Schizophrenia (JackSepticEye...

By jackuhboyy

116K 6.6K 10.3K

- This story was written with no plan or base, I just wrote whatever came to mind. It is very terrible and co... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Four

5.1K 340 458
By jackuhboyy

It's Spencer.

He's talking very angrily to one of the staff. "No!! Stop!!" Spencer screams, grabbing everyone's attention. He grips the edge of the table he was sitting at, and flips it on its side. "Ahhh!!" He continues to scream, grabbing the skin on his arm and pulling it forcefully. You can sense the fear and frustration in him.

"We have a code 100 in the cafeteria, I repeat, code 100 in the cafeteria." One of the staff says into their walkie-talkie, whilst a female staff tries to calm Spencer down. Moments later, two more staff walk in and grab him.

"Let go! Stop!" He yells at them. The rest of the patients continue to stare at him, some even undisturbed and still eating their food as if nothing happened. Spencer makes eye contact with me. His eyes pleading to be free. "JJ help!!" He says. Felix looks at me wide eyed, Serenity too. I hate seeing the kid like this. I get up and walk over to him.

"Jack, what are you doing?"
"Jack, stop!"
I hear my friends say from the table. I reach the staff holding Spencer on the ground. "Let him go." I say as calm as possible.

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to sit back down." They say to me, still restraining the young boy on the floor.

"Let him go, please." I demand.

"Sir, we aren't joking. Sit down." They command, now standing up with him.

"JJ!!" Spencer yanks his arms out of their grasp, reaching to hug me. I try to hug him back but the moment is torn apart when some security guards grab me, prying us away from each other. The others grabbing Spencer again.

"Put them in the rooms." One of them orders.

Oh no...

I just wanted to help him. I'll go insane in that room, they can't put me in there. "No!!" I yell, trying to get them off of me.

"Jack, stop!" I hear Felix say, and I look at him. He looks worried, Serenity looks confused. Why have I done this... I'm going to be placed back in that room and won't be able to see Spencer or my friends for another three days. Why am I so stupid?


I eventually stop fighting against the security holding me, and am placed inside a white padded room with a small blue beanbag in the corner. I sigh.

"You'll be staying here for three days. We will get you a mattress, blanket, and pillow to sleep on. And your meals will be brought to you. Later in the day, you will be brought into a room with the doctor for questioning. Are we clear?" The security guard says to me.

I've always liked giving people a hard time, so I decided to be a smart ass.
"No, sorry. Could you repeat that?"

"I said you will be sleeping here instead of your room for only three days. After those three days are over, we will put you with the rest of your unit. But if your behavior acts up again, you will be placed back in here, or put on individual." He said once more.

I internally laughed. "Yeah, but what do you mean exactly?" I ask, cocking my head to the side slightly.

He sighs, already evidently annoyed. "I'll have someone come in here and explain it to you." And with that, he leaves and locks the door.

I started bursting out laughing, laying down on the floor and grabbing my stomach.

Okay, but why are you laughing at that?

"Yeah, yeah, I know it was kinda weak, but I'm out of jokes right now." I say out loud.

What now?

"I don't know..." I say lightly, continuing to stare at the ceiling.

You're the one that got us here.

"That doesn't mean I know what to do about it. I was in the moment, okay? They were hurting him." I sigh. Poor kid.

They weren't hurting him... he was the one who flipped the table over and screamed at them. Kid's got issues.

"He's just a kid. Everyone has problems at some point." I explain.

Right. I guess that includes you too then. You've got a lot of them.

"No I don-"

I was cut off by a female staff member opening my door, "They told me to explain to you why you're in here..?" She says as more of a question. I tried really hard to hold back a giggle.

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