No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

274K 11.6K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


3.4K 176 124
By MsChryssieE


"Princess I need ya ta stop." I begged.

"I want my momma!" She cried.

Kenya been crying for tha past forty five minutes and she wouldn't let up. Ha lah face was flush and tears stained on ha cheeks.

"I know princess but daddy need fa ya ta stop crying. Ya gon get a nice bath and we'a call momma." I rationed with ha.

"No!" She screamed.

Sighing, I rubbed ma hand down ma face before getting ma phone out. Its been three days since we been out hea and every night since she cried fa Keira.

During tha day she was cool. She would either be with me as I did ma lah interviews an shit or Nita would keep her for me when I couldn't.

Keira was discharged yesterday from tha hospital but we weren't speaking. Well she isn't speaking to me. She spoke ta our daughta' everyday, since though.

"August Kenya Alsina!" I said firmly. "Stop all'lat crying now!"

After that she stopped and looked at me fa a couple seconds before she went back ta crying ha lungs out.

Getting completely tired at this point, I pulled out ma phone ta call Keira. I had a show to do so I needed Kenya ta settle so I could get ha ready and drop ha off by Nita.

Before calling, I texted ha telling ha ta answer.

"- I'm bout ta facetime you for Kenya so please answer."

"My❤: ok"

Pressing ha name, tha phone rang bout twice before she answered.

"Why is she crying?" She asked instantly.

"Ion know" I lied.

"Give her the phone" she sighed.

Not even wasting anytime, I turned tha phone ta YaYa. When she saw ha momma, she calmed down instantly.

"Princess YaYa, what's wrong?"

"I want you momma" she sniffled.

"Awe baby. Momma would come get you ok."

Kenya nodded ha head and wiped ha nose with ha forearm as she settled. It hurt me knowing that I was tha cause of this.

"You had your bath yet baby."

"No." She shook ha head.

"Ok well go get ready, daddy will come get you ok."

"Ok momma."

"I love you princess."

"I love you momma." She replied.

Giving me back my phone, I looked at Keira as she got ha macbook.

"Ya coming out hea?" I asked.

"What you think!" She mumbled.

"Keira I'm..."

Before I could finish she ended tha call. Dropping ma phone beside me on ma bed, I just took a moment before getting up and going to organize ma daughta'.


"Daddy gon be back as soon as he's finished aight princess."

"What if I sleep?"

"You'll see me when you wake up."

Holding ha in ma arms, we left tha house.

"I don't want you go."

"I know baybeh, but daddy gotta work."

"You come back now?"

"Yep. And I'll get ya from TeeTee Nita and we'a come back home and sleep."

"Then momma come?" She asked as I strapped ha in.

"Yea, then momma come." I sighed and nodded.

Closing tha door, I walked round and got in tha driver's side. Overall, taking care of ma daughta' on ma own wasn't too much. We worked togetha' and when I couldn't I was happy Nita was available and willing ta help, but it was clear Keira was primary when it comes ta a lot of shit with ha.

"Ya really missing ya momma huh princess?" I looked back at ha.

"Uh huh." She nodded.

I knew I had to make things right with ha but we needed ta sit down and talk bout all this shit and I had to apologize fa tha shit I told ha.

After I took ma time ta calm down, replaying everything that went down, I realized tha shit I told and called ha while all she did was try ta get me ta hear ha out.

"C'mon princess." I pulled into E and em drive way.

Getting ha out, she stood next ta me holding on ta ha lah doll Nita had gotten ha. I grabbed ha overnight bag and closed tha door before taking ha hand.

"Ya wanna knock?" I asked.

Nodding ha head, she used tha palm of ha hand and began beating on tha door.

"Tee Tee!" She yelled along with it.

Shit was so funny I couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't know my niece was a police officer?" Nita joked as we walked in.

"Nooo!" She squealed and laughed.

"Night Aug."

"Hey ma!" We hugged.

"Is tha ma lah monster."

"Uncle Kevin!" She smiled.

Lifting ha, he kissed all over ha face as she laughed.

"You gon be a good girl fa ya aunt?" I asked ha.

"Yes daddy."

"Good, I'a bring ya back something when I coming home." I took ha.

"Momma?" She asked.

