All That Matters

By angelofmusic36

20.6K 1K 279

This is the sequel to Through It All. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you do. It's one hell of a ride... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
RIH Rosey
I'm So Sorry!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 2

890 40 22
By angelofmusic36


Tuesday June 28th


This is the first time I've stepped foot in the house since Joe told me he cheated on me. It feels eerie, but it's something I have to do.

I spoke to my family and Joe's parents this morning and Sika gave me an earful. I feel bad for their end and my family's. Everything we did for the wedding... all the money, the time, the guests... all for nothing. Thinking about all that makes me reconsider the divorce...

I put the key in the door and open it. I walk further in the house and see Joe sitting on the couch with Anjali and Boo comes running over to me.

"Hi Boo. I missed you baby." I walk over to the couch and take my daughter and kiss her on the head. "I'm going to Hawaii. And I'm taking the girls with me. So tell your hoe that I'm picking Joelle up tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the morning and I'm bringing her back on Saturday. When I pull up to the house, Joelle should be standing outside ready to go." I give Anji back to him. "I've gotta go pack." I turn to go upstairs. "Oh one more thing, when I come back, you better be gone. I don't give a shit where you go, but you sure as hell aren't staying here." I hear him sigh and I continue to walk to the steps to get ready for Hawaii.

After I finished packing for Anjali, I start to pack for myself when my phone rings.


"We're going to Hawaii??" Joelle squeals on the other end. I laugh.

"Yes we are sweetie. You, me and your sister. A girls only vacation."

"I'm so excited! I've never been to Hawaii! I have to go pack! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"I'll see you tomorrow princess." She hangs up the phone. After I finish packing my things, I make sure I have everything I need. This should be really fun. I'm not taking the portable crib; Anji will just sleep in between Joelle and myself. I have the stroller all set and that's the only big thing to carry. I go back downstairs and grab my clothes that need to be washed and put them in the washer.

"We're gonna have to talk about this eventually Malaika." Joe says from the doorway.

"What is there to talk about? You cheated, I want a divorce. End of discussion." I turn the washing machine on and leave the room.

"Don't you want to know how it happened?"

"You know what I want? I want you out of my house."

"Indie—" I shoot around.

"No. No you have no right to call me that anymore." I turn back around. "The sooner you get your shit out, the happier I'll be." I go to the basement and my phone rings. "Hey Trin."

"What's up girlie?"

"Nothing much. I just got home. Gotta pack for Hawaii."

"How's the dickhead?"


"I'm sorry I couldn't be there when it happened."

"It's ok. I was too drunk anyway." She chuckles.

"I heard. Does everyone know?"

"Yes I spoke to everyone this morning. Sika was fuming, and my family wants to kill him."

"Do they know you want a divorce?" I sigh.

"They do."


"And Sika is upset that I chose something so drastic, but he understands."

"Do you want to get a divorce?"

"I don't know. I just can't look at him everyday for the next few decades knowing that he slept with her, and he knew that it was wrong but he did it anyway."

"I understand. I'm sorry you have to go through this." I shrug.

"I can't do anything about it now. It's done."

"Well I'll let you get back to packing. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Thanks for calling Trin."

"No problem my love." We hang up.


Wednesday June 29th

It's 2 o'clock, the car is packed, Anjali is in the backseat and I pull up in front of her house and Joelle is standing outside with the biggest grin on her face. I really hope Galina doesn't come outside. I don't want to look at her. Joelle runs to the car with her suitcase trailing behind her and a carry on bag on her arm.

"Hi Malaika!" She jumps into my arms. For a little girl who had to be ready at 2 o'clock in the morning, she sure has a lot of energy.

"Hi Joelle." I put her down. "Are you ready?" she nods. "It's a long flight. I hope you brought a lot to do." she nods frantically.

"I have reading books, coloring books and my music."

"Sounds good." I take her suitcase and put it in the trunk and she gets in the car next to her sister. We stop at CVS to get some snacks for the flight and we go to the airport. Joelle is so excited she can't stop smiling. After we finish check in, we wait to board the plane.

"Have you ever been to Hawaii Malaika?"

"No. This will be my first time. I did get married in Puerto Rico though."

"Was it fun?"

"It was beautiful."

"How is my dad? Is he ok?"

