Page thirty-four

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The hours seemed to have stretched into infinity. Athena had to leave for work letting me sulk in her empty house, time seemed to have slowed down just to anger me. Not to mention every time I saw a shadow sweep by I would jump. "Great I'm afraid of my own shadow," I grumbled aloud realizing what I've become. I began to nervously chew on my finger nail. What was I even suppose to do with myself while waiting to meet Emmett, I was too fidgety to read a book and there is no way I'm heading out into the forest with no directions. I had so much energy bubbling up inside me that all I wanted to do was run to Emmett. I paced around the house walking in every direction not trying to end up in any particular place when I heard a soft rap at the door breaking my frantic pacing. I slammed to a halt look over at the door. My heart began to pound, I don't think I've ever had so much anxiety about a knock at the door. I held my breath and the stranger behind the door knocked again this time a bit rougher. I swallowed hard, something in my body told me I should hide but my feet refused to move so I stood there. My heart was racing so fast I was surprised it wasn't burst out of my chest. Common feet move! I heard the knock again this time angrier as if expecting that the door should have been open long ago.

"I know you are in there!" I heard the voice shout but was some how muffled by the wood. COMMON FEET MOVE! I was a sitting duck if I stood here any longer. I needed to hide, with all that's going on in my life I don't think I can fight any one at this moment. The stranger pounded at the door some more and began to jiggle the door knob.

That is your cue to leave now Luna!

My wolf snapped at me. She was right I had to go. If I could just move my feet! Common what is happening? My wolf started barking in my mind yelling at me to move I pushed her back. I know I have to leave, I know. The stranger began to get a little more rough banging against the door some more.

"I know you're in there I can smell your fear," he snickered. "Your fear smells great. I can't wait to taste if you would just open the door!"

He can smell my fear? A chill ran down my spine making my feet realize it is time to get moving! I shook myself, where should I go? I didn't know if I should leave the house or try and hide.

The door jiggled some more and I heard a loud thud at the door. The stranger was thrusting his body against the door. I don't have any time I have to hide that's the only option I have a the moment. I quickly ran to a window and opened it up, I have to make it look like I left. I hastily pushed things over to make it seem like I left in a hurry. Thank god the snow was still tumbling for the clouds and adding a layer of snow. Where to hide, where to hide? I looked at all the possibilities and saw a crack in the wall. I quickly ran over to it and softly tapped against it, a hollow tump echoed in my ear. How do I open this? It was a door hidden in the wall. Please just open, please. As if it heard my cries of desperation it opened slightly revealing a small crawl space a blanket was folded neatly by the wall. I quickly jumped into it the wall closing on its own as if it knew that I need protection. All I could hear now was my panicked breath. I needed to calm down. He could smell my fear, being afraid isn't going to help me now. I looked away from the wall and looked over at the blanket that was neatly folded in the corner. I moved over to it and picked it up a can of none perishable foods and a stack of water were placed nearly beside the blanket. This must be a place for Athena to hid. What could she be hiding from?

Suddenly a loud crash alerted me that my stranger has now entered the house. The sound of bits of wood rumbled against the floor as it rained down.

"I really didn't want to use force you know." Suddenly without the wood muffling his voice I knew who it was and I could just see the smirk that played on his lips. "It's a shame I didn't get to come to your party Luna. Such a pity I would have made a great guest you know," he snickered and I heard him stride across the floor. "Although I heard that you already had some unwelcome guest who arrived. I didn't want to seem like a follower."

I tried to keep my panting to a minimal, I didn't need to see who it was. I already knew who it was, I could already see his blazing blue eyes scan the house. "I know you're still in here." He sniffed the air. "Your fear is phenomenal, such an exquisite fragrance. You must not get afraid often your scent is so strong that it must not be used often enough." I heard him smack his lips together. "I can't wait to devour you." His word hung in the air, my heart began to pick up its pace. I'm trapped here with the boy who all the girls loved, who my best friend loves and he wants to consume my fear.

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