Radioactive (An Avengers Fanf...

By MaddieTehFangirl

327K 11.8K 5.9K

Lyla Davidson was just a normal 14 year old girl. Emphasis on the was. After her mother died from cancer caus... More

Chapter One- The Accident
Chapter Two- Close Encounters with the Annoying Kind
Chapter Three- SHIELD isn't just armor
Chapter Four: Best friends in Saugus
Part Five: The Musical Super Freaks and Goldy Locks the God
Chapter Six: Water Bending, Losing the Moose and Marathons
Chapter Seven: What's going on?!?
Chapter Eight: Find My Victims (The Best Selling App)
Chapter 10: Engineer, Biochemist and Avenger
Chapter 11: Emma Blackery and Nightmares
Chapter 12: They're Coming
Chapter 13: Plans Unfold
Chapter 14: Vatican Cameos
Chapter 15: Angry Girlfriends and Bad News
Chapter 16: So Maybe My Dad Does Work at Aperature Science
Chapter 17: Dia
Chapter 18: Everybody's Got A Darkside
Chapter 19: We Interrupt You Normal Story...
Chapter 20: The Chapter Where Everything Goes Haywire
Chapter 21: ...
Chapter 22: The Life of a Dead Girl
Chapter 23: I Try to Save the World and I Embarrass Myself
Chapter 24: From out of the Darkness...
Chapter 25: ... And Into The Light
Chapter ~: And One Last Thing
Book 2 is UP!

Chapter 9: Jeo? Lemma? Fitsimmons? Fitsimmons.

13.6K 530 259
By MaddieTehFangirl

I AM SO SORRY FOR MY LACK OF UPDATES! I have been writing a ton lately, some for future stories and some for this story. The main problem is that I tend to write out of order. Chapters 15, 16, 17, and 18 are all written, but chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are not. Also, I keep getting ideas for this story that effect the first chapters, which is why they have changed over time. From here on out, though, they SHOULD stay the same. Thanks for sticking with me. I promise I will update again later this week. But for now, enjoy some young FitzSimmons.

-Entry created on: 5/19/2013-

As soon as we were out of sight of the wreckage of the car, I quickly slid back into my seat. At this point, I didn't care enough to contemplate the fact that the Survivors (my subscribers, in case you've already forgotten) would probably have pieced together the fact that it's me and had a freaking panic attack. I was exhausted.

My new abilities were starting to wear me out. After using them to escape Loki, experimenting with them, and the fight we just went through, they'd decided to suck all of the energy out of me. My eyes were starting to droop, and I was at risk of drifting off right then and there. I ignored the fatigue and sat up in my seat.

"Is everyone okay?" I called up to the seats ahead of me.

"Yeah. We're nearly there. Now if nothing goes wrong, we should get there in one.... piece..." Steve stared ahead of us.

"S#!%," Tony breathed.

We were faced with Fury- who was holding a guy (who was probably only a year or two older than me) with a gun to his head- and about a hundred agents with electric blue eyes standing between us and the helicarrier. It was in the Hudson behind them with its car bridge extended.

"That's why he called us..." Bruce nodded slowly.

"We are so screwed," I whispered.

"Hello Avengers," Fury waved.

"Please, just stop," The guy with the gun to his head spoke angrilly through gritted teeth with a British accent.

I looked closer, noticing that his eyes were the only ones that weren't the off-putting blue. His were bluish-gray, and he had curly light brown hair. He wore a dark blue stripped polo and dark jeans. He had his hand jammed in one pocket, seeming to be trying to get something out of his pocket.

"Let him go, Fury. This isn't you," Steve called to him.

"Good thinking Cap', if we use manners he'll see the errors of his ways and invite us to tea!" Tony shot at him sarcastically.

"Time and a place, Tony," I whispered quickly.

"Leo! LEO!" A girl, also roughly my age, started frantically trying to push through the agents to get to the front. She also spoke with an accent.

"Jemma, I'm fine, just get back inside," The boy, who was apparently Leo, called back to her.

"DIRECTOR FURY!" Thor had moved to the hood of Tony's car and was swinging his hammer. "LET THE CHILD GO!"

"Thor, please, not the hood," Tony tried desprately to save his car.

"Actually, I'm not a child," Leo tried desprately to save his dwindling self asteem.

"Shut it Fiz," Fury pressed the gun closer to poor Leo's head.

"Actually, it's Fitz. With a T?"

"I don't care."

Leo just nodded slowly. If I wasn't trying to save his life, I would probably be crushing on him. Or shipping him with Jemma. Or both.

I was out of my seat now, joining Thor on the hood.

"Hurt him, and anyone on the ship, and I might just loose it," I threatened, though my hands were shaking and I was pretty sure there was frost surronding my feet.

"You don't even have control of your so called 'powers'," Fury pointed out, adding air quotes around the word powers.

"No. I don't. And that makes me really dangerous," I glared at him, thanking myself for all of the days I speant at home by myself, practicing how I would act as the first female Doctor.

