked again, "So?"

"So I don't know what I want. I have a life here now, how can I just leave?"

"You do miss home though don't you?" Sam enquired.

I looked at her and half nodded.

Sam half grinned. "Then follow your heart, you heard Damien, he can take you anywhere you want anytime you want."

"You won't miss me?" I asked her.

Sam scoffed. "Please, you'll be good riddance."

She then smiled genuinely and scooted closer to me. "Living with you for six and half years has been great and I would miss you a hell of a lot but it's your life and you should be where you're happy. I hate holding people back."

I smiled at her. "Aw, I forgot how sweet you could be at times Samantha."

Sam looked at me sourly. "You just ruined the whole moment by calling me that name."

I laughed at her. "I think if I ever have to leave, I'd miss you a hell of a lot too."

Sam smiled at me. "Just as long as you're happy and besides who can say they've lived in few of the major cities in the world in just twenty-four years of their lives, I mean California, New York, Cambridge, London and then New York again and let's not forget your trip to Paris Damien took you on for your first anniversary and then you guys went to Amsterdam, Italy and Spain in the three years you've been together. You're a lucky girl Carly."

"Yeah." I sighed thinking over my six and a half years in England. It was a bittersweet, well more sweet than bitter since it was here that I found it in me to move on, I found love in an old friend and most of all I found happiness but maybe, perhaps, it was time I went back home.

* * * Four Months Later * * *

I stepped into the elevator after locking my apartment and pressed on the button that took me to the penthouse. It didn't take five minutes before I was in the airy passage and standing opposite a double oak door. I opened my purse and took out a key before unlocking the door and entering the exquisite penthouse.

As soon as I entered the little entrance hall I hung my coat on the rack and made my way towards the spread out living room. I looked around the room, my eyes glancing at the spacious L shaped couch. The living room was empty and very quiet; I guess that was because it was seven am. I left my purse on the white piano and passing the spiral staircase I made my way to the kitchen.

Looking around the modern, spread-out kitchen I stepped on my tippy toes and got out a pan out of the high cupboards before placing it over the warming stove plate. While I beat the eggs I left the bacon to cook on the pan.

"I thought I could get the smell of food."

I turned around to see Damien standing in the kitchen doorway with a half grin etched on his face and his hair damp from the shower he probably just took.

"Someone has to take care of you or you'll be living off takeout's, and you know how much I hate takeout's." I said averting my gaze from him and removed the bacon off the pan and onto a plate.

"And who better to take care of me than you." Damien said from behind me, his arms snaking around my waist. "Good morning beautiful." He said kissing my cheek.

Damien pulled away and poured himself some coffee while I scrambled the eggs and placed bread in the toaster. "When did you get in?" Damien asked casually leaning on the counter.

"Not too long ago." I answered hastily and carried the food to the island counter.

I laid the table and placed a clean plate for Damien to eat from. "Well, come and eat." I told him when he just stood there and looked at me.

Damien slowly strolled towards me with amusement in his eyes. "I love how housewife-like you can be at times." He said taking a seat.

I began piling food on his plate. "Want some more coffee?" I asked when the plate was full.

"I'm all good thanks." Damien said and began eating. "You're eating or are you on some fast?"

"I already ate at my place, thanks." I answered. "And I better be off or I'll be late." I said hastily and made my way around the counter to Damien.

I bent and pecked his cheek but before I could move Damien held onto my waist. "So early?"

I nodded. "Yeah I start at eight-thirty and with New York traffic I would probably still be late if I leave now."

"You're not going to wait for me to drop you off?"

"No thanks, I'll catch a cab." I smiled gratefully.

Damien sighed. "Carly, we've been living here now for two months, why don't you get yourself a car or better yet, let me buy you a car."

"Because I have no time searching for one and I don't trust you doing it for me because for starters you'll get me some fancy expensive one and secondly insist on paying for it." I said.

"But it's my job to buy you things, I'm the boyfriend remember?" Damien said.

"And I love you for that but it isn't the boyfriend's job to buy such pricey things."

"Maybe we should do something to change that." Damien murmured.

"I really have to go Damien, or I will be late yet again. I've only been at the hospital for two months and I already have a reputation for being late, I don't want to add to that."

"Alright but don't forget dinner tonight at my place, although I might be late, you have a spare key right?" Damien said.

"How do you think I got in this morning? I think my keys are used more often than than yours."

"Exactly, that's why I think you should just move in." Damien said and I sighed.

"Not again Damien, I told you before that I will not move in with you."

"Why not? You have a key and you stay over frequently, why not make it permanent?"

Looking at my watch I decided I could make this quick, thinking Damien needed a proper explanation after being turned down ever since we moved to New York. I snaked out of his hold and sat down next to him. "Damien," I began and placed my hand over his free one that was sitting on the counter, "Have I ever followed any of my Nana's rules or teachings?"

Damien frowned. "Not that I find this very relevant right now but I don't think so, your Nana's way of thinking is far too old-fashioned to adhere to."

"I absolutely agree and you're right, I haven't taken anything she's ever taught me into consideration except one thing." I said. "My Nana always says that a girl should never move in with a boy unless she's married to him. I know we're living in the twenty-first century but I can't help but agree with her, yes I sleep over frequently but I can't see myself actually living with you without being legally tied to you."

