Sunset Hue (KHR Fanfiction)

By Syrlai

123K 5K 755

Tsuna figured that the universe was out to get him because his life couldn't get suckier than what he was goi... More

Boy Meets Girl
Introducing the New Kid
Making Friends
Knowing Mia
Reborn's Plot
Family Members Acquired
To Protect One's Own
Ranking Prince Fuuta
Attacks on Namimori Middle
Kokuyo Land
New Found Feeling
Letter From The Ninth
Less Than Noble
Somebody Had To Do It
For Him
On The Subject of Family
On The Subject of Love
To Mafia Land
Mafia Land
Jealousy Sucks
A Different Side
Valentine Special: Twilight Edition
Blackthorn Order
The Vongola Rings
The Guardians
Foreboding Sky
Sun and Lightning
Stormy With a Chance of Raining Wariness
Dissipating the Illusion
Sins of Thy Father
A Battle of the Sky
Special Chapter: Skyward Sword
Vongola-Styled Date
Rosy Skies
Summer In Italy
Friday at Milan
Fire In The City Of Water
An Unwelcome Order
For Her
The Hitmen
House of Memories
The Monastery
The Vault
Pandora's Box
Sky's Worries

Sky Hearts

2.6K 102 26
By Syrlai

Mind still reeling from the fact that they kissed, Tsuna didn't hear the first few words Mia directed at Ian. He tuned in when Ian barked something at Mia in English when she tried to get close and she flinched away, hurt. Tsuna was immediately in front of her.

"Watch it," he warned menacingly. Ian scoffed and pushed himself up so he could sit. His face was screwed up in pain over the effort.

He looked at the two of them with distaste. "Or what? Obviously love here won't let you." He gestured at Mia.

"Love?" Tsuna repeated, incensed.

"It's sort of my pet name for her." Ian smirked at him. Before he could as much punch the bastard Mia went ahead and did it for him. Ian wheezed a painful grunt and blinked his eyes out.

"What is the matter with you?" she hissed at him. "I'm the one you have a problem with. Why are you doing this?"

"What's the matter with me she asks." Ian shook his head, laughing to himself. He sounded a bit unhinged. "If you must know it seems you have a knack of ruining my plans."

Her expression fell. "I thought you've forgiven me."

"Forgive you?" His laughing abruptly stopped. His eyes flashed angrily. "Not after what you cost me. My brother was everything I had left that was worth keeping! Because of you he might never wake up!"

Mia thought that things would actually be okay between them after Tokyo. Sure they may have gone off separate ways on a bad note but when she expected to see him again, she thought they would be civil with each other. But this. She felt betrayed but even more so she felt guilty. "How much will it cost me for your forgiveness then?" she asked, her voice barely shaking. He glared at her, nostrils flaring. His eyes flickered to Tsuna.

They were speaking in rapid and hushed English. Tsuna, for all his linguistic gifts, didn't have the same aptitude for English as he had with Italian. It was a bit difficult to follow their argument but he could see that the longer Ian talked, the more upset Mia became. Then Ian's eyes swiveled to him and Tsuna felt like the things that made bad stuff was in that one look he was given. Mia seized up as if she had been slapped, then her expression became scarily fierce. She closed her eyes to quench the fire burning within them.

She slowly began to speak, "You've saved my life twice Ian. You may think nothing of it or me but I owe you a lot and I'm… grateful." She opened her eyes, the fire was gone but her eyes remained fierce. "But you said this was my opportunity to prove myself to the Order. It's my call, not yours so stay out of it."

She turned around and began walking away. Tsuna spluttered, gave one look at Ian then to her before scrambling after her heels. "Mia! You're letting him get away with just that?"

She stopped and he almost ran her over. "No – I mean yes! I mean no!" She ran a hand down her face and groaned. "Everything is so messed up."

He skimmed around her. Mia looked torn. That didn't look right on her. He wanted her to smile, not look like she was making a choice between cutting the blue or red wire. Maybe if he kissed her… the feeling of her soft lips on his again was very appealing.

"Mia…" she held a finger up, silencing him. She had her phone up and was speaking quietly into it. When she was finished, Tsuna tried again only to be held back again by another finger. Mia was talking to someone again. Tsuna let out an exasperated sigh. "Who are you even calling?"

She gave him a look. "Everyone," she said. "They were worried you know."

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh. Sorry about that."

"It's fine," she brushed it off and looked into his eyes, smiling. "I'm just glad the worst didn't happen." They stared at each other for a long moment and Mia's smile faltered. "Something wrong?" she asked him, worried. "Do you feel strange in any way?" She held his arms, her eyes frantically searching for something. She was right though. He was feeling strange but not in the way she thought it was. He gently pried her hands away and held them. Her eyes kept flicking down and up, from their hands to his eyes, red pooled in her cheeks.

"Well," he started softly. "I feel pretty good." He bit his lip to keep himself from grinning at the adorable and comical look she had.

Her eyes were wide like saucers and she squeaked. "Oh," she said breathlessly. "That's… that's wonderful."

