Under My Command ( Lesbian St...

By Icefly

800K 18.1K 3.6K

" Who do you belong to, Jade?" She pulled my hair, which caused me to arch my back in pleasure. " Only you... More

Dear Diary
First meeting
The art project
Adresses and orders
The bad girl
An offer?
Confused moments
So close
Jade's new thoughts
Miss you
Shopping and whispers
The Collar
So perfect
An old friend of mine
Moonlight Shadow
Better than me?
Ballet shoes
The Thunderstorm
Fights and kisses
Bad memories
Morning lessons
Want you to know
Leave her
Movies and jealousy
The contract
The Maid
Let me touch you
Hide and Seek
New revealed secrets
Partys and skype
If I could fly
A kid in love
Netflix and....chill?
Where Red Meets Black
The Headline
Easy and Right
The Dancer in Blue
My First Heartbreak
Bathroom chats
Say something
New Book!

Take a seat

10K 275 204
By Icefly


" Aah!" I screamed out in pleasure and threw my head backwards. She grabbed my hair and whispered into my ear hotly. " You're enjoying this, don't you? Even though you shouldn't."

I nodded egearly and bucked my hips against her, desperate for friction. " Tell me how good I am." She said harshly and slapped my ass.

" So good." I said, trying to breath properly at the same time.

" I can't hear you!" She screamed out and pulled my hair harder this time. " You're so much better than Jelina!" I yelled and moaned.

" That's what I thought, your little whore. I didn't know your Mistress likes to share her toys." I couldn't really reply, because she pushed her fingers into my mouth, making me gag.

After a few moments she pulled them out and pushed them inside my between my legs instead. " I'm just glad she does. You're way better...."I glanced up at her. 

".... Alyssa." 


I woke up with a yell and the tears, that joined the sweat, streamed down my face. " Fucking nightmares!" I hissed. "No more nightmares...please." Losing Jade was one of the most horrid things that could happen to me. Plus, Jade was not just a toy I could fool around with whenever I felt like it.

Oh no. She was so much more to me.


" Jade, welcome back!" Hayley and Alyssa threw their arms around me and hugged me tightly at the same time. I've always liked group-hugs, they're the best. It makes you and your friends feel like a whole family.

" Thanks guys, how have you been doing?" I asked while they pulled away. " Great!" Hayely started as we walked off to our first lesson. " My parents finally asked me if I wanted to go with them on their vacation. Which I did of course."

I nodded with a big smile, i'm so glad her parents finally did that with her. I think she needed some quialty time with them.

" What about you, Al?" I caught Alyssa staring at me smiling. " Not much. Just missing you, I guess." I smiled at her a bit, and tried to think of something to say so it wouldn't be too awkward.

" I missed you guys too." Her smile faded a little but nodded. Me and Alyssa walked in to our science lesson and sat down next to each other.

Our teacher walked in and started the lecture and I started to write down some notes.

" Is it true?" I heard Alyssa whisper, very closely, in my ear. I gave her confused glance.

" Is what true?"

" That Jelina raped someone? I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest."
I've never felt so much rage so fast ever in my entire existence. I pushed her away roughly and took my things and sat down on a seat at the back of the classroom.

Our teacher and Alyssa looked at me strangley. " What?" I said annoyed. " It's a free country." The teacher just turned back to the whiteboard and continued.

While Alyssa just gave me a guilty look, I returned it with a cold stare and daggers in my eyes. Something I think I've learned from Jelina.

Further in at the lesson Alyssa sent me a text. " I'm sorry, babe. Please come back. I don't like being alone ❤️"

I just snorted and rolled my eyes at her and texted back. " You should've thought of that earlier before you talked shit about my girlfriend right in front of me."

With that, she didn't text back.

After the lesson there was a huge space between us when we walked over to Hayley. We acted like two strangers honestly. I refused to go near her and she knew it was no idea to even try talking to me.

" Did you guys fight about who tops in bed or something?"

Oh gosh, she did not say that. Worst timing ever from her side. " Shut up, Winston." Alyssa mumbled and went past us. " Okay, see you later Johnson!" Hayley yelled after her then turned to me.

