No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

273K 11.5K 6.2K

A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


5K 216 112
By MsChryssieE


"Babe I'm still waiting on you to tell me what you want for dinner."

"Nita I honestly don't know. I mean this yo lil dinner party!" I shrugged.

"Why are you making this difficult for me!"

"Because I'm tired ma, you know this."

Hearing her sigh, I felt her side of the bed shift causing me to turn and see that she got up. I had just gotten back from a gig in New York and a nigga was tired.

"Man why she gotta be so extra of all days." I mumbled getting up.

"Nita unlock the door!" I called with my hand on the knob.

Waiting a few, she unlocked it. walking in, I saw her spreading her face mask as she turned on the pipe for the tub.

"Babe you know I ain't mean it like that."

"I know Kevin." She said in a sigh.

"I'm just tired. Its after nine in the morning and I just got back, let me have at least two hours please!" I looked at her.

"Ok" she said walking past me.

Holding her wrist, she stopped.

"Is that a genuine ok or a petty, you'll pay later on kinda ok."

"Its a genuine one babe. I understand." She smiled.

"Thank you, now can I get some sleep."

"Yea you can." She said removing ha clothes. "I'll be in here!" She looked back at me and smirked.

"Nita don't do this to me!"

"Do what baby? You're tired, I get it!"

"Man quit playing."

"Who's playing Kevin?" She asked getting into the tub.

I stood watching how tha water just settled right above her breasts so perfectly.

"Mmm" she moaned in this sexy way as she got comfortable.

I looked back at our bed, then over at her, then back at the bed again, trying to decide. When I placed my attention back on her, she had one leg extended up as she squeezed water from ha loofa, making it flow down ha leg.

"Fuck!" I said under my breath.

"What was that babe?" She asked.

"Uhhh, nothing."

After that I was like, "fuck it!"

"I thought you were sleepy?" She asked with this smirk.

"I dont want to hear it Nita!" I mumbled as I got in behind her.


"I really hate when you do that shit!" Kevin mumbled.

"What shit babe!" I smiled to myself.

As we walked through the aisle of the supermarket he just kept mumbling. I know it was wrong to seduce him like that but I needed to get me way this time.

"Nita you played me." He stopped pushing the cart.


"I don't want to hear it. Let's just get what you need and go because I want to sleep."

"Fine!" I sighed.

Guess my plan didn't work out exactly how I wanted it.

"Sara: I'm so excited about tonight. Can't wait for you to finally meet Michael, I know you're going to love him"

Smiling at Sara's text, I just shook off how Kevin felt. I knew I had to make it up to him though.

"You still ain't tell me what you cooking!" I heard him finally speak.

We were at the register packing out the things and I knew he was moody.

"I thought we could do some grilling, keep it chill rather than some stuck up dinner party."

"Ok!" He nodded.

After cashing, we headed to the car. All the way, he didn't say anything to me and it was beginning to get to me.

"Babe!" I glanced at him.

He sat with his head back and eyes closed.


"Yes Anita!"

"Why you gotta answer me like that?"

"Because I'm trying to rest and you calling me but not saying anything."

"Because you didn't answer me the first time."

"Well I answered now, so what is it."

Sighing, I tried to ignore his attitude.

"I'm sorry" I glanced at him.

"Don't worry about it!" He spoke with his eyes closed still.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it instead, I wasn't going to make it worse.

Turning on our street, I drove up the block and pulled into our drive way. Kevin was out cold, I guess he was really tired after all.

Taking my time, I got the bags out and into the house before coming back and waking him.

"Kev, we're home!" I lightly shook him.

"Mmm, aight!" He got out heading for the backseat.

"Its cool babe I already put them in." I stopped him. "Go ahead and lay down." I instructed as we entered our home.

"Yea babe!" He mumbled and kissed me before walking up the stairs.

Kicking off my slides, I walked into the kitchen afterwards. Going straight to the ihome system, I connected my phone, I scrolled through my playlist and hit play as I began to pack away.

"Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake
You know I love to go there
Say I'm actin' lightskin, I can't take you nowhere
This a place for families that drive Camrys and go to Disney..."