"But you live a floor down from me." Damien said.

"Yes but not with you, there's a huge difference." I said. "I know it's an old-fashioned thought but it's what I grew up believing and I'm not going to change that now, I hope you understand."

Damien grinned. "Of course I do."

"Thanks." I returned his grin and stood up. "Now I have to run." I bent over and quickly kissed him. "See you later."

"Oh and please don't forget to dress before you leave for the office, unless you intend on walking in with just your boxers and an unbuttoned shirt." I told him before I left.

Damien looked down at his attire which was exactly what I said, boxers and a white unbuttoned shirt that he was probably going to wear to work. "Oh you didn't hear, this is the new trend for CEO's, sexy huh?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him and made my way out of the kitchen. "But it isn't as sexy as you in that white lab coat." He called after and with a chuckle at my crazy boyfriend I left his penthouse.

* * *

"Good morning Dr Edwards." I was greeted by the friendly receptionist.

I smiled at her and returned the greeting. "I've got the paediatric ward rounds this morning am I right?" I asked her.

She looked at her computer screen and nodded. "Yes, you're pretty much around that section all day."

I smiled thinking I'd enjoy my day at work today, I loved working around kids. "Great, thanks."

The whole morning passed in a blur by checking up on all the ill kids, since winter was approaching pneumonia and bronchitis was common among the kids so the wards were pretty full.

"I love when you take care of us Dr Edwards." A little boy around the age of eight said to me.

I playfully pinched his cheek. "And I love taking care of all of you, although I get sad when I see you guys don't eat your food. You have to eat in order for the medication to work."

"I know and we try but the food here is horrible." He said scrunching his face.

"Well you can't expect pizza or fries when you're ill, this food isn't the best but it's good for you and tell you what, if you eat all your lunch I will sneak you in a Snickers or Mars."

He beamed at me. "Really?"

I nodded. "I promise, but you have to promise to eat all your meals."

"I promise." He said.

I ruffled his hair. "Good."

By the time I was done with my morning rounds and duties it was already way after noon and I stood looking at the patients files in a free ward.

I was busy updating the files when I heard fast footsteps enter the room and before I could see who they belonged to I felt two hands wrap around my legs tightly from behind. "Please hide me." a little voice said.

I turned around in my spot trying to see who was behind me and when I managed to, I placed the file on the table and squirmed around - which was difficult because the little kid was holding on so tightly.

I saw the top of a golden blonde head. "Hi there." I said.

"Please hide me or the evil person I'm forced to call mom would find me." the child said still holding onto me with her eyes closed.

I chortled. "Alright, I can find you a hiding place if you could please let go of me."

The little girl slowly let go and took a step backwards. I kneeled down so I was levelled with her. And when I did I was taken aback at the beauty of this little girl, she had big blue eyes, long golden curls that sat around her shoulders and the rosiest cheeks I've ever seen. I could say she was around the age of six or seven.

"Now tell me why your mom is so evil?" I asked her.

"Isn't it obvious? First she lies to me and says we're coming here for a quick check up then when I'm here she takes me to an old funny looking doctor with a big nose that suggests to put a huge needle," she paused and completed in a whisper, "You know...down there on my bottom." She said and her cheeks somehow went pinker.

I stifled a laugh simply because I knew this little girl would get mad at me for laughing at a problem she seemed to think of as major. "Aren't mothers supposed to be caring and sweet?" she asked. "I think whoever said that are liars, dads are way sweeter; my daddy never once took me to a doctor or worse a dentist. Moms are evil I say, evil with a pretty face."

It was getting harder to not laugh at the cute little girl in front of me; she had to be one of the most adorable girls I've ever met. "Moms aren't evil they just have to do the hard, 'bad-guy' job when growing up their kids, they only do it because they love and care for you. I'm sure your mom had a very good reason to bring you here."

The little girl raised an impatient brow at me. "Are you a mom? Because you sure enjoy defending them."

I chuckled and shook my head. "No I'm not a mom but I have one and after being away from her for so many years I realize just how much she means to me."

She opened her mouth but shut it and looked at me with wide panicked eyes. "Please Dr Know-it-all, hide me. I can hear my mom's Louboutin's coming."

The little girl shut her eyes and covered her face. "Please don't find me, please don't find me." she whispered under her breath.

"Mac-" the woman's voice was much closer when she trailed off, "Oh here you are, I was looking for you everywhere. How can you just run out when Dr Collins was just about to see you?" the woman scolded.

"Macy isn't here." The girl mumbled and I laughed.

"Young lady-" her mother began but she stopped midway. "Oh Doctor, I'm so sorry, my daughter is quite a handful and...oh never mind, I'm glad you found her."

I stood up and turned around to face the mother. I smiled and looked up but when I did my smile faded. I looked at the little girl's mother and then I turned to look at the little girl who I just realized was named Macy with her hands still covering her face.

I looked back at the mother and her face hadn't changed since I remembered. She was still as beautiful as I could remember with her blonde hair and blue eyes only she'd lost all the weight I remember she gained from the last time I saw her.

She looked at my face then to the card attached on my coat. "Dr Edwards?" She said bewildered. "Dr Carly Edwards?"

I swallowed and with the shock not wearing off I slowly nodded. "Yeah," I breathed.

