Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jaur...

By hallelujahchorus

245K 4.9K 643

Lauren Jauregui is your average teenage girl. During her Summer break she has no intentions but to spend it w... More

1. Concert Virgin
2. Mystery Brunette
3. Boyband Bullies.
4. Special Treatment.
5. The Oak
6. Birthday Girl.
7. Truth or Dare.
8. Hospital Date
9. LA baby.
10. Twitter hate
11. Lying Lauren
12. Rain Check
13. Feeling Guilty
14. My Insecurities
15. Making Moves
16. Hungover Harry
17. Disappearing Act
18. Goodbye Girls
19. Drama Rama
21. Nervous Wrecks.
22. It's Over.
23. Different Coasts.
24. Senior Year
25. Surprise Kisses
26. Florida Plans
27. Unwanted Gatherings
28. Welcoming Commitee
29. Girl Fight
30. Three Words
31. Skype Session
32. Failing
33. Facetime and embarrassment
34. Christmas Eve
35. Sibling Sitter
36. Worry Wart
37. Misunderstandings and Surprises
38. Innocent Smirks
39. Midnight Memories
40. The End :)

20. Carrying Guilt

5.2K 87 6
By hallelujahchorus


Back in Huntington Beach, California. It felt weird. Not only the being back after three weeks of traveling the states living in a bus, and various hotel rooms; but being back with just Dinah. I was so used to being with Camila all this time when they were gone and then we were finally reunited and back to being the fab five. Now it's back to two.

Dinah dropped her suitcase down on the wooden floor, and plopped down beside me on the couch. She turned her head to face me, although I was still facing straight ahead at nothing. "So what do you wanna do?" She asked. I shrugged. The boys were doing press now that they were back, and that'd last a few days, and afterward they'd be able to do whatever they wanted until they had to get prepared for the next tour.

"I don't know, what do you wanna do?" I asked her.

"Pero like hello, obviously I don't know that's why I asked you." I was just about to suggest we sleep, when the front door was thrown open. Lani stood there, and stared at us. Her facial expression was a mixture of shock, and disappointment. "Hey Lani." Dinah nervously said, breaking the ice. She glared at us. "What do you ladies think you're doing? Where are the others?"

"They stayed back in Miami. Camila was forced though, she's punished." Dinah said.

Lani slowly nodded, fully entering the house. She placed her keys down on the keyhook, and placed her purse down on the table. "So, you never answered my question. What do you guys think you're doing?" Dinah and I glanced at each other in confusion. "Relaxing." Dinah shrugged, not sure what answer Lani was looking for. Lani shook her head. "No, what you ladies are doing is going upstairs and packing your things, and leaving."

Dinah and I started to laugh, assuming Lani was joking. She wasn't laughing along, or even cracking a smile. Our laughter died down, realizing she was more than serious. "What do you mean?" I asked. "What did it sound like I just said? I already talked with your parents. They agreed with it. You guys disrespected my trust and my kind hospitality."

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked. Lani shrugged. "Anywhere but here. I don't want to be a bitch you know I love you guys, but," She shrugged. "I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles."

"Not cool dawg. Not tika." Dinah said. We rolled our eyes, and headed upstairs.

All I wanted to do was sleep, not pack the rest of my things. I pushed open the bedroom door that Camila and I once shared. The bed was neatly made. I slid open the closet doors, and pulled out the few items I had left over. I also grabbed Camila's as well. It's not like she was going to be able to, you know with her back in Miami and all.

I folded each item, and placed it neatly in Camila's small carry on suitcase. I grabbed all of our hair items, and feminine products and placed them in the suitcase as well just before zipping it shut.

Dinah walked into the room. "Ally took everything, but Normani left some jewlery." She said, with her suitcase in hand. I pulled the suitcase off the bed, and rolled it behind me as I headed out the door. "You ladies ready?!" Lani shouted up the stairs. I rolled my eyes. "Where the hell are we gonna go?" Dinah asked. I shrugged. "Back home I guess." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to call my parents and tell them I was going to book the next flight out to Miami.

