The beast that is taking over.

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I was laying in bed idly listening music tapping my foot to the beat trying to drown out the sound of the rest of the world. That's when I heard a scream rip through the upbeat tune.

I didn't have time to think my body just automatically bolted out of my bed. I sprung down the flight of stairs down to sound of the screams. I quickly came to a halt my earphones ripping out my ears and the iPod smashing onto the floor right in the pile of blood. I stumbled back unable to look away from the horrific scene before me. A scream threatened to escape my lips. One of the mothers from my pack screaming and crying holding onto a blood covered pup. I've never seen so much blood. I felt my stomach churn.
I put my trembling hand to my lips trying to hold back my scream as I forced myself to look away from the grotesque scene before me. And there he was, the alpha in his wolf form looming over the grieving mother and blood flowing from his mouth. The blood from the pup was soaking his raven black fur a crimson red. He growled shackles going up, why was he acting so vicious? The mother continued to scream and he lunged at her, I believe her name was Chloe. I really didn't know much about her, only that she had just given birth to her first pup a few months ago with her mate but at that moment it didn't matter who she was. I couldn't just pretend I never saw this, I am involved in it now. That was probably my first mistake.
I let the anger control my inner wolf who began ripping through my human flesh. The pain was intense and made me stumble back it wasn't always this intense maybe its because I've never been so angry? I shook it off and lunged at the big black wolf my teeth latched onto his scruff ripping him away from the grieving mother. He growled and snapped at me, he easily shook me off him. I did manage to rip out some of his fur though, point for Luna I guess. He was quick to grab my leg and throw me down to the ground, I snarled. I don't know what was wrong with the alpha. His eyes seemed to be clouded with red instead of his usual amber eyes. I cocked my head to the side growling.
He lunged at me grabbing again this time he went to my throat. Holding it tight in his powerful jaw at any moment he could snap my neck. I let out a whimper. I needed him off my neck, I swatted at his face trying to get him off me. I'm so stupid for getting involved but for some reason I felt like it was my job to help.
I glanced over at Chloe who was still holding her dead pup. Her black hair was drenched in the pups blood. I quickly looked away turning my attention back to the alpha.
Please let go, I thought to myself going limp. He dropped me to the ground and growled.
'Learn your place!' He snarled and jumped onto my rip cage, I heard the bones snap beneath his weight. I let out a howl of pain my body trembling.
He growled once more and trotted out of the room. I lay on the floor and close my eyes.
You really are an idiot Luna. I thought to myself. Something wasn't right with the alpha though. I swallowed hard I began panting, I looked over at Chloe.
"I'm sorry," she cried rocking back and forward. "I'm so sorry."
I was going to be in big trouble when the elders got here. I really pushed my boundaries. She and I both knew that I was most likely going to be thrown out of the pack.
I stumbled to an upright position, I felt my cracked rib bones scrap against each other, I howled in pain but gritted my teeth together trying to ignore the intense pain that was making it hard to breath. I trudge back to my room. I was far too afraid to turn pack into my human form. At least in this form I knew that I could heal.
"Luna," I heard a familiar voice squeak. I turned my head to her. Rose stood there dumbstruck her wide hazel eyes were bugging out. She let out a growl, "who attacked you?" I saw her body shake. Her bones breaking to the shape of her wolf.
I let out a whimper and dropped my head I didn't need her to get involved with my stupid hero act. My white ears fell flat on my head. She knit her brows together and regained her posture her chocolate brown hair was tied in her usual long thick messy braid. I was such an idiot Rose, such a freaking idiot.
I continued to stumble up the stairs.
"I heard the screams," she whispered quietly. I don't blame her for not leaving her room. Lately there has been a lot of screaming. The alpha has been attacking pack members. When the heck will they control him? She sighed, "it'll be okay Luna, can you change back?" I let out a whimper, better just get it over with I guess can't stay in my wolf form forever. I felt my bones begin to snap back into my human form, hot burning pain that always comes with shifting burned through my body. I let out a scream of pain, my cracked ribs scraped against each other.
"Ugh bad idea," I bit my lip. I pushed my blond hair out of my face. I let out a sharp breath and felt tears fill my eyes.
"I'm so sorry," Rose jumped back slapping her hand against her plump red lips.
"Rose, don't worry about it." I sucked in some air and let out a shaky breath. "I just, you know gotta lay for a bit and let it heal." I wiped at the sweat that was beading on my forehead, I knew that my body was trying to heal itself rapidly.
"Something is wrong with the alpha," Rose bit her lip nervously. I nodded in agreement, something was wrong. He wasn't shifting out of his wolf form and he blocked his wolf connection from the pack members. "Luna what happened?"
"He killed another pup," I said solemnly.

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