Kindness For Weakness

By Rayyy115

1.8K 221 21

Enjoy 😌 My first book so bare with me 😁 More

My BestFriend
Betraying Ass Hoes
Ungrateful Bitch's
Broken Hearts
New Beginnings
No Strings Attached?
Someone New
A Night To Remember
All About My Business
Second Chances
Rethinking Things
Important Things
Negative Attitudes
The Next Level
Back How Things Were
Loving You
Time For A Change
Played Out
Apart Of Me
Taking A Break
Bigger And Better Things
Wedding Bells
Old Flames
The HoneyMoon
Truth's & Cheater's
Karma Kry's
Game Plan
Private Time
The New Assistant Part 1
The New Assistant Part 2
The New Assistant Part 3
The New Assistant Part 4
The New Assistant Part 5
The Baby Shower
Authors Note
Old Romance
Tricky Ass Nigga's
My Baby
A Bad Business Trip
Bad News
The Sequel!

Rude Awakening

57 5 0
By Rayyy115

Brian's Pov:I was supposed to come home two days from now but my business trip had got cut early so i was able to leave when I opened the door I had saw Ashley looking at me like i was some ghost or sum  and really I was kinda bothered because Summer didn't even tell me that her best friend was moving back with us im guessing Ashley and Damien aren't hitting it off like they was supposed to.

Brian:"Hey Ash how have you been?"

Ashley:"Ive been good what about you?"

Brian:"Never been better um where summer at?"

Ashley:"She went out like some hours ago I just texted her to tell her what we should have for dinner."

Brian:"Oh um okay well ill be upstairs." "Oh and when did you move back in." He said grabbing his bags off of the floor.

Ashley:"Like a day ago." She said putting her feet up on the coffee table and turning the tv on.

Brian:"Oh um okay well when summer gets here tell her im in the room waiting for her I need to talk to her."

Ashley:"Alright, Hm I wonder whats his problem?" She mumbled.

Brian's Pov:Im so sick and tired of Summer doing things without me like she act like she the one paying the damn bills around here I let Ashley stay here once before and I had no problem with it then she started messing with that nigga Damien. Afterwards she moved out i was actually happy because that meant that me and Summer could have time together and actually try to start our new life and as soon as i get a call that i gotta go on a business trip she goes behind my back and let Ashley move back in without asking me now I know i sound like her father or sum but this is my damn house and whatever happens goes through me first.

Ashley's Pov:I was watching tv when Summer finally decided to come home the first thing she did was go right to the damn kitchen she ain't even say hi to me.

Ashley:"Heyyyy I see your finally back."

Summer:"He's back isn't he." She said in a low tone.

Ashley:"Yeah whats wrong why you talking so low?"

Summer:"Come here." She said pulling Ashley into there nearest bathroom.

Ashley:"What the fuck is going on Summer why you acting like that!"

Summer:"Shhh, look I gotta tell you sum and your not gonna be happy about it."

Ashley:"Oh god what did you do now do I gotta fight someone." She said sitting on the bathroom counter.

Summer:"Bruh stop playing, but Um- I got the- Abortion."

Ashley:"What the Fuck Summer!"

Summer:"Shhh keep it down."

Ashley:"And why should I you just took a innocent child's life for no reason."

Summer:"I couldn't take it anymore the feeling of Brian breaking up with me was eating me alive so I had to do it."

Ashley:"I can't fucking believe you right now Summer im going out for a quick walk And don't trying calling or texting me cuz I ain't answering." As she said that she left out of the bathroom and put her shoes on and left.

Summer's Pov:Ashley is being such a fucking bitch I know I took a baby's life away but I had to do it if it meant saving me and Brian's relationship. After that whole little argument with me and her I went to me and Brian's room when I opened the door he had nothing but a towel on and he was laying on the bed listening to music I swear he is to fucking fine.

Summer:"Hey Baeee!" She said getting on top of him.

Brian:"Oh hey where you been at."

Summer:"I was out shopping and stuff guess what were having for dinner tonight."

Brian:"What a bowl full of Ashley's Problems?" He said pushing her off him lightly.

Summer:"What are you talking about?" She said with a confused face."

Brian:"When was you gonna tell me she moved back in." He said putting on his shorts.

Summer:"I didn't find the need to tell you Brian I thought you was cool with her staying."

Brian:"Yeah the first time I was not the second and third damn time!" He said walking into the kitchen as she followed.

Summer:"Are you serious right now Brian your being hella childish!"

Brian:"This is my damn house I pay the bills not you and you need to understand that I tell you what she can stay as long as she giving me some type of money for the bills and she has to pay for her own damn food you got it and when you go out grocery shopping that food is only for me and you not her!" After he said that he went in there room slamming the door.

Summer:"What the fuck is wrong with him nowadays now I can't even share our food with her." She said under her breath."

Ashley's Pov:After a hour of walking I thought I'd just go back home cuz I've been out walking long enough while I was on my way back Summer had texted me anyways after I told her not to I hesitated for a little bit but sense I was outside of the house I read it as I opened the door she was telling me everything Brian had said I don't even know what I did wrong for him to go off like that I guess I gotta work extra hard If I want a place to stay at and food in my stomach until I get back on my feet.

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