He hummed in agreement and leaned down slowly. There was a sharp gasp of pain ways behind them from Ian and Mia scrunched her brows in a concerned frown. She pulled away. "What was I thinking? I should have done first aid!" she muttered angrily to herself and went back to tend to the wounded fox. Tsuna blankly stared at his empty hands then at the girl who was arguing with the fox to tend to him. Frustrated and deeply annoyed, he went back to them.

Mia had gotten Ian's jacket and shirt off and was examining the burned flesh. Looking at what he had done after calming down, it hit him that he did that. Reborn hadn't wanted to cultivate this power for a reason and now he understood why. Ian's chest was a mess of scorched skin, several parts of his skin was burned in varying degrees. He turned his head away from the uncomfortable sight. Mia was distressed she didn't have water to pour on the burns and Ian muttered something that was probably insulting. Tsuna knelt beside her after they finished arguing.

"If I don't treat this soon it'll be infected." She took off her jacket and searched her pockets. "I have some gum, a receipt from the supermarket… where is it?"

"What are you looking for?" Tsuna asked her.

"A band aid."

"A band aid?" Ian repeated, as though she said something incredibly stupid. "What for? My goddamn pinky?"

"It's actually for your face." She fished the item from her jean's pocket. Tsuna watched as she placed it on the underside of Ian's jaw where a small cut was. She did it so carefully and tenderly it bothered him. Ian didn't say anything. He was too busy glaring at his boots like a brat.

"So… when are you going to talk?" he asked bluntly. The fox ignored him, seemingly thinking hard.

"Ian," Mia chided him. He still refused to talk. Her brows rose. "Alright. Be that way but you'll be talking soon enough."

Despite the pain he must have been experiencing, Ian pushed pass that with a grimace that resembled a smirk. "Only time you'll ever get me to talk is in bed. Care to try?" He began to laugh as both of them turned red. Before Tsuna could even punch the guy, Mia had beat him again to it and this time, she knocked him out for good. The crunch of her fist hitting Ian's jaw actually made him cringe as though he could feel the pain behind that dainty hand. His head slumped into his chest, unconscious. She rubbed her knuckles, glaring.

"That's a really good hook Mia but it could use some work." They looked up as Reborn descended from the sky like a big-headed freak of an angel, dangling on Colonello's foot. The other Arcobaleno was trying to shake the hitman's foot off and by the look of frustration on his face, he wasn't a willing transporter. Reborn let go and Tsuna got a taste of fine Italian shoes crushing his face.


The hitman was not happy with his student. Reborn grounded his heel on Tsuna's cheek, the weight behind it not belonging at all to a child. "Dame-Tsuna…" Tsuna had every right to fear for his life and he cowered under the might of his tutor who he knew could break his skull in half if he wanted to. The weight was alleviated from his poor face as Mia picked Reborn up and placed him on her shoulder.

"Don't be mad Reborn. It's not his fault Ian was a manipulative jackass." She sighed heavily. "Speaking of which, I knocked him out… sorry."

Reborn's eyes gleamed with sadistic mirth. "You don't have to worry about that. Just focus on getting your story together. From the bits and pieces we could get… it's big."

"And long," she added quietly.

"The night is young Mia. You've got plenty of time."

"But in the meantime, tell us how you found them." Colonello landed on her other shoulder.

"Oi!" Reborn said. "Off my student's shoulder you freeloader."

"Freeloader? Are you sure you're not talking about yourself kora?"

"I get paid to do this and you? How's the amusement park salary?"

"It gets me all the toys to make this interesting," Colonello replied smoothly but it was obvious he was annoyed. Salary? It never occurred to Tsuna that they get paid. It would explain why Reborn had been able to afford his extravagant bullshitting. Feeling stupid, he stood up, rubbing his aching jaw.

Mia was able to hold her spine well with two babies sitting on her shoulders and one holding a really heavy rifle. She was quiet, her eyes were dulling. She let the Arcobaleno bicker and Tsuna didn't try to disturb them lest the two shoot him. He knew Reborn was mad at him. The others broke through the trees later like mad hounds, in Ken's case he was one. When they saw Ian on the ground, a bloodied burnt mess, they stopped and their eyes turned to him in horror.

"He didn't kill him!" Mia quickly told them. Both babies abandoned ship to study their soon-to-be victim.

"Why isn't he moving?" Takeshi asked. "Is he even breathing?"

"He's alive." Reborn was smirking. "Mia just put him to sleep."

"Reborn please, don't do that," she pleaded exasperatedly. Reborn was poking Ian's face with a green iron poker. "Be careful not to puncture a hole please?" Reborn ignored her and pushed Ian's face a bit to show the bruise her fist left.

"I won't do anything else to his face that you haven't already Mia." Her friends stepped wearily away from her and she scowled as if she was in the mood to punch them randomly. She held out her hand and Hayato handed her a plastic bag. In it were cans of diet coke.

"Mia, what are those for?" Tsuna asked. She didn't answer him as she proceeded to rip the top off and chugged the whole can. She finished it off in less than a minute and shook her head. She smacked her lips. The dullness in her eyes receded and she shuddered. She stood straighter.

"Right, let's do this." She rolled her shoulders back. "Ken, Chikusa, thanks for helping out."