Her face brightened with a smile. "I can't believe it, Carly Edwards from highschool?"

I nodded again. "Yeah, it's um good to see you again Ashley."

"It's great to see you again Carly or shall I say Dr Edwards." Ashley smiled widely. "You look great."

I half smiled. "You're one to speak."

Ashley dismissively waved, "I don't look half as good as you, being a mother has paid its toll on me."

The word mother reminded me that Macy was still behind me. I looked over my shoulder and pointed to the little girl with shut eyes and looked back at Ashley. "She's..."

"Yeah, she's my little devil and her daddy's angel." Ashley said with a chortle. "I would introduce you but I see you've already met when she came to take refuge from you."

"We haven't really been introduced." I murmured and turned around to face Macy. I bent down again and slowly removed Macy's hands from her face.

Macy easily let her hands fall but her eyes were shut. "Macy." I whispered. So her dad named her just what he always wanted to name his daughter.

I touched her soft cheek. "Macy," I said louder. "Open your eyes and I promise I'll convince your mom to not let the funny looking doctor put a needle down there."

Macy slowly lifted her eyelids and her big blue eyes sparkled when they were opened. I smiled at her. "Good girl."

"Wow, how did you do that Carly?" Ashley asked from behind me. "She only listens to her father, grandfather and uncle."

"Practice I guess." I replied.

"Oh you have kids?"

"No she has a mom and I think this pretty doctor understand kids better than you mommy." Macy answered for me.

I laughed at how adorable this little girl - who was the daughter of my once best friend - was.

"Carly if you could please convince this stubborn child to take her immunization, I would forever be grateful to you."

Macy shook her head vigorously with wide eyes. "Please don't." she whispered.

"Alright I won't convince you but I want to tell you a little story about how the antibodies in your body work, will you listen?" I asked.

Macy nodded and I smiled at her. I stood up and lifted her seating her on the edge of the empty bed. I gave Ashley a reassuring smile before looking back at the curious Macy.

"Have you ever gotten a cold before?" I asked her and she nodded.

"And have you ever wondered how it went away?" I asked.

"It wasn't because of a big needle given by an ugly big-nosed doctor, I can tell you that much." she answered.

"Macy!" Ashley said sternly. "You speak with respect missy."

I shook my head and laughed. "Let her be Ashley, she'll listen you'll see."

Ashley sighed. "You are the doctor right."

"I'm glad you didn't resort to get an injection but do you know that you would've had to get one if you didn't get things called vaccinations when you were little?" I asked her.

"So if I got them when I was little, why do I have to get another one?"

"Because as we grow up our bodies become more prone to certain diseases and in order to keep them away we have to build an army inside our bodies."

"An army?" Macy asked.

I nodded. "Uh-huh, this army is called our white blood cells and they're there to fight off all the bad germs that cause awful illnesses. When we take our vaccinations or better known as immunizations we equip our army with strong weapons to fight off the bad guys and an army needs good weapons right?"

"Yeah like Manny has his tools to fix things?"

I nodded. "Exactly like that. Imagine what Manny would do without his tools? He wouldn't be able to fix things right?"

"No he wouldn't."

"It would be the exact same thing if you didn't get a vaccine, your white blood cells wouldn't be able to fight off the bad guys and you would get very, very sick. So do you see why you have to take the immunization? You have to make your army strong."

Macy nodded. "I understand but will it hurt?"

I shook my head. "Not at all, it will sting just a little but it will only last a second. Besides aren't you a strong little girl?"

Macy nodded. "Yeah this one time I fell and grazed my knee and I wanted to cry but didn't and my daddy told me I was the strongest girl he knew."

I smiled at her words. "And I think your daddy it absolutely right."

"Does it have to be given down there and does Dr Collins have to give it to me? Can't you? I think I can trust you."

I laughed at the smart-mouthed little girl. "No, it's normally given on your arm; I think you were mistaken about getting a shot 'down there'. And yes, Dr Collins has to give it to you, I'm afraid I don't know your history and I don't have your card to know exactly which shot you're taking." I explained and Macy's face dropped in disappointment. "But Dr Collins is a great doctor, whatever I've learned about paediatrics it's from him." I added.

Macy looked over my shoulder at her mother. "Mommy, I think I'm ready for that immunization."

Ashley walked and stood beside me. "Wow Carly, you really have a way with kids. And with your cartoon knowledge, are you sure you're not a mother?"

I shook my head. "I think I would remember being a mother, I'm a lot around the paediatric ward and kids speak about Dora, Manny and a lot of other characters oh and don't get me started about my niece."

"You have a niece?" Ashley asked.

I nodded. "Yeah Liam, my brother and his wife Nicole have a two year old daughter. I've never met her but I've spoken to her countless of times."

"I'd love to hear about where you were and what you've been doing with your life, we should definitely meet up for lunch sometimes...when you're free of course." Ashley said.

"You live permanently in New York?" I asked.

"It's just mommy and I; daddy travels a lot because of his work. He mostly lives in California but he visits often." Macy answered for her mother.

Ashley chuckled. "Well there you have it, Macy knows it all. I have an interior decorating company and we're based in New York so Macy and I live here while her father tries to spend as much time as possible with us."

