Hidden (Harry Styles fan fict...

By HeyItsJessenia

10.1K 217 88

Two wrongs make a right, right? Well sometimes things don't always go right for Kylie Summers. Life seems to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Preview to 'The Hunted'

Chapter 16

259 10 2
By HeyItsJessenia

Harry's POV

It's been about two hours and I still can't leave. I was sitting in the waiting room, my foot tapping on the hard floor.

My large hands resting on my knees tapped impatiently with my feet. Why can't I see her?

I didn't think she would get this mad at me; I was only doing it for her. "Damn it" I stood up and began walking trying to get rid of some energy.

I learned to control my anger and keep my nerves in when I'm practicing my boxing, but I can't sit still right now. I feel like kicking a wall in; I have to see her, at least to say sorry or anything really.

I took a deep breath and walked to the front desk "Hi, I'm here to see Kylie Summers" I said to a fairly young nurse. She looked at her computer and typed in something.

"Sorry, she's not taking visitors" she said finally looking at me. Her face flushed slightly and I smiled showing my dimple before adding

"I know, I'm her brother and I really need to speak to her" I pouted my lip and put on a sad face. Her face softened and she leaned in looking side to side before wispering softly

"Third floor, room 22. If the gards say anything just say Daisy sent you up" I smiled brightly "Thank you Daisy" I said before running for the elevator.

I could hear her laugh lightly as I pressed the elevator button a thousand times. The doors opened up and there was a nurse, who looked very familiar.

She looked at me with surprise, and reached over and pressed a button. The doors began closing but I held the doors open and stepped in "In a hurry?"

I asked pushing third floor and watching it light up "No one's allowed on the third floor without a pass" she said quickly pushing the main floor. "Actually I have permission" I said pushing three again with my brows pressed together.

"By whom?" she said pushing the button again. "Hey? Your Kylies nurse. What are you doing here?" I said suddenly remembering her harsh tone.

"Um" she said a little panicked. What's wrong with her?

"Um? You don't know what you're doing?" I said firmly. I pressed three and stood in front of the small wall of buttons she paled and began stammering.

"I, uh, was getting her... Some,uh, water" "Good, I'm going to go visit her while you get her some water" the bell dinged reminding me of my floor. I turned and gave her one last look.

She was smiling really big and creepy and waved goodbye with something small in her hand. I frowned and looked down the hall and realized I was on the wrong floor. I turned and ran for the elevator doors.

I ran as quickly as I could and right when I reached the doors, they sealed down. "Damn it!" I hit the doors vibrating the walls and tried to think of a plan.

I leaned my head on the cold doors and closed my eyes. Why the hell is that creepy nurse keeping me from Kylie? She's still on the elevator, and i'm beting shes not going to let me on because she wants me away so damn badly. I mean, come on; really? I'm with her not there to hurt her... wait?

Oh shit.

My eyes opened wide and took a step back. "Don't tell me this shit is happening again" I said to no one. I looked to my right and saw the stairway door.


I ran throughthe heavy door but stopped. What floor am I on? I turned and looked at the door and read the floor number "11... Oh god I don't have time for this"

I began running down the stairs as fast as I could. By the time I reached the fifth floor my lungs were on fire and my legs felt a thousand pounds.

My throat felt as dry as a desert and my palms were sweating like crazy. But I kept running, pushing myself even more knowing I was so close, yet so far.

My feet hitting the last steps barley touched the floor before I opened the door to the third floor. The hallway was empty unlike the other floors. The door silently closed behind me and i wiped the sweat that was forming around my hair.

I slowly walked in and glanced around checking for gards but found none, my chest puffing quickly up and down. I took a step forward cringing at the sound of my white converse squeaking loudly. Which way? I looked to my right; it held a long hallway with many doors.

Wow it's really quiet and empty, where are the nurses?

Next I turned my head to my left brushing my soft curls away; the left had a shorter hallway with a turn to the right unableling me to see further.

The right it is.

I turned my body and began walking to the right; I took about three long strides when I heard something. It was muffled, almost silent. "Hmmm" I said standing still.

I stood still for about thirty seconds' before getting impatient. I took five long strides

*thump* *thump*

I stopped and turned around to the left. I heard it again, almost like someone talking. I stood staring behind me, should I go?

What if it's someone else? What if it's Kylie? I have to check just in case it's her; what if I wasn't there to help her?

I turned my body once again and started walking to the left. "No one's allowed on this floor" "Holly shit!" I said turning to see the same nurse on the elevator.

She was smiling really creepy again with her arms crossed in front of her chest "Where's Kylie?" I said "I'm done playing your stupid games"

"Ha-ha! Oh Styles, but the games have just began" A sharp scream pierced my ears; I turned recognizing the scream.


I said running towards the noise. The nurse kept laughing behind me as I ran down the hall and turned right. I opened every door I passed "Kylie?!" another scream.

"Kylie?!" I shouted again when I saw something pass down the hall, I stopped looking and stared down the darken hallway; isn't there any lights here?

"Kylie?" I said when I heard another noise. "The hell?" I said getting closer to get a better look. My pace was slow when something crashed into the back of my head throwing me to the floor.

