Gotta Be You: A Luke Brooks F...

By fanficluver23

12.2K 220 23

AJ and her friend Dani are offered a modelling job in Australia. So they pack up their things and move from N... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

276 4 2
By fanficluver23


It's been a month since Dani left and Ariana moved in. Ariana and Jai are still going strong with their relationship, as well me and Luke, and Amanda and Beau. 

Today the boys, me, Ariana, and Jade are going out clubbing. I'm literally a nervous wreck. I don't know what to wear, or anything at all.

"Ariana!!" I call from my room.

"What?" She groans, leaning against the doorway.

"What do I wear to go clubbing?" I ask, motioning to my closet so she could pick out something for me to wear.

5 minutes later, after throwing just about every dress I owned on the floor, Ariana came out of the closet with a skinny black strapless dress.

"I'll pick out shoes and all that shit later. Just shower and I'll meet you in your room in an hour" She says walking out of the room.

After I had showered, I put the dress on and sure enough, Ariana was already sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

"How long have you been sitting here?" I ask.

"Only five minutes. Don't worry, you weren't in the shower for that long." She says, putting her phone down. "Alright so lets start with your hair" She says, grabbing the flat iron. Just then, Jade comes running into my room.

"Oh my gosh, Ariana can you help me do my makeup?!!!" She yells, out of breath.

"Sure just as soon as I finish AJ's hair, which shouldn't be too long cuz her hair ain't that curly anymore" Ariana laughs.

*1 hour later

After Ariana had finished my hair and makeup as well as Amanda's makeup, she had ran into her room to fix herself up.

Ariana had been in her room for over an hour and I was beginning to think that she would never come out when she opened the door and yelled "DON'T I JUST LOOK FABULOUS?!!!"

"Ariana, Jai won't be able to keep his hands off!!!" Jade exclaims. We all just laughed for a good five minutes when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!!" I yell running to the door, which didn't really work out because my huge gold stilettos were hard to walk in. I opened the door and the boys' jaws dropped to the floor. 

"Can you please close your mouth before you get flies?" I nag, trying to sound like their mothers.

"Whatever you say mum" Luke scoffed. "But you look stunning" He smiled. I started blushing but tried to contain myself.

"Can we go!!! Daniel whined.

"Yeah lets go!!!" Jai yelled, picking Ariana up and carrying her to the car bridal style.

After a ten minutes drive we arrived at the club. Instantly everyone ran to the bar and started drinking tons of shots. I walked over to where Luke was sitting and rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Want one?" Luke slurred, holding out a shot of tequila.

"No, I'm good thanks" I pushed the shot of tequila back to Luke and he drunk it down, his eyes watering from the burning sensation. I didn't like to be around drunk people, after having to be around my family who were alcoholics. I walked away from the bar and took the last seat available on the sofa and played games. Before I knew it, I was asleep on the couch.

"Alright alright!!! Let's listen to some of out favorite top dance hits!!!" I head the DJ shouting from his DJ stand.

I got up on the dance floor and found Luke.

Luke kept yelling at me saying "YOU GO GIRL!! WORK THAT DANCE!!!" But I don't know what he meant. I wasn't even dancing that well. I was soon dragged out the back door of the club by a man in a black mask.

"LET GO OF ME!!!" I yelled, trying to get the guy's grip loose.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE PEOPLE HEAR!!" He whispered yelled.

"Mark stop it!! This is fucking ridiculous. This happened 3 years ago and if anything, I should be more upset with you, not the other way around. I did not..." I was cut off by Mark putting a cloth over my mouth and I was then unconscious. But before I blacked out, I felt myself being thrown into the trunk of the car and driven away.

I can't believe my ex boyfriend just kidnapped me. 

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