I had enough money from helping on the tour and I still hadn't spent all my birthday money. "We are not going home." Dinah said. "Well where are we gonna go? Are we gonna live in the streets?" I asked. I was beginning to get irritated with this whole situation. "I don't know where we're gonna go, but we aren't living in the streets or going home." Dinah said.

We pulled the suitcases downstairs, to be met by Lani who was ready to go. "Where do you ladies want to go?" She asked. We shrugged. "The airport?" She asked. I glanced at Dinah who shook her head. "No, take us to the nearest hotel." Lani nodded, and we followed her out to the car.

Lani stopped the car in front of the Hilton hotel. "Alright ladies we're here." Without a word, we unbuckled our seatbelts to get out the car. "You guys don't need to give me the silent treatment. I'm doing what needs to be done, and your parents find it justifiable."

"It's really whatever Lani. We'll be fine. Thank you for letting us stay with you though." Dinah half smiled, getting out of the car. "No hard feelings." I smiled at Lani, and followed Dinah out the car.

"So how long are we gonna stay here? Until we run out of money and are all the way out at Sunset Boulevard begging for change?" Dinah asked, releasing her suitcases and sitting on the bed. I pulled my laptop out of it's carry on bag. "Let's hope not.." I said.

I threw open my laptop, and skyped Zayn. Hopefully he will answer. After a few long rings, his face popped up largely on the screen and mine went into a small box on the righthand corner. "Hey beautiful." He grinned.

"Hey. I miss you already." I said making a puppy dog face. "I miss you even more." Dinah stood up, and threw her hands up. "Ain't nobody got time fa ya two to be acting like lovesick puppies. I'm gonna call my boyfriend." She winked, and headed out into the hallway.

I laughed, and turned my attention back to Zayn. "Are you in Dinah's bedroom? Your surroundings look a lot different than your bedroom." He noted. I let out a small giggle, it was an irritated giggle. "No. It's a hotel room. Dinah and I got kicked out of her Aunts beach house because of our disrespect toward her trust and what not, and our parents were totally okay with it. We didn't want to go home though, so we're out here in the Hilton."

Zayn gasped. "Well that's not remotely okay. I'm not going to have you living in a hotel."

"Well I'm not going home."

"No. I'm suggesting, you and Dinah come stay with the boys and I."

"Really?" I asked.

"I'm so serious." Niall popped up in the screen. "Right it wouldn't be a problem if Dinah and Lauren stayed with us?"

"Not a problem at all."

"That's so sweet of you guys. I promise it'll be like we aren't even there." Zayn laughed.

"You don't have to worry about that. We'll enjoy the company, and we have press in the mornings so you'll likely be sleeping still when I return. Just text me, and I'll come with Niall and Liam to gather up your things and head into LA."

"Okay, sounds good." Zayn then proceeded to kissing his laptops camera, and I kissed mine back. We're cheesy. Don't judge.

Dinah walked into the room, just as I was finished texting Zayn the hotels address. "How was your phonecall with Siope?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Just like any other."

"Well I have great news!"

"And what is it?" she curiously asked. "Zayn and the boys agreed that we can stay with them until Summers over."

"Really? That's hella generous of them."

"Yeah I know, but I don't want to seem like a burden."

"Dinah really they're cool with it. Zayn, Niall and Liam are on their way as we speak to help us with all this luggage." I gestured to the bags and suitcases scattered about the room.

When the boys arrived, they grabbed our luggage and packed it into the awaiting car. Liam sat shotgun, and I sat in the backseat with Zayn, Dinah, and Niall and we were on our way to Los Angeles.


"We have an interview at five, and we'll be back at around seven. Won't be too long." Zayn informed us. Five o' clock was just in an hour, but I'm sure they were going to leave early. Zayn was helping drag the suitcases up the stairs. "There's a spare

bedroom. It has one bed youand Dinah won't mind sharing it, right?" Niall asked, he was leading the way through the wide hallway. "No not at all." I said.