As I sang along to Child's Play I was in a zone. It was going on one in the afternoon so I was going to do all my prep work now, clean up then get some rest myself.

I was feeling some type of way with how Kevin was but he was as much to blame as I was, I mean he could have went back to sleep. Yeah I would have mumbled and pout but I would have gotten over it.

"I say bounce that shit like woah
Yeah, bounce that shit like woah
This is not a fairytale, I already know how you like it
Take you to the mall and get you a new outfit
Girl that's just some child's play
Bounce that shit like, woah, woah, woah
Woah, woah, heard all of the stories about you I already know..."

While packing, the music cut off and my phone began to ring. I wasn't in the mood for any calls right now honestly speaking but seeing it was Keira, I answered.

"Hey sis!"

"Hey love" she coughed.

"You good?"

"Mhmm just the cold from YaYa" she sniffled. "But is Kev home, I've been trying to call him."

"Oh he's sleeping."

"Oh, well tell him give me a call then"

"I will and you go get some rest, the way you sounding!"

"I am, August is down my back on it so I got no choice." She laughed.

"Good!" I smiled. "When y'all coming out here though?"

"Middle to end of July, depending on August's schedule, but I want to do another game night once everyone is free!" She sniffled.

"Oh yes, we need it!" I smiled.

"Yea so once I find out when everyone else is free we can do it!"

"Ok sis, well just tell me when and I'll make it work, now go rest."

"Yea!" She snickered. "Later sis!"

"Bye love, feel better!"


"I'm living my life like its golden, golden, golden, golden, golden, golden
I'm living my life like its golden, golden, golden, golden, golden, golden..."

I was in a groove as I got into prepping. After I came off the phone with Keira, I was on it forever and a day with my aunt. Since I moved to Atlanta, she's basically been by herself out there in Dallas.

Initially my plan is to move her out here because reality, she is all I have. Her and my uncle divorced when I was like twenty one and she's been good since but I rather her being close. Not close as in house with me and Kevin close but somewhere in Georgia.

"Mmm what smells so good?"

Looking up, Kevin came dancing in as the other song played.

"Hey babe!" He kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hi baby!" I looked back an smiled.

"Thought we were grilling tonight?"

"We are" I nodded "But you know I believe in seasoning and letting my meat marinate!" I reminded him as I put the ground beef in a zip lock baggie.

"Oh right, so what we grilling."

"Well I told Sara to come dressed comfortable, so burgers and cocktails."

"Aight!" He nodded as I turned from him.


"Nita!" We both spoke together.

"You first!" I told him.

"Aight, well I just wanted to apologize for how I bugged out on you earlier."

"Oh no babe, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have played you like that to get my own way. Not saying that it won't happen again, because it probably will!" I smiled.

"I dont mind you playing me!" He pulled me into him.

"Awe!" I kissed his lips.

"You got any rest?"

"I did!" I nodded. "After I spoke to my aunt, oh and Keira said to call her!" I played with his beard.

"Yea I called her when I saw the missed call. It was bout a gig I got in September."

When he said that I remembered the the job opportunity I had gotten.

"Ohh!" I let out.

"Wassup!" He laughed.

"Remember when you had called me and I had gotten a call on my business phone?"

"Yea, which was every time I called you." He let me go heading for the fridge.

"Well it was about a job opportunity in London."

"Oh word!" He said excitedly.

"Yea the club over there I work with, well the own is opening a new on in Birmingham and wants me to be the face of it."


"It is but its gonna be for six weeks." I mumbled.

"Six weeks, that ain't bad!" He shrugged.

"You're ok with it?"

"I mean you making money ma. I'm not gon stop your hustle." He spoke eating a yogurt.

I stood there just staring at him dumbfounded. I didn't think he would be this cool. I know I have a different kind of man but shit.


"Yes Anita, really. What you thought I was going to say no."

"Well I mean!"

"What you going London for, to work or to look for niggas?"

"Work babe, what kind of question is that."

"Well right, so why should I worry. You love and trust me and I love and trust you."

"True" I nodded and smiled. "Well I'll call James and confirm."

"You do that, but what are the perks though?"

As I explained everything that was told to me, he seemed more supportive that before which I was happy about.

