Satan's Betrayal

By XXrogueXlucyXX

65K 3K 292

After all the events that happened leaving Storm in a coma, Dalton on crutches and Orchid with a cast. Isabel... More

:Chapter 1:
:Chapter 2:
:Chapter 3:
:Chapter 4:
:Chapter 5:
:Chapter 6:
:Chapter 8:
:Chapter 9:
:Chapter 10:
:Chapter 11:
:Chapter 12:
:Chapter 13:
:Chapter 14:
:Chapter 15:
:Chapter 16:
:Chapter 17:
:Chapter 18:
:Chapter 19:
:Chapter 20:
:Chapter 21:
:Chapter 22:
:Chapter 23
:Chapter 24:
:Chapter 25:
:Chapter 26:
:Chapter 27:
:Chapter 28:
:Chapter 29:
:Chapter 30:
:Chapter 31:
:Chapter 32:
:Chapter 33:
:Chapter 34:
:Chapter 35:
:Chapter 36:

:Chapter 7:

1.6K 95 1
By XXrogueXlucyXX


My head was pounding. My skin felt as if it was covered in a itchy lace that was rubbing against a sunburn. I really didn't remember much of what happened. All I remembered was freaking out. Taking pills then boom darkness. This did not make me happy. Where was I?

"Finally good that your conscious has awoken." A thick monotone familiar voice said. With that my eyes flew open and bright colors flew into my vision. The hammer pounding turned into a wrecking ball. "Take in everything slowly or it will hurt more than anything you have ever felt." The soothing male voice said.

I knew this person. His name was on the tip of my tongue. I began complying to his demands. Slowly taking in the surroundings everything began coming in clearer. I was underneath trees. The trees were a bright oak color with branches and leaves that extended out like a willow tree would. But there was a trick to the tree. They were a blossom tree with gummy bears hanging off of them.

I was defiantly not on Earth. The air was peaceful and the grass blew with the light breeze. "Better now?" The voice asked. "Better." I answered. With that I pushed myself up. I looked at the person who had been talking the entire time. A boy no more than a few years older than me was sitting right next to me on my left side.

He had white hair that was shoulder length with a fringe that blew through the breeze. He had vibrant almost neon green eyes that held happiness to them. But if I had to guess there was a large darkness hidden behind those eyes. Focusing in on his face I tried putting a name to it.

His face had large black spots that stretched out across his forehead and cheeks. Asysa. Aiden. Ashia. Ugh all I know is that it started with an A. I needed to know his name. He laughed at my futile attempts on trying to discover his name. "It starts with Ash." 'Ash' said. Ashita. Ashla. I'm gonna pull my hair out trying to discover this. 'He is the obeyed demon.'

"Ashiya." I said the name rolling off my tongue. Ashiya smiled as black water like wings grew from his back. "I wasn't surprised you didn't remember my name, you haven't seen me in years, you've only seen Death most of the time since you leave deaths of the innocent in your path." Ashiya said. What? "You are just like Satan to lenient on the dark ones and kill the innocent." Ashiya said rising.

"The first will bring hell back to glory and bring the fall of heaven!" Ashiya screamed. His wings began getting more black and growing bigger. "We will destroy everything you stupid humans care about starting with your loved ones!" Ashiya screamed. A rogue tear slipped down from my face. It felt as if something was stuck in my throat preventing me from talking.

Suddenly Ashiya was set on fire. I stood there in awe. Soon the forest around me began dying. The trees turned to black oak and the gummy bears to rotten crab apples. The grass began dying. A scream was lodged in my throat as the gummy bear in my hand turned to a rotten apple. Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder. Then the world went black.
I shot up screaming. "Woah." Ashiya said as he kneeled in front of me. He betrayed Satan. "Get away you traitor!" I screamed pushing myself up. "I didn't do that the forest of deceive did." Ashiya said raising up. "Forest of deceive?" I asked confused.

"A forest created by Lucifer, it presents you something beautiful and pure, when you settle down and let your guard down it releases it's true form, it goes from the most beautifulness thing to the hideous snake behind it." Ashiya explained. "Your appearance changes when you come down here." Ashiya commented looking at me.

I looked down at myself. My hair was put up in a side ponytail with a vines laced through it. I was wearing a Poison Ivy dress that had vined thorn stems reaching around Harley Quinn symbols. On my feet were a pair of knee high combat boots with dark green laces. But what caught my eye was the necklace. A long chain necklace holding a galaxy designed stone.

"Why am I here?" I asked looking upon him. "I brought your conscious here since they drugged you." Ashiya said a smirk sneaking upon his lips. I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows. "I assume you will be raising hell when you get back." Ashiya said. "Oh, hell was dull when I am done with my rant." I said angrily.

Ashiya laughed amused at my little anger rant. Just because I freaked out didn't give them the right to drug me with my pills. And to think Lucas was apart of it, my demon buddy. I expected Orchid and Derik but Lucas! My brothers thankfully didn't participate. If they did, it would be a sibling showdown between Lycans and demon powered girl.

"If you want I can transport you back to your mind and leave you with your thoughts." Ashiya suggested. "Nope." I said quickly. No way did I want to be lost within my thoughts, I did that enough in my spare time on Sundays. "Ok, so is there anything you would like to talk about?" Ashiya asked. "Yeah who the first could be." I said turning to him.

"It's obviously the first of it's kind possibly Lucifer." Ashiya suggested. "No that's to obvious, it's someone you wouldn't expect." I said brushing my hair from my face. "Plus if he wanted to take over he could." I commented. "That is true but there is so many demon species to go through it could take days, months, possibly years." Ashiya said.

That was true even I didn't know all the demons that existed. Despite the fact that I was obsessed with demons and loved to learn more about them. Lots of books were paranormal, supernatural, hunter based or demons books from Satan.

I'd be spending hours upon hours reading books. I didn't even have every single demon book. That would take even longer to find. This was not gonna be easy but it could turn the tides greatly. Sure I was defeating who the first sent after me but there was always a price to be paided then to have another come after me a few months later.

I was gonna find the first. Mark my words it will not be pretty. I was not in the mood to be playing anymore. If she or he thought I was trying hard now, they are gonna be shocked when I find them.

I was not gonna be treated like a ragdoll meant to be tossed around. I am a very feared hunter. Supernatural parents tell their children about me to make them behave and go to sleep. I was like the supernatural Krampus of the world. Except I didn't beat people with clubs. I did worse and they were gonna see how worse.

1192. Hi! I'm back in writing. Sorry about the wait. I had writers block and my hiatus and school work. But i will be attempting to be getting back on a better schedule not only in writing but in life.

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