The Band To Die For

By Chihuahuaxgurl

1.3K 43 6

Hello. Many of you may think you know everything there is to know about me. Yes, it's true that I'm a youn... More

The Band To Die For
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 1

111 4 0
By Chihuahuaxgurl

Chapter 1

I slowly inhaled a deep breath of the cool fall air. The faint smell of burning leaves entered my nostrils indicating that it was indeed fall time. The ground beneath my feet crunched with every step I took over the blanket of fallen rusty colored leaves. The sun was just beginning to set in the sky, blasting shades of orange, yellow, and pink through it. 

I walked with my hands tucked into my Jack Willis hoodie. It was the perfect sweat shirt weather. A gentle breeze blew through the air, lightly blowing my curly hair in it's direction. I enjoyed taking quiet walks through the forest behind my house. It gave me time to think. My life was so hectic these days that I needed some quiet downtime and this was the ideal place for that.

My friend Louis and I recently bought the house we were now living in. It was in a little countryside town near London. My other three friends, and band mates, Niall, Liam, and Zayn, all lived in a house that was across the street. Our house and their house were the only two within miles of any other buildings. I liked it that way. It gave us the privacy that we needed, since no other aspect of our lives involved any privacy what so ever.

I came to the edge of the forest and looked into the large pond, which was really more like the size of a small lake. It was now much too cold to go swimming in, but was still great for fishing. I heard a small splash and watched a rippling effect of small circles in the water, indicating that a fish had just jumped.

I gazed out over the pond and into the horizon, where the sun was now even lower in the sky, getting lost in my thoughts.

"Ugghh she's so heavy." My best mate Louis whined as he held her up under her arms while I held her up by her ankles.

"Don't worry we're almost there." I uttered trying my best to be encouraging.

After struggling with carrying her all the way through the woods, we finally reached the pond. We layed her down beside it as we both wiped sweat off our brows.

"Whew!" Louis exclaimed, brushing his hands together.

I knelt down and began stuffing the large rocks that lay on the shore of the pond into her clothes. Louie took notice and bent down to help.

After her clothing was stuffing to the brim with rocks we both picked her up like we had before.

"On the count of three." I spoke as we lifted her now much heavier body up high.

"One." We gave her one good swing.

"Two." Her body got swung yet another time.

"Three." This time we let go as we swung her as far into the pond as we could.

She landed far from the shore, into the depths of the pond with a loud thud. Even though it was only a pond, it was very large and got very deep. Her body quickly sunk, the moment it hit the water. The water made bubbling noises as tiny bubbles brinkled to the surface. She was no longer visible. Out of sight and out of mind.

I shook my head and flashed out of my memory. It was beginning to get dark out now and I decided it be best if I headed back home. Out in the countryside, once the sun set it became completely dark. Unlike the city there were no street lights or lights from buildings, just complete utter darkness. Which was nice because you could see the stars crystal clear every night, unless it was cloudy of course. That wasn't the case tonight. The sky was turning a darker blueish purple color and dozens and dozens of stars had already emerged.

I briskly walked back to my house. I figured I would make it an early night tonight since we had a interview bright and early tomorrow morning, which we had to drive to in London.

In no time two old stone houses came into my view. I made my way up the cracked concrete steps that lead to our front door, passing the wooden outdoor hutch to our cellar. I thought it was so cool that I actually had the stereotypical creepy outdoor cellar.

Looking at the cellar door triggered another memory of the girl who was now fish food in the bottom of the pond.

"Shit, she's getting away!" Louis screeched as the girl who went by Annabell went running off down the road.

I had found her hitchhiking earlier that day. She was so desperate to be picked up that she offered to do anything for me, and I mean anything. It was people like her that made the world a filthy and trashy place. Foolish girls like her needed to be taught a lesson. So that's what I planned to do.

We both took off sprinting down the road after her. Let me tell you when adrenaline kicks in it can sure make people do anything and everything much better, faster, and stronger. I have had many experiences with that and she was running like a bat out of hell. It took a good few minutes to catch up with our little runaway slut.

I got close enough to her to reach out and grab at her skimpy little shirt, causing her to stumble and fall over. She was moving so fast that she went skidding across the pavement, causing her skin to scrape all down her arms. I took no time to hesitate as I lunged for the fallen girl, tightly gripping her arm and pulling her up. She was quite a struggle. Louis stepped in and grabbed her other arm. There was no way she could manage to escape now.

As if realizing this herself she started screaming at the top of her lungs. There was no one around since our house was in the middle of the country but her shrill screams were getting on both of our nerves.

Louis gave her a good hard slap across her cheek. "Shut up."

She began crying and blubbering. "Why are you doing this?" She manged to choke out in between her sobs.

"Because it's fun." Louis said with a smirk.

We both made eye contact and smiled.

"Yeah what he said." I agreed.

Eventually after stuggling with her screams, cries, and failed attempts to get away, she seemed to just give up. She stopped squirming and went almost limp. It was probably just from shock caused by everything that was happening but we took advantage of this and pulled her along much quicker and easier back to the house.

Seeing our house must have snapped her out of her zombie like state and back to reality because she started up just as strong, stuggling and screaming like a mad woman.

"Will you please shut up." Louis said with annonance dripping off his words.

She kept on, if anything she got louder. I grabbed her long dark messy hair and pulled it with all my might. "Did you hear what he said?" I pulled her head back so her face was staring directly into mine.

That shut her up. "Let's put her down here." I announced pointing to the cellar.

"Okay." Louis beamed as he skipped over to the cellar unlocking the latch and opening the doors. The steps were long and very steep, revealing nothing but darkness.

She gave one last fight with all the force she had left to not to be taken down. But it wasn't enough. With one good shove she went tumbling down the steps, screaming at the top of her lungs, until we heard a sickening thud and then silence.

Annabell was our first and only kill at our new house so far.....

I realized that I had been staring at the cellar door for minutes now, just standing on our steps. I probably looked like a weirdo. I opened the door and walked into our spacious lovely entry way. Our house was old, very old. It still had a antique rustic look to it. But that was one of the things I really liked about it. It gave it character. All the floors were wooden and creaky. The walls were covered in old fashioned wallpaper that was peeling in the corners.

The house was quiet, which was an indication that Louis probably wasn't here. Noise basically followed that boy wherever he went.

The only light that was on was an overheard light in the kitchen. I walked in to find a note on the table. It was from Lou saying that he went over to Liam, Niall, and Zayn's for a bit. We didn't usually get very good cell phone signal out here, hence why he left a note and didn't text.

I was surprisingly tired. I made my way up our staircase to go to my bedroom and get some sleep. I guess the walk did me in.


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