"How bout this?"

"What!" I looked at him.

"Let me talk to Kei and see how shit looking for them six weeks and I'll see if I can come out and spend some time with you."


"Yea. Nita you and me are a team." He began. "Yooo!" He exclaimed and making me jump.


"Find out if they gon need a DJ, let's do this together." He smiled.

"Oh fuck!!" I smiled.

Grabbing my phone, I made the call and in no time James and spoke to him.

While on that call, Kevin busied himself by setting up out back for me and that I appreciated.

"Kev!!" I yelled out to him as he set up the grill.


"Tell Keira to expect a call" I smiled.


"Mhmm. We gon be getting that check together!" I smirked and did a twerk.

"I fucking love you!" He pulled me into him.

"Awe, I know!" I smirked.

"You finished down here."

"Basically, why?"

"Because its after six and Sara and this foo gon be here at eight. You know she be on time, she ain't the typical black person."

"Kevin!" I playfully hit his chest. "Michael is not a fool and so what if Sara is punctual." I laughed as I walked off.

"She just ain't right." He followed behind me.

"Ok Kevin!" I shook my head.


"How is it that I said casual and you gotta be all dressed up and shit!" I stale faced Kevin.

Standing on the staircase, he looked at himself then at me.

"What, I don't think I'm dressed up!"

"A nigga just want to compliment his girl." He cheesed. "By the way, you looking good. He smirked.

"Babe I'm so basic though!" I laughed.

"Nah, you not and don't ever say some shit like that!" He pulled me in for a kiss.

As we got into it, the doorbell rang. Pulling away from him to go answer the door, he smacked me on my butt.

Soon as I saw Sara I smiled before we both began to squeal. God knows I love this girl, she was the closest thing to a sister I've ever had.

"Hi ma" she kissed my cheek.

"Hi babe. You weaved it!" I smiled playing with her hair.

"Yes child. You know how I do with my hair." She smiled and stepped in greeting Kevin.

"Hey Kev!"

"Hey ma, wassup!" They hugged.

"This is my ba..."

"Mike!!!" Kevin said cutting Sara off.


Seeing Mike standing there, I really was suprised.

"Kev!" He looked at me and walked in as we dapped.

"Bruh, you shitting me right!" I shook my head and laughed.

"Man ain't this shit something." He spoke.

"Ummm hello!" Nita waved her hand. "Is someone going to explain?" She asked.

"Y'all know each other?" Sara asked.

"Yea" I spoke. "When you said he was from Cali and his name was Michael, I ain't think it would have been you foo."

"Yea Sara likes saying a nigga full name." He chuckled.

"Well ain't this a bitch!" Sara laughed while Nita just stood staring. "I need a glass of wine!" She shook her head, taking the bottle from Mike before walking off.

"Same here sis!" Nita followed behind her.

"Bruh how the fuck that happened." I asked him.

"Seen shawty out in Cali looking good and since then we been rocking. She different and I like that!" He smiled as he looked at Sara.

"Ok but she know what you be doing?"

"She know what I used ta do."


"Yea!" He nodded. "But I want ta tell her, but I don't know how she would respond."

"Man she really feeling you so you better tell her."

"She is huh?"

"Yea she is. Nita said she ain't ever seen Sara this way for any nigga."


"Yea man!" I nodded.

"Shit!" He whispered. "Aight I'll tell her."

"What you two talking bout here?" Nita came back with two beers.

"Mike bruh, this my wife Anita." I said finally introducing her.

"Hey ma, sorry bout that."

"Its ok. Kevin know you so that means you're good people."

"Yea well I know you are, Sara be talking bout you all the time." He laughed.

"Quit lying Michael!" Sara yelled.

"I believe you!" Nita laughed. "Let's go out back!" Nita said taking the lead.

"Aye bruh!" I stopped him.


"We gotta talk bout this Keira thing man."

"I know man, she been telling me how you been down on her."

"Yea and you know Aug so if he only finds out..."

"I know I know but she the only one I trust with them books."

I sighed when he said that.

"Same with D but she got a kid now bruh she don't need to be caught up in that"

"I know man but we almost done, I know who it is that been fucking with the money flow, she just gotta verify it."