Just when I was about to respond Ashley's phone rang. She dug into her purse and looked at the screen. "It's your father, wait here while I speak to him and then we'll go see if Dr Collins will kindly see us again." Ashley told Macy and then looked at me, "Could you please watch her for a minute?"

I nodded with a smile. "Sure." Ashley smiled gratefully and then turned to exit the room but I stopped her. "Ashley," I began hesitantly, "Um, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone I'm well...here. I haven't met anyone yet and I sort of wanted to surprise my family that I was here." I lied because I knew my family knew exactly where I was, I didn't know why I lied but all I knew was that I didn't want Mas- Macy's father to know where I was.

Ashley looked confused for a moment before she agreed with a small smile and answered the phone on her way out, "Hi honey..." her voice faded as she walked out.

"Tell Daddy I love him." Macy called out to her but it was obvious she didn't hear.

Macy sighed and swung her legs back and forth, looking at me curiously. "Hey Dr Edwards." She began, "You and mommy know each other right?"

I nodded. "Yes we went to school together."

"So you were friends?"

Hardly, I thought but I didn't want to tell Macy that so I opted for a more subtle response. "Well, we weren't really friends. We were more classmates."

"But you got along right?"

I opened my mouth, closed it and then repeated the action. I looked at Macy curiously. "Why so curious Macy?"

"I was just wondering why I haven't seen you before that's why." she replied casually.

"I moved away after highschool." I answered.

"And when did you get back?"

Wow this kid was inquisitive and maybe if she wasn't so cute I would've told her that instead of answering her. "Two months back."

"That explains why you weren't at my parents wedding." She said.

I looked at her aimlessly for a long moment; my head replayed her sentence a good few times. "Your parents are married?"

She nodded. "Yup, and I was the flower girl. My Grandpa, aunts and uncles said I looked prettier than mommy." She grinned smugly.

I smiled at her. "I totally agree with them." I dropped my smile and let curiosity get the worse of me, "So, how long have mommy and daddy been married?"

"Um, about a year I think." she said casually then grinned widely. "Ooh you should see the pictures, daddy looked so handsome in a tux and we were matching. I had a pink dress and I made daddy wear a pink tie and daddy danced with me before he danced with mommy. It was so much of fun."

"I bet." I murmured with a small smile at her.

"Thank you Carly." Ashley walked in and I watched as she put her phone back in her purse and that was when I spotted the large diamond ring on her finger.

Ashley looked up at me when she was done. "It was really great seeing you again and I know we have a bit of a bitter past...but I'm hoping we've both matured enough to put everything behind us and move on. I really would love that lunch with you."

"Of course, I would too and what's in the past stays in the past." I said.

Ashley took me off guard and engulfed me in a hug. "I hope we can meet soon, but I really got to run. I have an appointment in an hour and I still have to drop Macy home after this." She said to me and then held her hand out for Macy, "Let's go sweetie."

Macy looked at me with a smile. "I'm glad I found you Dr Know-it-all, you're sweet and pretty and very smart."

I smiled at her. "Right back at you princess."

Macy gestured for me to come closer and when I did she wrapped her little arms around my neck and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Bye Dr Edwards."

Ashley laughed and took Macy's hand in hers when I placed Macy on the floor. "I think she likes you and you should be honoured, she doesn't warm up to people so quickly. Now we definitely have to meet again."

"I absolutely agree." I smiled looking at the pretty little girl holding her mom's hand.

"Well bye Carly and see you soon." Ashley said.

"Bye and congratulations, Macy told me about your wedding. I'm really happy for you."

Ashley didn't say anything for a moment before she smiled. "Thank you and when we meet up, I will fill you in on everything you've missed."

"Mommy!" Macy pulled Ashley's hand. "Let's go, it's rude to keep Dr Collins waiting, I have an army to build you know."

"Look who's talking." Ashley said.

Macy rolled her eyes and then left the room but not before she said one last bye.

I smiled and watched them walk off with one thought in my mind, how strange were the ways of life, who knew I'd ever meet Mason's daughter and because of that I would probably find myself meeting him very soon. Was I ready to face everyone from my past again?

By the end of the day I was so tired that as soon as I reached Damien's penthouse I forgot about dinner and thinking I could get to it later, I collapsed on the couch and let my eyes drop almost as instantly as my body touched the soft cushions.

My eyes twitched when I felt something on my forehead, something soft but I didn't let it bother me until I felt a slight tickling sensation on my cheek, that was when I slowly opened my eyes.

I blinked a few times and when my mind was active I noticed Damien looking down at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." he said softly, his face a mere few inches away.

I stretched my arms and took in my surroundings. The tall living room curtains were drawn and a few lights were on. I immediately sat up and glanced at my watch seeing it was already after seven. I ran a hand through my hair, "Damn, I was supposed to cook dinner, but I overslept, I'm sorry."

Damien who was bending sat down on the seat next to me; he stretched his long legs out in front of him and his arm out on the backrest of the couch. "Don't worry about it; I just got back about fifteen minutes ago. The night's still young."

I sat forwards readying myself to stand. "I should go get started with it-"

"In a bit, for now sit with me." Damien cut me off, pulling me back onto the couch.


"Please, we're always so busy with work or cooking or one thing and another that we hardly have time to just sit and talk, just for a few minutes." Damien said and I gave in.