"Uh…" The two stared as she moved on to another can. She finished it as fast as the last one. "Sure… can we go now?" Ken asked, unsure. She nodded and they left while shooting her looks. Mia glanced once at them and they scurried off quickly. As soon as they were gone she smoothed her hair back as if she was preparing herself for the worst as they gathered around her.

"Straight to the point huh?" Mia muttered into her diet coke. That was her third can. "Before I start you guys have let me finish – don't interrupt me or anything. I mean it. Understand?" There were a few hesitant nods but Mia pressed them with a dark look until they were bobbing her heads for a definite nod. "I think I'll start in the beginning – Ian isn't an enemy."

Protests came everywhere in loud angry voices, including his. Mia didn't budge. She crushed the can in her hand, silencing them. "Technically he's not an enemy of the Vongola. I wasn't lying about that. He's mine – which is really interesting because I've pissed a few professors and kids in the past and none of them ever tried to kill me. Never thought I'd get my own arch nemesis but everything I told you guys was the truth. The Order he's from is an organization I've come in contact before… last time was a few months ago when I visited England." Her eyes wandered and caught his. "And the first time being when I was a child." Her gaze fell away. "When Mama died."

She told them of the monastery her parents were looking into, the earthquake, her missing memories and how the encounter with Mukuro brought those back.

Even after she had gone through six cans already, they didn't interrupt. Tsuna had known some of it but he didn't know what happened in Tokyo. When she touched on that, the can she was holding dented in her hands.

Chrome... Mukuro... Ian. It was a lot to take in and by looks of everyone else, they were too. Tsuna didn't know what to make of it or anything for that matter. Somehow Mia got tangled with something bigger than just the Vongola.

Hayato ran a hand through his bangs. "I can't believe Mukuro actually helped."

Mia laughed humorlessly. "I can't believe he actually agreed to be Tsuna's Guardian."

"That's one hell of a surprise Mia," Tsuna ran his hands over his face, trying to digest all that. He can't believe she did all that. "Okay, back up. So what's the stupid fox doing her then?"

"Well..." she fumbled with her can nervously. "Believe it or not, he came here to... assist." She pursed her lips. She was done speaking.

"Assist in what?" Reborn inquired further.

"To have the rightful person become Vongola Decimo."

"I knew it!" Hayato exploded. "That bastard is a spy sent by Xanxus!"

"He is not!" The bomber recoiled at her sharp tone. She softened and ruefully glanced down at her can. "I'm sorry Hayato. I – he doesn't really care about Xanxus. He supports Tsuna, as crazy as that sounds."

Basil stepped up from the back, his youthful face shadowed by seriousness. "I mean no disrespect my Lady – "

"Mia please, Basil." She interrupted him. "We're all friends here."

"Um… well…" Basil shifted on his feet uncomfortably. He probably couldn't imagine calling her anything else. Tsuna didn't blame him. Mia often gave the impression of a higher status when she meant business and she is intimidating whether they admit it or not. "His presence is questionable. If he truly is an ally of the Vongola, why did he act the way he did tonight?"

"Because he's not an ally. I've said this before to the others and I'll say it again – I don't trust him and he shouldn't be trusted. Ian thought I should have pushed you guys farther to win. I… I disagreed."

"Well don't you two sound cozy around each other?" Colonello hefted his gun on his shoulder. "He has you eating from his palm Mia – Reborn told me the guy doesn't exist. There's nothing on him to prove who he says he is. How do you know his organization is even real?"

They hadn't considered that. The others were doubtful and in the boxer's case, downright confused. But Tsuna couldn't agree with Colonello. Mia had told him about it before after the first time he saw her in tears. It was also the first time she told him the honest truth without being pressed for it. For someone like Mia who kept secrets close to the heart, to tell him about it… She was drowning in them, slowly and him being… well Tsuna – as she would describe him – he couldn't let that happen. "She's telling the truth," Tsuna interjected quietly. "She told me about them before."

"Your Intuition isn't all-seeing Tsuna." Tsuna looked down into the black pits that were his tutor's eyes. "Just because she believes in their existence doesn't make them real."

"They are real!" Mia insisted. "Mukuro knows it too!"

"Mukuro? How the hell does he know?" Tsuna gaped at her.

Mia grimaced and brushed her bangs back. "Tokyo. When we had Ian pinned, Mukuro told me a bit about the Order. That's how they met and as you can see, they really didn't like each other."

"Why didn't you say that sooner?"

"Because you didn't ask!" she snapped. "I didn't think it was important at the time after everything!"

"Maybe if someone didn't run off in the first place - "

"What's the point?" she challenged him boldly. He saw the raging emotions swirling in the back of her eyes like thunderclouds but he wasn't afraid of it. He had his own storm stirring inside. He closed his mouth, lips pressed into a thin line as he glared at her. Some part inside of him wondered how was it they went from kissing euphoria to tearing each other's throats out. He hated it. However that didn't mean he didn't want to knock some sense into her head.

A long arm sliced through their vision and Tsuna blinked. The arm belonged to Takeshi.

"Easy you two," Takeshi said. His usual cheery expression was gone, replaced by worry. "This has been a rough night for everyone."

