Baby (Amanda Zahui B)

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Amanda loved when you babied her. She would bury herself between your legs, head on your chest, and her arms around your waist. She would simply lay there as you ran fingers through her hair and just laid there.

Right now, she was doing the same thing and

"Amanda are you purring?"


You chuckled and kissed her forehead before returning to reading.

Amanda felt herself falling asleep and she would've if her phone didn't start ringing. She groaned but heard you answer it.

"Hey Epiphanny. She's sleeping....No.....I'm not waking her up...."

Amanda smiled as you eventually hung up and hugged her.

"Tell your friends you aren't available on Sundays."

Amanda laughed but hugged you before kissing your cheek.



"I love you."

"I love you too Amanda now sleep. You need it."
Amanda held your hand as you two walked down the city block. You wore a black adidas tracksuit and sneakers. Amanda matched you and kissed your hand as you two walked into your favorite Thai spot.

Amanda smiled as you made a face but grinned as she took a picture of you.

"I love you."

You smiled and leaned over to kiss her softly.

"I love you too my big baby."

Amanda smiled before you two ordered.

"Baby girl!"

She hugged your waist and kissed your cheek as you giggled.

"Can we get it?"

"Why do you want a giant teddy bear?"

"So when you're away on work, I can snuggle it."

"Ya big baby."

Amanda smiled but grinned as you allowed her to put the giant bear in the cart as you two walked around Costco.

You two picked up food and supplies before paying and leaving.

"I want a kiss!"



You chuckled before kissing her cheek as you two packed the truck. Amanda kissed you again before getting in the driver seat.
Amanda would never admit it, but she acted like a baby because she hated when you left.

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