No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

273K 11.5K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


4K 178 91
By MsChryssieE


"I can't wait to see you!"

"You that excites huh?"

"Yea Kevin, its been two weeks. I'm happy Aug's tour went great, but I'm ready to be back with my husband."

"Aight babe!" I laughed.

"How come you didn't face time me though?"

"I automatically went to my call log."

"Oh ok."

The truth was, I was in England already on my way to her but she didn't know. I was able to get onto an earlier flight so I decided on surprising her.

"You off tonight?"

"I'm off this whole weekend"

I could hear the happiness in her voice when she said that. I knew Nita missed me more than she said and it was the same with me too.


"Anyway babe, I'm bout to get into the shower."

"Ok babe. I love you."

"I love you too Kev."

Ending the call, I stared at my wallpaper till the screen went blank. This last week of Aug's tour was stressing.

The frustration of not telling my wife about this situation was getting to me and I almost let it fuck with my work. I knew I couldn't keep this from her longer but at the same time I didn't want to tell her over the phone.

Mike informed me that Derek was in fact not Ashley's daughter father. He had sent out word that he was trying to get in contact with him and when he finally surfaced, they spoke.

Apparently he was legit taking care of Ashley and Aubrey till Aubrey was three. He had taken her to a routine doctor's appointment and during it he asked for a paternity test. He said he had his suspicions but Ashley was so manipulative that he had to wait on his time to know for sure.

When he got the results back, he said he didn't say shit. He instead just dropped the papers on the table when she came home and told her he was out. Now it is a possibility that the little girl is mines.

"Here we are sir!"

Shaken out of my thoughts, I looked out the window at the apartment structure we had pulled up at. Shit looked good, I must admit.

"Thanks man" I nodded as I got out and got my bag from him.

After giving him a tip, I headed in and went to the front desk.

"Hello good day,how may I help you?"

"Hi, my wife left a key for me to collect when I got in."

"Alright." She said as she opened the desk drawer. "I would need your name and identification."

"No problem." I nodded as I got ma passport out. "Kevin Cox." I smiled handing it to her.

"Oh Mrs. Anita's husband." She smiled. "Yes we've been expecting you."

"Oh ok." I nodded as I took back my passport and the key.

"Robert would take your bags, as you join your wife on the tenth floor."

"Damn so high up. How many floors y'all got?" I joked.

"Just ten" she laughed. "Well that our penthouse apartment."

"Oh, aight. Well thanks..." I paused.

"Chanise." She smiled.

"Thanks Chanise." I nodded and walked off.

The ride up wasn't long so it wasn't awkward. When I got to the door, I knocked and saw Robert look at me with confusion on his face.

"She don't know I came in early." I told him.

"Oh, I understand." He nodded.

"Coming!" We heard her call out.

I shifted and let Robert stand in front for when she looked through the peep hole.

"Is everything ok Robert?"

"Ummm." He paused.

"You tell me ma." I stepped into her eyesight.

"Kevin!" She exclaimed as she jumped in my arms.

"Hi to you too babe." I laughed.

"Oh my gosh, you came in early." She kissed all over my face as I walked in the room.

"I did." I nodded and laughed.

As she showed how much she missed me, Robert placed ma bags down and smiled taking his tip before leaving.

"Babe, let me breath!" I laughed.

Nita was still on me. With her legs wrapped around my waist and arms around my neck, she just held on like a child.

"I'm sorry!" She pulled back and looked at me.

"I love you!" I kissed her.

Saying it back, while engaged in a full passionate kiss, I gently laid her on the couch.

"Mmm, I missed this so much!" She whispered as I kissed down her neck.

"Take this off!" I raised up and just looked at her.

As she removed her robe, I just admired her like I always do. It was no doubt that I loved Anita and would do anything for her.

"Kevin!" She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"My bad babe." I smiled before removing my clothes.

Lifting her, I sat and placed her on my lap. Straddling me, she slowly rolled her hips before slightly raising herself allowing me to enter her.

As she slowly came down on me, with her eyes closed and head back , she let out a quiet but sexy moan as she sat just taking in all of me, allowing her body to adjust to my member.

Pulling her body into mines, she slowly bounced her ass up and down as she began to ride me.

"Oh shit!" I let out as she contracted her walls around me.

As she leaned to the side, I slapped her ass, causing her to moan out.

"Again!" She smirked.

Doing as she wish, I slapped her ass again as we enjoyed each other.


"You want to go out to eat or stay in?"

Nita and I were laying on the couch as she was wrapped in my arms. After our few sessions, we decided to just relax and recuperate.

"Its up to you babe." I kissed her cheek.

