I Am The Fifth Member Of The...

By VickyAruwa03

121K 5.1K 4K

My Parent have been dead for a while now, but when the lawyers had finally gotten round to the discussion of... More

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four
End Of Training
Ouch! That's Gonna Leave A Mark!
Your No Hallie Berry
Who is cuter...hotter!
Getting Ready
Go Time
A lesson learned?
I Am Cold...
Home, Sweet,...Dust?
Best. Birthday. Ever!
The Devil finally Shows It's Tail
A British Lunch Date
Meeting Captain America
Hanging With The Avengers
A Girl Lost In Darkness
Pried, Probed and Tubed
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Best. Group. Chat. Ever!
I'm (finally) Over You
A Night On The Town With Tony Stark
Anybody Want Hot Choco?
Several Surprises
Central Park
The Battle Of Central Park
My One Normal Weekend
What happened?
The Truth Unfolds
Looking For Johnny
Finding Johnny...
What A Saturday Night
Sunday Morning
"Too late, you're adorable"
"He's A Bird!"
Our Weekend, Our Sunday Night...Our Moment
The Gang's Back Together!
"So....I'm not a hero?"
I Decree He Suffers
My Date With Deadpool
Ghost Mode *Activated*
Cold Hot Air Balloon
Paging Doctor Strange
Blood (Loss)
Johnny Has A Plan!
I Am Conscious
Told You So
White, Blue and Black(*To Be Edited After Birthday*)
Yellow Clouds
Oh Brother
Brain and Heart
Obsession Meets Insanity
Everything Will Change
5 Months Later
The Wounded
The Pony Bar
The Wounded Bleeds
Can't Keep Away
We Will Met Again(Author's Note)
Late Night Call
Estranged Conversations
The Advice
Unexpected Events
The Scared, Terrified, and Raped
"I Really Don't Care"
Steamy Moments (Rated: R/18+)
Tony Stark is a DickHead
More Then Best Friends?
Captain America Wielding A Butter Knife
Underwater Bedroom
Torn Apart
Best Dressed Girl Squad
Remember Me
Marvel Dating Game Show
The Emotions (Feels)
Burning Bridges
Keep Me Warm
The Truth Unfolds...
Author's Video | How I Feel Towards Wattpad
Brian And Harley
The Grand Master
I Had Them All Along!?
Powers Unlocked
Real Talk-Girl Talk
Author's Note: Update (Will Be Deleted Soon...Hopefully)
I Volunteer...
"And I now pronounce you..."
Journey To The Bedroom. Let's Begin... (Preparations)
(18+) Johnny and Vick | Completion

The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss

442 21 51
By VickyAruwa03

To say everyone was pissed would be a flipping ginormous understatement. Johnny was pissed for his own obvious reasons, Bridgette was pissed because Johnny was pissed, David was uncomfortable about the whole situation, and Sara was fuming!

The only people slightly human were me and Kevin. And I was getting pissed because Kevin wasn't!

We spent 10 minutes just trying not to bite each other's heads off. Everything was not going according to plan because there was no plan! Why oh why did this have to happen? Our reputation as a band was still new and growing! We can't have a flop tonight! Not tonight!

We'd ducked and hurdled ourselves under a nearby tent, I looked up at the night sky. You could barely make out the stars in the sky due to all the lights blaring around. The cold night was chilling and my cheeks were frozen solid, it still hadn't started to snow though. That's odd, it'd have definitely started to snow by now, especially in New York of all places.

"Things aren't going very well, are they?" I hear Johnny say to me. I look over my shoulder at him as I'm brought out of my thoughts.

"Well we only have 20-35 minutes left," I say, resigned as I look at my watch. "I'm fairly certain at this point our band will disgrace ourselves on national-"

"International" he corrected.

"International television" I sigh out in defeat.

"And most of the cyber sphere" he adds.

"Thanks for that" I say sarcastically with a smile.

"You know, there's still time to salvage the situation" he tells me, walking over to me. "You could take charge and put everything back in control." He says, standing close.

"But I'm not a leader" I say, feeling defeated. "I'm no good at nothing. I'm a complete and utter failure, everything I touch turns to shit!" I just wanted to collapse and weep on the cold ground.

"You know I hate seeing you down and upset" Johnny gathers me close and hugs me into his body.