I made myself comfortable on the couch again, scooted closer to Damien and rested my head on his chest. We were both quiet lost in our thoughts for a long while; I was aimlessly looking at the burning fire in front of me while Damien played with my hair.

Hearing the faint beating of Damien's heart and feeling the steady rhythm of his chest moving up and down from his breathing I couldn't help but agree with Damien, we were always so caught up in our hectic lives that we hardly ever spent time like this, just sitting quietly with each other.

Maybe it was because of my hectic life that I never really thought about things, I never really thought about life and how fast it moves.

"What thoughts are you so lost in?" Damien asked, breaking away my reverie.

"Life." I answered.

"Life?" Damien said sounding amused. "Should I be afraid? Because I heard when a girl starts thinking about life and the future the guy should normally make a run for it."

"No silly, it's nothing what you're thinking...not that I know what you're thinking." I admitted honestly. "I'm thinking of life in general and how fast paced it is, how it doesn't wait for anyone or anything...it just sort of moves and it moves at such a pace that when you actually stop and think, you realize just how much has happened that you weren't even aware of."

"Yeah well that's why people say that's life." Damien said.

"I know and I think for the first time I've realized that I was afraid of life and how fast it moves but I didn't realize that I'd overcome my fear a long time ago because if I look back I've moved and grown so fast too. I mean it seems just like the other day I was leaving New York, starting highschool in California again, it feels like only a few hours ago I met you in that park in Cambridge and only a few minutes ago when you serenaded me in that restaurant. Yet it was a good few years ago."

"Where are you going with this Carly?" Damien asked.

I sighed. "I guess I've just realized that I'm no longer afraid of growing up, I want to grow up and grow old. I want to live up to the pace at which life moves."

"If you put it that way then I understand where you're coming from, on the contrary I've been doing some thinking today too...about life, about our life." Damien said.

I sat up straight and looked at Damien who was looking at me attentively. "Our life?" I asked with a frown. "You're not breaking up with me are you?" I teased.

"How did you catch on so soon? Do you have any idea how much easier you've made this job now?" he asked sarcastically.

"Okay, I'll leave then." I said casually and stood up but Damien held onto my wrist and pulled me down on the couch again.

"Carly, I'm being serious here and you're kidding around." He said rolling his eyes.

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, I'll be serious now."

Damien took in a breath and took both my hands in his. "Uh-oh, this is really serious isn't it?" I asked with wide eyes.

Damien gave me an annoyed look and I decided to just shut up and listen to what he had to say.

"I really wanted to do this in a better way but I don't want to wait any longer." He mumbled and before I could ask what he meant he spoke. "I've been thinking over what we spoke about this morning." He began.

I frowned. "About the new CEO fashion?" I asked and earned myself another glare.

"Sorry." I murmured under my breath and waited for him to continue.

"No about you moving in, I want to fix your predicament."

I inhaled a sharp breath, wondering if Damien was about to say what I was thinking.

"Carly, the past four years with you have been the best times of my life, you came into my life at a time when I had no one to call my own, at a time when I'd completely given up on life, when I'd forgotten to smile and laugh. I could call you my personal life saver but I wouldn't because you've become my life. I love you more each day and look forward to seeing you every morning in my kitchen preparing breakfast for me, I get up every day looking forward to see your smile but I want to wake up to you and your smile; I want your face to be the first and last thing I see every day."

I watched with my heart in my mouth as Damien let go of my hands, moved off the couch and sat on the floor in front of me on one knee. He reached for something in his pants pocket and when he pulled it out I saw a little black velvet square box.

"Carly I love you very much, more than anything in this world. You make me the happiest man on earth but I want you to make me the happiest man in the universe." He said and after taking in a deep breath he opened the little box and looked up at me.

If I wasn't so shocked I would've been in awe at the contents in the box. Inside sat what I presumed to be a platinum ring with a big yellow diamond in the middle surrounded by smaller white diamonds. "Carly Isabelle Edwards, would you do me the honour by becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

My voice was stuck, words failed me. All I could hear was the erratic beating of my heart and breathing. I looked at Damien who looked to be very nervous and hopeful.

I blinked twice. "I...I don't know what to say."

"Yes would be nice." Damien said nervously after gulping.

I laughed at how cute Damien was in his nervous state. I thought over what I just said about life and how it moves on and doesn't wait for anyone. A part of me would always remember the past, remember...him. But it was time I lived for myself and for the man I knew who'd give up anything for me. I had to finally move with life - like everyone else I knew, like him - and here was my chance.

"Yes." I breathed. "I would be an honoured to be your wife." I smiled.

The amount of happiness that reflected in Damien's eyes was enough for me to conclude that all the sadness that was ever present in them had left. He was beyond ecstatic that his wide smile didn't cover expressing what his eyes did.

Damien took the ring out of the box and gently slipped the ring on my finger when I held my hand out. I looked at the ring. "It's beautiful." I said admiring the gorgeous ring.

"Like words can't describe." Damien murmured and when I looked at him he wasn't looking at the ring but rather at me with a dazed grin.

I felt my cheeks warm under his intense and admiring gaze. "I was talking about the ring." I mumbled.

Damien got up from his position and sat beside me on the couch again. He kissed the side of my head. "Yeah that's beautiful too but I was talking about its owner."