" Ha! That ryhmed. Winston and Johns-"

" Yeah, yeah let's go. I'm bored as hell and just wants this day to be over with." The day went pretty slow, Alyssa and I had short conversations. Like really short. Things like ' can you check what time it is?' Or ' Pass the salt, please.' 

Hayley knew something annoying was up, but didn't have the energy to involve herself in it. I must say I'm quite grateful for that. She's a great shoulder to lean on, really. But she knows when to stay away and when to step in.

" What are you doing after school today?" Hayley wondered when I took out my books from my locker. " You." I said with a calm tone.

First she didn't say anything at all but when I started to laugh she just went along with it. " Nice pick-up line."

" My best one." I winked and my mood got all better suddenly. " Jelina and I are going to fix some things, then I need to study some. What about you?"

We started walking towards our classroom. " I'm going home to James. But, he's working today so I'm all by myself." I pouted and frowned. " Poor you. You can come over when I've met Jelina if you want to."

" Yeah, sure." 


After school I went straight home to Jelina and was quite tired. Being angry with Alyssa has taken alot of energy from me. Jelina opened even before I could even knock on her door.

" Welcome home, baby." She said kissed me on the lips. I was taken aback by her actions and her words. Home. It was like she considered me living here too like it was our home. I just stared at her. " Thanks....babe." Even though I had a shit day, a small smile appeared.

" Ready to go?"

" Go where? I just got here." Jelina reached out and pinched my cheek. " The pshycologist. We have to be there at 4 pm, remember?"

" Oh...right." I face palmed myself for forgetting it. " Sorry. Yeah let's go."
" No worries." She took my hand after she locked the door and we walked over to her car.

She hurried over to my side and opened the door for me. " Here you go, milady." Wow, she's in a playfull mood today.

" Thank you, my servant." I took her hand and stepped inside the car. She closed the door and jogged over to the driving side.

" You're happy today." I stated when she jumped in. " I sure am. I'm so happy that you're here with me. I've never had someone who's done so much for me."

" I haven't done so much, Jelina. This meeting was your idea. Don't get me wrong, I think it's very brave of you." I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Jelina smiled and started the car and drove off. " How was your day?" I shrugged and didn't really feel like talking about it. I knew I would destroy Jelina's all happy and giggly mood.

I love seeing her like this so I decided to shut up about Alyssa. For now.
" Great! I got the results from my latest history test. I got a B!" That wasn't a lie, actually. I did get a B on that test. I just didn't mention Alyssa.

" Oh my god, that's great baby! Congratulations!" I don't think I've ever seen her smiling so wide. Smiling from ear to ear.

" Thank you."

" Anything else happened?"

Shit, I knew this question would pop up. " No, no. It was quite boring except for the results." It wasn't a lie either, it was boring. I just avoided telling her. But it was kind of a lie too, something else did happen.

Alyssa checking me out, Alyssa who haven't heard of personal space before and look! Alyssa pissing me off.

" You seem to be in deep thought over there, Jade." She placed her hand on my thigh and squeezed it.

" Just tired. Still jet laggged." I yawned and leaned my head against the window. " I can take you home if you want to. You don't have to come with me." Jelina assured but that really got my attention.

" No, no, no I'm not leaving you alone with this. I'll wait outside till you're done. Alright? " Jelina smiled. " Alright."



" So, Angelina Brown." Chris, my pshycologist, started. " It's Jelina." I corrected.

" Not Angelina?" I shook my head. " No, just Jelina. Believe me, you're not the first one." All my teachers and even the principal have said Angelina to me. Always thought Jelina was a short name for Angelina. Which it's not.

" Okay, well on the phone you said that you needed my help." He motioned for me to lay down and got a pen and a piece of paper.

" So, let's start with your family. What's your parents name?" I breathed out to calm my nervs.

" My father was Edward and my mother is Caroline Brown. I had a sister whose name was Nicole." Chris nodded and wrote down their names on the paper. " Yes, and then you had a step family, right?"

" Mm... Kevin and Kelly Bulstrode. Kevin's wife had died in a car accident six months before he met my mother."

" I see. How did you see Kevin as? Polite? Aggressive?" " As long as you did what he told you to do, he was a polite man." I said sternly. Chris only nodded and kept on writing.

