My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]

By AlyzaJusa

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My P.E Teacher [Niall Horan]
Birthday Gone Bad
One Long school day
Just thinkin' ...
I dont need a friend , I need relationship
What happened? Did I do something?
Starbucks, Laughs , and Awkward moments
Mid-day , to mid night, with 'him'
Proper Asking
Second Period
lunch and teasing
good luck
spending the night
Good morning
what happened?
wake up
Trip to Maidstone!
'What if' questions
take off time
*take off two*

Treasure Hunt

1.5K 26 0
By AlyzaJusa

*jasmine POV*

" Ha , That sucks then right ?" I said biting my lip. "we should go ~ he said looking at the time on his phone~ "it's getting late ,dark outside ,and its cold outside . " he added ,and taking his cardigan off , and throwing it around  my shoulders and pulling me in for a small ,cuddling hug . "you no , your quite the charm Niall."~ I said while my head was on his chest.~ "you smell good to ." I added , and he pulled me out of the hug .

After a while , I got restless . So I decided to text my boyfriend. 'gee I got to get used to that.' We walked to

Johnnies house that was about thirty or forty-five minutes away . "Are you sure ? You want to walk that far with me , I mean I don't want my boyfriend to be walking home alone. " I said , in a questioning way. "look love , it'll be fine . I'll be fine I promise . " He said stopping me in my tracks . "Are you sure ?" ~I said looking down and then back at his eyes. ~"I'm just worried,, I mean we are in London and it isn't the safest at night , after all anywhere you go weather it be Los Angelas ,CA or Armondo , FL or New York , NY  where ever you got it isn't safe at night . " I said , biting MY lip. "you know you really should bite you lip, , you  know what if you let me kiss you , I wont walk home , I'll take a Taxi. I'll even call it to your house er, Johnnies  so you can see me in it and safe okay?" He said with my hands on my shoulders. 

 "Deal , but for the record this is for safety and not because you lips are extremely luscious ,and soft and taste like cherries . " I said liking her lips . He pulled me in and kissed me passionately . It seemed like minutes , hours , but it was only thirty seconds or so . "aww Johnnie come look " I heard . "I'm guessing this is our stop , " He said looking at Jayla . "oh hmm sure is , we got her in a jiff" I said standing on my tipy-toes , and making an I don't know shrug with my shoulders. "See you tomorrow ba ~ Niall " "see you later love " He said ,and whistled for a Taxi and I watched the Taxi drive off , eventually I couldn't tell where it was .

To:'that guy'

' I can't sleeeeeeep'

and I sent a few more

'I'm sooooooooooo tired'

and then the last one

"hope you got home safe , I was just going to tell you , I had an amazing night and thank you for the walk . I normally don't go out , I'm always inside . and I'm going to sleep , I'll talk to you in the morning , goodnight . 

After the last text , I figured I wasn't going o sleep in my daily clothes . So I sleepily walked to my dresser and grabbed some sweats and a sports bra' . Soon I was sound asleep .

*Next Morning*

"Johnnie get your lazy ass up!!" I said pulling the blankets off of him. "Your late for school" I said , knowing Johnnie hates being late . "I'M UP!! LETS GO COME ON! Your still in sweats , why are you in sweats , its Sunday you dumb fuck!!' He shout angrily at me . "Ha Ha Ha Ha I know but get up please ,!" I said jumping on his bed now ." fine im up! How was your date last night ?" He asked instantly . "shut up go back to sleep. " I said running out of his room .

"no you got me up ! I want to know how your date was , because the kiss that happened last night wasn't  a GOODNIGHT kiss!" He said making kissing noises . "ugh Johnnie you such a Kid!!" I said begging to chase him " Jayla get up Johnnies going to eat your food. " I said loud enough so Jayla could hear.

"Johnnie your dead!!" She said chasing him.

Then we heard a knock on the door

*knock knock knock*

"erm....who is it?" I asked , now standing near the door , an throwing my hair in a messy bun . "Special Delivery , For a Mrs.Jasmine Evens . " The male replied . "erm...just a second ....Johnnies move your ares! " "Jasmine Evens .?" He asked raising one eye Brow. "Yes ,Sir ." I replied persistently "these are for you, ~and he turned around , and began to take a step down then turned back around ~"I'm sorry  , also this I for you as well, enjoy your journey ." . and with that he handed me the card and walk off joyfully .

'what the hell does he mean 'my journey'?' I thought

I opened the card , the delivery man gave me .

'Jasmine this is your first , clue , to get to me . Okay? , Today your going to be busy , all day hope you didn't make plans, but I need you to go to the place I ran in to you yesterday , You will find your next clue there"

And with that my day was started , I took a quick shower , and changed into some skinny jeans and a black shirt that said 'hello' in the front and 'good-bye' in the back , along with some  black vans. "Guys I have to do something , I'll be back tonight . " I said , and grabbed my sweater and my phone , and I walked to the Starbucks where I ran into Niall .

There I walked to the table we were at , and noticed a lovely couple . "I believe you are jasmine and this is for you ."

They handed me a rose that had a paper taped to it . The paper read

'beautiful couple right? , that's going to be us some day .

Well , your next clue , where would you go to get fresh air. Your next clue is going to be their. '

I was thinking , 'I would go to the beach ...... The board walk! '

I arrived at the board walk ,and found flower peddles leading to someone near the same spot were Niall and I had been the night before .

I ran hoping to see Niall, but it was just another clue. The friendly male handed me a card and said "he said you were really beautiful ,he didn't lie. Here ya go love ." He said handing me a address to a dress store.

"What's this for?" I ask him. "he was right once again. You'll need  to go to the dress store on Center and Main St. and there you'll find your next clue , now hurry along!" He said with a big smile. "okay okay" I said running , as I was running I could see the sunset, I slowed down and started walking , I pulled out phone and text Jayla and told I was fine and to not worry, she replied and said to be safe, and with that I put my phone in my pocket ,and began to walk  toward Main St. , with-in a few moments I arrived on Main and Center . "hmm where is it ?" I was to my self "ah ha! there it is!" I said skipping .

I opened the door to a very happy middle aged women , very proper . "hello darling , you're late! , lets go , lets get her in this dress. " The middle aged women said persistently . "erm...excuse me but I believe you have the wrong person I'm just looking for clues .  an~ "yes darling , and after you have the dress on you'll get your third to the last clue ." She said cutting me off. "ah look you look so beautiful! " As I walked toward the mirror , I  remembered I was bare-foot . "what shoes will I wear ?" "oh I'm sorry , these . " 'woah those are beautiful, and this dress. My dress is black with a bow around me, and the shoes are black swade, and I have a hand bag its pink similar to the bow one my dress. "Here's your clue. "

'I'm sure your probably freaking out right now , but keep calm . Now go out side and look to your right and then your left and walk right. I want you to walk and stop at the corner , you'll see limo' ,

.when you walk to the limo' I want you to say these words .

'ocean , water , stars , moon , and love ' don't forget. good-bye love .'

'ocean , water , stars , moon, and love ' I repeated in my head .

I opened the door and said 'the magic words'

"ocean , water stars, moon , and love "

"got it thanks love , here's your clue ."

'this tell me your safe and off of the dark streets of London , and SAFE , well your last clue will be at your destination . enjoy your ride Mrs. Evans '

After a few moments , the car stopped , and I was so scared I didn't no if I was going to  die , if I was going to get raped or what , then I remembered 'I'm with Niall I'm safe . '

And then I seen him , he was drop dead hot , just like the first time I seen him in school , and he's mine? , all mine .


A.N sorry if you see any mistakes , I just finished this , and im really sleepy

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