Begin Again (a Matty Healy an...

By xwriteoutx

2K 63 27

Sloan was just a college freshman taking a music elective to take her mind off of the disaster that was her s... More

1. Nightmares
2. Waking Up
3. Water in the Flask
4. Thoughts
5. Party anyone?
6. Pepsi
7. Blackout
8. Caution
9. Questions
10. Dates
11. Secrets
13. Graveyard Shift
14. What...
15. Partial Explanations
16. Warped Mistakes
17. Processing
18. Unsober Truths
19. Second Chances
20. One Year Later
21. Reality

12. I like you...a little

72 2 1
By xwriteoutx

Coming up with an outfit was going to be the most challenging part of this date. My room was littered with the contents of my closet. After more than an hour of sorting and changing my mind, I settled on a black velvet skater dress and my handy black doc martens. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and pulled my hair into a high pony tail, while leaving a strand hanging down framing both sides of my face. Then I lightly coated my lips with some jam colored balm. I was ready to go now all I had to do was wait for Matty to get here.

I walked into Mica's room to show her my outfit and I was immediately bombarded with screams and questions.

"You look beautiful Sloane! Are you nervous? Excited? Or both?" I could tell how excited she was as she sat on her bed bouncing up and down, waiting for me to answer.

"To be honest I am a little nervous. But only because I feel like I have to tell him about my alcoholism and I am not ready to discuss that with him." I could feel my heart rate speed up at the thought of having to open up to Matty.

"If you aren't ready don't tell him, but I really think you should be honest with someone you are about to be romantically involved with...just saying." I could hear the truth behind her words but I still was not particularly excited about having to dole out information on my mistakes.

I got up from the bed as soon as I heard the knock at the door. I made my way downstairs with Mica following behind me. I turn around to face her before I open the front door.

"Mica I am an adult. I can handle this date on my own, please go back upstairs or something." I smile and shoo her away with my hands.

"Fine, but you better not do anything you're not supposed to do Sloane. I'm being serious." She hugs me and I give her a kiss on the cheek before she tiptoes back up to her room; where i know shes listening in the hallway.

I take a deep breathe and open the door to reveal Matty in black skinny jeans with a rip in the right knee, a rose patterned blouse with the first few buttons undone to reveal a tattoo on his chest and some black ankle boots. my heart started beating so loudly I could swear he heard every thump.

"You look stunning love." He smiled and in that moment I could tell he was just as nervous as I was, which made everything a little bit better. I became more relaxed as we made our way to his car.

As I got into the passenger seat, the smell of the car was very familiar to me; not in a good way. As soon as I set down my stomach began to turn. Before I knew it I had Matty's passenger door open and I was puking up my lunch on the grass next to his car.

As I am puking up my insides I can feel Matty's hand rubbing circles on my back and I immediately flinch away. I wipe my mouth and get out of the car.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I could hear the genuine concern in his voice, which made me regret flinching away from his gesture of kindness.

"Something about your car. The smell or something it just makes my stomach feel sick. I just need a little air and I'll be fine." I took a walk up the stairs to my porch and sat down.

A few minutes later Matty follows and takes a seat right next to me. "I was doing a little thinking, and you've only been in my car once and that was the night you were drugged Sloane."

I could feel the chills make their way up my back and my stomach beginning to churn again. "Matty I don't want to really talk about that night but maybe we can take my car?"

I could see the sympathy in Matty's eyes and I began to feel even worse about not remembering the events that took place that night. But if my puking was a symptom of that night, then my memories were coming back. "I don't want your sympathy Matty, now lets get out of here."

I got up from the stairs and began to walk up my driveway to where my car was parked. My car was a simple black four door with a small scratch going along the left side. I tossed my keys to Matty and he looked up questioningly.

"You want me to drive your car?" I smiled and nodded my head. I hadn't driven a car since the accident and I was not going to start now.

"Yes, I trust you enough to let you drive my car. Besides you've planned this date, so only you know where we are going. If I were to drive it would ruin the mystery."

He grinned as we climbed into my car.

"Well this date is going to be very chill but very nice at the same time. So be prepared for amazingness." His accent made him even more attractive and I couldn't help but giggle at his choice of adjectives.