"Tenth." Tsuna slowly faced his Storm Guardian. Hayato looked serious. "I know you and the Lady have things to sort out but we can't waste an entire night with you two arguing."

Takeshi dropped his arm, shooting both of them concerned looks. He glanced over to Mia, who seemed to have deflated at Hayato's words. She sighed and lifted her head, an apology in her eyes. The storm grumbled as it faded away. The longer he looked into her eyes, the more Tsuna couldn't muster the energy to be angry at her. He looked away. "Okay… so what does Mukuro know?"

"They came as soon as the Estraneo fell. They took research documents – everything they had. Then they disappeared. Mukuro says there's not much known about them but they're real. They're a secret organization so secret I doubt even the Vongola knows about them." Mia reached into her pocket and held out her hand. They craned their necks to view the small little disk on the palm of her hand. It glinted, a black tree engraved in its surface like a haunted vice. Tsuna's hair on the back of his neck stood on end at the sight of it. Its branches looked so detailed he could almost see its gnarly branches moving with life.

"What is that?" Colonello asked, disturbed. "That thing feels odd kora."

"Odd?" She closed her fingers around it and Tsuna could finally look away.

"Doesn't matter." Reborn brushed it off. "Just tell us what it is."

"It's… a token from the Order. Blackthorn Order. They gave it to me when they sent Ian to rescue me from the Varia. I don't know what it is exactly but it's useful."

"Well doesn't that sound ominous," Tsuna muttered sarcastically.

"I've never heard that name before in my life." Reborn pinched the edge of his fedora thoughtfully. "Let's say this Order is real and that this little problem here works for them – just what did he want with Tsuna?"

Mia bit her lip, looking uncomfortable. "I don't know how to say it…"

"Then make it simple," Reborn commanded.

Her hand tightened around her can and she blinked. "He wanted Tsuna to win. No matter what…" Her other hand came up to steady her grip. It was only for a brief second but he thought he saw her hands shaking. His mouth went dry.

"How?" He asked her.

"By any means necessary." Mia didn't look at him but that one sentence was enough to make him cold all over. His hand went up to his chest, where he clawed the area over his heart. The fabric of his shirt twisted in his fingers as he tried to control the wild racket it was making.

"Like?" he had to ask.

"I don't know." Lie. She knew what Ian was planning or at least had an idea. He would have pressured her into telling the truth if he hadn't heard the slight quiver in her words. She brought the can to her lips, drinking heavily. He watched her with increasing worry, his own concerns fading. He pushed it down, to the bottom of the pit, not wanting to think about something that Mia risked lying about when she knew he could tell. His Intuition was hammering at him that it would be unpleasant.

"This Order, just who are they? What do they do?" Reborn asked after a period of silence.

"They watch." Mia lowered her can. "Observe."

Reborn studied her for a moment. "You're a smart kid and you make most of the adults I've known into brats. You decided to work with these people, tolerate someone who you knew could possibly pose a threat – why?"

"Cervello," she replied then her lips went thin.

Colonello's gun slackened from its holster. "Cervello? The hell you have with them kora?"

Mia pointed at Ian. "Ian hates them more than me and the Order? From what I managed to gleam the two aren't at the best of terms. Cervello attacked Ian in London and having them here now, with Xanxus and probably a hundred extra clones… I find that the Order is the lesser evil so I picked them. Besides… having an extra pair of eyes always works." Mia made a point that none of them could argue with. Tsuna thought she was still pretty insane.

Takeshi shook his head, bewildered. "You're the craziest girl I've ever met Mia."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Hayato approached her. "But my Lady, it's too risky working with these people. Who's to say they won't turn on us?"

"Who's to say anyone else we ally ourselves to won't?" she retorted swiftly. "It's not an issue of trusting them; it's whether we're capable of working with them."

"Could everyone just extremely stop?! I'm extremely not getting it!" Onii-san was groaning as he clutched his head.

"Ever partnered with someone on a science project before?" she asked the boxer.

"Science project?"

"Whatever school project. Think that your partner is a real asshole and your teacher won't let you change partners. This is sort of like that. You gotta work together even if you don't like each other and you do it because you need a good grade."

"A good grade?" He repeated, comprehension dawning on him like the light of Jesus.

Mia nodded seriously. "I really need that good grade."

"Yooooooosh! Matteis, do your extreme best!" He grabbed her by the shoulder with his good arm. He shook her, eyes burning passionately. "I feel bad for you because he's you're partner but good luck!"

"He's not my – " She was interrupted as a groan captured their attention. Heads turned to the unconscious figure lying on the ground. Mia made a move to tend to Ian but Tsuna stopped her. She looked to him, frowning. "I've left him long enough, he needs to be treated Tsuna."

"I know," he said. "Reborn, could you please?"

"Stick to being polite Tsuna and you might just rule the world." Reborn gestured to Basil. "I'd love to leave him to be eaten alive by wolves but since my student has kindly asked me, let's bag him."

"Reborn, you will treat him right?" Mia asked unsurely. "Because if I see him in a body bag…"

"You won't," Reborn promised her. "I'm a bit disheartened that you have so little faith in me."

