Page thirteen

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The ceremony was only minutes away, I paced back and forth in my room nervously.

"Hey, Luna," Rose spoke up. "Are you trying to-" she stopped midway through. "Ugh I don't have anything clever to say." She shook her head. "Calm down okay. Stop pacing." She got off my bed and grabbed my arms trying to still me. "You have nothing to be worried about."

But I did, I had everything to worry about; I had to worry about mate and who my wolf is and if my wolf spirit will reject me. I have to worry about my wolf ripping through my skin and now claiming half my mind. I have to share a body and that was scary. It was more then scary it was terrifying. There has been cases were the wolf rejects the human body and takes over the whole soul becoming a rogue and running free from the pack.

"Luna," my mother grabbed my hand and giggled happily. "The ceremony is about to commence."

My mother pulled me outside and down the stairs. All the pack members were already out there, waiting for me. The sun had already set the moon was peeking up from behind the hills illuminating the forest in its silver light. The snow sparkled softly. I sucked in some air and stepped out side. My bare foot didn't even leave a dent in the snow as I glided over to the elders. My dress flowed softly behind me, leaking a wake of silk and snow. I heard a few people gasp, and some males whisper how they hoped that I was their mate. I felt the heat rising in my cheek, it was Nerve-wracking being the center of all eyes.

"Luna," the elder Zark said with a smile plaster on his face he wore a wolf cap and feathers in his long silver hair his high Caramel cheek bones illuminated his face making his warm wise brown eyes seem even more mysterious. "Today is day of great celebration." He paused, "today marks the day you become full wolf," the other pack members howled with joy. "After today your body will be completely shared with a wolf and your life span will increase."

"Like every ceremony I will start with the story of our people and how we came to be." This was my favorite part. "Long ago there was a spirit wolf playing in the earthly realm. She did not know that the spirit bears were hunting her family. The little wolf would come every night when the moon was at its highest and play in the silver light. Once the bears caught onto the little wolf they devised a plan. They wanted to capture the little wolf making her family worry and come looking for her.

So one day just as the little wolf came out the bears caught her in a moon net. The little wolf pleaded for any one to come help her and save her. But no one could hear her, no one but a little human girl. The child walked right through the beastly spirt bears and to the small spirit wolf who was so frightened. "Live with me," is all she said and with that the wolf jumped into her body causing the child to transform into a real wolf." Zark paused and scanned the pack. All the eyes were glued onto him, he nodded in approval and carried on.

"This tricked the bears. The bears couldn't find the little wolf. But her parents could, they followed her connection and traveled down to earth only to find their child in a human body." I looked up at the night sky the other wolf spirits began to dance creating streaks of emerald and purple and deep blue. They were a rainbow of colors lighting up the dark sky. "The wolfs then did something no spirit had never done they asked to live with the humans in one body. Hiding from the bears who still craved blood. The human tribe agreed and in return they found that they had special gifts; the gift of strengths, agility, hearing, beauty and youth." Zark cracked a smile. "The spirits wolves have given us so much," he almost whispered as if he were only telling it to himself.

Zark held out his hand pulling me closer to him. "Now spirit wolf we would like to honor you this night, becoming one with your human body. Please reveal to us who are spirit." With that I was pushed to the back. My wolf was now in control showing her true form.

I heard some one screaming bloody murder, who is screaming then I realized it was my own mouth making that horrible sound. Mind numbing pain shredded through my body, my wolf howled in pain. Everything was clouded I couldn't make out a single thing.

"What is happening!" I heard people scream. People rushed over to me to stop me from screaming.

"Her body is glowing! Her eyes what's wrong with her eyes!" I heard another one scream.

More pain ripped through me, my wolf and I howled in pain.

"An abomination!" I heard three shrill voice scream through the crowd. I tried to push past the blinding white that was in front of me. "The abomination has been stopped sisters!" They cackled, "poisoned, poisoned by mistletoe"
"Didn't think we had enough," another one continued.
"What a lovely dress," they cackled once more. "Lovely to die in," they burst out in laughter.

"Who are you," I heard a familiar voice growl at the things that kept screeching. Emmett, my heart lifted and my wolf had the same reactions. Mate.

"Oh the pretty girls mate," they giggled "well no more white wolf for you. The abomination has been stopped!"

"What do you mean stopped," he snarled. "What have you done to her."

"Did you not hear stupid boy, poisoned! Poisoned by mistletoe. Oh we thought we didn't give enough but yes we did."

I have to see what's going on, please let me see.

I'm sorry you'll be killed I need to protect you, my wolf whispered another shot of pain tore through us. I felt my body contort my limps jutting out in awkward position. My body was sprawled out on the ground.

Luna please keep calm. You are only human, I have to face your monsters. My wolf whispered. With that she pushed through my body truly revealing her self to all.

"You're, you're beautiful," I heard some one whisper. I opened my eyes the white wall was gone letting me see. My spirit wolf stood tall her sapphire eyes stared angrily at whatever monster was before her. Her fur was mesmerizing flickering beautifully as if her whole body was dancing, she seemed to be made out of snow flakes, each part of her fur more unique then the last but still just as beautiful.

"I'm sorry, spirit. Who are you?" Zark stumbled for words.

"An abomination!" The voice shrieked. "You are an abomination."

"Silence," my wolf growled, howling in pain from the poison. "I will have silence you disgusting freaks."

I looked over at the things who say the poisoned me. They seemed to be made of both spirit and earth dweller. They're bodies faded in and out of this world they seemed to be made of wood and rock, large stones and branches jutting out every where like a crown atop their heads. The glared angrily with milk brown eyes.

"Abomination," they shrieked they're bodies spazzing out flickering in and our of this world each part flickering at a different time. It was like a tv on the wrong input fizzing out and those sharp lines cutting through everything.

"You are the abomination, now I demand SILENCE!"

The creatures curled into their own slumping slightly their spine truly revealing itself. It was like shards of rock mixed together with tree bark. They hovered in the air. Bobbing up and down.

"I am Luna," my wolf spoke.

Emmett curled up next to me wrapping his large muscular arms around me.

Zark coughed and shook his head. "I mean no disrespect however. No wolf has the same name twice and Luna, well she was the savior. She was the first," Zark gulped. "So please wolf, who are you?"

"I am Luna." She paused. "And Luna is me. I have chosen her, she is my forever."

"Luna, why would you choose uhm well Luna?" I heard some one ask. "

"She has no high authority." Another spoke up.

"Because she is an ABOMINATION!"

"I said SILENCE! You wicked little fay, you bring no leave only pain. Now leave before I kill you," my wolf growled.

"Can't kill us while being poisoned," they let out a cackle.

"The full moon will bring me back," my wolf laughed her voice like silk.

"What," was all the strange creatures managed to say before a bright light tore through the darkness. The moonlight shown through all the darkness. I felt it's gentle touch sooth the poison out of my body.

"More people are on my side, a new beginning is about to commence," my wolf whispered. I watched as her body began to heal with the moons tentative touch.

The creature began to spaz out, "the abomination will be stopped!" They screamed. "Or damnation upon all!" Was all they managed to shriek as they flittered away. They were retreating.

"Thank you moon," my wolf closed her eyes and danced her way back into my body. I lay there dumbfounded unable to react. What just happened.

A new beginning Luna and you will be the leader.

That was pretty hard to write, I know it might be confusing and all but that's how a book goes, you can't know everything and I have the entire thing planned all the questions will be answered.

Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment and don't stop being awesome!

Love Kia.

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