"He's good Joelle. Why do you ask?"

"Because he and my mom have been talking. I don't know what they talk about because my mom goes into another room and whispers, but I know she's talking to my dad." The lady announces our flight and we get on the plane.

9 hours later

Honolulu, Hawaii

I thank God that we landed safely.

We go to the hotel and drop our bags off, have something to eat for breakfast and we go to the beach with the other Superstars and Divas. The match card tonight is fire. It's about 1 in the afternoon, so we have plenty of time to relax before we have to head to the arena. I douse both girls up with sunscreen and put a bucket hat on Anjali. I lay the towels in the sand, put on my sunscreen and my sunglasses and get ready to relax as I watch the girls play with beach toys, and tell Anji once in a while not to eat the sand.

I lean back and close my eyes as I feel the sun on me. All of a sudden, it gets darker.

"Oh my god. Where did the sun go?"

"Damn ma. Looking good." I lift my sunglasses and see--

"Seth!" Joelle says. Shit. I forgot he was coming. Joelle gets off the sand and greets him with a big hug.

"Hi Colby." He comes over with Joelle, hugs me and kisses Anji.

"So it's just the three of you?" I nod.

"A girls only vacation." He backs up slightly with his hands raised.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No. You're not." Joelle says. Joelle gasps. "Uncle Dean!"

"Dee!" Anjali says clapping her hands together.

"Well, well, well look what we have here. All the pretty ladies."

"Um, I'm here too." Colby says.

"Yeah. I know. You were in that general greeting." Colby rolls his eyes.

"Have you taken them to the water yet?" Dean asks me.

"Not yet. We just got here."

"It looks like Uncle Dean to the rescue. Let's go sweetie pies." He picks up Anjali who is always in pure bliss around Dean, and he takes Joelle's hand and the three of them go to the water, leaving me and Colby alone.

"I took a big step today." I say, breaking the silence.

"What did you do?"

"I told Joe when we got back he had to be out of the house."

"Really?" I nod.

"How long are you guys staying here?"

"Until Saturday. I have nothing else to do and we've never been to Hawaii before." I look out in the distance. "We almost made it here though."

"Yeah. Until you got sick and we had to cancel our plans. And we never got to reschedule. And here we are." I nod.

"And here we are." I repeat. We look at Anjali, Dean and Joelle playing in the water. "Let's go."


"To the water of course." I get off our towel and we go walking to the water to play with the girls.

Colby's POV:

We go to the water and splash around. Joelle gets Malaika wet and I can't help but stare. The way she looks in her bathing suit... the way the water drips off her hair and glistening onto her body... Goddamn... And Joe decided in those quick minutes that he didn't want that?

"Hey man. You ok?" Dean asks me.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good." I say quickly.

"Seth! Can we get a picture together?" Joelle asks.

"Of course sweetie." We go to where their stuff is and get Joelle's phone so Malaika can take a picture of us. After we finish our pictures, she takes pictures with Dean and then Dean, Malaika and Anjali.

"Ok Seth, switch places with Dean." Joelle orders. Malaika takes Anjali from Dean and Joelle is standing next to me. I rest my hand on Joelle's back and my arm carefully snakes around Malaika's waist. She looks down and looks up at me.

"Alright everyone." Dean says. "Smile!" we all smile and Dean takes the picture. After we take pictures, Malaika pulls out a little tent for Anjali to sit in to protect her from the sun just in case she wants to get inside. Dean picks up Anjali and places her in his lap.

"Dee abba babba." Anjali says touching her godfather's hand. He smiles and pulls her close. Anajali and Dean are very cute together. I hope I can have a relationship with my kids like that. I look over at Malaika and she has Joelle in her arms with her head on her chest as the four of them watch the waves as they lean up against their beach bags for back support.

I look at Malaika and the girls and I can't help but question why he would want to make such a choice to lose that. Seeing the three of them together is such a beautiful sight. But then again, I gave that up too...

Malaika's POV:

After we spent the day at the beach, we went to the hotel and took our showers to stay for the house show tonight.

I saw people's comments when I posted it on instagram. A lot of them were interesting...

"I think Roman has some serious competition."

"Seth just may walk out with the Championship. And Roman's family."

"First suspension now his wife moved on. I wonder if his youngest daughter will even remember his name..."