"You said you wished you killed him," she deadpanned.

"Wished. Past tense." Leon stretched over Ian's form, cocooning him like a green sleeping bag with only his face poking out from an oval hole. A long green strap burst out of the end like confetti streamers. Basil caught the end.

"Why isn't he on a stretcher instead?" Mia asked. "Are you guys planning on dragging him down the mountain?"

"Don't mind the details. Just know I'll take good care of him." The evil way he said it brought shivers down their spines. "You should all go home now – except for you Tsuna. You stay behind."

"Me?" he pointed at himself. "Why?"

"I think I'll stay too Reborn." Mia stepped forwards but the hitman shook his head.

"No. Go home Mia. You look like you need a decent night's sleep."

"Reborn's right Mia," he added.


It was getting annoying how Mia was so worried for Ian after all he did to her. He could understand why she felt responsible but this is getting ridiculous. He took a calming breath – which didn't help in the least – and said, "He'll be taken care of." In her eyes he saw worry… and fear. There was terror lurking behind her eyes… terror of him he realized like a punch to his gut. She didn't want to leave him with Ian.

He didn't want her to look at him like that.

Swallowing his feelings, he said, "I promise Mia. He'll be okay."

She bit her lip and looked up to him. "You sure?"

"Presto but I can't guarantee if it's Reborn," he added jokingly but inside he was desperate. She took his hand and noticed it trembling. She rubbed gentle circles on the back of his hand with her thumb.


"And Mia?"


He wanted to tell her that he was never going to lose himself like that again, assure her that she had nothing to worry about but he couldn't form the words to say it. Mia waited for him but it stuck to the roof of his mouth. "I-I'll see you tomorrow."


In her languid state, she was surprised she managed to put one foot over the other. There were times when she almost kissed the ground but Takeshi always caught her. She refused to get a piggy back ride, insisting that if she has legs, she'll walk on them. Her mind had completely turned into a puddle of sludge. None of the others spoke to her… except for Hayato of course. He blabbed the whole away of her dedication to her 'duty' as he liked to call it.

"Your loyalty is without match my Lady! I could only dream of achieving what you have done!"

"Don't say that Hayato. You're hardcore compared to me." She tried to brush it off but that only made Hayato sparkle even more.

"Are you sure you're not digging too deeply Mia?" Takeshi asked her in concern. The mist of sleep that was creeping on her mind withdrew quickly and she wondered how long he waited to ask her that. Hayato stopped talking, suddenly sober.

She stopped in the middle of the street. "To be honest, I think I haven't dug enough."

"Tsuna won't like it."

She nodded. "I know he won't but I have to do this." She could see it their faces. Her friends were one step away from showing her to a therapist, she was sure.

"You don't need to put yourself into something so dangerous." Takeshi's concern was muttered softly.

"You're right. I don't have to but…" She trailed away as her thoughts went to the token sitting in her pocket and muttered to herself, "Even if the situation wasn't like now… I would have looked for the Order anyways." They didn't hear her quiet confession. Afterwards it was a blur. She remembered stumbling into her apartment, Chrome's sleeping figure on her bed and the rocky embrace of her couch. The next morning, she woke up on the cold, hard and unforgiving ground.

Back aching and spine bent in a way that was not possible for a human, Mia didn't have a very good start on the day. Chrome was still asleep and was curled up blissfully on her bed. Poor girl must have been sleeping on that rotted couch the whole time they've been here. Well, at least one of them had it nice. There was a knock on her door and she went to open it. Tsuna was there, smiling like the male protagonist of a shoujo manga. Mia immediately slammed the door on him.

"M-Mia?!" She heard him through her door.

After what happened last night she expected him to be a little morose… she had a feeling he was annoyed with her too. She opened her door cautiously and Tsuna brightened. His smile was blinding and she squinted at the sight. Noticing the dark circles underneath his eyes, she frowned.

"Drop the act Tsuna, you're not fooling me." His smile faltered. "Are you still upset from last night?"


She gave him an unattractive stare.

"Okay! It's still bothering me! And stop with the face! It's disturbing!"

She pulled him inside and showed him to the table where she had prepared breakfast before. "I bet you haven't eaten yet if you're this early…" Tsuna shook his head.

"I'm not hungry," he said and continued to remain standing.

She sighed and went back inside to retrieve her bag. Together, they set off towards school. "How's Ian?" she asked him.

"How's Ian?" He repeated with a displeased grumble.

"Tsuna, you promised me."

"He's alright… we brought him to the hospital. After that Dino took over. He'll live."

"That's great."

When he saw her smiling, he scowled."I get that you feel like you owe him but… do you have to be so nice to him? What is it about him anyway? He's a dirt bag and a pervert." She stared hopelessly at her seething friend thinking what Ian could have done to get under Tsuna's skin of all people.

"Tsuna… how long was Ian around you?"

"Two days – since Takeshi's match."

"What did he do?"

Tsuna crossed his arms. "What does it matter? He won't be able to do anything now."

