Finding Love (Vegeta x Goku)

Av Wolfrider14

243K 6.5K 2.1K

Goku and Vegeta mated one afternoon only for the prince to storm off. When the heartbroken saiyan came home... Mer

How Did This Happen?
Unexpected Help
Meeting The King
Vegeta's Punishment
Chi-Chi's Stupidity
Goku Finds Out
More Horrors
Fur Flying
Family Moment
The Ranting
Goten and Trunks
Slight Scare
Turles Plotting
The Vegetas Face Off
New Pet
Picnic Blues
Pregnant Wrath
New Cub
First Night
Father Son Talk
Kalious Festival
Bad News
Tense Wait
Scary Dream
Late Night Visit
Good Dream
Almost There
Escape Attempt
Finally Here
Bardock's Battle
Vegeta Joins In
Planet Fall
Shiveria's End
Cubs Calling
Misunderstandings Between Mates
Back Home
Doctors and Dreams
Not So Good News
Back On Earth
Dashed Hopes
One Last Option
Last Minute Worries
Finally Talking
Surprise Gifts
Time Together
Going Home
Keeping Love Preview


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Av Wolfrider14

It had been about a week since he had first arrived, and his "training" wasn't going as well as Shiveria wanted it to. He was stubborn, and the lessons and tricks she wanted Goku to learn were not sticking like they should. That much Goku was proud of.

Goku growled as he pulled away from the hand running through his hair, but with the chain connected to the collar around his neck, he couldn't to go to far. The petite hand just waited for him to stop moving before settling back into his spikes.

The beta glared at the frost demon from under his bangs as he watched her look over a report. Shiveria seemed to be oblivious to the look, but he knew better. That woman was terrifyingly observant to her surroundings, and Goku couldn't do anything without her knowing about it.

Her teal tail snaked over the side of her large chair to run over the bare skin of his back. He hated that the female made him wear only black pants that fit him like a second skin. Goku winced as he shifted on his black cushion to pull away from the strange texture of the tail. The lashes on his back were still very sore despite getting them three days ago. He growled as she brushed one of the especially tender wounds before he pulled as far away as his chain would allow and ended up with his back against the back of her chair.

He rested his head against his knees as he enjoyed his brief respite from her incessant petting. The lash marks burned as his skin flexed. With his collar digging into his neck he couldn't help but remember how he got them.

His "room" was both better and worse than he thought. He wasn't locked up in a bare cell but that would have been preferable to a cage in Shiveria's bedroom of all places.


Goku was shivering as he stumbled behind Shiveria with her tail wrapped around his neck like a leash. They traveled through a corridor that made the submissive realize that they were on a ship. A shot of despair ran through his fogged mind over the information, but he couldn't think on it long.

The small female had stopped in front of a pair of metal sliding doors and was looking at him in amusement as Goku leaned against the wall to keep his balance. The cool temperature of the metal his skin was pressed against made him shiver again.

"Well, here we are." The frost demon typed on a keypad on the right side of the door, and the portal opened with a whooshing sound. Shiveria almost had to drag him after her when he didn't move at first, but as soon as the beta cleared the threshold, she forced him to kneel. "Wait right here while I get you something to dry off with. I don't want you to drip water on my carpet."

The tail around his neck tightened a bit, but it released him as soon as Goku nodded. The saiyan watched her walk off to another room before taking in the surroundings. He didn't know if he could actually stand on his own at the moment and had no idea where he could go to escape in any case with how sick he felt.

It was a very large bedroom that was almost the size of his sitting room on Vegetasei. There was a plush ice blue carpet that covered the floor, and off to his left, there was a window that showed the stars passing by as they traveled. An overstuffed aqua blue chair was placed by the window for the optimum view with a small coffee table in front of it. To his right, there was a desk with a computer on it with several stacks of papers and a few additional handheld digital devices.

In front of him was a large king size poster bed with shear white curtains pulled back to the black headboard. The bed had satiny sky blue sheets that just peeked out from under a midnight blue comforter. The entire room just seemed to make one feel calm, but there was one last detail that made something inside Goku snarl.