Damien held my chin and tilted my head up so I could look in his eyes. "I love you Carly, you've made me the happiest man in the universe. Thank you."

"You make me happy too Damien, more than you know." I moved over and brushed my lips over his. "I love you too." I whispered and before I could let out a breath Damien pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately.

We both fell down flat on the couch and when he moved his lips away so I could breathe I remembered I had to still cook. "Damien, dinner." I said.

"Later." Damien mumbled and caught my lips in another passionate kiss.

* * *

"Are you sure you didn't want to come with?" I asked over the phone.

"Absolutely, apart from the fact that I have back to back meetings I don't think I want to go back there for a long time." Damien answered.

"I understand but it would've been better if you were here with me when I broke the good news to my family, and so far from what I've seen, the weather here is great."

"I wish I could've been there but..." Damien trailed off.

"But it's okay Damien, I completely understand." I said reassuringly.

"I'm sorry I can't be there Carly, I just... I just don't feel right going there, I don't feel ready." He said sounding unsure of his words.

"Damien, as I said I understand. Besides I'm here to visit my family I don't want my burdening fiancé with me." I said teasingly.

"Burdening huh?"

"That's what I said." I said.

"Okay if you say so, just remember that I'm here in the city that never sleeps, alone for two days without my nagging, bossy fiancé." Damien drawled.

"I know, have fun." I said casually.

"You don't believe I'd do something wild or bizarre; something you wouldn't approve of."

"Nope, you're Damien Brinson and as far as I know you, you'll be stuck with your work or sleeping, I think the only thing you'd do that I wouldn't approve of is throw out the salads and healthy meals I have lovingly kept in the fridge for you and eat takeout's." I said.

"Well, you obviously don't know me well enough." Damien said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Uh-huh, that's why you're chucking a doughnut in the trashcan right now."

"Uh... no." he hesitated.

I laughed. "Have fun while I'm away Damien, I won't complain. We'll leave that for when I'm your wife for now you can have your way."

"I like the sound of you being my wife already." He said. "But I have to go, I have a file to read through or I'm going to have some pretty mad board members. Talk to you later."

I smiled. "Don't miss me too much."

"Too late." Damien said and with a silly grin I cut the call.

I placed my phone in my purse and looked around LAX airport. Liam was supposed to pick me up exactly when my plane landed but instead he was already fifteen minutes late, typical Liam, I thought.

It was strange to be standing in California again, be it the airport but it was still strange. The memory of when I left New York and moved back to California seven years ago was still fresh in my memory. I remembered every detail, how much I despised being back and missed New York. But this time it was different, I was just visiting for three days before I had to go back to my new home, to my fiancé and new life.

I looked at the ring on my finger and still couldn't believe that I was someone's fiancé as of three days ago, I was actually going to settle down and be a wife soon. I pictured the look on Nicole's face when I broke the news to her, I knew she'd cry with my mom and Liam and my dad would act all tough but they would probably get emotional too.

My thoughts were cut off when I spotted my brother looking around the airport. He was a few feet away and I stood there to admire my big brother. I was seeing him in the flesh after more than six years and he still looked the same as I could remember.

Liam's gaze caught mine and he made his way towards me, I pushed my luggage trolley walking towards him. "Carly." Liam said with a wide smile.

I left my trolley and immediately engulfed him in a big bear hug. "Liam!"

It felt so good to see and hug my brother after all these years, I was beyond happy. Liam pulled away and kissed my forehead. "It's so good to see you again sis, God I missed you - we all missed you."

"I missed you and everyone else too." I smiled feeling tears forming at the corner of my eyes.

I examined my brother; he still looked good; age did him good. "You look great Liam, looks like marriage, fatherhood and age treated you well."

"You don't look so bad yourself Carls, treating sick people and living in cold England didn't do so much damage after all, Damien must take good care of you." Liam said.

"How is he anyway? He didn't come with?" Liam asked as we walked towards his car.

"No, I don't think he's ready to come back to Cali as yet, he has too many bitter memories here." I said.

The rest of the journey to my parents place was filled with less catching up but with more reminiscing over old times.

We reached my parents' house and I sat in my seat, looking at the cosy place I called home not too long ago. "Hasn't changed much eh?" Liam asked.

I shook my head. "No, it feels so much like the last time I arrived here, when mom and dad got back together; it's like nothing has changed."

"That's where you're wrong Carls; a lot has changed all these years." Liam said.

"I know, you actually came to the airport this time. Remember what happened the last time?" I asked.

"Yeah you ignored me; maybe I should've let Nicole pick you up instead that way I wouldn't have to hear you speak for three days straight." Liam said.

I glowered at him. "Take that back or I won't be appeased even if you get me a sweet bracelet with an engraving; that might've worked the last time but not this time around."

"Alright, alright Dr Edwards, I take that back." Liam genuinely smiled. "I really did miss you Carly, a lot."

I swallowed a lump down my throat and managed a small smile. "Let's go before you make me cry." I said and the both of us got off the car.

"Aren't you going to take out my bag?" I asked Liam when walked around and stood opposite me.

"No because you are staying at my place." He stated.

"Liam, I want to at least spend one night here, it's home." I said earnestly.