" How did your mother see him as?" I shrugged, honestly I couldn't care less. All she cared about then was Kevin, never me.

" I don't know. A gentleman, I guess. But she was a blind bastard." Chris stopped writing and put away his pen and paper.

" Jelina, did he ever hurt you?" My eyes started to tear up when I thought about it. " He gave me a few slaps in the face sometimes, yes. But he did just because I had to grow up. Stop crying all the time."

" Why did you cry, Jelina?"

" Alot of things, I missed Nicole, my father and especially my mom. She wasn't my mum when she married that guy. She became someone I've never knew. A stranger." That's when the tears came and I started to shake and could barely control it.


( a/n sorry this is the last time I
change the POV in this chapter)

I sat outside waiting for and then I got a call from Alyssa. I thought about if I should answer or not. I really didn't feel like talking to her, but I'd rather do it now on the phone than tomorrow face to face.

I picked up the phone and I heard her voice. " Jade! Look, I'm so sorry for earlier today. You're right, I shouldn't have said that."

" Then why did you?" Alyssa sighed heavily and I noticed how hard this must be for her. Apologizing has never really been her thing.

" Because I still like you, I guess. Losing you to someone else just like that sucks."

" I forgive you. I just wanted an apology." I said with a soft voice. " Thank you. So, what are you doing now?" I wasn't sure if I should tell her about the pshycologist thing. Lately I've had problems trusting Alyssa at all.

" I'm with Jelina." I just said simply. " You?"

" Just doing some home work." Then I saw the door to Jelina's room open up and I stood up.

" Look, I'm glad we talked but I have to go now. See you tomorrow."

" Okay bye, love you." I didn't really reply to that and just hung up. I smiled when I saw Jelina but she looked totally devestated. Tears must've streamed down her face.

" Honey..?" I said carefully and reached for her hands but she just walked past me without saying a word. Then out came Chris. " W-what happened to her?"

" She has alot of memories I think she really needs to share. I think it's too much for her to go and bear for herself."

" I know I want her to talk to me but she's stuck in this bubble."

" I understand. Some people got really hard coming out from that bubble, I suggested to her that she would take a night, just you and her and really talk through some stuff. She's got more than she's telling. And I think it's time for her to get that all out."


The way home was tense. I didn't know why she was crying and I could still hear her sobbing sometimes. She drove up to my house but I refused to move my body.

" Jade, you're home." Jelina said, as I didn't already know that.

" I'm not going in. Not without you."

" Jade this is not the ti-"

" This is exactly the time, Jelina Brown!" I raised my voice and she flinched. " You have two options. Step out and walk into my house or I'm staying at yours. I'm not leaving you alone tonight so you might as well stop this shit right now."

Without arguing with me, knowing it's very pointless, she started the car again and moved on to our- I mean her house.

" I'll tell you later, I promise." Jelina said when we stopped in front of her house. " But first I just need you to do something for me. Only if you to, of course."

Her hand traveled down on my thigh. " What did you have in mind?" I asked, I got an idea where this was going. I'm one hundred percent sure it will end in the bed.

" I need you to go into my bedroom, strip off all of your clothes except, for your panties. I want you to sit on bed like a good girl when I get there. Think you can do that?"

I don't know how she do it. Goes from 0 to 100 real fast sometimes. I must say this sounded quite exciting though. " Yes...Mistress." I eventually replied.

She gave me the keys and hurried inside the house. Being the clumpsy shit I am sometimes, I almost teared down eveything I came in contact with.

I almost had everything off except for the panties and the bra when Jelina walked into the bedroom.

She still had her clothes on, but was holding something in her hands. It was something metal and she had a key hidden between her fingers.

" I-is that w-what I think it is?" I stuttered. Jelina looked at what she was holding and smirked. " Oh yes, don't worry. You'll enjoy it."

I looked at the handcuffs she was holding in and I felt how aroused I was. " What are we going to do?" I asked, sounding stupid in my head. Jelina just gave me a deep kiss. Her lips traveled down on my neck, biting at my sensitive skin.

" You'll see soon." I kissed her this time, then her tongue found it's way into my mouth. I gasped as she pushed me down on the bed. She let go off the handcuffs and her hands roamed my breasts.