Off to the left side of the bed about three feet away from the edge was a cage. It looked like it was big enough for Goku to be able to fully stretch out when laying down and tall enough for him to sit on his knees comfortably. On the bottom was a very thick black cushion with a thin matching blanket. The bars were silver, thin, and looked like icicles and just above the open gate was a hook that had a chain hanging from it.

Seeing the chain made the beta remember the collar around his neck. He blinked a few times before Goku realized that it was expected of him to stay chained up while in the cage, and he reached up to try and pull it off. As soon as his fingers slipped under the metal, a sudden pain bloomed over his back. He shouted in pain as he was shoved forward onto his hands and knees from the blow. A second blow lanced like fire across the previous blow and more followed until he cried out trying to curl away from the painful strikes.

"I had a feeling you were going to force my hand soon." She said wrapping her tail around his neck again as the beta whined in pain feeling like his back was on fire. "I know you're disoriented and sick, pet, but this is one lesson I won't be lenient with you about. You will not touch that collar or your restrains or try to remove them yourself, understand pet? If you do, I promise you won't like the outcome." She said tenderly drying shivering beta before pulling him by the throat to his cage. The pain of moving so soon made the beta's vision blur as he heard the locking of metal and felt his captor release her hold on his neck.

"You'll just have to do without a blanket for now, pet. Once you learn how to behave I'll give it back." Shiveria said patting his head and tugging the leash towards the door of the cage. Goku growled and pulled against his collar not wanting to enter that cage willingly and in pain.

"Now now none of that, pet." She said firmly as her tail lightly flicked the back of his head. "I know you're not used to this, but you'll learn to enjoy it. After you're trained we'll see about leaving you out of the kennel at night. Now go lay down in your room, and you can rest until you feel better. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Goku still sat on the floor pulling backwards in spite of his body's shaking. He was sweating badly again and he whined trying to curl around his cramping stomach, from the whip marks on his back, and the pounding in his head. Shiveria cooed softly in his ear as she pet his scalp.

"Come on pet, you can rest in your bed, its just a few steps away." Too tired, sick, and unable to stand any more touching or pulling at his neck Goku reluctantly pulled himself onto the cushion that was his "bed". "There's a good boy. You just rest for now, pet." Shiveria praised as he crawled as far from her as he could get. Thankfully it was significantly wider that it looked from across the room and he could turn around without having to sit up.

He wasn't sure how long he lay curled against the back of his cage sick and shivering before the lights went out around him, which was a balm to his aching head.

Flashback End

Ever since that night, Goku had kept his hands away from the collar and cuffs, but he continued to rebel in small ways he discovered over the last few days.

Shiveria kept the saiyan with her constantly, and she used a thin chain to lead the submissive around wherever she went. Whenever she sat on a chair, the frost demon would hook the chain to a ring either on the wall or some other part of the chair. She expected Goku to sit on a cushion by her legs, but he made it a point sit as far from her as the chain would allow.

Every time she would reach out to pet him, the saiyan would growl and shift away from her, and Shiveria would pet him whenever she wasn't occupied with something. Goku honestly couldn't say if the collar and leash or her near constant petting irritated him more. He also refused to respond to her commands or questions if she called him "pet", and would take a long time before he would do what she asked of him if she didn't hit him for not responding quick enough. Sometimes Goku wondered if he would go crazy without someone to talk to that didn't treat him like a stupid animal.

Goku always glared at the petite woman as he carried out her "requests", he called them tricks. Shiveria had him sit beside her legs whenever she stopped in the hallways until she was ready to walk again, made him kneel with his hands placed on the floor between his knees when he was offered food or water, and crawl to her side whenever she snapped her fingers. The beta had a sinking feeling it was only going to get worse the longer he was here.

Shiveria's tail suddenly moved down his spine making him flinch, and the beta was forced to remember the second time she whipped him. That time was actually an accident on his part, but Goku didn't regret it at all as he smirked to himself.