Mia was a morning person but dealing with Tsuna like this made her wish she wasn't just so that she had a reason to be a jerk. She stamped down on her temper. It wasn't his fault that he was acting like a brat. She didn't want to antagonize Tsuna any more than what Ian had done. She remained silent, letting her mind mull over the entire thing. Mia didn't get Ian. There were plenty of opportunities where he could have let her die but he saved her anyway, he also taught her something monumental about the world they were living in and that he heavily supported Tsuna. Regardless of his actions, he genuinely wanted Tsuna to win.

She just didn't get what his true motive was. Was it out of duty to the Order? Or revenge? Or both maybe? Maybe she was looking into it too much.

"Hey Mia?" Her attention was drawn out from her thoughts to Tsuna. He was blushing and suddenly she was too.


"Um… ah… about last night…" he trailed off.

All of her thoughts came to a screeching halt. Was she still capable of breathing? She quickly looked away, chuckling nervously. She held her bag in her hands, her fingers drumming. "Oh yes! About that! I wanted to apologize for acting out of character – it's just that I had to do something and well I really didn't think it through." She said in a rush. "So… uh…we still cool?"

When she checked on his reaction. He was gaping at her, his expression akin to being slapped. "You're apologizing?"

She held her bag close to her chest, suddenly unsure why he was offended. "Well… um… yeah?"

"Why?" They stopped walking.

For once, Mia couldn't formulate a proper sentence. Tsuna took her by the hand and led her away. Her ability to speak returned to her when she realized how far they were from school and stubbornly dug her heels to the ground. "Tsuna, I still have classes!"

"Forget school for once!" His outburst attracted random pedestrians. They began to mutter but Tsuna went ahead to lead her to an empty alley. A little unusual from their normal meeting places but it was clean. There he continued his interrogation. "Why?" he repeated, more slowly this time. "Why are you apologizing?"

He still had her hand in his and his grip was tight. "U-Um… because I did it without your consent?"

"Consent," he repeated flatly. "You don't need consent if it was mutual! I kissed you back didn't I?"

Well yes, yes he did and he was very good at it but it didn't change the fact that she did it so suddenly. "It was probably because of the heat of the moment. You couldn't help it," she tried to rationalize logically despite her heart squeezing painfully in her chest. "Besides… it wasn't right for me to do that if you have somebody else you liked." She wanted to tell herself to shut the hell up but the words stumbled from her mouth. She couldn't help it. Those short moments will always be precious to her but if Tsuna wanted Kyoko or some other girl, who was she to make things complicated?

For a moment, Tsuna looked like he would be pissed. "You're right." Growing cold, his hand slipped out from hers. Even though she prepared herself for the inevitable heartbreak, it didn't stop her from hurting. She dipped her head to the side, trying to stop her feelings from showing on her face. "What was I thinking?"

"It's not your fault," she automatically replied. "I was the one who led you on." He was probably disgusted with her right now but no matter how strained their relationship became she desperately hoped they would still be friends. That is, if he still wanted to. In her desperate little act to bring him back she might have destroyed their friendship for good.

"You're right about one other thing Mia." She didn't look at him, too scared to see what sort of expression he wore. "I really can't help it. Not anymore at least." Not understanding what he meant, she turned her head and he captured her lips in a kiss.

It was fleeting and sweet like sunlight in the morning. It was powerful enough to shake her down to her very core.

It ended as quick as it happened and Tsuna pulled away slightly, leaving her speechless and in very deep shock. He was still close to her when he murmured, "Sorry I'm not sorry." His hot breath against her lips paralyzed her even more if that was possible. Without another word, he left the alley, leaving a very flustered mess of a blonde.

When she managed to get back to school, she was an hour late and she stumbled into class, dazed. The teacher shouted at her but she ignored him, not giving a damn that she interrupted him in the middle of his lecture about theorems. Her teacher grumbled, having used to such treatment from Hayato. Her friends that had already finished their matches tried to talk to her but she couldn't hear them.

Tsuna kissed her.

She felt like collapsing on her table and laughing her head off. She didn't know what to think about it. He had to have liked her otherwise he wouldn't have kissed her. Tsuna wasn't the kind of guy who went around charming every other girl around. No, he was too silly, too awkward for that. Though he was far from silly earlier… if anything, what he did was extremely attractive. Butterflies swarmed her stomach. She let out a quiet groan and buried her red face in her hands. Everyone had been telling it to her face that he liked her for a long time now but she just wouldn't believe it and was now faced with the truth that Tsuna may have more feelings than friendship for her.

But she still had doubts and the main reason for that was the other girl that was sitting right with her in class. Kyoko kept shooting her worried glances from up front but Mia didn't look at her. She didn't want to. The sounds of the classroom were raking against her ears like an annoying buzz. Suddenly she just wanted to be anywhere else but here. So when the first break rolled around, she made a wild dash straight to the Disciplinary Office, home to the school's very own and Namimori's one and only demon.

Hibari was not happy to see her. "Get out," he ordered her immediately.

"Please, I just need five minutes. Hear me out Chairman?" she begged the prefect. "All I need is an outlet."

The look he gave her basically said no. He picked the paper he was reading, swiveled his chair so he was facing the window and continued reading the report. "Bother the herbivores."