"I hear you bruh."

Walking out back, Nita and Sara was already on tha grill dealing with shit.

"This a sight you don't always see!" Mike smiled as he approached Sara.

"Y'all was taking too long." She rolled her eyes.

"Welcome to my world man!" I laughed at her reaction.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Nita asked.

"Nothing babe!" I smiled.


"So how long y'all know each other?" Sara asked.

"Man me and this foo been cool a minute now."

"Yea since before my Navy days." He spoke. "Me, him and his sister always moved together, till I went in and he to college."

We sat eating our burgers just making conversation. Shit was going cool, but I didn't expect the follow up question.

"Oh so you cool with his sister too?" Sara asked me.

Caught off guard, I cleared my throat and just nodded.

"Yea I know her too"

Mike looked at me same time I looked at him because shit got a little awkward.

Sensing the tension, Nita changed the conversation topic.

"So Michael, Sara told me you're a business man, what type of business if you don't mind me asking?"

Mike looked at me before answering her. It was like tonight was the night of fucked up questions all round.

"Ummm Distribution" he nodded.

"Oh ok."

All throughout dinner we talked till Nita and Sara began their party planning.

"Yo I apologize bout that man, I ain't think she would have asked that."

"It's cool man, it ain't even anything" I shrugged it off.

"Yeah but she know me and her ain't cool."


"Yeah man, sis been on her own shit since all that mess that went down."

Nodding, I chose not to say anything else on it.

As the night went by, overall shit was cool. Nita and Sara were able to do what they needed to do, and a nigga got booked for a next gig in bout two weeks.

After we cleaned up, they left. Nita been quieter than usual so I know she had some shit on her mind. She was naturally a quiet person but when she was thinking, she was less vocal.


"Mmm!" She answered.

"You straight?"


Walking into the bathroom I saw she was brushing her teeth. Spitting then rinsing she turned to me.

"Let me ask you something?"



"What kind of "business" man Mike really is?"

"What you mean?"

"Kev, I'm from Houston I'm not slow!" She looked at me dead in my eyes.

"Fine!" I sighed. "He is into distribution but not legally."

"So he sells drugs?"

I looked at her contemplating my next answer. I didn't know if to tell her that he was in charge or if to just say yea he sells.


"Yea ma!"

"Does he?"

"Yea he does!"

After I said that she just looked at me with this blank expression.


"Does Sara know?"

"I don't know"


"Nah she don't but he said he plan on telling her."


"That I don't know."

"So why you lied just now?" She folded her arms across her chest.

"Because I don't want to get into anything that's not our business."

"Still, you didn't have to lie and that shit came out so easy."

"I know and I'm sorry but just leave that to them please, it ain't our business. I already told him he gotta tell her and he said he would."

Sighing, she shook her head. I knew I was wrong for lying but I know my wife and this is her one true friend we talking bout here.

"Fine! I won't say anything unless she does."

"Thank you!" I leaned in to kiss her but she pulled back.

And whats the issue with Michael's sister?"

"I knew this shit was coming!"

"Babe you serious right now?"

"Yes. I saw both you and Michael's reaction so what's up?"

"Nothing is up babe, honestly."

"But that don't explain your reaction."

A nigga was over this conversation to be honest.

"Look from ever since, him and his sis ain't been cool so I was surprised by the question"

"That's it?"


"Fine! And don't ever lie to me again!" She shoved me into the wall and walked out.

Rubbing my hands down my face,I just looked at myself in the mirror.

"Out of all the fucking people." I shook my head. "It just had to be the both of them, together."

Cutting off the light, I walked out and got into bed. Laying on my side I just stared off into the darkness. I wanted to hold her like I usually do but I didn't know if she would let me.

"What are you waiting on?" She spoke.

Letting out a breath of relief, I turned on my side and pulled her into me. Her body instantly relaxed in my arms as I kissed the back of her neck.

"Love you babe!"

Turning to face me, I knew she was looking at me directly.

"I love you too Kevin!" She spoke softly before kissing me.



A little history there huh.

Mike, Keira and Kevin go way back.

No wonder Kevin was so cool with him back in Trauma.

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