My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]

By AlyzaJusa

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My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]
Birthday Gone Bad
One Long school day
Just thinkin' ...
I dont need a friend , I need relationship
What happened? Did I do something?
Starbucks, Laughs , and Awkward moments
Mid-day , to mid night, with 'him'
Treasure Hunt
Second Period
lunch and teasing
good luck
spending the night
Good morning
what happened?
wake up
Trip to Maidstone!
'What if' questions
take off time
*take off two*

Proper Asking

1.2K 20 0
By AlyzaJusa

*Nialls POV*
"Wow , you look beautiful, " I said biting my lip . "you look amazing too , I mean wow! " I said .
"We cant do this , I mean what if we get caught , I mean I really lov~ like you but....~" "I don't care im willing and after dinner , you'll be home no worries . erm...did your friend tell you anything ?" "no why they new?.. they knew didn't they? oh those bastards . " She said "Hey im sure you would keep a secret for  week out of P.E" "HA , no because I wont be able to see my best guy friend ..Johnnie ....ha im joking I wouldn't be able to see you., but they kept a secret from me for no P.E" She said thinking

*skipping dinner*
"oh , Niall thank you that was delicious , " She said after taking a sip of her water . "so last night wasn't a proper asking out , " I cleared my throat .
"Jasmine would you be my girlfriend .?" I asked her .
"No ," she said very serious , my eyes got watery , "I'm just playing babe , of course babe !"
She said getting up from her seat and walking over to me and kissing me.
" should get you home babe , its nearly 2 am and we have school . " She looked at me confused and then caught on . "ah ok , well lets go shall we ?" she walked to the limo' and turning to see I  was coming . She reached for the door handle but I moved her hand and I opened the door for her . She chuckled , "your too cute love" I said . 

The car ride to her house was longer then ment . Their was a bunch of traffic , and she fell asleep on me . "how am I going to resist her at school I can barely do it now " I whispered t my self. "just pretend we aren't together , do whatever you have to do , to resist eat , yell , laugh . something " She said and got up . "I thought you were asleep ?" I asked . "I heard you whispering , I'm a light sleeper , when m asleep in a car . ermmm.... how much long until we ~ "We're here" The driver opened the window , and told us . "that answers me question ." She added . The driver opened the door , just as Jasmine was going to get out , she scooted back over to me and kissed me passionately ,for a few seconds and then thanked me , an with that she was off in to Johnnies house .
*Jasmines POV*
"Oh my god tonight was amazing !" I said a loud , "did you have fun?!" Jayla said running from the kitchen, and Johnnie came running in not much after. "*caugh* erm what she means is..." "Don't worry Johnnie he told me, 'don't tell her an no p.e for a week' " "Johnnie run!!" Jayla said "I'm not mad , lucky for you , he said I would do the same thing , so I cant be mad , because I would've kept the secret too, and Jayla the answer your question it was fun, no it was heaven . " I said thinking back to when I kissed him " aw someone has harts around they're head , "Johnnie said. "what~ I was cut off by yawning~ ever Johnnie!" I said rubbing my watery eyes. "go to sleep babe you tired" Johnnie said , walking me to my room. "goodnight guys" I said hugging them. "goodnight love you " They said at the same time "love you guys too" I said yawning once again.

*skipping the week going straight to Friday *
I woke up , from sleeping like a baby. "JASMINE GET UP! ITS ALREADY 7:00! WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" Johnnie Yelled.
"I'm up ! " I said "and I know what I'm wearing to .It's Friday and its Ugg boots , black skinnies , and Rolling Stone long sleev " I added "Jasmine your boyfriend is at school , you aren't wearing that. " He demanded . "If he loves me wearing  uggs , skinnies and a  long sleeve Rolling Stone shirt ,then right?" "I stand corrected Mrs. Horan , uh I mean Mrs. Evans " He said after I smacked his arms "I'm going to change! " 
After I changed we walked to school , it started to sprinkle as the forecast said so we decided to run. Eventually we made it to school , and not very wet, we were late , but johnnie didn't mind. "see you guys later ," I said as I made my way to first period.
 "Your late Mrs.Evans ." My teacher pointed out. "Thank you Mrs. James , but I believe I can tell time. " I shock back at her. "Take a seat , " She pointed. "gladly " I threw a fake smile at her. "pst , if you're smart you wouldn't sit there , "  I heard , "I always sit here ," I replied . "oh sorry " I heard someone whisper back . 'This class always took long . I don't know why either. They other classes , go by in a jiff ' I said in my head.

The bell rang , "what the hell, that was fast, !" I said

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