Liam nodded, understanding. "But you have to at least spend one night at my place, or Nicole would probably drag you there."

"Of course I'll spend a night there, after all I heard you have quite the place Mr successful architect."

"Yeah, yeah." Liam grinned and tossing an arm over my shoulder we made our way to the front door.

Before we could even knock on the door it bust open and my mom stood there with tears in her eyes. "Carly my baby." She said and grabbed me into a bone-crushing hug.

I hugged her back, trying to gasp for breath in between, "My darling, it is wonderful to see you again. I missed you so very much." my mother smiled and kissed each of my cheeks after she let me go. "Did you have a good flight? You must be starved, come in, lunch will be served soon." My mother ranted and pulled me inside.

Liam grinned. "Welcome home Carls."

I looked around the house and it felt as if I never left. Everything looked the same, apart for some furniture which was updated. I smiled to myself, I was home and it felt good.

"George our baby girl is home!" my mother shouted as she held onto my hand tightly pulling me into the living room.

"But I was here all afternoon Grandma." I heard a soft little voice speak.

I looked down and saw a sweet, pretty little girl around the age of two looking up at my mom, her big brown eyes wide and soft brown tresses framing her face. I looked at the beautiful little girl then at my brother who was grinning at me, "Is she yours?" I asked.

"Yeah and Nicole helped make her." Liam casually responded.

Ignoring my brother I bent down and engulfed the little girl in a huge hug. I've never seen her in the flesh; all I'd seen were pictures emailed to me and spoke to her on the phone.

"Daddy." She said almost breaking into a sob.

She stiffened in my hold and I pulled away sensing she would cry anytime soon. I looked at her with a smile, "You don't know me?" I asked her.

Her lips were on the verge of quivering and she shook her head.

"Sweetheart that's your aunt Carly, you know the one you speak to so often on the phone." Liam explained to her.

"A-aunt Carly?" she asked with signs of crying all disappearing.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm aunt Carly, you know me now?"

A small smile tugged her lips and I noticed a little dimple appear on her left cheek. "But you have a fwace?"

I laughed. "Yeah I do and I have a whole body too."

"But I only wheard your vwoice." She said looking confused.

"That's because I lived far away but now I'm here and you can see and feel me. I'm a real person like you." I smiled at her and stretched my arms out, "Come and test it and give your aunt a hug."

She stepped back and looked unsurely at me. "Go on Ivy, she's your aunt and I bet she brought you gifts." My mom said from above us.

Ivy looked at me for a long moment before she stepped forward and wrapped her little arms around me. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek when she pulled away, "You're such a sweetheart." I smiled at her.

Ivy coyly smiled at me one more time before she ran up to Liam and he picked her up. I stood up and when I did I saw my dad, with a few grey hairs wearing glasses standing in the doorway. I felt myself on the brink of tears again and ran up to him. "Daddy!" I said and hugged him tightly.

My father kissed my head. "I'm so happy to see you again baby girl." My dad said tightening his hold around me.

He pulled away and held the side of my head lovingly. "How have you been? Had a good flight? How's the hospital? You enjoy your work? Wh-"

"Gregory, let her breathe. She can answer all our questions once she's settled down." my mother cut him off.

My father smiled at me and I swore I saw his eyes glisten with tears.

"She's here!" Nicole who still looked as stunning as ever ran into the living room with an apron on. "Carly." she beamed and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come out, I was attending to the casserole. It's so good to see you again." Nicole held me at arm's length. "And you look wonderful, I love the new hair and you look so... happy." Nicole hugged me again. "We all missed you so much."

"Yeah and I forgot how tight people in Cali hug." I chuckled and Nicole pulled away.

She smiled apologetically at me. "I'm sorry, it's just-"

"I missed you too." I said and looked at everyone in the room. "All of you." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Come and sit, lunch will be done in a few." My mother said.

We all took a seat. "You've met your little niece?" Nicole asked.

I nodded. "Yes, she's gorgeous although a little shy."

When I looked at Ivy she hid her head in her father's chest.

"Ivy come here honey, you speak so much to Aunt Carly on the phone come and speak to her in person." Nicole held her hand out.

Ivy shook her head and went back to taking refuge in Liam. "Don't worry, she'll come around." Liam said.

"Do you see the resemblance?" Nicole asked. "Everyone who knows you says she looks an awful lot like you. The same eyes and smile."

"That's why her second name is Carly; she's a lot like you." Nicole added.

"She can look like me but I don't want her to turn out like me, I'm not role model material." I said.

"Nonsense, you turned out wonderful Carly, everyone makes mistakes in life but that doesn't mean they have to hold onto it for the rest of their lives, sometimes good people make bad choices but that doesn't mean they're bad all it means is that they're human. And I would love for my daughter to grow up into a beautiful, successful, independent woman just like you."

"Nicole's right, we are so proud of you honey." My dad said.

"Yeah but my little girl isn't riding motorcycle's or having a guy best friend, hell Ivy isn't going to speak to guys." Liam said. "Other than that she can be just like you." he added.

I smiled at Nicole and my dad and playfully scowled at Liam.

"So Carly, any plans on redecorating your room again?" Liam asked, changing the subject.

I recalled the time I redecorated my room, that memory was still so fresh in my mind. I remembered the hardware store where I met Nate; I remembered the gifted car from my dad and buying the wrong paintbrush.