"Mr. Steal Your Girl... And your kids."

As soon as Joelle saw Lindy-Sue at the arena, she went running off. If she doesn't become a wrestler, Joelle might just become a makeup artist. I take Anji's arms and I try to guide her to walk.

"That's it baby girl. One leg at a time." She takes one step. "There we go! Ok. The other foot." She struggles to lift the other leg but it finally lands on the ground. "Good girl. One more time." A line furrows across her forehead in concentration as she lifts her right leg. It wobbles and she almost falls, but she finally does it.

"What's going on over here?" Dean says, completely breaking her train of thought.

"Really? She was this close."

"Don't let me stop you." He says.

"Now you and I both know she cant think when she's around you."

"That may be true." He picks her up and sits her on his lap.

"You're gonna have a pretty great match tonight." I say.

"Yeah. It should be pretty good. Listen, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"What's going on with you and Seth?" Shit.

"Nothing. He just really cares. That's all." He raises his eyebrow at me.

"That's not it. What's going on?" I sigh.

"You can't tell anyone ok?" he nods.

"Colby and I have history."

"What kind of history?"

"We dated for four months." Dean nods slowly.

"Oh ok."

"That's it? That's all you have to say?"

"What else do you want me to say? You want me to shrill like a girl and flail my hands while asking for the juicy details?" I laugh.

"No. No I don't."

"Good. Cause I wasn't gonna do it. Does Joe know?" I shake my head.

"My parents and my siblings are the only ones. No one else knows. Not even Trin." He nods again.

"Ok. I was just wondering." He gets ready to walk away.

"Wait. I wasn't finished." He comes back.

"I think he still has feelings for me."

"Do you still have feelings for him?" I shrug.

"I don't know. I mean he was my first love... but I have no idea."

"Well that's what you need to figure out. Do you want your old love or your husband?" I sigh and look down at my ring. That's the question. Isn't it?


Saturday July 2nd

I walk into my house with Anjali after dropping Joelle at home and my house feels empty. It's not just because Boo is staying with my mom for a little bit, but Joe is gone. I can feel it. I change Jali's diaper and put her in her crib with some toys.

I go into my room and open the closet doors. Most of his clothes are gone, but he still left some things behind. I sigh and sit on my bed.

Did I do the right thing by putting him out? Doesn't this constitute as being separated? They're the steps leading to a divorce. A divorce. Am I really doing this? I've only been married for 3 years. That's not a lot. I mean some have been married for less. And they didn't seem to bat an eye about it, so why am I stressing?


July 4th

Monday Night Raw

Well Hawaii was very relaxing and all but now it's time to get back to work. They filmed a quick promo for later where some of the Superstars and Divas are having a 4th of July "dinner" and it ends in a food fight. So I had the utmost pleasure of running around like a chicken with my head cut off from those involved in the food fight who think it's ok to touch me.

You can tell that they had just a little too much fun with the food fight... It was very entertaining. I just feel bad for the person who has to clean all that up.

"You either weren't involved in the food fight or you got away clean."

"Colby, you know me. I don't like to get dirty." I say with a smirk. "I'm surprised they didn't make you get in it."

"Do you know how long it takes to scrub this beard?" he says with a laugh.

"No. Actually. I don't. You didn't have a bear on your face when we were together."

"It's not a bear...  Ok maybe it was when I was out on injury, but now it's a puppy. It's a Kevin." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. Ok Lopez."

"You got a match tonight?" I nod.

"Becky. Rematch from last week."

"You're gonna win?" I shrug.

"Guess you're gonna have to wait to find out."

"You know I will be watching too." I feel my face heat up.

"Thanks. More pressure to not mess up." He furrows his eyebrows.

"So let me get this straight... You don't feel pressure when hundreds of thousands of people are watching you both here and on their TVs, but you feel pressure when I watch you?"

"I—Uh—Shut up!" I walk away to him laughing.

I hate him. He makes me stutter. And he's right too?? Why did I have to say that? Why am I acting like a high school girl with a silly little crush??



After the whole thing with the Bullet Club, I had the opportunity to shoot a quick promo.

"Are you ready for this?" AJ asks me. I raise my eyebrow.

"Am I ready to hand your asses to you in a promo?" I snicker. "I live for these things."