The room was vacant, besudes a made up bed, and a dresser. Niall placed the suitcase down. "Make yourself comfy." Niall smiled, and walked out the room. Dinah tossed her bag down and laid her head down on the bed. "This bed is so soft. I feel like I'' back in the hotel the night we went to your concert." Dinah breathed.

"Do you need help unpacking?" Zayn asked. I shook my head, unzipping my suitcase. "I think I'll be fine." I said. Zayn nodded. Liam came into the room carrying Dinah's last suitcase. "Thank you." Dinah mumbled. Her eyes were still shut tight, it seemed like she was talking in her sleep. "I'd better go get ready." I waved to Liam, but he completely blew me off, and walked out the door.

I didn't take it personally and looked at Zayn, who was staring in the direction Liam left in. "You better go get ready too." I said, placing a kiss on Zayn's lips. He nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

"I'll be here when you get back." I said.

"I'd hope so. If you and Dinah get hungry the kitchen's downstairs. Make yourself at home. Gotta go, don't wanna be late." He kissed me on my forehead and headed out.

I laid down beside Dinah and at this point I wasn't sure if she was sleeping or not. I turned to her, and propped my head in my hand. "Dinah." I said. She mumbled something inaudiable. "Dinah is it just me, or has Liam been acting kind of strange since they picked us up earlier?" Dinah popped her eyes open, and turned halfway toward me. "You know, now that I think about it. He kind of has been." Then she shrugged. "Maybe he's just having an off day, everyone gets like that."

It was around seven at night when I heard the front door open. I was in the boys laundry room folding clothes from the dryer and Dinah was shoving clothes in the washer. "The boys are back." Dinah said pouring in some detergent. I placed my folded laundry into a basket, and headed down the hall.

Zayn was standing there with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. "There you are. I thought you ran off and left me." He smiled, walking toward me. "These are for you." I smiled, and we gave each other a quick kiss. "Thank you. Very sweet of you." I would have taken the flowers but I was already carrying something.

Zayn followed me to my bedroom. I placed the basket onto my bed, and took the flowers. "How was your interview?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Same as all the others. How was staying in this house?"

"Great. I finally have clean laundry." I said. Zayn chuckled.

"Hey, do you wanna go grab a bite?" I shook my head.

"No, I already ate with Dinah. You and the guys can go though, don't let me hold you up." I half smiled.

Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist, and propped his head on the knook of my shoulder. "But I just want to spend time with you." I turned to him, breaking his grasp on me. "I'll be right here when you get back from dinner. You know that, right?" Zayn smirked. "Fine. I'll see you later. Call me if anything." He pressed his lips to mine, and headed out the room.


"We have to be on Good Morning America tomorrow." Harry said. Liam shook his head, biting into a chip. "Good Morning America is our last press ordeal and that's in two days. Tomorrow is Ryan Seacrest." Harry nodded.

"I think you're right actually."

"I know I'm right." Liam said, matter of factly.

"Do you keep up with anything?" Niall asked, sarcastically. Harry nodded, and pointed his chip toward me. "I keep up with Zayn's relationship. So tell me lad, when are you telling Lauren?"

Our waitress walked over. "Can I get you guys anything else?" She smiled.

"Can I get a refill? Thanks." Louis handed her his cup. Seconds later all eyes and ears were back on me. "I want to tell her, but I know she isn't going to take it well."

"What do you mean she isn't going to take it well? She takes everything well.. after flipping out about it." Louis said.

"This will definetely test our relationship that's for certain." I said.

"I think you should just tell her. It's like ripping a bandaid off, you eventually have to do it or the pain will get even more unbareable when you finally decide to do so." Liam said. I felt like if I didn't tell Lauren then Liam would eventually. "That was a very thought out thing you said." Niall high fived him.

"I already feel guilty about it. I don't need you guys making it worse, really." I said, throwing my credit card down. I was ready to get out of here.

The waitress returned with Louis' drink. She took note of my credit card. "Are you guys ready to go?" She asked.

"Only I am. We're all seperate." I said. She nodded. "I understand. Just give me a minute, and you'll be all ready to go." She grinned, and walked away.