A girl can dream. Don't judge me.

"Please," Fury rolled his eyes doubtingly.

I was about to waterbend the enterity of the Hudson onto there heads, but then I caught eyes with Leo. I couldn't just leave him. Stupid guilt.

"Leo, how many people aren't possessed on the helicarrier?" I quickly called out.

"A-all of them. They locked everyone who wasn't under control inside," He replied nervously.

"Tell her anything else and you die," Fury threatened Leo.

My head spun, thinking of a way to tell Leo to get ready to run. Finally, my brain had an idea.

"Leo, 7-5-20 9-20?" I asked, praying he knew the number to letter code.

He looked at me and shook his head, not getting it. Then, his eyes lit up, and I saw him tapping out the numbers on the hand that wasn't in his pocket.

"OH! 25-5-19!" He responded, confirming that he understood me.

"Good! Um..." I tapped out the numbers on my hands, trying to put my message into code.

"Lady Davidson, what are you doing?" Thor asked in his version of 'quiet'.

"7-5-20 18-5-1-4-25 20-15... um... 18-21-14!" I called out, hoping I got it right.

After a few seconds, Leo got what I was trying to say, and guns were being pointed at my head.

"What did she say?" Fury angrilly moved the gun to Leo's chest.

"Tony, DRIVE!" I yelled.

"What?!?" Tony yelled back.

"JUST DO IT!" I yelled, pulling some water from the Hudson to mine and Thor's feet, freezing us to the hood.

Tony lurched foward, causing me to fall back a bit, but Thor grabbed my wrist in time.

"Watch out," He stated simply, swinging his hammer and blocking the bullets that were flying at our faces.

I went dumbstruck for a moment, watching in awe, but I snapped into focus a moment later.

"RIGHT! Okay," I pulled my arms up to block my face, and water followed, creating a shield of water.

I laughed in awe, stretching out my arms. We were coming up on Leo quickly, so I stretched out my arm.

"GRAB ON!" I yelled to him.

He caught my arm, and I tried to pull him up, but Fury wouldn't release his hold on him. Agents were ducking out of the way, still shooting at us, while Leo and Fury still dragged from the car at 60 miles an hour. Finally, Leo kicked him off and sent him flying into another agent.

"Nice one," I smirked as I helped Leo up. "This might be a bit... fridgid.."

"What do you- OW!" He winced as I froze him the hood. "How did you do that?"

"Good question," I shrugged, accedentally putting a hole in water shield, letting a few bullets race towards Clint.

"Watch it!" Clint yelled at me after easily dodging the bullets and sending a few arrows wizzing past the side of the car.

"Don't scratch my car, bird boy!" Tony shouted to Clint.

"There is an Asgardian and two kids frozen to your hood. Get a little perspective," Clint retorted.

"We're not kids!" Leo and I, completely in sync, turned to Clint and shook our heads in disgust.

"Wait, Jemma. We have to grab her!" Leo suddenly blurted.

I spotted the small brownish-blonde haired girl. She looked to be the same age as Leo, and was dressed similarly too- wearing a white blouse under a dark blue v-neck sweater and dark jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail, revealing her brown eyes.

"Get ready to grab her," I warned as Jemma worked her way past agents to where we would pass.

Jemma jumped at just the right moment, catching Leo's hand and pulling herself onto the car.

"I thought you were going to die," Jemma gave a half smile.

"Trust me, you'll sooner jump out of a plane," Leo joked.

(AN: Feel the feels. FEEEEL THEM.)

As soon as the wheels hit the helicarrier (after a pretty BA jump over the gap to the boat, I might add), Tony's car lurched to a stop.

"Is anyone on the helicarrier under Loki's control?" Nat asked quickly.

"No, ma'am. Fury called them all out. There are-are about 1,000 agents not under control on th-there, though," Leo explained, only stuttering twice.

"Tony, Steve, Bruce, make sure no one has any injuries. Thor, make sure no one follows," Clint ordered, getting an eye roll from Tony. "Nat, with me, we need to fly this thing."

"What about us?" I asked, gesturing to Leo and Jemma.

"Stay out of sight. If anything happens, Lyla, you're in charge," Nat belittled us before running off with Clint.

"Unfair," I wrinkled my nose, looking around. "Where should we go?"

"The labs," The two love birds said in sync.

I nodded, letting them lead the way.

"You'd think we were bloody 4 year olds," Leo frowned as we walked.

"Instead of the top graduates of our division at the academy," Jemma added.

"Academy?" I asked.

"The SHIELD Academy. We graduated, top of our class, I might add, last year, which is why we are now in the middle of an inter-species war," Jemma replied nervously.

"Actually, we're in an inter-species war because you thought it would be a good idea to work in the weapons lab on the helicarrier," Leo gave her a pointed look.

"Sorry, bit lost here, you just graduated school? Already? You two look like your 14..." I stopped them.

"We are," They replied, once again, at the same time.

"Please tell me most people don't graduate that early."

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