"Ewww! Don't kiss me!"she laughed as she pretended to wipe it away.

"Why not?" I smirked holding her tightly as I began to kiss all over her. "Its your juices anyway." I laughed.

"And if I tried to kiss you after giving you head?"

"Never that!" I shut her down instantly.

"Mhmm." She laughed as she sat up and stretched.

"I gotta talk to you bout something." I sat up.

She instantly put her arms down and her face changed when she looked at mines.

"What happened?" She questioned.

"Aight so I'm just gonna be straight up ok?"

"Ok." She nodded.

"The day I dropped you off at the airport, after I left, I went and met up with Mike at a diner outside of town."

"Ok." She nodded.

"The reason I met him was because I had organize to meet with Ashley but I didn't want to do it alone."

"Why you organized to meet with her and why didn't you tell me that you had?"

"Because after I told her to stay away from me and my house, she kept blowing up my social accounts. Every time I blocked her, she just made another page and shit. It was getting frustrating."

"So why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I know you. I didn't want anything to fuck with this opportunity you had."

"Ok that's understandable." She nodded.

"Yea so I asked him to meet with me and when she showed up, she got annoyed that he was there or whatever and eventually Mike came out and asked her what was her real reason for coming back here."

"Hold on. Why does he hate her so much? Because I feel like its more to what you told me."

"I'll get to that in a minute, but." I paused and sighed.

"But what? What is it Kevin."

"Aight basically she came out and said that Aubrey is mines."

"Aubrey? Who is Aubrey? Because I know she isn't claiming what I think she is trying to claim so Aubrey better be a damn dog from y'all relationship."

"I wish." I mumbled. "Aubrey is the daughter she thought was for the other dude."

As I continued to explain further, Nita just laughed. I knew it wasn't one of those funny laughs so I chose my words correctly from there.

"I told her I didn't believe her and asked bout the other dude. She said he wasn't the father and I was the only other guy. Then Mike got in contact with ole boy and he basically said he had his doubts and when he took her to a doctor's appointment, he had her swabbed and it came back that she wasn't his. So its a possibility...."

"Don't say it." She cut me off as she now was crying.

"Babe I'm sorry but its just a possibility. That little girl isn't mines."

When those words came out my mouth, she just broke down crying harder.

"Nita looked at me." I asked as I pulled her to me but she resisted.

"Get off of me!" She pulled away and for up.

"Babe I promise..."

"You played me!" She cried.

"What? No I didn't Nita!"

"Yes you did! You seduced me before telling me this. Why would you do that to me Kevin. Why would you?"

"Baby I'm sorry!" I stepped to her but she stepped back.

I opened my mouth to speak again but she just took off into the bedroom I assumed.

Standing outside the door begging her to open it, all I heard were her cries. In the time we've been together, I've never seen her cry like this. I knew she was truly heartbroken.

Sitting on the floor for a minute, I noticed her crying had stopped and that's when I heard the door clicked. Standing up quickly, she just walked passed me.

"Babe can we talk please, where are you going?" I asked but she ignored me.

When I saw her pick up her keys, I grabbed her by her upper arm.


"Let go of me!" She said in this cold tone.

I instantly let go and just watched as she walked out the apartment.


"I can't believe this." I said out loud.

After I left the apartment, I walked to no where in particular and ended up sitting in a nearby park.

I'm not going to lie, I'm pissed at the entire situation and then for him to have sex with me before telling me, it just made me feel so urgh.

He's been knowing this for two weeks. He kept this from me for two weeks and what's hurtful is that I knew something was wrong, I asked him every time we spoke and he would always say he was good.

"I should have followed my intuition." I sighed as I wiped my eyes.

"This bitch, this bitch!" I repeated.

"Stop crying Nita, this isn't you!" I gave myself a pep talk.

"Kevin loves you and has never hurt you." I reassured myself.

Drying my eyes, I took a deep breath and exhaled, I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me, especially not because of that bitch.

Getting up, I took my time walking back to the building. I thought about what I was going to tell him and hoped that I don't spaz out.

"Mrs. Nita." Robert nodded with a smile.

"Robert!" I retired the gesture.

"Is everything ok ma'am, you left in such a hurry."

"Yes love!" I patted his shoulder. "I just needed some air." I smiled.

"Alright then. Enjoy your day."

Waving as the elevator.doors closed, I sighed as I rode up. Soon enough I was on my floor. Approaching the door, I fiddled with my keys before finally opening the door.

As soon as I entered, the smell of food being cooked hit me.

"Babe?" Kevin called.

"Yes." I answered lowly.

