Alternate Allegiant Ending~it...

By jojo9635

50.8K 1.2K 255

"She survived Tobias. Just go to see her." Christina said and then I already was off - running towards her. D... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias (4)
Chapter 5
Chapter Tris (6)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87

Chapter 58

447 13 5
By jojo9635

Tobias pov:
I wake up because of the annyoning tone of the alarm clock. I sigh and turn it off. I reach next to me but i don't feel anything. I open my eyes and see that Tris is not next to me. Only indie is still laying in the bed. "Tris?" I ask. No answer. I look in the kitchen and the living room untill i find her in the bathroom. Throwing up. "Go away." She says and pukes again. "No." I say and hold her hair back. When she is done she brushes her teeth and leans onto the sink. I wrap my arms around her and pull her towards me. She wraps her arms around me and i pick her up. I carry her into the livingroom and set her down on the couch. She smiles at me and snuggles under the blanket that was lying there. I walk into the kitchen and search for an asperin, water and a small thing to eat. Cute, she has her first hangover. I smile to myself when i walk out again. I hand her the things i got and she swallows the pill. "Thanks." "Do you want to go to university?" She shrugs. "Probably. I don't feel that bad, i just drank a little but to much yesterday." I smile. "A little bit..." she rolls her eyes but can't seem to fight off a smile as well. "So, yeah i think i will go." "Whatever you like. Just call me if you want to get picked up." I say and lie my hand on her cheek. She covers it with her own and smiles. "I will be fine. I haven't had a panick attack in the last week. I won't get one today and if i get one i am surrounded by doctors. Plus i told my professor what to do if i get an attack." I just nod. "Ok. I'll still pick you up. When does your first course end?" She sighs and leans her forehead against mine. "Tobias... i'll be fine. Today i have my courses in a really weird sheedule and i don't want to stop you from working. Also nina is there and Caleb said he would visit in the breaks and if Caleb comes and visits me then matt will come as well and then i'll have Nina, Caleb and Matt." I sigh and nod. "Alright. Just be safe." She nods and slowly kisses me.

Tris pov:
After a fast breakfast i get dressed and Toby and I head out. We get into his new car. Indie is barking in the back. Johanna allowed Tobias to bring him to work. Really nice of her. "Ok, lets go then." Tobias says and starts the engine.

We arrive infront of the university only a few minutes later. Tobias unbuckels his seatbelt. "What are you doing?" I ask confused. "I'm walking you inside." "Tobias... i can walk three steps on my own." He just doesn't listen and opens his door. I sigh and roll my eyes before i get out as well. Indie is barking at the closed window inside the car and i wave at him and smile. Tobias takes my hand and walk me inside. I lead him towards room number 26 where my first course is. All the students start to fill in and Tobias pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss him back and we get a few cat calls of fellow students. I pull away and smile. "If this is what i get whenever you walk me somewhere you can follow me around." I say and smile. He smiles as well and pecks my lips one more time. "Bye tris." He says and leaves. I walk inside and suddenly this girl - Clary - walks past me and bumps my shoulder. "Hey you nerd. How did someone as ugly as you get a so hot boyfriend? Maybe i'll just talk to him and let him choose me over you." I clench my teeth and fists. "Go away Clary." She laughs evily. "I guess you are scared that he will leave you for me. You should be. Definatly." I shake my head and want to push past her but she and her minions block me. "Let. Me. Through!" I press out. "No!" She says. "Hey what is going on?" Tobias voice suddenly says behind me. I turn around quickly. "Hey." Clary says seductive. "Go away." Tobias says. She twirls her hair and smiles. "Oh come on. You can't love this nerd. I mean look at her." Clary says and all her minions laugh. "But i do and this girl here is a much better person than any of you will ever be so Go! Away!" She huffs and walks away. I press my palm to my forehead while they walk away. Tobias lies his hand on my cheek. "What was that?" I gently push his hand away. "What are you still doing here?" He sighs. "You forgot your back pack." He dangles my back pack infront of my face. I snatch it. "Thanks." I look on the floor and start to walk away. He holds me back by my wrist. "Hey wait!" "What?" I snap but then immediatly say. "I'm sorry. I am stressed." "Its okay." He says. "Come on Tris tell me." "I have to go. The course starts." "But Tris..." "Bye, I'll go now." I pull my wrist away and quickly walk inside.

In the evening:
I just walked out of my last course. Caleb visited me during my lunch break and as expected Matt came with him to visit Nina. Except from the small inscedince with Clary it was a nice day. Caleb and Matt left after the lunch we had together and Nina just says goodbye when i realise that i forgot my laptop. I sigh and get back inside. Suddenly Clary appears behind me. She grabs my shoulder harshly. "Let go of me." I demand. She laughs evily and just squeezes my shoulder harder. I feel a panick attack coming. "Let go off me." I say with my teeth scattering. "Are you afraid of me?" She asks laughing. I fall to my knees and start shaking. "Tris?" She says suddenly unsure. "Get Tobias." I say and start shaking harder. "H-he-he w-waits ou-ou-outside." I press my hands to my chest. Calm down Tris! I squeeze my eyes shut and rock back and forth. I hear Clarys steps fading away. I'm alone. So alone. I suddenly start shaking harder and start crying and sobbing. Suddenly i hear steps, fast aproaching steps. "Tris!" I hear tobias call out but his voice sounds far away. "Tris." His voice is directly next to my ear now. "T-t-t-to..." i stutter. "Shhh. Shhh. I got you." He picks me up and i clutch his back. He rocks me back and forth and my head slowly gets clearer again. I even start hearing Clarys annoying voice: "What happend? Was it my fault? What did i do?" I sigh and look at tobias. "Can we go home?" I whisper. He nods and starts walking. "W-wait her back pack and her laptop!" Clary shouts. Tobias sighs and snatches it from her. "Thank you."

When we arrive at our apartment house i am calm again. I get over these attacks faster now. Tobias opens the door for me and i smile at him. I carefully set Indie on the floor while Toby grabs my rucksack. Indie already runs inside.
When we are infront of our apartment Tobias unlocks the door and we step in. He sets my bag on the couch and i plop next to it. He sits infront of me and starts staring at me. I sigh. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask although i know the answer. "You know why." "Tobias, it was just a bit of bickering. She annoys me, i annoy her... this is how it goes. It was nothing special and she didn't know i would get a panick attack from how she graped me." He looks on the floor and clenches his fists. "I would like to talk to her." "No!" I respond fast while i stand up and stand infront of him. "No, i don't want that. I can take care of myself." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer towards him. I sit down so i am stradling him. "I know that you can take care of yourself. I just - i just didn't like the way she talked to you..." he looks in my eyes. "Its alright. She will stop now." He nods and i smile. Then he slowly streches his head a bit to fit hid lips with mine.
After a while we pull away from our kiss and i smile. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I respond. "I love you three." "I love you four." I say grinning. "I know you do." He says and grins as well before he kisses me again. "Ok," i start and pull away slightly. "And since we've got this sorted out we can eat." He just laughs.

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