My One And Only Love (Taemin...

By Never_Falter101

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Alyese is American and happens to have been living in Seoul, Korea since she was 9 years old. When she was 16... More

My One And Only Love (Taemin Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 16

831 24 5
By Never_Falter101

I can't believe I have already wrote  16 chapters! It feels weird...I feel like I have only wrote one chapter. Oh and I am terribly sorry about the delay on chapter 16. My computer is so stupid. It wouldn't let me post it for some reason. 


~~Alyesed Pov~~

"HwaYoung wipe that stupid grin on your face! This is serious!" I yelled at her while pacing back and forth in her room. After that situation not to long ago with Austin and that man, HwaYoung and I quickly went to her house. Nothing can explain how I feel right now. I feel like I'm being hunted down right now.

"Oh calm down." HwaYoung said. She was laying down on her bed with her arms behind her head and eyes closed.

I quit pacing and narrowed my eyes at HwaYoung." Calm down! How can I calm down? First, you practically scared me this morning telling me to hurry to your house.Then, you show me where Austin lives and wow! It turns out that Austin is a part of the gang and not just any gang... One of the most dangerous mafia gangs in South Korea that he will soon take over . Plus he is searching for me and you want me to calm down!"  I said with pure venom.

HwaYoung opened her eyes and looked at me with a blank expression. This just irritated me even more. 

"I mean't what I said." HwaYoung said with a serious expression."Don't try to blame everything on me when I obviously did nothing. I told you to come over because I thought it was important. I didn't know Austin was looking for you. All I knew was that he was in the gang and  the leader's son. That's why I called you over."

I studied HwaYoung as she said this. I felt bad. I didn't mean to make seem as if I was blaming everything on her. 

"I turned towards HwaYoung's window and looked outside so I wouldn't have to be in front of her." Sorry." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked.

"Sorry!" I said loudly." I didn't';t mean to make it seem as if I was blaming everything on you. I'm just a little freaked out...that's all. This is just to much to handle. Plus I'm a little stressed because I suppost to be going on a date with Taemin and-" Before I could finish my sentence Hwayoung jumped off the bed, grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me.

"You're going on a date with who?" She said excitedly.

Wow... She got over that quick

"T..Taemin?" I said making it sound like a question.

"Oh my god! I've waited so long for you too to follow your hearts and be with one another." HwaYoung said spinning around with a huge smile on her face. " When and where is your date going to be?"

"I'm not sure." I answered."Taemin said he was going to tell me the details later."

Right when I finished my sentence. Taemin's ringtone went off on HwaYoung's desk. I quickly ran to her desk, but HwaYoung beat me there.

"Hello?" HwaYoung answered sweetly on the phone.

"HwaYoung give it back!" I said attempting to take the phone from her hands. I continued to fail though. Though HwaYoung was kind of small she was still strong. Every time I tried to reach for the phone she would push me away.

"Oh no this isn't Alyese. This is her friend HwaYoung. Who may I ask this is?" HwaYoung said.

I kept trying to take the phone from her no matter what.

"Taemin you say. Yes! Of course I know who you are. Alyese just talks about you all the time." Hwayoung said winking at me . I needed to get my phone from her right away. I couldn't have her embarrassing me in front of Taemin. I wouldn't be able to speak to him ever again if she did.

"Oh you guys are suppost to be going on a date?" HwaYoung said acting surprised. Right when I almost grabbed the phone out of HwaYoung's hand She ran into her bathroom and locked the door.

I banged on the door begging for the phone back, but she just ignored me.

"Oh sorry , but Alyese can't come to the phone right now because she..she's in the bathroom right now. Our families went out to eat last night and lets just say Alyese's stomach didn't like the food so much...if you know what I mean?" HwaYoung said.

I wanted to slap myself and die in a hole when HwaYoung said that. Of all the lies she could have chosen she chose that one. I mean it wouldn't have been hard to just say ' Alyese is at the store and forgot her phone' or ' she is taking a shower' but no! HwaYoung always has to take things to the next level.

"So let me make sure I have everything down pat. Wednesday..7pm. At Jeong-yeol Yeonghon. Wow! Isn't that place like really fancy and expensive?" HwaYoung asked.

"Man!You really must be a charmer. Well Alyese will be seeing you. Bye!" As HwaYoung hung up the phone she opened the door making me hit my head against it.

"Ow!" I yelped rubbing my head.

"Well Missy! It seems like you for your date on Wednesday you will be going to one of the best restaurants in Seoul." HwaYoung skipped happily to her bed and sat down.

I sighed."HwaYoung what am I going to do? I don't know how to act on a date. I don't even know what to talk about! What am I going to where? I don't have any fancy crap."  

"What do you think I'm here for. I'll give you some tips. Take you shopping and bam!" She yelled abruptly. She folded her arms over her chest with a victorious grin." You got yourself the perfect date."


   Before I knew it Wednesday was here and I was nervous as hell. All I could think about was if the date was going to go well and what would happen if it didn't. HwaYoung and my parents were constantly reassuring me that everything was going to be fine. Well... at least my mom and HwaYoung kept reassuring me. My dad didn't really like the fact I was going on a date. You know that over protective father that wants you to stay single forever situation happened.

