White wolf

By kiaxloves

1.9M 46.1K 1.9K

Luna is just about to turn 18 the prime time for her to find her mate, little does she know that her mate is... More

The beast that is taking over.
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62.4K 1.6K 66
By kiaxloves

The day was nearly over and I could not be any more thrilled. The day had droned on it had seemed that time slowed down just to piss me off. My ribs still ached but I pushed through it. I was in the girls locker room changing into my gym shorts and grey t-shirt.
Rose wasn't in gym today so I had to face those angry competitive teens myself and try to control my temper.
It wasn't like teen wolf where I could just change into my wolf form and play basketball and every one would cheer me on. I laughed inwardly at that ridiculous thought, if I changed now a large wolf would be looming over everyone and I really doubt she would want to play basket ball.
"Hey Luna," a shrill nasal voice slice through my thoughts. I turned only to face the one I dreaded most. I let out a long sigh. There stood that spiteful girl who loathed me more then any one. She had dark blond hair and deep green eyes a tall slim body. I stood up straight and lifted my chin. My body screamed at me to stop but I wasn't afraid of her, unlike Rose who trembles when she see this she-beast.
"Hello Aria," I practically growled, I curled my lip in disgust as I said her name. She snorted and looked me up and down analyzing my figure.
"I see you're putting on some weight before your birthday. Bold move." She snickered.
I rolled my eyes and turned away from her. "Anything I can help you with?"
She growled angrily not getting the reaction she wanted. I shrugged and began to walk away.
"Wait!" She called after me. I turned around to see her pretty face scrunched up in disgust. "I want to come to your party," she growled.
"Wow you know how to butter me up," I rolled my eyes, great social skills there Aria. "Whatever come if you like."
"Wait," she called out again. "You have to tell me where it is."
Yeah like I'm really going to tell you, figure it out yourself. I continued to walk into the gym looking at all the normal students stretching or playing with a ball. I stretched slightly and walked over to the basket that held all the balls and picked up a volley ball. Gym was difficult some times, all that aggressive energy really made it hard to control my wolf. However lucky for me today was free time. I scanned the gym looking for anyone who was alone. In the corner stood a girl her arms wrapped around her stomach an uncomfortable look across painted her face. She had long auburn hair that stopped right under her chest. She wore thick framed glasses that hide her creme brown eyes that look similar to coffee with creme in it. Milky brown was the best way to put it I guess. She had a thin upper lip and plumber bottom lip. She was average, however last year she was the target of Aria.
I walked over to where she was standing. "Hey," I said softly, standing next to her. I looked out at the crowd nonchalantly and cleared my throat. "Do you have a partner?" I looked up at her only for her to look away.
"No," she said almost inaudible. She pushed back some of her hair while wrapping her other arm back around her waist. I nodded and pursed my lips. I felt almost like a child trying to make a new friend. Stupid Rose sending me to gym all alone.
"Well would you like to-" I began just as some one cut in.
"Hey Luna," a masculine voice I really didn't know too well but knew who it belonged to said with a smirk. I looked up only to be met with the striking blue eyes that Rose loved. He was tall and lean and extremely popular. I rolled my eyes I really didn't feel like dealing with another jerk. I glanced over at Aria who was giggling with some other guy way too loudly. "So tomorrow you're having a party," he didn't ask he said it like a fact.
I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "Yeah I guess." I looked at the girl I was talking to before who seemed to have moved quite a difference away from Austin her eyes fixated on something on the ground. Her face was flushed. "Let's go be partners." I said as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away. She didn't object just followed quietly.
"You rejected Austin," she said with a giggle looking down at her feet.
"I'll reject you as well," I said jokingly. "I am Luna," I passed her the volley ball.
"I know who you are," she said quietly passing back the ball. "I think everyone knows who you are."
I sighed. "Good things I hope." I looked over at the sea of students who all preoccupied themselves with different types of sports. I pushed back my blonde hair. I looked back at her and smiled. "Whatever they say, it's usually blown out of proportion." I mumbled. She nodded waiting for me to pass her the ball. "What's you're name?" I asked while passing.
"I am Emily." She said quietly. Emily, an average name for a very average girl. In all honesty she was the type of girl who was just part of the back ground. Her body was an average size and her bust was extremely flat. Her face wasn't some hidden beauty that once those glasses were removed she would be insanely gorgeous. However there was some thing about her. Something about her energy that was making me uncomfortable. A chill went down my spin and my body quickly told me to run. She looked me straight in the eyes. "Do you talk to Austin much?" She said it nonchalantly however I could feel the threat within her tone. I have her a confused look and laughed.
"Nah, I never talk to him. He's not my type," I looked away trying to get away from her intense stare.
"How could perfection not be your type?" She hissed angrily, I let out a shaky breath trying to calm myself enough to answer. What the heck is wrong with this chick? I will never understand humans.
I slouched slightly to make myself seem less threatening. "Cause perfection is boring." I bit my lip and glanced over at her. She had the ball tight in her grips her nails digging into it then it let out a loud pop. All the compressed air finally being released. I jumped back startled and stared at her.
"I'm going," with that she turned and walked away from me.
I stood there dumbstruck, what the heck just happened? What did you get yourself into Luna? Now I was more upset with Rose. Why couldn't she have been here. She's better with humans then I am.
Emily didn't seem too human though, I thought to myself. She is something I should just avoid well at least try to.

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