WNBA One-Shots

By baldheadeddemon

126K 2.2K 98

A set of WNBA one shots staring you, the reader, with a WNBA player. More

Why don't you hug me? (Amanda Zahui B)
Get out of Jail (Seimone Augustus)
Don't call me that! (Brittney Griner)
Curls and Dreads (Shavonte Zellous)
I like big butts.... (Amanda Zahui B.)
Nurse me back to health (Erlana Larkins)
I'm Dating a CIA Agent (Shavonte Zellous)
Small with Big Dogs (Brittney Griner)
Coach! (Erlana Larkins)
I'm Engaged to a CIA Agent (Shavonte Zellous)
Nerds and Jocks (Seimone Augustus)
My Pretty Mobster (Erlana Larkins)
Heels and Sneakers (Shavonte Zellous)
One Tough Cookie (Lynetta Kizer)
Not Cinderella (Brittney Griner)
Only You (Seimone Augustus)
Crush on You (Epiphanny Prince)
A Taste of Heaven (Diana Taurasi)
Sick Days (Shavonte Zellous)
Three is a Crowd (Amanda Zahui B & Diana Tausari)
Soft Spot (Erlana Larkins)
Married to a CIA Agent (Shavonte Zellous)
Kisses (Epiphanny Prince)
Conditioning (Diana Taurasi)
Shy (Lynetta Kizer)
Jealous (Seimone Augustus)
Personal Chef (Seimone Augustus)
Only Time Will Tell (Angel McCoughtry)
Wish (Odyssey Sims)
Spoiled (Lynetta Kizer)
Gentle (Brittany Boyd)
Don't Fuck Up (Breanna Stewart & Lynetta Kizer)
Love for Two (Erlana Larkins & Shavonte Zellous)
I Really Love You (Seimone Augustus)
Doctor (Diana Taurasi)
In Your Arms (Tina Charles)
Queen (Diana Taurasi)
Killing Love (Breanna Stewart)
Baby (Amanda Zahui B)
My Queen (Seimone Augustus)
Basketball & Hip Hop (Shavonte Zellous & Young MA)
My King (Seimone Augustus)
Commit (Lynetta Kizer & Amanda Zahui B)
Misbehave (Erlana Larkins)
Ain't no Sunshine (Brittney Griner)
Evil Queen (Layshia Clarendon)
(Amanda Zahui B)
Pray You Catch Me (Seimone Augustus)
Years Passed (Shavonte Zellous)
My Wife, the Navy Seal (Brittney Griner)
Soulmate (Jessica Breland & Brittney Griner)
Perfectly Paired (Natasha Howard)
(Kristi Toliver)
Author's Note
(Diana Taurasi & Brittney Griner)
Magical (Elena Delle Donne)
Never let you go (Skylar Diggins)
Georgia Peach (Jacki Gemelos & Layshia Clarendon)
Break Your Heart (Epiphanny Prince & Tanisha Wright)
(Sylvia Fowles)
Author Note
Guardian (Candice Dupree)

Ungodly Job (Brittney Griner)

2.5K 49 2
By baldheadeddemon

Brittney heard you move and groaned.

"Babe, do you have to go?"

"It's my job, Brittney."

Brittney groaned, watching you get dressed and grabbed your phone. You kissed her temple.

"See you later."

"You're coming to the game right?"

"I'll try but you know crime waits for no one."

Brittney groaned but kissed you again as you left the house.

"Dr. Bones. You have a guest."

You are Dr. Lilith Bones, CSI who helped with various cases. You were also the forensic pathologist aka the medical examiner.

"Send them in."

You were removing the liver when you heard a noise.

"Oh god."

You looked up and saw Brittney. She looked away.

"Hello, Britt."

"Hey, love. How much longer...."

"Liver, samples for Abby, then I have to call Hotch down to give him the report. What are you doing here?"

"How are you talking and working?"

"Well, if you weren't here I would be talking to the body."

"Are you serious?"


You put the liver back and wrote your observations down.


"Yes, Dr. Bones?"

"Can you take over, please? Text me when you are done- I'll check over and then we can get Hotch down here."

You removed your gloves and dropped them in the trash.

Lily set to work and Brittney felt her stomach churn.


You quickly grabbed a bucket and held her hair back as she hurled. You rubbed her back and handed her a cup of water. She drank it before following you out the morgue.

"How do you do it?" Brittney asked as you two walked outside and to her truck.