      HwaYoung and my mom helped me get ready for my date. When I went shopping with HwaYoung I was happy that my mom came also. I wasn't very keen on dress picking so I let mom and HwaYoung do most of it. The entire time we were at the store it was non stop dress fitting. Right when I took off one dress, another was being thrown at my face. In the end they both found me a gorgeous dress. It was strapless and sequin gold from my torso up. Their were thick black ruffles that started at the end of the sequin fabric. There was black fabric that came under the ruffles hugged my hips just the right amount showing my figure.

       "Now!" HwaYoung began." It's time to get your makeup ready."

I was sitting in a chair in the bathroom by the sink. I already had my gorgeous dress on and my hair done. My mom straightened my hair earlier since my hair is naturally curly.

"You never said anything about any makeup, HwaYoung!" I said. I know what your thinking. What's so bad about makeup? Well I'm not a big fan of it. Trust me, I have tried wearing makeup before. I just don't like it. I'm more of the lip gloss, chap stick,lip stain type of girl. 

"Your mom didn't have a problem with it. In fact, she agreed that it would be nice to finally see you with some on. Now stay still before I poke your eye out with this eyeliner."

I rolled my eyes at her , but sat still. I knew no matter what I did she would still find a way to put any type of makeup on my face. I just hope she wouldn't make me look like a clown.

"All done!" She squealed." Take a look for yourself."

I turned my body around so I was facing the mirror. I looked wonderful and it didn't even look like she put a lot of makeup on me.

"Wow!" Was all I could say.

"Yep! And I only put some black eyeliner on your top lid. Smudged it a little. Put a small amount of gold blush on your cheeks and some lip gloss." HwaYoung said proudly.

I then heard footsteps coming into the bathroom. I looked to my right and saw my mom and dad looking at me wide eyed. " Look at my baby!" My mom said running up to me a hugging me tightly." You look so beautiful!"

"You look stunning, Alyese." I turned towards my dad and saw a big smile on his face." You did good, HwaYoung."

"Trust me. I know!" HwaYoung gushed while high fiving my dad.


   As I stood in front restaurant Jeong-yeol Yeonghon I my heart felt like it was about to burst. I was so nervous that I was literally shaking as I was heading toward the entrance.  As soon as I opened the doors a waiter immediately came to my side with a warm smile.

"You must be Miss Alyese. Am I correct?" He asked.

"Yes. You most certainly are." I smiled.

"Then please, follow me." I followed the waiter to the back of the restaurant. I couldn't help , but admire hoe elegant this restaurant was. When we were in the back their was a wonderfully decorated table that was surround with lit candles that smelt beautiful. Sitting at the table was Taemin and instantly when our eyes connected my heartbeat increased dramatically.

 Taemin stood up from his chair as the waiter and I walked towards him. Taemin looked handsome as ever. He was wearing a grey slacks, a blue dress shirt with a black tie, and a matching grey jacket. To sum it all up...he looked great!

"You look stunning." Taemin smiled and handed me a bouquet of light pink roses.

"Thank you." I said shyly." You look amazing too."

Taemin just grinned in response and then held pull out my seat. Once I sat in my chair and Taemin also took his seat the waiter asked us what we would like to drink and eat.

We both gave him our orders and then the waiter left. I really don't know why I was so nervous.My heartbeat was incredibly loud. So loud that I'm sure Taemin could here it perfectly.

"You don't have to be so nervous around me. " Taemin stated.

"I'm...I'm not nervous." I said lowly.

"You hesitated to answer." Taemin smirked," If it makes you less nervous  I was really scared and nervous for tonight too. So scared to the point where Key and Minho had to drive me here because my hands wouldn't stop shaking."

I couldn't help , but laugh. I could totally picture that situation in my head.

When I tried to hold in the last of my chuckles Taemin looked at me in the eyes and stared hard.

"Laugh... I want you to feel comfortable around me." He said with a smile.

I smiled and nodded me head in reply.

      It didn't take long for our food and drinks to come. Once I tried my food it was absolutely delicious. It was like nothing I have ever tasted. After the little 'nervous talk' Taemin and I became more relaxed and our nerves calmed down. We pretty much spoke about anything that came to mind. Even if it was extremely stupid. Over all it was really nice. 

    As Taemin and I continued to eat a waiter came up to our table.

"Excuse me, Mr. Taemin, would you have a problem sharing this restaurant with another group of men who are planning on having an important dinner meet. They paid a vast amount of money to rent it out for the night and I don't think my employer would want to miss this opportunity." Said the waiter.

"Oh of course. I don't mind. Who is it?" Taemin asked.

" It is Mr. Kwon and people that work for him and for neighboring groups." He said.

Kwon?..... Why does that sound so familiar?

Immediately men in suits were waking to the other side of the restaurant. As I watched the men go to the other side of the restaurant I saw someone that I would surely regret seeing.

"Austin....." I whispered to myself.


 Tell me what you think of the story so far. Thanks :)


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