Removing my things, I placed them in their respected areas as he came into the living room area.

"Nita I'm sorry baby, I really am. I didn't mean to tell you that after we made love. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." He rattled off.

"Kevin just stop please!" I sighed and walked off.

Heading into the bathroom, I washed and dried my face. I put some drops in my eyes to help clear up the redness before going back out.

"Do you need any help?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Umm, yeah." He nodded.

From the looks of things, he was making spaghetti and meat balls. The pasta was already on the stove and the pot with the pasta sauce was already on the stove.

"How many do you need?"

"It don't matter." He shrugged as I prepped and rolled the ground beef.

We stood in the kitchen quietly as we cooked. Ever so often he would look at me, but I didn't look at him. I was clearing my mind before we talked seriously.

"Red or white?" He asked as I put out the food.


Looking at me directly in my eyes he just nodded and got out a bottle of pineapple ciroc.

"You need anything with this?"

"Just ice."

After garnishing the pasta I placed the platter on the table, then the dish with the meatballs in the sauce followed by the garlic bread.

Kevin brought over the drinks and we sat and said grace. Taking his plate, I served him some then myself like I usually do.

"I'm sorry for walking out the way I did." I broke the silence.

"You don't have to apologize, you needed space, I understand."

"I did." I nodded.

"I sorry for telling you when I did. I should have told you when I knew, but I just didn't want to say over the phone especially when I found out for sure that Derek wasn't the father."

"I understand. I mean it is something that should be said in person anyway"

"And you are my wife, I owe that to you."

"Yea." I mumbled.

"I'll fix this, I promise you."

"I know you will, but like you said, I'm your wife so its not just you, its us. I don't trust that girl so we will go to our doctor and have the paternity test done as soon as we get back in the States."

"If she is mines though?"

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled.

"If she is yours, then you have a daughter and I'll love and accept her like she is mines. Its not like you had a child while we were together so I can't be mad about that."

"Ok." He nodded.

"And no I don't want one just because."

"I know babe."


"And if she isn't mines then that's that."

"No." I said.


"If she isn't yours then I'm beating the shit out of Ashley and then that's that."

He didn't say and thing, and he knew better than to say anything. Whether this little girl was Kevin's own or not, I was beating Ashley's ass.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked.

"Aside from Mike, nah." He shook his head.

"Ok, well Keira knows something is bothering you, she asked me if everything was ok."

"Yea I know she suspects something is bothering me but I chose not to tell her. Once everything is sorted out, I'll say."

"No problem. You was going to tell me why Mike hates his sister so much."

I needed to know this story to see who exactly I was dealing with. Being a person who didn't have any siblings, I couldn't understand why someone would hate their sibling.

"She been playing him." He began. "Ashley know from ever since that any shit she did, he would bail her out."

"Like you and Keira."

"Yea but the difference was, Ashely would scheme, Keira got into trouble most times because she helped someone out."

"Oh ok." I nodded.

"I asked him why he was so pissed at her and he said basically that he been taking care of Aubrey because Ashley told him Dereck was a deadbeat basically."

"But I thought they didn't talk?"

"They don't, but he loves his niece regardless so when Ashely reached out to him, he couldn't say no."

"And where is the little girl?"

"With their moms in Cali."

"Do you have a picture of her I can see?"

"I don't have a picture but she is on her IG."

"Let me see."

Nodding, he put down his fork and got out his phone. Passing it to me, I took it and looked at the picture.

"She pretty." I said honestly.

She looked nothing like Kevin honestly, she looked like her mother, but that hair, but that hair though.

"She looks like her mother." I said handing him back his phone.

"Yea she does." He agreed.

"Call her."


"Call her and tell her you want a paternity test done when you get back."

He didn't say anything, he just took out his phone and dialed her number putting it on speaker.

"Its about time you called me." She answered in this smug tone.

Kevin looked at me but I didn't say anything.

"I'm not calling for any small talk, all I gotta say is when I get back ta the states, I want a paternity test done and we doing it by my doctor because I don't trust you."

"Really Kevin!" She sucked her teeth.

"Yea! I'm within my muthafuckig rights to know for sure and then after that we'll see what happens."


"I'll be back in two weeks so just make sure you got your shit ready."

"Where are you?"

"That ain't none of your business." He said before ending the call.

"This isn't going to change anything with us ok. We'll get through this." He held my hand as his thumb rubbed over my knuckles.

I honestly didn't have anything to say. I sat quietly and I prayed that this shit be a nightmare that I'm having.


So what y'all think?

Kevin's the daddy?

He's not the daddy?

Its a possibility?

And what about Nita's reaction?

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