Yøu Ønly Live Twice

By IAmDunWithYou

157K 9.1K 12.8K

Book 2 of 3- IMPORTANT- This is the sequel to my story The Ghøst in Apartment Twenty Øne. If you have not rea... More

1- It's Going To Be Ok Now
2- Spooky Jim
3- Grasping at Straws
4- Dead Men Stood Together
5- Black, Red, and Blue
Thank You Guys
6- Huh?
7- Hey Tyler
8- Size Of The Moon
9- What Does This Mean?
10- Sooo...
11- More Crap
13- It's Not Me
14- Want A Bet?
So Sorry
15- Kicking and Screaming
16- Taking Over My Body
17- Debt
18- Sarah Owes Me $20
Epilogue- Lucky Number
Choose Your Fate (not really)
Bonus Chapter- Not Fun
Bonus Chapter- Get In Shape
Prolouge Is Up!
The Fanfiction Awards 2017

12- Bring It On

5.3K 351 448
By IAmDunWithYou

A/N- The bonus chapter is up for Cat on the Balcony!

Tyler's POV

I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cool evening air. After Josh and I had left the café, I didn't want to go home just yet. Even though it was late, I decided to walk through the park for a bit and enjoy this newfound feeling of weightlessness that I have. A breeze blew through, ruffling my hair and making the scent of my coffee waft up my nose.

I loved that smell, it reminded me of Josh. He always smells like coffee, vanilla, and axe. That combination may sound extremely weird, but to me it smelled like comfort and peace. I smiled at the thought of that wonderful man. How did I get so lucky?

I took a seat on a bench that overlooked the pond, crossing my legs, and clutched the warm coffee cup a little tighter in my cold hands. I wish Josh was here to warm me up...I took a small sip of coffee and sighed in content.

Things were finally ok...or so I thought. I began to question this when I got a visitor on that park bench.

I had been sitting there for awhile, much longer than I realized, and my coffee was long gone when someone sat next to me on the bench. I looked over and saw a familiar man.

"Oh hey, you're Pete, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, nice to officially meet you Tyler," he said with a kind smile.

"Can I help you with something or are you just visiting?"

"I wish it was the latter, but I have something I need to ask you."

"Oh, um, ok go for it." I said, growing a little nervous. Normally the phrase 'I need to ask you something' doesn't end well.

"Before things jumped back, when Josh was dead and the Agma- or Blurryface, sorry- was still around, did you ever see Josh with red hair or something alluding to that?" I sat and thought for a moment before it hit me.

"Yeah, once; it was when Blurry was trying to convince me that Josh was trying to hurt me. He had red hair, really pale skin, and red circles around his eyes. Like eye shadow or something. Why? What's going on?"

"Nothing right now, we're just trying to make sure something isn't happening. Don't worry about it right now Ty, ok? We're going to talk to Dallon in the morning and see if there is even anything to worry about. One of us or Josh will let you know if there is anything going on. We promise." Pete said, placing a hand on my knee and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Ok..." I said, a little unsure.

"I promise Tyler. I didn't come here to worry you. But, you should probably get home; it's getting kind of late. It's not safe for anyone to be out by themselves."

"Yeah, ok. I'll see you soon?" I said hopefully, I liked Pete and Patrick, they helped me a lot and I would like to get to know them more.

That reminds me, I need to get Josh and Brendon to be friends again.

"For sure! Goodnight Tyler, sleep well."

I watched as Pete faded out before standing up and stretching my stiff joints. I began my short walk back to my card, but halfway there I paused.

I felt like my feet were glued to the cement and my body was frozen. I was no longer looking at the moonlit park, instead I saw Josh.

He was smiling, his unruly blue hair sticking up everywhere. Suddenly, the smile dropped off his face. I saw shadows drift along the floor and start to creep up his body, making their way to his face. They grew until he was completely encased in darkness. The shadows started swirling and he started screaming. He was mostly just screaming, but I heard him shout my name a few times. There was nothing I could do. After a few moments, the shadows started to slow and leech away from him. His screams were abruptly cut off.

Josh now stood there with red hair and a blank expression. His skin wasn't pale and there was no red around his eyes, but his hair was red. And it scared me.

He cocked his head sideways and it looked like he was staring me straight in the eyes. He walked closer to me until he was right in front of me, I could almost feel his breath fan across my face.

"Tyler..." he breathed. He started to flicker, going back and forth between blue and red hair until he was standing before me with purple hair, and I was completely lost. Then he spoke again. "Help me."

In an instant, the vision faded and once again I saw the park around me. I stood frozen for a few moments before breaking out into a sprint to the parking lot.

I never run, but Josh is worth running for. I had to get to that apartment. Pete told me not to worry, but screw that. I had to get to Josh, and I had to get to him now. Blurryface has ruined my life before, and I'm about to let him do it again and drag others into it.

Bring it on, bitch. Bring it on.

A/N- Nicknames you get called if any? I've had many (most having to do with my haircolor). Grape, Batgirl, Smurf, Sahara, Stairah (due to my inability to go more than a few months without falling down a flight of stairs), and thanks to the lovely people of Wattpad sometimes I'm called Mom

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