Mia slumped on his desk, desolated. "This isn't something I can go to with anyone. I need a brutally, blunt and honest opinion." Hibari raised his tonfa suggestively. "That's not what I meant!" she exclaimed. He lowered his weapon and turned so that she could see him looking annoyed.

"Stop whining and get to the point already."

"Okay so I think Tsuna likes me." Hibari was a person who talked in very little words and preferred to express himself through actions. In this moment that followed after her statement, his eyebrows scrunched together as if he was going to have a head ache and he looked at her with such strong dislike she cringed. So coming to Hibari for relationship advice may not be such a good idea.

"You came here to bother me for that?" He might as well have said, 'You realized that now? Stupid.'

"It's sort of important…?"

The look on his face was murderous. "Little cub," he started slowly and dangerously. "Whatever is going on with you and Sawada Tsunayoshi…Figure. It. Out."

She stared at him. "Oh wow, that was the longest and most sensible sentence I've ever heard from you."

After that, Hibari chased her out of his office. She didn't go back to classes and went to look for Tsuna instead, a new found resolve burning in her heart. Hibari was right – as scary as that sounded – she had to figure this out. She spent months, days and hours agonizing over her feelings when she could have simply talked it out with him. But she had to admit, the closer she got to Tsuna's training grounds, the more nervous she became. Her legs were starting to become noodles. She had to take a break three-fourths of the way through and leaned against a tree to calm herself. "I've jumped out of buildings, survived assassins and did not die in the hands of a psychotic pineapple… I can do this. Hibari's advice was solid Mia, don't over think – just do it… I'm procrastinating. Yup, definitely procrastinating!" She hugged the tree.

"What are you doing?"

Mia jumped and cried shrilly. Reborn was there, staring at her inquiringly. "Reborn! I was um… I was bonding with nature." He knew she was lying. Her red ears gave her away.

"Your 'contact' is in good condition by the way. Other than a broken rib and burns, he's doing alright."

"He broke a rib?"

"Two," Reborn clarified. "But what I want to discuss before whatever it is you have to do with Tsuna is about this Order. Why did they approach you of all people?"

Mia regarded the hitman with surprise. "Maybe it's because I'm a familiar face?"

"Cut the crap Mia."

She sighed. "Okay, they want to recruit me into their super secret mysterious Order but don't worry I won't – "

"Join them," Reborn ordered. Her jaw dropped.

"B-but why?" she asked. "You said you don't believe in them!"

"Well I do now. I've had a little talk with 'Ian'. They've taken an interest in you."

"But what about the Vongola?"

Reborn smirked. "It's good to know you're loyal however you and I both know that the Order is abundant with knowledge that not even the Mafia are privileged to."

"Are you asking me to spy on them for the Vongola?" she asked her tutor. Reborn was difficult to read. He looked up at her with those blank, black eyes. Mia was reminded of a dark and deep well. She shuddered slightly.

"Are you saying you won't?" he returned.

She looked away. She thought about it, she'll admit. They piqued her interest and surely they must be hiding amazing secrets but after observing Ian and the Order's grip on him, she reconsidered. These were the people who messed with her head. If they were capable of such things then what else could they do? Who's to say that if she joined they won't brainwash her or something? The terrible itch came back, demanding her for answers and she had a feeling that she would find those answers with the Order.

"Tsuna won't like it."

"Not if he doesn't find out."

She shook her head. "I'm tired of hiding things from him Reborn. I want to be honest with him. He deserves to know that."

"Are you planning to come clean with your feelings then?"

The blush from earlier returned with full force. "Y-You knew?"

Reborn snorted. "I'm your tutor. I know everything." Everything? Her blush darkened. Just how much did Reborn know? "I've been waiting for this for a long time so I'll let you go ahead." But Mia did not leave immediately. The hitman raised a brow. "You're getting the cold feet now?"

"I can't help it… I'm terrified."

"I see. I can help with that." He whipped out his gun and cocked it. "I'll give you the extra kick you need. I'm sure Tsuna would appreciate it too. What's the color of your underwear today again?"

"T-There's no need for that!" she backed away from the hitman.

"Then get that flat ass of yours up there now before I make you."

Mia slapped her hands to her bum, what little of her feminine pride wounded. "M-My butt is not flat!"

Reborn flatly stared at her. "I'm counting until five. One…two… three…"

Mia booked it. What sort of encouragement was that? She angrily thought as she tore through the greenery. Reborn gave her very little choice…. And she was grateful for it. With the hitman behind her, she won't be able to run away and will be forced to move forwards. This was exactly what she needed. She arrived on the site, disrupting Tsuna from his meditative state. He was surprised to see her.

Panting, she said, "We… need to talk…"

Basil lowered his weapon. "My Lady, did something happen?"

"Uh no." She noticed his stance and cursed herself for her awful timing. Tsuna and Basil must have been at the final stage of training. "I'm sorry, I'll just wait for you two to finish."

"No," Tsuna cut in and then turned to Basil. "Would it be alright? Just ten minutes will do."