I let myself enter his warmth and heat. I cannot remember the last time I was held by him, or even held this way, just held to give comfort. Kevin holds me in more of a...lets kiss each other's brains out sort of way. Johnny held me in a sort of way like a mother would when shielding her child from harm or danger. It...it kinda reminded me about the way my mom used to hold me as a child, and that made me smile.

After all, your parents were one of us.

I was involuntarily reminded of that awful and horrible day, was reminded of the horrible words those men had said. What had they meant by my parents being one of them? My parents were not criminals. I try to think of something light hearted and humorous to distract my mind.

"I hear Tony has installed those lasers in my house for real" I say into Johnny's overly comfy jacket. He wasn't wearing that much heavily layered clothes, but why should he? He just kept his bodily temperature at a steady heat and goes about his day as normal.

I had to admit, I was alittle jealous because when I had my powers I never felt cold, I could be wearing a crop top and mini skirt in pouring rain and I'd only feel wet, but never cold. Although maybe my power left some benefits, I wasn't feeling the cold as much as David and Sara were. Which I guess is a good thing.

"I just don't like the fact that he did it while you were asleep behind you back" Johnny adds.

"Well he was trying to avoid me at all cost" I say, "You know the rule, all superheroes avoid Victoria Howard at all cost!"

"Well after what happen, Logan is hell bent on never leaving your side." Johnny joked.

"It's annoying when he insists on staying in the bathroom when I shower"

Johnny gives me a look.

"I don't let him, of course" I clarify.

Johnny then looks over my shoulder at something, and then he breaks out into a goofy smile.

"What is it?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything but just points behind me. I look over and I catch my breath in shock, in the distance in the crowd I see the most wonderful and heart lifting thing.

Waving over to me in the freezing cold was Susan holding onto an annoyed looking Reed, Ben was also standing there holding onto Alicia taking up too much space. Right next to them Cap and Tony raised big thumbs up at me, Thor was doing a salute while Hawkeye was making ridiculous funny faces at me, which Natasha then smacks him over the head and politely proceeds to wave at me with Bruce besides her.

"Oh my God" I whispered, "They came?"

I turned to look at Johnny. He was smiling down at me, "They wanted to come for the first song but sadly missed it. But now they're here, let's not disappoint them"

I could feel my eyes gleam with determination, "Right" I nod at him.

I turn around and wave enthusiastically at all of them. Then I grab Johnny's hand and drag him over to the rest of the gang. David and Sara were barking at each other like wild rabid wolves while Kevin and Bridgette stood in the corner and just gapped at them in fear.

"We should just do an instrumental song! We don't have time to sing a song with lyrics!" Sara screams at David.

"Are you insane woman!? We are not Skrillex! We need a song with words!" David yells back.

"Your way is suicidal! You damn wombat!" Sara was seething, she looked like she would go into hulk mode if she could, how cool would it be if Sara was She-Hulk?

I waste no time in trying to raise my breath, I just reach out and yank both of their ears, hard.

"Listen up," I say to them. "We've got ten minutes left and we are gonna do this. I have a plan"

They instantly shut up and look at me, I point at David. "You, save you voice, we're gonna need you to do all that screaming on stage." I also point to Kevin. "You're also doing backup vocals" I say.

"Me!?" Kevin looked bewildered. We rarely, if ever, let him sing. It wasn't really his thing, and with David's recent denial of wanting to sing Kevin was even more tight lipped.

"Don't worry, Johnny's still gonna be doing the bulk of the singing" I reassure them. "It's just me and Sara are gonna really have to impress with the guitar and drumming." I look over at her. "So what do you think? Are you up for the challenge?"

She grins at me, "You know I am" she raised her hand to fist bump me, "Soul sisters forever"

"Okay good, cause the song I want us to do it Immortals" and I wait for the impending explosions.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" David whispered to me. Well, it was far better than yelling.

"Vick, that song is brutal!" Sara tried to reason. "It's our hardest set to date, we only use it for warm up!"

"And today I say we use it!" I tell them. "Sara, David, we already know the song like the back of our hand. I'll go teach Johnny's the vocals while you stay here and teach Kevin the effects and keyboards thingys"

I grab Johnny's arm and stop them from even protesting, "No time to waste or argue. Just trust me and do it! MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!"