"Alright and we're on in 3... 2... 1." The Bullet Club comes walking by and I stop them.

"Hi there. It's nice to see you guys up close and personal. Especially after you guys got your asses handed to you by Cena, Enzo and Cass... Phenomenal. Really it is."

"Can you get to the point?" Karl says urgently.

"Woah. Woah. The hostility. I'm sensing some tension. Anyways, I get what you're doing. I do I really do, but this whole Bullet Trifecta Club thing isn't gonna last long. I mean come on who are you kidding? In this company, factions that aren't family don't last as long as factions that aren't. Look at The Shield, Evolution, The Nation of Domination, The Nexus, The New Nexus... The Brood. Sure you guys will be like all the rest, come in, make your point, beat some people up on the way, but eventually someone will turn and it probably won't be one of you because you two are stuck together like bald conjoined twins so that only leaves one person." I look at AJ. "So you three should watch your backs... before someone slams a chair against it... Have fun!"

Thank God this promo was near the curtain because I have about a minute and a half to get ready for my match during The Shining Star's promo. Which was all after the commercial break so I didn't have much time to get myself focused.


My match was a nice, quick, easy win nothing to worry about.

"Cute promo."

"Are you stalking me Colby?"

"What? No. I can't applaud you on your promo?" I shake my head. "Congrats on your match. I knew you'd win."

"Really?" he nods.

"Did you get nervous?" I shake my head.

"Once you get out there, you forget about nerves."

"That's true. So since you think I'm stalking you, I'm just gonna go."

Don't let him leave idiot!

No! He has to go! You're still married dumbass!

How about we stop calling me names??

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I call out. He turns back around.

"Tomorrow." He says with a smile.  I really am an idiot.

But my promo was still fire.


He's late. This is ridiculous. This makes me want to stop dating. There's this guy that keeps looking at me from the bar. I try not to look at him, but I can't help it. I'm not sure whether to smile at him or to slap him for staring like a creepy stalker.

"Now why should a pretty woman like you be sitting her by herself?"

"I'm supposed to be meeting someone... but he's late."

"Well then he wouldn't mind if I sat here. Unless you mind." I smile.

"You could keep me company."

"I'm Colby." He puts out his hand.

"Malaika." I shake it.

"Beautiful name. Did you want another drink?" I look down at my bottle.

"As long as you don't spike it."

"I promise I won't." he smiles. "Draft?" I nod. He goes to the bar and orders the drinks. Who is this guy? He seems so interesting and we haven't even had a conversation yet. He comes over with the beers and sits down. "I didn't tamper with them. I keep my promises." He smiles.

"I believe you." I take a sip. "You don't look like you're from around here."

"I'm not. I'm from Iowa."

"Wow. You're a long way from home. What brings you here?"

"I'm a wrestler." I raise my eyebrow.

"Really?" he chuckles.

"Such a tone of surprise." He says taking a swig of his beer.

"You just don't look like the wrestling type. You know they have a developmental studio over here."

"FCW. Yeah. I'm signing a contract with them in a couple days."


"You wrestle?"

"Kind of. I mean I've done some Indie stuff in California, but that's about it. It's not something pressing. But I am a big fan of WWE."

"Maybe you can show me your moves sometime." He says with a smile.


"Sorry I'm late." The guy who's supposed to be my date comes over to the bar. "Traffic was a nightmare."

"Really?" Colby says. "I had no problem coming over here." I narrow my eyes.

"Come here." I motion towards the guy and he comes closer. I pull his color out and there's lipstick on it. "You sure were late. But it wasn't from traffic." His face turns red. "You can leave now."

"You heard the lady." Colby says. "You can leave." He turns around and walks away.

"You really didn't have to add all of that... But it was pretty badass." I say with a laugh.

"I try. I don't like having ladies defend themselves when there's a big strong man nearby."

"Big and strong huh? I guess you have to be in order to be a wrestler."

"Not always. Your opponent can make you look strong." I chuckle.

"That's true too. Listen uh thanks for sitting with me. I'm gonna head home." I get out of my seat. "Thanks for the drink."

"Wait. Do you want to hang out tomorrow? See a movie or something?"

"Are you asking me on a proper date?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I am." I take a napkin and write my phone number down.

