Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Re...

By Muggle-born-fayzian

40.4K 839 587

"Are you scared? You should be!" In a world of magic and guilds, you find yourself the only Mage in lavender... More

*Special Chapter*
Random Poll
Author's note


1.2K 27 15
By Muggle-born-fayzian

Worry: feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled
about actual or potential problems
to annoy or disturb

"I'm worried about (y/n)." The group sat in a room, even Max and Akio were in the girls room. Akira was already in bed.

"Marie surely you should be used to her running away, it's how she avoids her problems." Max leaned against the wall. Marie was annoyed, it took a little while for her to say something back.

"But imagine what it would of been like if she stayed! We'd have to explain about Kokuzo, and she seemed really upset-"

"If she hadn't left in the first place this wouldn't of happened." Max growled, Akio and Riko sat silently.

"When will you just except it!" Marie stood up. "(Y/n) would never of left us for no reason! She isn't like that! She wouldn't do all these things if she did believed she was wrong! We were crappy friends for betraying her like that!"

"We betrayed her!" Max stood up straight, "how-"

"Shut up!" Riko said, still sitting down and looking bored.

"I wasn't there when (y/n) left when you were younger but what happened today was not because of your poor life decisions," Riko spoke, she seemed authorities even though she was slouched and didn't make eye contact with anyone. Akio nodded agreeing with her. "If anyone's to blame it's Kokuzo, he forced (y/n) to do something with her magic today, if she was comfortable with doing that surely this wouldn't of been the first time!"

Suddenly Akio got up and left the room. "Watch Akira for me."


How would you describe a summer night? Refreshing, uplifting, beautiful?

Even in this city, you felt very cold.

You couldn't think of anyway to describe your emotions, or why you felt that way. Did you feel betrayed? Did you feel alone? Or were you just feeling sorry for yourself?

You said you wouldn't use your magic in front of people, Yuuki told you not too. But you did anyway. In front of a crowd in fact. All because you were pissed of that the traitor had hurt your friends.

Somehow, you couldn't decide if that was a good enough reason or not.

The crying had finished a while ago, your abandoned corner became a little less abandoned when people started to leave the arena. So now instead you were walking around hopelessly through the streets, not planning on returning to the lodge until you were certain everyone would be asleep. You weren't in the mood for them to ask you questions.

Besides, your wrist hurt like hell, you wanted to get it bandaged at some point.

You were in a quiet area, a canal flowed softly to your write while peaceful houses stood on your left. The sound of the water rushing lightened your mood slightly. It wasn't long till it was ruined.

"Hello Princess," a figured seemed to emerge from the ground and appear in front of you. Naturally you jumped back and moved you injured hand to your sword. It hurt.

"Princess?" You asked, he seems like a young (and obviously a) Mage, half white hair half black hair. A scar left a dent in his nose and you could of sworn you'd seen those eyes before. He didn't look like you're typical drunken pervert. You could feel the magically energy radiating of him, he seemed powerful.

"Yes, my dear monarch, I believe you had your battle today?" He jumped starught to asking questions.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"I'm upset you don't recognise me," his sad expression was fake, "maybe I should remind you."

He lunged at you, it was dark and you couldn't see what magic he was using. If he was using any at all.

"What the hell?" You cursed, jumping further away from him, "tell me who you are! Why are you attacking me!" You held out your sword with your injured handing, hissing a little at the pain as you did so.

"Oh my dear princess, you're the only thing that's in my way, to becoming king!" He laughed, lunging at you again. You tried to hit him, but he disappeared and reappeared behind you. "Maybe it's a little too early for you to recognise me? Then I'll introduce myself."

He leant to whisper in your ear, grabbing your hair so you didn't move away from him. "I'm Rogue,"

"What? No your not!" You struggled to get out of his grip.

"Maybe not the Rogue you know, Rogue of the future." He whispered again.

You managed to pull yourself out of his grip and swung your sword at him, "that's impossible!"

"Believe what you like! Your still in my way Princess!" You could recognise his shadow magic at this point, maybe this was the time to show your magic?

This was important right? This is what Yuuki asked you to do? Right?

"Do you not want to waste your magic on me Princess? Or do you just not believe me?" He charged at you, you cut through his shadow magic.

You didn't answer, and focused on dodging his attacks.

He wasn't open, he had to be at one point, any possible opportunity for you to get him.


You pointed your sword at him and aimed for his chest but you felt his hands grip on your arm. "Gotcha."

Intense pain filled your arm more then the broken wrist already did. You could see your skin getting darker, until it was jet black.

"What the?" You hissed.

"I was saving that one for you Princess, now I can easily finish you-"

Intense purple magic pushed 'future Rogue' for away out of sight. You recognised the magic immediately.

"Come on let's go back." The familiar purple haired Mage grabbed your uninjured hand and pulled you away.

"Who was that?" He asked as you both began to run.

"I don't know..." Was all you could muster, not really wanting to be asked.

You turned for a second, to see 'future Rogue' standing there, barely injured but he looked pretty irritated. His anger didn't seem directed at you but at the back of Akio's head. And from a distance you heard him mumble.

"Why is it always you?"


I had this chapter ready for the update but apparently I can't read a calendar so it's a day late XD

Actually I'm England it's 47 minutes past a day late oops

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