Every one assembles their roles, but before we scatter I look at Bridgette, "Hey, uhm, Bridgette?"

She looks at me from the corner she was standing awkwardly in, she didn't know quite what to do and she must've felt really out of place. I felt bad for her.

"You mind holding down the fort and keeping us informed about everything?" I asked her. It was the first time, I think, I've ever addressed her directly, I knew she couldn't full well go over and sit with the Avengers and FF cause they weren't her crowd, and we couldn't just as well ignore her. Plus, she does do a pretty good job of running around, keeping us informed and filling the role of manager.

She flashes a bright smile at me, "Sure thing Victoria"

"Call me Vick," I say with a smile.

She turns to go but then stops "Oh and Vick...?" she calls after me, I look over at her. "Thanks" and she leaves.

I pull Johnny over to a quiet secure place where I believed I could teach him the lyrics in relative peace. "Did I just bond with your girlfriend?" I ask shyly.

He kisses me on my forehead, "Yes, I think you just did" he grins at me.

"Now if only you'd connect with Kevin" I say ironically.

"Never gonna fucking happen" he beams at me.

"Okay okay, enough time wasting" I say, "Focus, I only have 7 more minutes to teach you this song"


"Back once again we have Vick and the...urgh" Jim looked over at Jill, their projection displayed over the huge jumbo screen. "Do they even have a band name?" he asked, he had an evil glint in his eyes, like he was ready to tear me apart on live news.

"No Jim, they do not" Jill says ever so sweetly, and before Jim could open his mouth to begin the bashing Jill leans over below the table and brings out an axe and lays it on the table counter in clear view of Jim. "And I dare you to say something."

Jim gulps and begins to sweat bullets, "That will be all from us! And now for the performance!"

The camera's pan down to us on stage and I see our band displayed on the huge screen for the whole world to see. I gulp once, took a deep breath in and breathed it out. I look off stage and see Bridgette give us a thumbs up, and look into the crowd and see my family-uhm-my people, wave and cheer frantically at us, then I look at everyone on stage and we all nod.

We don't even wait to count, we just burst in song and the music. Johnny wasn't playing any instruments so he grabs the mic and begins.(A/N please find song and play it...please!)

They say we are what we are

But we don't have to be.

I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way.

I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame.

I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams.

David and Kevin lean in and harmonize in the background.


I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)


I try to picture me without you but I can't

I take my cue and shred it on the guitar.

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals

Just not for long, for long.

And live with me forever now,

You pull the blackout curtains down

Just not for long, for long.

It was then I am struck by the meaning of the words behind the song, and in that moment Johnny looks at me and winks.

We could be immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals.

The crowd was loving this, they looked like rabid animals ready to foam at the mouth! Even Cap and Tony were busting some sweet moves!

Sometimes the only pay-off for having any faith

Is when it's tested again and again everyday.

I'm still comparing your past to my future.

It might be your wound but they're my sutures.

Johnny screeches into the microphone, looking like he was ready to rip out his heart throw it into the crowd and leave his blood on the floor...waw, that was dark.


I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)


I try to picture me without you but I can't

He sings like he was trying to tell someone the truth, like he wanted someone to believe his words. I follow him up with an epic rift.

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals

Just not for long, for long.

And live with me forever now,

You pull the blackout curtains down

Just not for long, for long.

Sara completely goes insane on the drums to the point where I fear she'd lose a limb. Lord knows my fingers were about to fall off.

We could be immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

All the guys on stage were practically howling right now.


And live with me forever now,

Pull the blackout curtains down,

The song slowed down a pace...and then picked right back up!

We could be immortals, immortals

Just not for long, for long.

We could be immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,

Immooooooo- immortals,


When end the set piece and start breathing heavily, the song seeping all the energy from us. Then the crowd erupts!


I look up and see the giant ball dropping to the ground, it was about to be New Year. The countdown has begun...

"We did it!" I hear Kevin and David scream, and everyone then rushes to dog pile on me. I look over to Bridgette and wave her over to join the fun. She bolts up the stage and falls on everyone.


We hear orders for me and David to take our places to perform the New Year's kiss. The initial forgotten tension comes back between everyone!


Me and David turn to face each other, "Are you ready?" I ask him.