"That depends, I only will if dad has a surprise car in the garage for me so I can go buy the supplies." I teased.

"I think you can buy your old man a car now." My dad grinned.

We laughed at the memory. "If you do intend on redecorating it, make sure to get the right brush." Liam said. "Or we'll have to call Mason to see if he has the right one."

I stilled hearing that when the memory of Mason bringing the correct brush and helping out with the painting flashed in my mind. I remembered the blushes and feelings I got when I saw him, I didn't even know then he was my best friend. I remembered bumping into him while listening to music and he caught me, I felt like a silly school-girl who was looking at her crush at that moment.

I caught Nicole's penetrating gaze and Liam looked sorry but I glanced at the ring on my finger and plastered on a smile, that was the past and it shouldn't affect me. "He can help just as long as you don't invite him to join us for pizza afterwards."

Relief washed over Liam's expression. "No promises there Carly, it's only good manners if he helped out."

"Yeah but you didn't have to bail on me that night, you left and made me come back home with the guy I thought of as the biggest jerk!" I said feeling the annoyance from that night resurface.

"Sorry about that." Nicole murmured sheepishly. "Liam left because I was sort of stranded."

"So it was you? You were the one who called Liam?" I shook my head bewildered. "After all these years, I finally know why Liam left me to go home with the jerk of the century."

"Sorry." Nicole apologized again.

I laughed and waved it off. "I wouldn't take back a thing from then. Those are memories I would cherish forever."

We carried on with light chatting mostly about old times.

"Yeah I have to hand it to your breakup skills; I never wanted to see Nicole again." Liam said.

"Carly, you did all that?" my mother asked looking shocked.

"Oh come one mom, you knew what I was like in New York, that was child's play." I said.

"Yes but I never thought you'd do that to your own brother." She said.

My dad just laughed. "You have to hand it to her Anne; our kid was one smart girl."

"George." My mom warned.

I even got little Ivy laughing and got her to sit on my lap. "You fwunny Aunt Carly."

I pecked her little cheeks. "And you're adorable."

Ivy occupied herself with the ring on my finger. "Pwetty." she murmured to herself.

I just remembered that I had to share the news of my engagement with my family. "I have something to tell you guys." I announced.

"Ooh the casserole." Nicole jumped up. "Can we talk during lunch?" Nicole asked and sped towards the kitchen mumbling things to herself about being forgetful and silly.

"Liam come and help me here." She called after him.

Liam looked sourly and grumbled. "Excuse me while I perform slavery- I mean husband duties."

"Liam!" Nicole called again.

"Coming." He shouted back.

"I'll come with you." my mom said and the two of them walked out.

"How's Damien?" My dad asked after we sat in a brief moment of silence.

"He's good, really busy." I answered. "He sends his regards." I added.

My dad and I carried on with light chatter for a bit before Ivy occupied us. "Ivy sing your ABC's for Aunt Carly." my dad said to her.

"You know the entire alphabet?" I asked with wide eyes, acting shocked.

Ivy shyly nodded.

"Aren't you a clever girl and can you count?" I asked her.

She showed me her ten fingers. "Only 'till twen." She said between a mouthful of chocolate.

I laughed seeing her messy mouth. "Oh Ivy, come with grandpa and I'll clean your mouth before your mother has a fit and then you can sing your ABC's for your aunt." My dad said and took Ivy with him upstairs to the bathroom.

I was left alone in the living room so I decided to see how the cooking was going when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Mom, someone's at the door." I shouted.

"So answer it." my mom shouted back. "I'm busy."

"Ah can't Liam do it?" I shouted back just as it rang again.

"Do it you lazy-ass, I'm busy too." Liam yelled.

"Fine." I sighed bitterly and made my way to the front door. I shook my head thinking it was like I never left, I was still the underdog child.

The bell rang twice more. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." I said under my breath.

I touched the handle and turned it, slowly opening the door.

When the door was fully opened I froze. "Liam, I went to your place but the security sai..." the visitor stopped midsentence when he looked up from the file he was holding and up at me.

I stood immobile when those very familiar blue-grey eyes met my brown ones. All I could do was look at him with wide eyes and a slightly parted mouth.

There he stood, six foot tall with messy hair - although it was shorter and lacking his trademark man-bangs - nevertheless it was still tousled. He had a grown beard which made him look more mature and older than he really was.

My eyes travelled down, looking at his clothing. He was wearing casual pants with a buttoned shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His face pretty much mimicked mine, eyes wide with shock and surprise written all over it.

There in front of me, after more than six years, stood Mason Clarke.

A/N Aaand he makes a return O_o

I know I left you in a cliffy but how else am I supposed to keep you hooked huh ;P

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know I liked writing it. And what do you guys think of Camien (Carly and Damien), I personally think they're so cute together *dodges stones thrown by Marly shippers* it's just my opinion, doesn't neccesarily mean I ship them ;)

I also want to thank you for all the lovely comments from the previous chapter, I'm so sorry I haven't replied to any, I honestly have no time, I just manage to squeeze writing in for you guys, but I do read each and every one of them and all of them brings a huge smile to my face :D

And if you care, there's a pic of Carly's ring. Gorgeous isn't it --->

Well 'till then lovelies



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