Page ten

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My whole body was on edge, the lady had just finished my mask. The two other girls were working on my nails.

"Isn't this great Luna?" Rose giggled happily obviously enjoying herself.

"Yeah this is great," I tried to smile. My face mask now hardening. I felt one of the women tighten her grip for second, before I could respond she let go.

"The face mask are almost done, would like something to drink?" I heard one of the girls say. "We have cucumber water, tea, juice." Cucumber water that sounded super strange.

"I'll have cucumber water," I heard Rose chime in happily.

"Peppermint tea, if you have any please." I spoke quietly, I felt weak. I just wanted to get out of this creepy spa.

"Alright I'll be right back." I heard the lady say cheerfully. I sighed in relief even the workers were putting stress on me.

"Hey Rose I think we should leave after this I mean I still really need to get the dress for the ceremony and for the party part."

"Aw your no fun," I heard Rose pout. "But yeah I guess. I really wanted to take a dip in that pool. This face mask is marvelous, honestly this is the most relaxing day of my life."

"Yeah," I mumbled. This was my most stressful day. I couldn't get that smell if pine out of my system. I didn't want to speak of it here though. They might hear. I didn't trust these people; not one bit. The faster I get out of here the better.

"Alright ladies," I heard the clacking of heels against the the rocky floor. "We will be removing the masks then onto the orchid hot springs."

Rachel removed the orchids from my eyes I felt unease and squirmed nervously.

"You're peppermint tea," the girl named Kayla smiled warmly and handed me a tea cup holding warm green liquid. The cup was white with a beautiful flower pattern painted on. "Would you like sugar?" She smiled warmly.

I shook my head. "No thank you," I managed spit out, my body ached from within. I went to take a sip of my tea when I smelt the pine again. Peppermint is not piney, honestly I just wanted to remove my self from this poisoning place.

I felt Rachel touch my cheek with a warm cloth removing the mask from my face. She messaged my temples gently.

"Just lay back and relax your face." I clenched my jaw and begrudgingly and sat back. "Good," she said in a soothing tone. "Sarah can you please help miss Rose with her mask, thank you." I felt Rachel continue to swipe the mask off my face.

These women, they cannot be trusted. My wolf growled angrily.

I felt the last of the mask come off, "there you are, now off to the message." Rachel said happily.

I snapped my eyes opened and looked directly into her strangely familiar eyes. "Actually I have to go shopping for my dress, I'm sorry I'll do it another time," I smiled happily. I can't seem suspicious, my body shivered, I needed to get out of here. I heard Rose groan.

"Yeah, sorry my friend is ridiculous."

I rolled my eyes and pulled myself out of the chair. "Will you be making another appointment? We schedule you in for tomorrow." Rachel looked at me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah," I smiled. No way was I coming back here.

"Good, well I'll just lead you back to the change room and I'll schedule you for tomorrow, perhaps a later time. Maybe 3'o clock." She laughed knowingly. I nodded and quickly got out of the seat follow as she led us back to the room.

We were both dressed in our regular clothes Rose was just about to pay for it at the front desk.

"Oh no I think I dropped my wallet back in the room, can you go get it Luna," she looked at me pleadingly while groaning and throwing her arms to her side tiredly.

I rolled my eyes, "you go get it yourself it's your wallet."

"Yeah but your making us leave early. Now go."

I shook my head angrily and turned on my heels walking back to the change room. Right in front if the door was her wallet.

"We should keep her. She needs more we didn't give enough." I heard a soft voice say behind the door.

"We can't she'd get suspicious, she wants to leave." I heard a hiss.

"She mustn't mate though. Today her wolf and her will be one. It won't work."

"Just trust the sisters, we will keep balance sister."

My heart dropped, they were talking about me. Talking about poisoning me as if it were some good deed. I swallowed hard I wanted to leave but my feet felt like led.

"Now get on with it, you must prepare for tomorrow."

"Yes sister." I heard footsteps approach the door.

Run! I heard my wolf yell. Right run, running is good. I lifted my foot and placed it in front of the other. One foot at a time. I began to sprint away.

"Did you find my wallet?" I heard Rose call out. I ran around the bend that connected to the front entry.

"Yeah I did, it was just in the hall I almost missed it," I laughed. I found more then a wallet back there. What the heck were they talking about. Poisoning me, why would they want to do that to me.

"What's wrong with you, your so pale," Ross furrowed her brows. "You look like you saw a ghost."

"Shut up and pay the woman," I laughed while pushing her playfully, at the corner of my eye I saw Rachel's lip curl in disgust as she glared at me.

Something was so wrong about this place.

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