"I guess" David just shrugs, uninterested.

I look over at Kevin, "Are you cool with this?" for a minute I though his eyes quickly glanced nervously at Bridgette. "Sure, cool, whatever, I'm cool."

I bite my lips at him. I'll give him a sound earful about showing even alittle care and jealousy towards your girlfriend later. I see Johnny's uncomfortable stance, I'm sure he wanted me to ask him the same question so he could say no. But I couldn't and he could not.


David holds me in his arms and we both try our best now to squirm. This just felt so wrong, I mean, we could do it, we could kiss, we have kissed, but still.


"I can't let you do this!" we suddenly hear Sara scream. Her face was pouring over in tears.

"Why not?" Me and David said in unison.


"Because I love David!" she wails in epic sadness, the crowd gasped between their relentless counting "Ever since we were kids!"


David frozen and tried to process her words, "ahgs,ahd,...i-sd? He couldn't even form a coherent word, let alone a sentence.


"You know I love you Sara but this isn't the right time for this" I plead with her, looking up at the jumbo screen with our image plastered on it.


"I know! I know! But I can't help it!" she says, "You guys are so close and I hate to think that you two might be better off together. You'd make such a better couple then David and I ever will"


David instantly lets go of me. His fingers and his whole form looked to be as fragile as a glass statue.

"Excuse me? Her and David" Johnny butts in.


I look beyond the stage and see Ryan frozen in horror. "Guys, please, now's not the time for his!"

I see the Avengers and FF look on in perplex shocked, except for Ben, Hawkeye and Thor who seemed to be cracking up at our misfortune.


"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry," Sara says, holding her head and shaking it frantically. "I've ruined New Year's Eve" her voice breaks.

"It's okay," I run over to her, holding her arms and trying to console.


"Then why don't we just do the New Year's kiss?" Kevin asked.

"No way bub?" Johnny pushes him back on the chest away from me.

"Guys please! This is really not the fucking time for this!" I flinch alittle as I remember that families around the world will be watches and millions of kids probably just heard me curse. Great!...This is a complete and absolute disaster!


"Would you shut up!?" I yell at the crowd.

"I've ruined everything" Sara hiccupped, "I'll just leave," she lets go of me and turns to race off the stage.


David finally snaps out of his trance, he suddenly reaches over and grabs holds her arm, "No you won't."


He pulls her back in his arm and kisses her.

The ball drops and rains confetti down onto the gathered citizens of New York. The jumbo screen cuts from us (or more like a kissing Sara and David) and displays the flash lights and image number of the New Year. The pouring confetti was so dense that not much could be seen.

I feel someone grab my arm and tug me into their body. I look up and see Johnny, I couldn't help but smile.

"Happy New Year" he beams at me, leans down and kisses my stars out.

We only kiss for 5 seconds before we quickly pull apart.

"I just wanted to be the first" he says simply, and goes over to Bridgette who was looking in another direction, clapping and cheering.

"Hey! Where've you been!? I've been looking all over for way!" I see Kevin walk over from the same place Bridgette was. He peaks me on the lips and stands behind me.

"Yeah," I reply to him, looking over at David and Sara still arm in arm and kissing. "I've been looking for you too," I lied.


Author's Note

**~~Happy Birthday ARAVINUS !

I've actually had this day marked on my smartphone calendar days in advance! And it's also the day that X-men Apocalypse is coming out! So double presents for you!

I hope a special chapter on your special day is enough! Hope you have a good one and happy birthday again!~~**

Now back onto book business XD

The people who (kinda) successfully guess what was up with Sara were;

i) @Aravinus and

ii) @RachelDavala

For some odd reason though, both @Aravinus   and @Graciey48 kept saying she was pregnant XD XD XD

Next order of book business – Sara doesn't have a actor!...actress XD. I just noticed it when I uploaded the last chapter! I don't know which celebrity to put on to play as her, please leave me massive suggestions.

And also I'd really like to pick a name for the band, I thought I'd never had to chose it but now I guess I do XD

The person who gives me an awesome name gets a chapter dedication, same goes to the person who picks a good celebrity for Sara.

Thanks again everyone for being so wonderful! Please don't forget to vote, comment and share! And I'll see you in the next chapter!

Peace, love and unicorns!

~Ya GalVicky<3    

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