Page twelve

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We were back in my room, Rose busied herself while curling my hair. I idly played with an eos balm rolling it around on the desk.

"Stop it," she placed her hand in mine.

"Sorry, Rose I'm just nervous and all. My wolf and I are going to be in total sync. I will know who my wolf is, who she used to be and it scares me." Our wolves are a gift to us. Old spirits passed down from generation to generation.

"Don't be nervous, I can't wait to truly meet my wolf. I mean when I shift I can feel hear her but its so foggy it's like a whisper." She sighed sadly. "I wonder who her mate was, who she embodied before."

I nodded, the story of how werewolves came to be was truly interesting. Wolves from the spirit world and humans living peacefully together in one body. The elders would retell the story later at the ceremony explaining the whole phenomena. Even though we have all heard it over a thousand times each story seems more riveting then the last. As a little girl I remember sitting on the edge of my seat listen of the tale of Luna the wolf, who was lost from the other spirits and found shelter from a small human child. My mother would squeeze me and whisper in my ear that, I was named after that very wolf and to take pride in it.


I looked up at Rose who had just finished the last curl. I turned to look in the mirror.

"Nu uh," she turned me back. "I'm not done you're make up silly."

"Rose its not like I've never seen myself with make up before." I groaned but stayed put.

"True but my skills are better then yours."

"Oh want a bet?" I waggled my eyebrows mischievously. She just rolled her eyes and shut my eyes smearing on something cold onto the lids.

"You smell like pine," she whispered softly not really thinking anything of it. My body stiffened, I didn't want to think about the spa.

"Yeah I know," I shook my head. "Yeah it's that spa stuff they used on me and stuff."

"It smells a bit like mistletoe," she furrowed her brow while she began to apply a shimmering silver across my eye lid. "Close your eyes you little butt," she smacked my shoulder playfully. I quickly shut me eyes. Mistletoe, there was legend about mistletoe I just couldn't remember what it was.

"Sorry," I grumbled, leaning back in the seat. I just let her sweep the shadow across my eyelid gently.

After what seemed like hours she smiled happily, "now all we have is the dress, c'mon girly get on up." She pulled me up out of the seat. "You don't need me for that do you?"

"Only the zipper," I walked over to the dress. Pulling it out of its plastic wrap the the Snow White dress tumbling to the bottom, it almost resembled a wedding dress. I brushed my hand against the silk fabric. Quickly I disrobed and pulled the dress to my naked body. It's softness seemed to melt into my body. I stepped carefully it to the dress pulling up the sweat heart neckline. Quickly Rose zipped up the back.

"You look like some kind of goddess," she gasped touching the flowing skirt. I blushed softly and looked down at the long dress that pooled at the ground making me look leaner and taller then ever.

"Can I see?" I looked over at her. She nodded and quickly turned me to a mirror. I gasped not recognizing the girl who stared back at me in the reflection. Rose had adorn my hair with grown of flower my blond hair tumbled down to my waist even though it was curled. My silver makeup made my blue eyes sparkle more then usually the sapphire color shinning through my heavy black eyelashes. My lips were a slight pink color glossed softly with a clear peppermint gloss.
My dress fit my body perfectly the simplicity of it making it more majestic it's color resembled that of a fresh blanket of snow.

"You are gorgeous," I heard a familiar voice gasp. I turned to face me visitor and grinned.

"Mom," I ran to her with open arms and she pulled me close to her. "I didn't think you would make it."

"I would never miss my one and only child's most important ceremony." She laughed placing a kiss on my forehead. I began to sniffle tears bubbling up in my eyes. "Don't cry silly, you'll ruin Roses hard work."

"Yeah you butt," she kicked me softly in the butt.

"I'm not crying,"I snapped.

"Hot tempered as always," my mother laughed. She kissed my forehead once again. "You look so beautiful."

"Yeah you said that," I rolled my eyes while walking over to my bed.

"Any boys you are hoping to mate with?" My mom waggled her eyebrows.

"Ugh no mom!" I yelled embarrassed. "And I wouldn't tell you even if I did." I looked away a smile pulling at the corner of my lips.

"Like I said hot-headed as always." She rolled her eyes.

Even though I treated this situation like it was suppose to happen I was truly glad my mother could make it to the ceremony. It means the world that she will be here to whiteness my wolf and I becoming one. Residing in complete harmony in one soul shell.

Please note, if you have questions. Just send me a message and Ill be sure to answer any qualms you have. Please remember that we are all human beings and each and every one of us is different. Please vote and leave awesome comments <3
Love Kia

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