Page thirty-five

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I should have run out when I had the chance, now I was just sitting here waited for him to kill me. I heard him ruffle around the house knocking things over as he searched for me. "You're really good at playing hide and seek little wolf," he snickered. "Makes it much more pleasurable when I find you then."

I was trying to rack my brain around the situation. I was stuck in a wall with Austen being my hunter. I don't know when Athena will be home, I won't be able to meet Emmett because I may be dead. However there is a can of peaches so I've got that going for me which is nice. I leaned back against the wall, if only I could see him or even see out of this dumb hiding spot then I could plan an attack or even an escape. I heard the continues ruffle of Austen.

"Where the hell are you? Do I have to burn this house to the ground?" He began shouting. "No you have to be alive those are my orders," he groaned. "Personally I just want to devour your fear I don't care about your life, weather you live or die is none of my business. Although you are pretty cute it's a shame you are tainted. Your stupid wolf picked wrong."

Picked wrong what does he mean by that? I rolled my eyes and turned away from the wall. I was done listening to him babble.

"Seriously where are you?!" I heard him shout, "I can't even smell your fear. I just thought you stayed," he grumbled. I bit my lip not letting my emotions bubble up, I need to stay incognito. "Hey, she's not here. I searched the entire house she's no where to be found." He was talking on the phone. Who was he talking to? "Burn the house down? Doesn't that seem a bit extreme?"

I felt my heart pound in my chest, keep your emotions in check. I snapped at myself. I heard him sniff the air, he let out a low chortle, "never mind I think I found her." I heard him walk over to my hiding area. My began to pound more. I guess I have no choice but to fight. I began to strip down until I was only standing in my undergarments. As soon as I'm found I've got to transforms. I heard him rip at the boards.

"I can't believe I found your hiding spot," he chuckled again while ripping away the wood until I could see his sapphire blue eyes shining at me a wicked smile playing at his lips. "There you are."

I spat in his eye my lip curling in disgust. "I'm not going down with out a fight you sleazy bastard." And with that I ripped through the rest of the wall my bones breaking into the shape of a wolf. I howled in angry and lunged at him. Austen jumped back in surprise shaking his head while his skin began to crawl, it was like ropes running trough his bodies as skin began to turn a murky blue color his lower jaw extending whilst his teeth began to grow. What the heck is happening to him?

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