I moved my hips against her and her right hand started to fibble with my bra. " I thought I told you to take everything off except for your panties. Didn't I?" I nodded and knew she was very right.

" I'm sorry Mistress..." I wanted to explain further but I knew this wasn't really the time. Her fingers worked fast and woosh! The bra was off.

Her hands gripped my ass hard and she squeezed it. " Damn, can't wait to eat your pussy out." Even though that sounded so weird in my head, I couldn't wait either.

" Turn around, babe." I did as told and she took my hands behind my back and put the handcuffs on. " You do trust me, right?" She whispered.

" Yes, please do something with me already. I can't wait anymore." I begged as my life depended on it. As soon as the handcuffs was fully on, she bend me over and slapped my ass. Her hands took a rough grip on my blak lace panties and dragged them off.

She then laid down next to me reached for my arm while I waited for further instructions which I got moments later. " Sit on my face."

My eyes widened, I wasn't sure if she actually meant literally. " O-on your face? Are you sure?"

" Yes, I'm sure. Come on, don't be scared." I gulped, feared something could go terrible wrong. " But what if...I suffocate you? You might die-"

" Jade, trust me. You won't hurt me. Now..." She helped me move so I was standing on my knees just above her face. " ...take a seat."

I seated down onto her lips and she started her work with her tongue. I gasped at the sensationella feeling. " Ah, fuuuck!" I knew I forgot about the swearing rule when she pinched my thigh.

" Sorry, but damn this feels so good." I moved my hips carefully down onto her mouth and tried not to suffocate her. I wanted to touch her so bad but my hands were still stuck behind my back.

When she noticed my swinging hips she took a steady hold onto my ass. Spanking, pinching and massage it. Whatever she felt like doing, I enjoyed it very much so I didn't reject her.

" Oh God, I...please-"

" It's okay baby." She left my wet entrance to talk to me. " Ride my face if you like."

" But...oh! What if, I hurt you or-"

" You won't, come on my little submissive slut, move your hips for me." I know slut isn't the kindest word, but damn it turns me on so much right now.

So I started to move me hips more this time, the fact that I still wore handcuffs turned me on even more.
" There is my good girl. Doing some of the work on her own."

I felt how my orgasm started to build up and I moved faster, hoping I didn't hurt her in any kind of way. " Oh god, please, let me...I want to-"

Her tongue worked faster now and I started to move up and down on her tongue. " Ah, please I want to come on your tongue."

" You like being fucked by my tongue, while riding your Mistess' face off?"

" Ah-huh! Spank me! I'm close." Her hand met my ass hard several times and her other hand pulled on the handcuffs.

Up and down, back and forth, yeah that how it went for me. Barely thirty seconds later I felt it. I closed my eyes and came like I've never came before.

I was too zoomed out to do anything, so Jelina helped me to lay down and unlocked the handcuffs. She pulled a blanket over me and kissed my cheek.

" You did so good, Princess. I've never seen you like this before."

" Thank you, for letting me do it. I didn't even know you could ride someone's face." I breathed, trying to come back from my highs.

" Now you know."

That's when some things came back to me. Just that sentence was enough.

" Speaking of knowing. What made you tear up so bad back there?" Jelina sighed when she remembered that she had actually promised me to tell me.

" I'm sorry. I've lied to you."

" You promised you'd tell me!" I yelled angrily and sat up. " No I don't mean like that. I will tell you." But I lied to you when you once asked me if I had any siblings. Remember that day?"

I thought back to the start when we started seeing each other. " Yes, why? Are you saying Nicole didn't even exist?"

" Oh she existed. That's for sure." Jelina said assurley. " The thing is, someone else did too." My eyes went wide and I thought I got it wrong first.

" Wait, what? You had...another sibling too?" I laid down beside her now, my voice spoke softer.

" Yes, I had a brother too."

" Oh..." I said, not really know what to say. This whole twist was quite unexpected. " Well, how did he...uhm...die?" I was so afraid to say the word. The whole question felt so unnatural to say.

Jelina just stared up in the ceiling the first seconds, then she turned to me.

" I killed him."

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