"Well, one must have a love for science and the truth to stomach it. Also, I'm used to it. I hurled my first autopsy. My mentor helped me relax and showed me how to block it out. It's kinda why I talk to them. He talked to them and so I do too.

Brittney looked at you.

"That is just...."

"Freaky, odd, peculiar, satanic, demonic, insane- heard it all babe. Now, I'm hungry."

"You're hungry?" Brittney said in shock.

"Yes. Treat me to lunch?"


Brittney spotted you in the crowd. You wore your Phoenix shirt and shorts. You two kissed and she smiled.


You turned and saw a woman frantically trying to revive a guy. You dropped your bag and rushed over. You quickly began CPR with the athlete doctor, taking turns.

The man coughed.

"Call 911!"

You called the hospital. "I need a bus at the arena! A man with a potential heart attack- revived but barely holding on. Hurry!"

The team watched as you worked, barking orders.

"I had no idea she knew CPR," Lindsey said.

The paramedics came and you stepped back.

"Dr. Bones!"

"Hey, Mark."

"Doctor?" The team said and Brittney blushed.

You spoke with them before walking back over to Brittney. You took your bag back and looked at them.


"You're a doctor?"

"I prefer Forensic Pathologist but Doctor is fine."

They looked at her.

"You work with dead bodies?"

"Yes. Did Brittney not tell you?"

They shook their head and she sighed.

"Yes, I work with dead bodies. Yes, I have a weird job schedule. No, I'm not gothic."

"You aren't mad Brittney didn't mention it?"

"My own family doesn't mention it. I'm used to it."

You took your phone out and sighed.

"Can't stay. Shooting at main. Good luck and see you tonight."

You kissed Brittney's cheek and walked off.

Brittney sighed. She was having a hard time coping with your hours.

Major barked and Brittney groaned.

"Hey, Major. Is Brittney awake?"

Major barked before running to the bedroom. Brittney looked at the time.

2 am.

"How was work?" She asked softly.

"Too much. But on the bright side baby, I have two weeks off- supervisor's orders. She realized all my nights I tried to take off, they were all interrupted. So I'm yours for two weeks."

Brittney smiled and hugged you, falling backwards as you laid on her chest. You two shared a sweet kiss before you sat up, straddling her stomach.

"Can we do a movie binge?"

"Miss it's 2 in the morning!"


Brittney rolled her eyes but smiled.

"I guess for you we can binge. But just this once. Tomorrow is a normal bedtime."

You smiled before kissing her cheek and disappearing into the bathroom. Brittney started thinking of all the things you two were going to do for the next two weeks.


Brittney heard the pounding on the door. You were currently watching a movie, sprawled on the bed.

"I'll get it."

"Love you."

You two kissed and she went back to the movie. Klaus and Major curled up with her.

Brittney answered the door and immediately a gun was in her face.

"Is Dr. Bones here?" The Hispanic male asked. Behind him was three more men, but one was bleeding and looked barely conscious.


"Don't question me bitch!" The man barked. "Is she here or not!"

Brittney swallowed.

"Babe what's going-"

"Dr. Bones!"

"Alejandro! What are you doing here?"

"My boss! Rival cartel shot him!"

You cursed. "Brittney can you go in the closet and into the safe, the code is 1472. Get my kit."


"Now!" You barked, rushing the men in, making sure no one saw them.

You closed the door and ushered them into the kitchen where the floor was tile and you could easily clean. Brittney came back with the black case and you grabbed it, unzipping it.

"Under the sink is garbage bags, spread two out."

Alejandro did as ordered and spread them before placing the bleeding man on them.


The man groaned, opening his eyes.

"Keep your eyes open."


"Octavio! If you close your eyes on me I will slap you!"

Octavio kept his eyes open- barely- but enough for you to make sure he was still conscious. Pulling gloves on, you ripped his shirt open and saw the bullet entrance right below his rib cage. You set to work quickly.

"Brittney! Get me a towel!"


You turned, glaring.

"You can lecture me afterward! Get me the goddamn towel!"

Brittney jumped to it, returning with the towel.

"I'm going to numb the area. Try not to scream."

You started injecting the numbing, around the area you would have to be fishing for this bullet. Finishing that, you grabbed the pliers and began the careful task of removing the bullet. It was silent besides the occasional moan as you worked. You got the bullet out and dropped it in Alejandro's hand.

You used the towel to pat away some of the blood.

"You're lucky it didn't hit a major artery."

"Will he live?"


