Because Of Love

By lutfamoe

23K 1.3K 369

Love More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Aaliyah 15
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Please Read!
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
hey guys
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Happy Birthday Aaliyah
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 3

604 34 11
By lutfamoe

Aaliyah POV

I woke up the next day with a bad hang over. I looked at the clocked and seen it was pass noon. I never slept that long. I got up and was just about to head into the bathroom to shower and then I heard my door bell ring. I went down stairs and opened it to Janet and lyte standing there looking at me concerned.

Lyte: Yo why wasn't you answering your damn phone had us all worried.

Janet: Yeah liyah you good?

Aaliyah: I'm fine I just over slept.

They walked in still looking at me like I'm crazy.

Aaliyah: What?

Both: Nothing!

Aaliyah: Why y'all all refreshed and shit like we all didn't get super drunk last night.

Janet: I didn't get that drunk I was fine. Lyte on the other hand was wasted. The bitch even smacked me in her sleep.

I looked at her confused.

Aaliyah: Why y'all sleeping in the same bed in the first place? Janet you got a 6 bedroom house.

Janet: We was watching TV and fell asleep dang.

Lyte: Yeah why you tripping. You act like me and you or you and Janet or even all three of us haven't slept in a damn bed together.

Aaliyah: What ever I'm going upstairs to shower.

Lyte: Hurry up we will wait for you.
Janet POV

Lyte looks at me as Aaliyah goes up stairs.

Lyte: Yo what's her deal.

Janet: I don't know you know Aaliyah has her moments.

We sat and waited for Aaliyah. She finally was done and came downstairs.

Aaliyah was really stunning. I alwaus thought that. She had the type of beauty where She didn't need make up at all.

Aaliyah: Y'all ready?

Janet: Yeah.

The way Janet was looking at me made me feel weird. These sudden feelings started to come out of no where and I don't know if I was liking it. We headed out to an restaurant to catch some lunch. When we got there they sat us upstairs in a private area because we didn't want the people to be staring at us as we eat. We ordered our food and just talked as we waited.

Lyte: Y'all had fun last night.

Janet: Yeah it was okay. I'm glad I got to see PAC.

Aaliyah: You should ask him out. You need a little thug life in your life.

Me and lyte started laughing as Janet gave us the "don't get funny face"

Janet: No y'all need to stop. Me and tupac are just friends.

Lyte: Yeah okay if you say so. You need to go out on a date.

Janet: Look who's talking. I don't see neither one of y'all out here doing any dates neither.

Lyte: What ever I'm just waiting to meet the right straight female to turn out.

We all started to laugh as our food came.
Lyte POV

Little did Janet know I was referencing that to her. After last night I realized I might be looking at Janet a different way now. I don't wanna mess up our friendship by telling her my feelings.

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter short. Still trying to get my thoughts together to where I wanna go with this story. But like and comment 😊)

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