Page thirty six

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He chuckled as his body began to grow even larger his face transforming into something grotesque and inhuman. I shivered fear taking control of my body. What was he?

"Wow your fear smells so much better," his voice had deepened. His body was hunched over his shoulders much broader and his muscle seemed to have stretched five times his size. His arms hung so low they almost hit the ground. His clothes were torn to shred by his body I trembled again. He took sniff and closed his eyes dreamily a bit of drool falling out of his mouth and splattering against the floor. I recoiled in disgust and he just chuckled. "I don't know if I will really be delivering you, you smell Devine."

What the heck was he? He almost looked like a stereotypical troll except with a much deeper blue skin tone it was as if the pools of his sapphires eyes had spread across his skin too bad his form was so ugly. Before I could snap out of my haze his arm swung to capture me. As quick as I could I dodged out of the way his hand still managing to graze my rib an immense pain shot through me. Why does everything go for my ribs? I quickly scampered away from his flying fist and bit into his ankle and tore off a chunk of flesh. Warm blood quickly flooded my mouth my. My white coat painted by the Crimson blood now. He hollowed in pain and went to grab for me but I jumped out of the way. How the hell am I suppose to beat this guy? I'm not a trained fighter, but I've got to do my best. I need to see Emmett and I'm not going to let this creep keep me from him.

"That was a dirty move Luna and you know it!" He shouted at me whilst trying to grab me. Just as dirty as you forcing your way into this house and making me hide in the wall. I need to get out of here. Austen was right in front of the door blocking my way. He swung at me again hitting the same tender spot from before I couldn't help but Yelp in pain. He chuckled and and pushed me onto the floor. I desperately tried to pull myself up but this pain was seizing my body.

Luna let me take control, I hadn't even noticed but I was pushing her back. I more then willingly let her take full control of my body. It was a weird sensation being pushed back, I felt like a passenger in my own body. I wonder if this is how she feels all the time. I watched as our body shook and she lunged forward ripping at the same spot I had bit into. Austen fell to the ground and screamed in pain. The earth began to shake as he screamed.

She was quick to jump on his back and grab his scruff and rip at it as well. His screams were deafening, it just drove her into a frenzy. Our fur was soaked in Crimson red blood. It was delightful, a giggle erupted from me. Luna licked her lips tasting his salty blood. My mind was beginning to fog. The world was swaying and hazy. Luna stumbled slightly, Austen took this opportunity to throw us off of him. He stared at us wide eyed and shivered.

"Please, please stop." He sobbed his body beginning to fall back into his pitiful human form. Luna waltz over to him and ran her tongue over his wounds. The blood coated our throat and buzzed through our body.

Why on earth would stop? I felt a giggle erupt from me again. Luna was silent but she lunged again for his wound, more blood flowed through our body electrifying us. It felt really nice. I wanted her to continue going but something kept pestering me to stop. I tried to ignore it. But it didn't falter, it started yelling at me to stop. I shook my head the fog lifting slightly.

Luna stop! It was Emmett. I felt my heart flutter softly, was that really Emmett? I felt so of the haze lift a bit. Luna please! Please stop! His voice rang clearer. I stepped away from Austen Luna slipped away letting me control the body fully. I heard Emmett's voice drone on telling me to stay put and that he will be there any moment. My body felt so heavy I plopped willingly to the ground.

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