You set to sewing the wound back up. Brittney watched you worked. You seem to move with such grace and skill that it seem like you did this before. Making sure the stitches were tight you moved onto the next bullet that was in his leg.

You worked quickly and quietly- unless ordering someone to pass you something.


He came running and stopped.

"Go and fetch me the bone."

They all looked at you but Major understood and returned with the unopen box of gauze. You pet his head before setting back to work.

How the hell did major know what you were talking about? Brittney wondered.

Major sat at Brittney's feet, watching as you removed the bullet and handed it to Alejandro. Brittney counted two more bullet holes. You worked quickly, removing those before wrapping all of the wounds in gauze and tape.

Octavio groaned but blinked a few times.

"Thank you, Doctor."

"I swear to god Octavio this is the third time!"

"I don't go looking for trouble," he said with a grin. "It finds me."

"Sure and I am the Queen of England."

You threw him a bottle of Painkillers which he caught with his good arm.

"Take two every four hours. Remove the stitches-"

"In 2-3 weeks, I know Doc."

You sat down.

"I swear to God, Octavio. I don't need to see you for another 6 weeks. Got it?"

"I'll try."

You groaned.

"If not, try to avoid my house. I try not to bring work home."

Octavio grinned before wincing as his side gave a slight flare of pain.

"Got it Doc. I'll send you the cash."

You nodded, Alejandro and his two other men helping their boss up and out the house. You gathered the garbage bags and dumped them in the garbage before tying the garbage up and throwing it out in the garbage. Major ran off and returned with the bleach.

"Thanks, boy," You said, the adrenaline finally wearing off as you set to cleaning up the blood.

Brittney watched quietly as you worked, not saying a word. You finished and sat on the stool. Major placed his head in your lap, and you pet him, eyes closed.

"How long?" Brittney finally asked.

"Since I started to do these 'surgeries' on Octavio and his crew? Three years."

Brittney's eyes widen. You two had been dating for 1 1/2 years!

"Does he pay you?"


"You could get arrested."

"You don't think I know that? But I owe him my life!" You snapped.


"Four years ago, I was dating this asshole that we'll just call Douche. I needed a way out of that relationship and I tried to leave but he beat me senseless when I tried. I went to a bar the next day, trying to calm myself- I had just gotten the job as the medical examiner and I was dying to start work in three days but I knew I couldn't cover those bruises. Octavio saw me. Asked me why a pretty girl like me was all bruised up. So I told him. He gave me his number and told me that the next time my boyfriend raised his hand to me, to call him. "

You took a deep breath, closing your eyes.

"The day before I was supposed to start, my ex came home in a drunken rage. I was terrified. I hid in our bedroom, door locked and under the bed and I called Octavio. Octavio stayed on the phone with me the entire time he drove to my place. Right when he arrived, my ex broke the bedroom door down and pulled me out from under the bed. He had a knife and he was going on about how he was going to kill me. Octavio rushed in and shot the bastard. Right in the neck."

You looked out the window.

"I watched as my ex bleed out on the floor. Octavio had his boys clean up the mess, replace the carpet and dispose of the body."

Brittney was shocked. You never mentioned anything about an ex or murder.

"Octavio told me I didn't have to repay him but I told him I had too. I came this close to dying and he saved me. So he told me he needed a 'personal doctor'. Someone who could patch him up after fights and so I agreed. He only needed me for a year but I stayed- at that point, he was like Family. He was- is- my older brother. He makes sure I'm okay and every time I'm called into work in the middle of the night, he has one of his boys keep an eye on me."

Brittney blinked.

"You asked why I don't squirm at the sight of a dead body anymore? Because I've walked in on cartel killings where I had to patch Octavio, his superiors, and the minions up with two other doctors. I'm used to it. I'm desensitized to it. It's why you always get mad when I don't give you the normal response when you bitch and moan at times."

You stood.

"I'll be leaving tonight."


You looked at Brittney.

"You don't want a Cartel Doctor living with you, do you?"

"Baby, I may not understand- scratch that, I don't understand this at all, but I love you."

"Can you handle me being called out sometimes for things that aren't even work related?"

"If you are safe I can handle it."

You looked at Brittney and she saw the dead look in your eyes.

"You need rest."

"Who are you telling?"

Brittney looked at you. "We can talk about this later, for now, go rest."

You yawned and Brittney hugged you, kissing your cheek.

"Go to bed."

You nodded and walked off, going to the bedroom.

Brittney sank to the floor and rest her head on her knees. You had an undgodly job and Brittney was worried that your demons would eat you alive.

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