"Yes! I got you to giggle! At least I've done something right tonight."

"It's not that difficult to make me laugh, you're just not that entertaining sometimes." I smiled as I turned my head to look out the window to avoid his gaze.

He laughed, "Well I guess I am just here for your entertainment then." As he said this we pulled in the parking lot of a dimly lit restaurant with a garden of roses adorning both sides of the entrance.

"We are officially here." He parked the car, stepped out and made his way over to my door. He opened the door for me and took my hand to help me out of the car. I obviously didn't need the help but it was a really nice gesture.

"What is this place?" I asked as we stepped into the restaurant and stood waiting to be seated.

"It's called Henry's Bistro. It's a recommendation from George." A few minutes later we are greeted by a hostess who takes us to our seats.

Matty pulls my seat out for me and I take a seat and began to look down at the menu. My stomach begins to growl as I eye the menu items.

"I heard that!" Matty exclaims with a huge grin on his face.

"You heard nothing!" I grin back at him as I decide what sounds the most appetizing on the menu.

I settled on a veggie sandwich on whole grain bread with a basket of sweet potato fries, while Matty got a spicy chicken bacon sandwich with a side of fries and another side of curly fries. We placed our orders as the waitress sat two cups of water on our table.

As our waitress walked away, Matty looks at me and smiles. "So tell me more about you Sloane."

I sigh and place the the straw from glass of water in between my teeth. "My name is Sloane. I am 19 years old. I am biracial and I hate small talk." I smile and sip my water.

That's when Matty began shooting me question after question.

"Are you an only child? What do your parents do? Are you and Mica related?"

I roll my eyes and answer his questions with a question of my own.

"Who is the girl in the locket in your room? She looks beautiful." I immediately notice his sharp intake of breath and I feel his eyes lower as he mumbles,

"She looked beautiful."

As I open my mouth to ask another question our food arrives and my stomach is overwhelmed by the mouthwatering smells emanating off of the food. So overwhelmed in fact I forgot to pester Matty some more about the girl in the locket.

Throughout our meal we chatted about light topics. Like George and Mica, the food, classes, school, and Matty's family. I learned about Matty's little brother and I could tell from our conversation how much Matty loves him and cares about him. I learned a lot about Matty, but I was careful to not share too much about my family and I.

After finishing our meal, Matty paid for our food and we made our way back out to the car.

"Would you like to drive back?" he asks tossing the keys at me. I reach out to catch them but they go over my head and towards the sewer opening; where they drop in.

"Fuck!" We both yell at the same time.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me Matty." I can't help but laugh because the chances of my keys falling into a sewer opening are hilarious.

"Are you really laughing? You know we are stuck right?" Matty looks at me curiously. "Thankfully I unlocked the door before I tossed your keys into the sewer."

He opens the door for me and I get in the car and text Mica to bring my spare car keys.

"I texted Mica to bring my spare car keys, so she should be here soon."

"Good because I was little worried there. So what did you think of our date?" I could tell he was very interested in what I thought about our date.

"Honestly I really enjoyed it and the food was amazing and you're really sweet Matty." Suddenly I remember the locket and I am dying to ask him about it. Was it because I was jealous of the girl or was I genuinely curious.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. You seemed like you needed some nice relaxing fun, so that's what I wanted to give you."

"Thank you Matty." I leaned across the center console of my car to give Matty a kiss on his cheek. When I removed my lips from his cheek our faces were inches apart. I looked into Matty's eyes and saw a slew of emotions, but I couldn't pinpoint which one was more prominent. In that moment I wanted to know more about Matty; his fears, his wants, his dislikes, his past loves. I kissed his lips without any hesitation and he kissed me back right away.

"You're killing me Sloane." he whispers against my lips. He continues to move his lips against mine as he laces his fingers through my hair.

I break away from his kiss. "I'm not trying to kill you, I just think I might like you...a little." He smiles and brings my lips back to his as he starts kissing a trail down my jaw and my neck. 

Suddenly there is a knock on the passenger side window and I see Mica there waving keys around.

*Hi guys! This was long overdue but I hope you like this chapter! I'm literally going to try and update more but life does gets in the way! Vote, comment and follow me? Idk thank you!!*

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