Shit got awkward afta that.

"You gon see ya momma later." I kissed ha forehead

"Ok" she nodded.

Holding on ta ma face she smiled looking at me.

"Who you love?"

"August!" She cheesed.

"Which August?"

"Big August!"


"Little August" she whispered.

"Uh Uh...what we said bout that?"

"No whisper when I say I love me." She smiled.

"Good, now who else?"

"Little August!" She exclaimed.

"That's right!" I hugged ha.

No matter what she has to know to love haself.

Leaving in ma ride, we headed over ta tha club fa this show I had.


"Hmmm I wonder where my niece is?" I questioned loudly.

It was a little after nine and we were playing hide and seek. She was so full of energy and always smiling.

"Is she under the couch?" I asked.


I heard her giggles coming from behind the curtain where I knew she was but I didn't want to bust her. Every time we played this, that's where she hid.

"Is she behind the TV?" I asked again.

"Nope, not there either. Dang, where could my YaYa be?"

When I said that, she ran out from behind the curtain and dropped behind the couch giggling. I pretended like I didn't see her just for the fun of it.

"Oh well, I guess I gotta eat all these chicken nuggets by myself!" I said loudly.

"Hea I am!" She jumped up laughing.

"Heyyy!" I squealed and she hopped on me.

"TeeTee no find me."

"Because my YaYa is a hide and seek pro!"

"Uh huh!" She nodded.

"You ready to eat?"

"Yes" she whispered.

"Ok, let's go!"

Lifting her, we walked into the kitchen and I sat her on the chair. I watched as she climbed up onto the counter then sat.

"You want a slice of pizza too?"

"Mhmm" she nodded.

Putting the nuggets and pizza on plates, I got them while she climbed down.

"You wanna carry your cup?"

"Yes please."

Placing one plate down, I handed her her cup of orange juice. Walking back into the family room, she sat on the floor as I handed her the plate.

"Go head and eat babe." I told her as she watched the TV.

Resting mines down, I went back to get me some juice as well. While puring the door bell rang.

"Who the hell?" I questioned as I looked at the clock in the kitchen.

It was half past nine at night and I definitely wasn't expecting anybody.

"I'a get it!" I heard Kenya yell.

"No YaYa I'll.." Time I reached she had already opened the door.

"Hi there cutie!"

I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Ashley standing there.

"I not cute!" YaYa spoke with a bit of sass. "I beautifuh" she corrected her.

"Oh." She pulled back.

"YaYa go finish eating baby." I told her as I approached.

"Bye sweetie." She spoke to her again but Kenya ran off.

"She a fiesty one huh!" She laughed with a fake smile. "Just like her mother I guess."

"Um can I help you with something?" I asked as I stepped out on the porch causing her to step back.

"Oh, I was wondering if Kevin was home."

"Why is that?"

"I just wanted to say hi." She smiled.

"You don't show up on someone's door step at minutes to ten at night to just say "Hi" I folded my arms. "And how did you even find here?"

"I asked my brother."

"Mmm, ok." I replied not believing her. "Well I'm sorry but Kevin's asleep right now." I lied.

"Oh, well tell him I passed by and if you can give him this for me." She dipped in her clutch pulling out a piece of paper.

"And what's that?"

"My number, I'll be in Atlanta for a bit so it would be cool if we could talk and catch up. All three of us I mean."

"No thank you, he won't be needing it." I stopped her.

This bitch was not about to come here and try to play me for a fool. I knew she was his ex but I chose to downplay it just to make her simple ass think I was clueless.

I've seen a picture of her back when we had gotten together. His mother had done this spa day thing to get to know me and she told me about her. She had pulled out a picture and referred to he'd a the devil.

I asked why she had the picture, she said because it was the only thing that didn't burn when she lit all the things belonging to Ashley pm fire, so she kept it in her wallet as a remind of the day her son almost lost his soul. I was shocked by it but from what I've heard, I guess it suited her perfectly.

"Oh, well um ok. Good night then." She nodded and walked off.

I didn't bother to say anything, I just turned and went back inside.

"TeeTee, you missed it!" Kenya came up to me.

"Its ok baby, I will play it back." I smiled.