"Leaving so suddenly, aren't you going to stay for dessert?" Harry asked. I shook my head. "I think I'm just gonna head back to the flat, and call it a night."

When I got back to the flat, I heard laughter outside the door. I pushed my key into the lock, and pushed open the door. Sitting on the couch were Josh, Lauren, Dinah, Neena and Bethany. I could almost feel my throat closing up, and the dizziness flowing through my head. I stood there frozen in the doorway.

Lauren grinned at me, holding onto a cup of what smelled like tea. She was comfortably curled up on the sectional beside Dinah. "I decided to stop by and pay a visit. Miss you guys already.. Where are the others?" Josh asked. I was speechless. My heart started beating fast. "I don't know let me- let me go see." I flashed a fake smile, and rushed back out the door.

I pulled out my phone, and rang Niall while I paced back and fourth. He answered. "Yo."

"Where are you guys?!"

"We just left the restaurant, we should get back in maybe five minutes, Louis' driving like a mad man. Why?"

"Josh is here."

"Okay, entertain him."

"He's here with Neena and Bethany."

"Oh.." Was all Niall said, and you could here surprise in his voice.

"I can't be here. Lauren is sitting there, laughing with them and she doesn't even know that Neena is actually laughing AT her for not knowing we were snogging that night."

"We'll be there, don't worry go- I don't know- go lock yourself in your room or something til we get there." I nodded.

"Just get rid of them." I hung up, and headed back in.

"So where are they?" Josh asked.

"A few minutes away." I started toward my room, and shut the door once I was inside. Once I was alone my pacing became more frequent. I ran my hands through my hair. This guilt was going to eat me up inside. I had to tell her. There was a soft knock on my door, and I knew it was Lauren.

I pulled the door open. "Are you okay?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I'm- I'm not feeling too well. I think it was the burger I ate, rubbed me the wrong way." I lied. Lauren pouted, and placed her hand over my forehead. "You feel fine to me."

"I guess it's just now kicking in." I heard loud shouting from the living area and I could imply that the boys were back.

"Those girls are actually not that bad." Lauren said. "Bethany taught Dinah how to fish tail braid with short hair, and Neena is french braided my hair. You likey?" She smiled, doing a slow 360 so I can get the full view. "Yeah, that's cool. Um. I think I'n gonna head to bed." Lauren pouted again. I quickly looked away, because for some reason her pouting face was absolutely hot, and kind of turned me on. "Stay up." She wrapped her fingers in mine. "I would but we have to be up early, and I don't want to be sleeping during that interview." I kissed her forehead. "Fine. Goodnight." She kissed my jawline, and headed away. "Goodnight." I called back.

I would be a complete and utter liar if I said I got more than three hours of sleep that night. I was awake for hours, staring at the cieling contemplating if I should risk my relationship with Lauren and tell her, or if I shouldn't and just keep her knowledge of what happened in the dark.

I rarely answered any questions during the Seacrest interview. My mind was elsewhere. I woke up this morning, and headed out to the living area just to find Josh, Neena and Beverly spread out on the sectional fast asleep. Apparently Josh was locked out of his flat, and his roommate wasn't going to be back in town until tomorrow night.

"What was your problem in there?" Liam asked me, as our ride drove us back to our flat. I shrugged, "I don't- I really don't know." I lied. I knew damn well. The guys knew well enough too, so I don't know why they were playing the clueless card now.

When the truck stopped in front of our flat, I could only hope Josh had found his keys and he and his guests were long gone. Boy, was I wrong. Josh was cooking up sausage and eggs in the kitchen. Beverly and Lauren were talking at the table, and Neena and Dinah was watching Josh throw down in the kitchen.

"Welcome home boys. You hungry? Take a seat, foods pretty much done." He said, scooping the eggs onto seperate plates. I sat down beside Lauren. "How'd the interview go?" She asked, after I kissed her on her temple. I let out a breath. "Not the greatest on my end, I was a bit tired so I didn't have much enthusiasm to my answers." Lauren pinched my cheek. "You still have an interview tomorrow so knock em dead." I nodded.