"Hey prince charming, can't take a hint? She's mine now" I tried getting up but he placed a firm foot on my back pushing the air out of my lungs. I placed my big palms on the floor and tried getting up "Nuh ugh" he said putting more weight on me.

"Get the hell off" I said flipping on my back; I elbowed the back of his knee making it give in. I rolled on top of him, he was face down and I grabbed one of his arms and pulled it back.

"WHO the HELL are YOU!" I yelled pulling back on his arm even more. He cried out in pain before saying "Break it" and began laughing.

"As you wish" I said pulling it back until it popped when someone threw me off of the guy. "Run!" the person yelled to the guy now holding his arm before running off. I landed on my back and felt the shock go up in vibrations.

"Great!" I said standing up in a blink and grabbed the guy in front of me and slammed him to the wall. He was quick and swift throwing me off him; I faced him recognizing the technic.

"A fighter I see" he said still hiding his face "Want to learn something new?" I barely had time to see his swing coming; I dodged it swiftly swinging as I bent down.

I got three good punched into his side and he laughed. "Nice, nice" he kicked at my leg, as I moved and I grabbed his leg punching the inside of his knee.

He fell to the floor and I got on top of him pushing his arm across his neck while the other struggled to be released under behind his back; my weight presseing down on him harshly.

"Now who the hell are you?!" I screamed into his face. It was the first time I saw him, my anger barley allowing me to see. He smiled at me; I punched him in the jaw.

"You have five seconds to answer you prick before I break your arm" I said pushing against his arm making him cry out in pain. "Ha-ha styles you've always been one to tell jokes, but what will Kylie say when she hears that Jesse-"

I sucked in a breath and pushed his arm against his throat making him choke. "What the hell are you talking about? How do you know him?" I said louder into his face.

He scrunched his face in pain and moaned harshly before laughing "You're wasting your time style" he turned his head to the left and looked at the big clock on the wall "Thirty five, thirty four, thirty three seconds before we get what we want and we all go down in flames" he said.

Surprised I remembered what I saw in the nurses hand, a lighter.

I looked at the open door down the hall and ran towards the hall. I reached out my arms and opened two doors at a time "Kylie?!" each room was empty but I kept opening doors knowing she had to be somewhere near since they had come out and tried to attack me.

"Kylie?!" when no one replied I fisted my hands and held in a yelp of frustration. I turned and heard banging on a door. "Kylie?!"

I shouted and held still to hear closer. "Harry?!" a muffled voice said, it sounded a couple doors down. "Kylie?!" I shouted again running to the door vibrating with hits. "Harry!! The door! It's locked!!" then began coughing like crazy. I looked down at the door at noticed the smoke coming out from under.

"Hurry! It's spreading! I can't breathe!!" "Step back!!" I shouted back through the door as soon as I reached it. I took a step back and angled my shoulder to the door and smashed into it.

Pain spread through my shoulder but I stepped back ad hit it again hearing the door crack. "Harry! Hurry!" "I'm coming Kylie!" I said hitting the door as hard as I could and I felt the door give in.

I broke the lock off the door and kicked it open; smoke quickly blew out the door.

I ran in and found Kylie a few feet away from the door stomping on a piece of fabric that was on fire.

She looked up quickly at the noise of the door, as soon as she saw me she ran into my arms wrapping her legs around me and her arms tightly around my neck.

"Oh my gosh! Harry! I was so scared you wouldn't come back!" she cried into my ear. I looked along the room and saw two walls in bright flames.

"Kylie we need to leave!" I said running out the room with her in my arms, she weigh almost nothing.

I looked down the hall where I left pretty boy but he wasn't there. "Elevators that way" Kylie said pointing to the left. "Okay, come on love" I said placing her down and taking her hand.

We ran down the hall and into the elevator, while we were waiting for the doors Kylie turned and pulled the fire alarm. "Good job Love" I said pulling her into a tight hug. "You did good, are you hurt?"

Damn it feels good to have her back but I had to make sure shse was okay. The emergency lights flashed and the elevator doors opened. "Am I interrupting something?" we both looked at the nurse standing in the elevator.

"You bitch!" Kylie ran for the nurse but I grabbed her by the waist holding her back; her arms stretched out as i struggled to hold her back "I swear if I ever see you again I will personally escort you to hell!" Kylie said still trying to squirm under my tight hold.

But the nurse never even flinched, she just smiled at Kylie. Her gaze flickered to mine "Still playing the good guy are we Styles?"

I frowned at her comment "What are you talking about?" Kylie said stealing the words off my tongue.

She had stopped squirming but I still held her close and both my arms around her. "Oh! You haven't told her?" the nurse said with a fake shocked look plastered on her round face.

Kylie looked at me, her colorful eyes searching my face. "Style's brothers in town" the nurse laughed as the door closed.

I sucked in a breathe and tensed up; Kylie turned and looked at me "Brother?"


Hello my beautifuls!! :)

Thanks for reading guys!!

I love you all so much!! <3

Hope you guys love this chapter!

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Have an awesome days guys :) Comment what you think :)

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