"Don't lose this. You're only getting it once. Good night Colby."


Tuesday July 5th


The drive from Columbus to Toledo is only a half an hour drive so most of us stayed in a hotel overnight.

When I woke up the next morning, I went straight to Trinity's hotel room. She came in yesterday.

"Good morning Lime Green. We're going shopping." I say when she opens the door. "I don't know where there is to shop it Toledo, but we'll find something."

"No. What we're gonna do is talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Are you serious? That's how you're gonna do me?"

"Trinity. There's nothing to talk about."

"Are you really going to get your divorce?" I sigh.

"I love Joe... I do but... I can't. I can't stay married."

"Is there someone else?" I look down at my hands. "There is! Who is it??"

"It's Colby."

"Like Seth Rollins, Colby?" I nod.

"We dated a long time ago."

"How long ago?"

"Like when he first signed with WWE. It wasn't long. It was only four months but... I fell hard. And I know he did too."

"So why did you break up?"

"He was moving up and he didn't want to feel like he was neglecting me so he just ended it. He thought the quick break up pain would be better than months of long pain."

"Was it?"

"It was hard at first, but I met Joe about a month later and everything was fine."

"Was it?"

"It was. Everything was fine until this. I mean the thought has always been in the back of mind... way, way, WAY in the back of my mind."

"But all this brought it back." I nod. "What about the tattoo?"

"Oh shit." I groan. "I forgot about that." I reach back and touch it. "I mean it's his symbol for goodness sake. That's a constant reminder on my body. And it's gonna hurt like a bitch to remove it... I never thought about that. Maybe I should stay."

"Over a tattoo? Really? You're gonna stay with the man who cheated on you because of a tattoo? I should slap you."

"What? Why?"

"Because that's the dumbest reason I've every heard. You stay with him or you don't based off of feelings. Not body art."

"Ugghh!! I hate it when you're right. Can we go shopping now?"

"Will you think about what you're going to do?"

"I think about it everyday. It's not that easy though."

"Ok. Ok. Let's not get depressed until after we see the price tags on the clothes we like. Let's go shopping bitch!"


"Dude I think I spent my limit." I say.

"Oh come on! One more store!" Trinity pleads.

"You can spend I can look." She groans.

"Buzzkill." We go into the shoe store and she buys another pair of shoes. "So what are you doing for the rest of the week?" she asks as we head back to the hotel.



"With dad and sister."


"With mom. Why?"

"Well we're filming Total Divas and we're going to Vegas. You should come."

"I don't know. I think I should just stay home."

"No. You need to get out." She says. "Be with people. It's gonna be fun."

"I can't."

"Why? What else are you going to do? Mope around an empty house?" I look out the window. "Exactly. The last time you were out with the girls, you were getting drunk at the bar. It'll be fun." I sigh.

"Fine. I'll go."

"Great! I already told them you were coming!"

"How long have you been planning this...?"

"A while."

"It's gonna be great. You know it."


So what do you guys think so far?? This chapter was going to be WAAAAYYY longer but I decided to break it up, easier to read and easy on the eyes... And it's been a while since I've updated, because once school starts, it's gonna be a lot slower.

Colby is getting closer to Malaika do you think it's such a good idea?

I've been trying to figure out a ship name for Malaika and Colby. The most I got is Samonica. Do you have any ideas?

I thought Malaika's promo with the Bullet Club was pretty funny. I've been saving that one for a while and having the Enzo and Cass angle added to it, gave me the opportunity to put it in.

I think Dean and Trinity are making some valid points but with all things considered, do you really think Malaika should go through with the divorce?

But come on now, let's not joke, Seth looked hot AF in Hawaii... and that man bun on Smackdown... I'm sorry but move over Roman, there's a new bae in town.

I can't lie either, that promo with Jey and Seth was pretty good.

But come on now, Lesnar vs. Orton! It's finna be lit! At least it should be if WWE doesn't mess it up someway, somehow... One can only hope.

Question of the Chapter: So I just finished watching Breaking Bad... Is Jesse hot or what???

Next Chapter: Punches will be thrown at Battleground. Someone will turn their back on their family. The slayage is real at the ESPY's. An invitation will be accepted and a new storyline angle for Malaika will put a new spin on things...

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