Everyone gathered around the table, and sat across from a plate of food. Neena was sat directly across from me beside Beverly. Neena smiled at me, her smile seemed a bit devious. I can tell she hasn't said anything to Lauren, on account of Lauren still being here and not spazzing on me.

"These eggs are hella yummy." Dinah said, poking her fork into them. Josh smiled. "Thank you, I put these spices in that I carry everywhere it's my nanas special ingredient when she makes eggs." He said.

"Well I wanna know the secret." Dinah said. "Yeah, I wanna know the secret too." Liam said from his seat. "Now, now guys, everyones entitled to their own secrets." Neena said, momentarily winkimg at me. I started to choke on my food.

Lauren started patting on my back. "Oh my God, are you okay?" She asked, handing me my cup of orange juice. I nodded, taking a huge gulp from it. "I'm fine, yeah." I said, glaring at Neena. "Okay, good." Lauren said, then she went back to her own plate.

Suddenly, I could feel bare feet gliding up and down my legs. I looked at Neena, and she was smirking at me. I placed down my napkin, indicating that I was finished and I stood up. "I'm not feeling well again." I said, and left the table without another word.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, thinking it'd be Lauren. Instead it was Neena. She has a smile on her face, as she shut the door behind her. "Why'd you leave so suddenly?" Neena asked. "Where's Lauren?" I asked.

"She's still sitting at the table, she said you haven't been feeling well since yesterday." Neena sat beside me on my bed, I scooted away. "Neena, just get out. I'm not interested in you. Not even remotely." I said. Neena made a face. "So your little antics of trying to play footsies under the table wasn't very amusing in the slightest."

Neena shrugged. "A girl can dream. You know, last night when we first arrived I got to talking with Lauren and she was talking so highly of you. She's really into you, and you go and do something like that to her. Shame on you Zayn." Neena said, trying to make me feel even more guilty, as if she didn't partake in the drunken snogging as well. "Neena, you knew Lauren was my girlfriend though. You should have known that was wrong instead of making the first move."

"Sure I made the first move, call me a homewrecking whore I'll gladly take that nickname, but you knew you had a girlfriend who may I add was right next door and you didn't stop either." She stood up and walked out of my room.

Hours had passed, and I was still in my room laying under my duvet. I couldn't go out there. I'd rather stay in here like a coward. There was a knock on my door, and then it opened with my okay. I didn't look up to see who it was. I felt the bed beside me lower a bit. Please don't be Neena. I'd literally lose my fucking mind.

"Hey sleepyhead." It was Lauren's soothing voice. "Sorry I didn't check on you earlier. I just know you aren't feeling well so I figured I'd give you some time." I felt her hand on my forehead. "Your normal temperature. Are you sure this mysterious fever isn't all in your head?" She giggled, laying beside me. I turned to her. "Yeah. It probably is all in my head. What's everyone doing out there?" I asked.

"Dinah is attemping to play Niall, and Liam in some drag racing game. Harry is watching, and Josh, Louis and the girls are playing a card game." I nodded, and closed my eyes. "Don't fall asleep." She said, booping my nose.

I pulled my eyes open. "I just wanna sleep Lauren." I said, hoping she'd understand. "Is this all you do when tours over? Sleep?" I nod.

"Pretty much."

"You're boring." She frowned, getting up to walk out the room. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back onto the bed. "Just lay with me." I said. Lauren shook her head. "I want to do something, not just lay here." With that she hopped to her feet and walked out of the room.

I laid there debating if I should go out there. I didn't want to be near Neena, or even Beverly. It was too much pressure and the guilt was just piling on inside of me. Even Liam was starting to give me the side eye whenever I was near Lauren.

I didn't fall back to sleep. I can just tell this was going to be another sleepless night with just me and my thoughts. Eventually the house got completley silent, and I knew everyone was fast asleep. I wish I could just fall asleep. It once was seemingly easy to do, but once Neena arrived at the house the weight of the world just fell onto my shoulders.

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