Shiveria was in a private dinning room with a multitude of foods Goku had never seen before on the table. Despite being almost starving after not being fed at lunch none of the strange foods had any appeal to him. The saiyan had his leash hooked on the right arm of her chair, and he glared at the delicate silvery links that shimmered in the light of the room as he sat almost 2 feet from her close to the wall behind them.

"Stop scowling, pet. You'll get your dinner after your master is finished." The frost demon tugged on the chain a bit as she spoke with that knowing smirk on her face. She knew he was more upset with the leash than waiting for his meal, but Shiveria enjoyed pushing his buttons to rile him up.

Her words made Goku growl and show a bit of one of his fangs before he got flicked on the back of his head with that thin tail. He snarled tired of her treatment.

"You're not. My. Master." He spat the last word out, speaking for the first time in hours. The submissive grunted as the slack in the chain vanished. The woman was pulling him closer to the chair, and he resisted following the force bracing his hands against the floor. She tugged more firmly on his leash and popped him with her tail a second time earning a growl from the beta as he shook his head angrily. "Stop treating me like an animal!"

Shiveria covered her mouth with her free hand as she giggled at his little show before adding more force on the leash to drag him closer. Seeing him so defiant was extremely amusing to the female.

The saiyan snarled as he shifted his legs and pulled back hard on the chain determined to stay where he was, and a loud sound almost echoed in the room as the links snapped landing on the with slight tinkling sounds. His black eyes blinked in confusion, as he suddenly had to stop himself from landing on his back. Several links of chain that still dangled from his collar rattling as he moved.

He looked at the broken links on the floor for a moment before he heard a sigh and a tisking sound.

"You shouldn't have done that, pet."

That was the only warning before the submissive was grabbed by the throat. His hand automatically came up to grip the whip like tail to prevent it from completely closing his airway. He was dragged closer to Shiveria to the point where he almost touched her knees with his chest. Goku had to resist the urge to grin knowing he had finally pushed her buttons as he glared back at her.

"Why do you insist on misbehaving? You know it's not going to end well every time you do it, so why do you continue?" The tail around him tightened, and the lack of air made his eyes water. "I had chosen that leash to compliment your new collar, and now I need to order another one."

Goku was bodily moved by the deceptively strong frost demon, and his neck was released. The saiyan didn't have the time to take a breath before he was struck down flat on the floor. Shiveria's tail hit him harder than the first time, and one lash actually broke the skin on his back. Goku grit his teeth refusing to give in and show he was in pain.

"I suppose I have been to soft on you, pet. I've never had any troubles with any of my previous ones, but then again...none of them were saiyans." Purple eyes watched emotionlessly as every time Goku tried to get back on his hands and knees, she would strike again with her tail. Her blows grew harder, crisscrossing each other until Goku finally screamed and stayed down hoping she would stop.

Once Shiveria was done, the beta was a whimpering mess with small trails of crimson running down his back. She sighed and got out of her chair and came around to kneel down beside the man's head.

She gently ran her hands through wild black hair and wasn't surprised when she received a flinch from her actions. Shiveria's hand slipped down to cup Goku's cheek and pulled his head so he could look her in the eye.

"The next time you break one of the pretty things I get for you, I'll leave scars on your back...not bruises."

Flashback End

He winced at the memory but he still couldn't find it in him to regret what he'd done. If she was going to keep this up he could to. There was only so much she could inflict on him without killing him. He tried to hold in his growl when the tugging at his neck finally came. At least he got this much of a break from her touching.

'Does she really think I'm going to like her more and listen to her if she pets me, or is it purely to annoy me?' He wondered ignoring the command. It came again more firmly and he winced as his collar dug into his neck painfully. With a resigned sigh he scooted back onto his cushion as her tail lightly brushed his neck in warning. Sure enough her hand quickly found its way into his hair again and he cringed. She had shortened his chain to barely a foot in length and he couldn't do more than sit beside her chair or lay right next to it if she let him.

"I know its dull, pet, but running an empire is actually work." She said amused at his sullenness.

"Awe is you pet bored, mistress?" Goku growled as Chirb came towards them and even Shiveria's tail flick didn't quiet him. "I'd be happy to provide him some entertainment for you."