Sitting next to her, I ate as we rewatched the movie. Ever so often she would sneak one of my nuggets but I didn't mind.


"YaYa?" I looked down at her and smiled.

"I no like the lady." She said straight up.

"Neither do I princess." I shook my head.

Time I was finished, we sat up on tha couch. Kenya sat on my lap with ha back on my chest and had eventually fell asleep. Only when she was deep in it, then I took her to Keira's old room, well its still hers, and tucked her in.

Cleaning up the family room and kitchen, I was bothered by how Ashley just showed up here unannounced. Suppose I wasn't here and Kevin was. I know he hates her, but I just don't trust her.

Grabbing a bottle of water, I walked into my art room and decided to do some work. It was clear that I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon anyways.


"Man, that shit was lit tonight!" I laughed as we walked in the house.

"Who you telling. Shit felt good to be back on stage yo."

"Yea it did." I nodded.

I paused for a minute sensing something was off.

"What's wrong?" Aug asked me.

"Something off." I furrowed my face.

"Tha fuck you mean man!" Aug got a bit tensed. "Ma daughta' hea remember!".

"Nita!" I called standing by tha door.

Lookin straight ahead, I'd seen ha appear in tha door way of ha room and she didn't look to pleased to see me.

"Yo, I'a go get YaYa" August said as he seen ha look too.

"Bruh don't leave me just yet!" I whispered.

"Nigga you scared of ya own wife!" He faced me.

"I ain't ever seen ha look at me like that bruh." I looked at her over his shoulder.

"Well she your wife, so let me just get my princess, good luck with whatever it is." He walked off.

I stood in my spot and she didn't take her eyes off me.

"Hey Nita." Aug greeted her.

"Hey Aug!" She said still looking at me.

"She was good tonight?" He asked, looking at her then at me.

"Yea she was."

After she said that, he walked in the room and came back out with my niece and her bag.

"Aight, and thanks again so much again."

"No problem." She said.

"She gon kill you!" He mouthed to me as he walked over.

"Later man."

"Yea bruh!" I let him out.

Turning around, Nita wasn't at the doorway again. Sighing, I took off ma shoes and coat and hat and made my way to her.

Walking into her art room, shit was cold. She at there as she painted Sailor Moon.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked but she didn't say.

"Nita, I know something is wrong, I sensed it from the moment I walked into our home, so tell me what is it."

I watched as she carefully placed down her brush and got up before turning to me.

"You know I love you right?" She asked.

"Yea and I love you too!" I spoke sincerely.

"Good. So the next time, that bitch you call your ex decides to show up on our door step, I'm going to stab her." She said coldly.

"Wait what?" I asked confused.

"I don't know how the hell she knew where you lived for her to show up unannounced..."

"Ashely came here?" I asked.

"Yea she did and claimed that Mike told her, which he didn't because I asked him."

"Man" I shook my head.

"Then she had the audacity to try to give me a piece of paper with her number on it, telling me to give it to you."

"What the fuck?"

"Kevin, I don't know what she came here for but I'm telling you, if she wants to start something, I'll end it."

"Aight mama, just calm down ok." I rubbed ha shoulders. "I'll deal with it."

"Thank you."

"You know I don't like to see you this angry especially when I come home in such an awesome mood."

"The show went good?" She asked changing tha topic.

"Yea it did, I enjoyed myself and so did Yung."

"Well that's great."

"You almost finish here?"

"For the night? Yea"

Waiting on her to pack away, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell Ashley came here for.

When Nita was finished, I scooped her up causing her to squeal out and made my way to our room.

I meant what I said by dealing with Ashley ad I planned on of........ soon.


Well well well... Little Ms. Ashley is a brave one huh😂

Showed up unannounced and uninvited.😒

Lied about her brother giving her Kevin's address... How did she get it then😯😐

Then had the balls to give a nigga's WIFE her number for him to call her😩😭

Clearly she don't know that Nita crazy as sin😫😩😭

So before anyone asks. Ashely was mentioned lightly in Trauma. Just when they stated they didn't like Kevin's ex.

Keira mentioned it in the Thanksgiving chapter.

There are no more characters to come so please don't asks ' who is she?'

So without further ado... Say hello to Kevin's ex... Mike's twin sister, Ashley.

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