"If Sawada-dono requests of it then I will gladly comply." Basil bowed his head and Tsuna sighed, a little unhappy at the princely treatment he was getting from the other boy. Still in Hyper Mode, Tsuna gestured for her to follow him somewhere private. As soon as they were alone and away from nosy ears, he turned to face her.

"What is it?" he asked her bluntly. She winced at his tone. He was very unhappy with her. How could he not? A voice inside berated her. She had been pretty insensitive earlier but in her defense she didn't know he liked her then.

"It's… about earlier," she started and looked down on her shoes. "I want to say sorry."

Tsuna scoffed and crossed his arms. "This again Mia? I've heard you the first time."

"I meant about being insensitive to you earlier!" she burst out. "I… um… well…" Dealing with normal Tsuna was hard enough but Hyper Tsuna was really intimidating. She wished he would get out of it. Squeezing her eyes shut, she decided to get the worst of it out first. "Whydidyoukissme?!" It all came out in a rush of words.


"I said… why did you kiss me?" she finally looked him in the eye. It was Tsuna's turn to evade her gaze. Her heart raced when she spotted the hint of a blush on his stoic face.

"Wasn't it obvious enough?" he muttered, loud enough for her to hear.

"But why me…?" Because the truth is she was lost. She couldn't fathom why Tsuna would like her of all people. She got that they wouldn't be friends if he didn't like her but to like her more than that – what did he exactly see in a messed up girl like her? The bitter insecurities she had been holding inside bubbled up to the surface. She lied to him, kept secrets from him and betrayed his trust over and over. "You could have chosen someone else who wouldn't grate your nerves, someone who was pretty, kind and… honest."

"You mean like Kyoko-chan?" She flinched but nodded. Tsuna's expression softened. "Mia…"

She interrupted him. "I don't know why you would pass Namimori Middle's Idol for someone like me…" she was cut off when she was taken by the shoulders and was shaken lightly by a very pissed off Tsuna.

"Someone like you?" he repeated, his orange eyes flared. "You're more than that Mia. You're more. You're more than pretty – you're beautiful! You're the kindest person I know!" He drew her close to him. "Honest?" He paused and thought about it. "We'll work on that." Her eyes pricked but she laughed even though it was weak.

"It still doesn't explain why you're not into Kyoko," she murmured.

Tsuna sighed. "What is it about Kyoko-chan anyway? Why do you keep insisting that she's my one-true love or something?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to marry her like - oh say - fifty times?"

He grimaced then he sighed. "It's true I had a pretty bad crush on her back then." He tilted her chin up slightly. "But then I fell for you." Her breath hitched and he continued, his gloved hand stroking her cheek, leaving her skin on fire from where he touched. "Before you came, Kyoko-chan was the only reason I went to school. I dreamed of marrying her. Stupid right? I could barely pass middle school. How was I supposed to marry this girl and provide for her? I was a loser. Useless but even so, I dreamed. Then you came along." He chuckled. "Meeting you… a lot of things changed. I changed. Studying became fun, I went to school because I liked it, and suddenly I was happy." He planted their foreheads together. His flames showered her with warmth from her head to her toes and she shuddered when her own Flame reached out instinctively to meet his.

Tsuna didn't seem to notice. He kept his eyes on her and only for her. "Kyoko-chan made life bearable but you made it worth living."

Just ten little words were enough to open the waterworks. She shut her eyes but a few tears slipped through. He kissed those away and she giggled despite feeling like something was stuffed down her throat. It was all she needed to hear.

"Il mio cuore è tuo," she said confessed softly and felt him stiffen. She watched as red dominated his tanned skin while he was still in Hyper mode. It had to be the most amusing and most attractive thing she'd ever seen and giggled at his stunned reaction. She decided to repeat it once more in Japanese. "My heart is yours."

She did it. By the grace of J.R.R Tolkien, she did it. She reached out and cupped his cheeks. He leaned in, their noses touching and stared at each other's eyes. His eyes dropped to her lips. Her eyelids fell to a shut just as he closed the gap between them. Unlike their first kiss, they knew better than to knock with each other's noggins. Unlike their second, it was just as heated but more on a slower pace and unlike their third, it lasted longer. It started out gently at first, then with greater pressure. Tsuna smelled of crisp leaves and sweat from training. It didn't gross her at all and only served to excite her more.

Then something peculiar happened. Something inside of her connected with him on a very deep level like two separate strands coiling into each other to form a single strong chord. The effect it had on her made the kiss ten times more intense than it did. She couldn't resist the low moan that came out of it. Tsuna's flame sparked unexpectedly and they broke apart, panting. His eyes faded back to brown as his gloves returned to normal.

Tsuna surmised the whole thing in a single word: "Wow."


They whirled wildly around. Reborn was smirking smugly at them while holding a Polaroid camera. "Congratulations you two, you're officially a couple."

"What the hell Reborn?" Tsuna demanded for both of them. Mia was too embarrassed to speak.

He waved the picture around then looked at it. "It's a good thing you guys confessed now instead after the Ring Conflict – I'd hate to lose to Colonello – he betted that one of you had to be dying before confessing to the other which was a plausible scenario."


"I'm not the only one who's in on it. Everybody else is too."


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