"As generous as that is of you, Chirb, I think its pretty clear my pet doesn't like you all that much." she said petting Goku once again as her attention drifted back to the report in her hand. Onyx eyes remained locked onto the reptile as he continued to growl.

"I'm sure I could work out our differences, mistress." Goku's growling increased in volume as his fangs began to peak from his lips.

"Not today, Chirb." Shiveria said with absolute finality in her voice. "Now be a dear and send in the squad leaders from the alpha sector, they have an update on the situation over there."

"As you wish."

"Mistress? There's something you should see." Another male voice came from the other side of Shiveria's chair. The piece of furniture blocked Goku's view of the speaker, but he did manage to catch the frost demon's annoyed look.

The hand in his hair patted him one last time before the petite woman walked out of the beta's sight. He hung his head a bit, relieved to be free from her touch, and he rested against the chair with one leg resting on the cushion curved around his body while his other one was pulled up to his chest so he could rest his head on his knee with a bored sigh. He might as well be comfortable while he waited; it was going to be awhile.

Just then, a hand curved around his butt at the base of his tail and squeezed as a finger rubbed at the crease between his cheeks. The action surprised him so much that he lashed out and was about to shout, but a familiar blue hand clamped over his mouth. Goku mentally cursed himself for not paying attention to the blue skinned creep as he tried to shake he head free with a growl unable to pull himself further away with how short his chain was.

Chirb grinned at the submissive as his fingers almost slipped under the waistband of Goku's pants. He glared at the reptile as he reached up with one hand to pull the one in his pants out while his right hand went pull the scaled limb away from his mouth, but his eyes widened when he felt a clawed finger worm inside the tail hole in his pants and move down...

Panic and fury flooded Goku's mind. Without thinking of the consequences, Goku sank his teeth into the hand that prevented him from speaking so deep that blood filled his mouth.

"Ahhhh!" The shout Chirb let out startled the majority of the workers around the two of them, and Goku kicked out at the reptilian male to put more distance between them. The bigger man stumbled back a couple of paces, but he glared at the saiyan once he regained his footing.

"You little-" Chirb lifted his non-injured hand to hit Goku who glared back in defiance and hatred, but he froze once he looked past the submissive.

Shiveria was standing behind Goku looking at the massive man with her arms crossed under the swell of her bust and a finger tapping on one of her arms. The cold look in her purple eyes made Chirb take a step back and advert his eyes to the floor.

The beta saw the color of teal out of the corner of his eye, and he bared his bloody fangs at the reptile with a snarl. As much as Goku disliked Shiveria, he preferred her over the reptilian standing in front of him since at least she wasn't interested in raping him.

"Mistress, I...I-I was-" the white haired man stammered as he tried to come up with something that would allow him to keep his life.

"I know exactly what you were doing, Chirb. You were disobeying my orders. I have told you not to touch my pet without my permission, and yet your feeble mind can not seem to understand my words." Her eyes narrowed at the lizard making him flinch. She ran her hands through Goku's hair again as she came up beside him. The saiyan turned his face to the side to spit out the nasty fluid in his mouth without taking his eyes off Chirb. Goku growled again as he glared at him.

"I won't punish my pet for that since you deserved it; I suppose my pet has already punished you enough as well. I'll tell you one more time. Leave him alone or I'll let him do worse to you the next time. Oh, be a dear and clean up that mess before you go, Chirb."

"Yes, mistress."

"That's a good boy." Shiveria cooed to the beta as she continued to pet him. Goku growled a final time as he began calming down when the reptile left. "As amusing it is to see you punish him for his stupidity, I can't have my men injured, pet. Next time he tries something like that again, tell me." She said returning to her seat.

The beta spat more blood and spit to the side before he settled back on his cushion with nothing else to do. He didn't care what Shiveria said if he got the chance he was going to kill Chirb to make sure he never touched him again. As Shiveria's hand resumed its petting again he didn't mind too much. If that was the price he had to pay for biting that bastard, it was more than worth it.

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